oie do wg HE ers : Provisions Whole 04a! wo extra No 1 5d pn 96%¢; No. 2 barley--No. 8 Ww a SD Ame] al es ort Wl : rio wheat--F.0.b. shipping 4 I to freight; No, 1 ator 3% Jo No. 2 winter, $1.98 to $1.98; son; No. & ed mea to 82 ; dear bellies, 30 to te, Lard--Pure, tierces, 380 to 80%c; tobe, ubs, 30% to 81c; pails, 30% to 31%e; rints, 81% to 82c, Compound tierces P8% to 20¢ tubs, 29 to 29%c; pails, | 20% to 29%c; prints, 30 to 30%. Montreal Markets Montreal, Mar. = 80.--Oats--Can- adian Western, No, 2, $1.19; No. & $1.15. Flour--New: standard ad to $13.56. Rolled oats--! 0 Ibs. $6.50 to $5.60. Bran, $45 Shores 52.25. ag hu 0. 2, per ton, car 1d%s, $30.00 to $81.00 Cheese 26%. Finest easterns, 26 to Butter--Choicest Sreamery,. 656 to 67c; seconds, 62 to 64c. Eggs --Fresh, 58¢; P --Per bag,- car lots, '84. 30 to $4.40. Lard--Pure, wood pails, 20. 1b. net, 31 to 81%c. MR. "HANDLEY PA The aeroplane manufacturer, v plaiies have won world-wide '| tion and fame, visited Canada ri 0 $1.04, accord Jntario | ou inter, i in jute bags, nt, Government a, $1030 to to $10.45; delivered at | Mtn and $11 delivered at Tor- onto. - Barle y--Malting, ae 84 to $1.86. Buckwheat--No. 2, $1.65 7 $1.70. Manitoba flour--Government stand- gerd, $13.25, Toronto. Peas-- No. 2, $8. ye Do. 2, nominal; No. 3, $1.85 to Hay--Track, Toronto, No. 1, $27 to $28; mixed, $265. Straw--Oar - lots, $16 'to $17. Milifeed--Car lots, delivered Mont- real, freights, bags included. per ton, $45; shorts, $52; good. feed flour, per bag, $8.60 to: $3.75. 5 : Country Produce--Wholesale™ te a ew, large, © 29 to 80c; 29% to 30%ec; triplets, 80% to 31c; . 83 to She; old, large, 31 to 82¢; Do, 'twins, 83 to 82%e. Butter--Fresh da iry, shioice, E55 to bbc; reamery, prints, 87 to 6 St; -{ Magistrate Bell oven the Te cent attempt on Lord Bartholomew's in y espatch from London-says h ro ot Wales is now. president of ro oldest hospital in the British ho ; pire, St. Bartholomew's, . Smithfield, |" founded by the King's Jéster Rehere in the year 1123. Ka The Prince was: installed with: he: same simple and quaint ceremony that has prevailed for: many years at | the 'welcoming of a new. t. Entering the grounds he 'was "wel comed by the staff, students and many patients, Headed by the beadle car. rying the mace, a procession was formed which proceeded to the board tenant Viscount French Live Stock Markets Toronto, Mar. .--Choice - heavy steers, $13.25 to $14.00; heavy steers, $12.50 to" $12.75; butchers' oattle, choice, $12.50 to Sa. 76; do. good: $10.75 to Jl 00; do., 'medium, 10, lo $10.60 common, $8.00 to $8.50; bulls, Soles wo. 2 ta $11 00; do., medium, $0.00 'to $9.50; d rough, - $7. x choice, $10. 16 3 do., good, fio 00 to $9.50; , common, $7.00 to 50; So: 5. $8.60 to $10.50: eeders, $1000 to hy 00; canners and cutters, $5.26 to $6.00; ilkers, good 3. their accounts end the a was dropped. - al The body of a young, well-dressed : Bigs Ne laid, 8 58c. ew la. 40. 6, 42¢; pdiey roosters, turkeys, 58 to 60c; ducklings; 88 geese, oes poultry Spring chickens, 3! to e, 26 to 28c hand Japans, $5.25 to $5.50; Bh 16% to 17%¢; lc. ing chickens, bc; fol, 3863 32 to "8bc; squabs, Hon 3 fowls, 35 to 40c; ducks, 85 to mn, picked; $5.50 to. $5.76; primes, $4.00 Cal- Mada= Limas, 1b., 16c; Japan Limas, to choice, $100.00 to $160.00; do and med, 90.00 - to $160.00; lambs, per 3is00 to $22.50; sheep, $7.00 to $15, 19. 20. 00; do; f.0.b. $18.25 to Ls 15; do., a0; country points - $18.26 $18, 50. Montreal, Mar. 0 good, $17. 00 to $18.00; $16.00 to $17.00; h off-car weigh , com, » $66.00 to $76.00; 'springers, hogs, fed and watered, $19.25 to 776; do., weighed off cars $19.50 to 80.--Good veal, $15.00 to $16.00; medium, $10.00 to $14.00; Ewes, $12. 00 to $18.00; lambs, common, ts room, where the Prince took 'seat beneath a fine portrait of Henfy VIIL ewt.| Here he heard read the charge, 18.00 to $21.00; calves, good to choice which required him to give earnest attention to matters pertaining to "the weal and advantage of the sick and suffering within the hospital." Hav- 0 ing been handed an ebony staff with gold mounts, the Prince seated him- self in the presidential chair, after which routine business was transact. ed. Later he made thé round of the wards and chatted with the patients 'man was found in @ field at Banoge Bridge, near Newcastle, West Dublin, | to The man had been shot to death. + The | > has 'not been|' 1000 Armenians at Akoulis, in Azer identity of the man established. ; eit NEW DEVICE SOLVES AIRMAN'S PROBLEM had Passible. to Locate Position Even in a Fog. A despatch from London gaysi--A bijan, on the pretext that Tartars been massacred in Armenian} territory. end in s Princess 'Mary: Has "Keen zen Eye For Art o 2 "wholesome and tender a Sabie re valuable tor their * and for their fur, Their flesh' is , when pro- perly cooked, it is afftcult 'to. distl guish it from chicken. Not only a their pelts_dyed to imitate 'more ex: 'pensive skins, but those derived from some of the more handsome breeds are used in their natural. color. 'Ral 'bit tir Is, moreover, extensively. em: ployed in the-manutacture of batters' felt. who dre still bedridden, among 'whom are a number of soldiers Who are still' 50; sows, $16. 50. receiving treatment for the injuries have It in full measure for THE IN- they received in the: war. DUSTRY--Agriculture--as 80% of our ey ty ek wealth: comes from the land. "Con- Germany: Again stant dropping will wear a stone," and : perhaps the re-repetition of that fact Has War Machine A despatch from. Paris says:-- will some day give it a place in the Agni Spon. Which. our economic Germany, in the event of mobilization, can place an army of 8,400,000" men National wealth - and . personal in the field, says Henry Bidou, well- wealth are two distinct things. A na- Known French way Sif tion of millionaires "doés not of neces- a despatelt to I. af correspondent, sity mean a rich nation--not when so | °% pate . hth Folin i odbo: has reinforced her ofice famous war new Marconi device; which should go a long way in solving that hitherto in- surmountable problem, the sirman's | worst enemy-fog, been tested "I'by Clifford Whitley, flying a giant |' Handley- Page airplane In an account of his experiences, contributed to the Daily Mail, Whitley says this was the first public test of the' device, and; in 'spite of his having to contend with a| she hag 'secured' several good speci: wind which at times reached almost mens of miniature. paintings. ; hurricane velocity, the experiment|. The Princess's taste and eye have wag an unqualified success. been most carefully trained; for ever + By means of the new device it ig| since she was a little girl 'she has -possible for a machine fitted with|gone about to picture galleries with wireless telephone apparatus to ring| Cueen Mary, who is by Way of being [down to a wireless station -100 miles| an art connoissent.- In northern France and Belgium rb: bits are as commonly kept on: farms as poultry. It 1s, therefore, "only na ara! that several of the best: utilits or part 'of the world: Enormous. quantities of rabbits are consumed every year in England; indeed, the home supply has to be greatly supple--. oFts-from "Australia, In ditles, pigs are objectionable be: cause they are malododous and chick: ens hecauge. they are noisy; fabbits. i are, cléan and-quiet, as well as eapily kept. True, they will not devour house. garbage in any conside quantity, nor i8 it good for them, ogs, Pa ey Extracted, clover, 5.Ib. tins | selects, $20.50; lights, $19.50 to $20.- 21 t0:28c; 10-1b, tins, 25 to 26¢; 60-b, ~ UFO_UFW.0, We've not said all that could be said about organization,. but 'enough for our present purpose, to show its neces- sity. ""As units we are like the tiny wires which form those great cables, weak and useless, but when we group ours. selves into an organization, we, like those wires, retain our individuality, but unite our strength, and our use: fulness is the united individual ptrength--the force that binds and iA despatch from 1 London says:-- Princess Mary is now making a col- lection of pictures for her own rooms. She shows Feller taste, and judg- ment, and of thi an chi on -Several of her recent rchases |: have been examples of - a and white drawings, and at the same time small a portion of the nation's wealth is obtained by taxation of : persomal . Yeitches' holds «us together. ptrength--but why do we need this strength, this influence? For our selves? Yes, certainly. Professor report of that "survey" proved that, as an industry, Agrieul- ture is not upon.a paying basis... But not for ousseives alone. We SpuUncii?e as a principle that no man and no class of men, nor industry con- fucted by men, is entitled to national ronsideratibn out of proportion to its national importance. Again and again 3s this principle stated, now. in these 'words, again in others. Approach the guestion from every standpoint and like a great landmark, this principle Jooms up 'and has to commend it jus- dice, and the "rarest of senses," com- mon gense. ' Oné of the first things for us as an prganization to do is to impress upon Jue people--ourselves and others-- the fact which has always been a fact, that Agriculture {s the basic industry' and as such must receive due con: fderation' by those who make her ws. This has been 'conceded in words, but not in action. Farmers have been told that they are the back- Pone of the country so often that they supposed * the orators from whose tongues those and other fine-sounding phrases flowed, really believed the statements. * Conditions prove the contrary. Our real beliets are those which we set forth in practice. And up to the pre- sent time. Agriculture has received very little consideration indeed--and _ the depletion of rural districts is proof positive. If protection fs necessary to putld wp dn Industsy, by by all means let us Organize for wealth and so large a portion by taxa- tion of the necessities of life.--Mar- gery Mills, BARD ee German Ship Carries Arms For Ireland A despatch from rom. London says:-- issued orders on Thursday that all ships and ' the United Kingdom be thoroughly searched, as a result of the discovery of arms destined for Ireland in a The British plying between Government Germany vessel from a German port, « The Government seized =a vessel Grangemouth, Scotland, laden with light artillery, rifles 'and: ammunition, . all of Ger- man make. The ultimate desbina- consignment is said to have been Dublin, The ship's master has been taken into custody. The captain of a sister ship, Grangemouth, was arrested at Lon- don. *Other vessels are alleged to be which = arnived tion of the involved in the at plot, Record Catch of Freslr Fish By Nova S¢ Scotia Trawler A dotpatdh vom Halifax, NS, thousand pounds of fresh fish, said te be the largest catch ever brought to this port by a single vessel, was the cargo of the steam trawler Venosta, which gerived on Thursday ffom the Banks. says: --Four hundred © Se prs x Buy Thrift Stamps. > ~*~ TGreat Britain to Loan also at machine; which in 1918 was virtually shattered. Officers, he says, are 4,000,000. men. ee $25,000,000 to Belgium | A despatch from Brussels says: -- The Soir says it understands that negotiations are under way in Eng- land for a loan of five million pounds sterling, the 'mioney to be used for the reco ion. of the devastated districts of Belgium. Lie rete Seal Harvest a Failure. A despatch. from St. Johus, Nfld., gays:--Very poor news has been re. ceived from the sealing fleet. All the ships are clean, there are no indications of a paying voyage and the outlook is the worst for years.' available to command an_-army of away and ask-its position, and within 'a-minute the pilot can be told the sta- tion's exact location, a British Women Are Liable for Juries A despatch from London says 1~--~Wo- men are now qualified and lable to Jen The "that where the panel of jurors is drawn from thé Burgess List women whose | Names Appear on these lists are now be summoned to serve on juries. 'Home Secretary announces 'qualified and liable to serve on juries, This affects all women. who are on the' Parliamentary Register in' boz- oughs. They will not be allowed to vote on thelr: qualification until the. middle of April, In all other Parlismantirs ongtitas encies the Jury lists will not be made | able to permit" her: to walk, up until the end of the year, coming in force on January 1, 1921, DELEGATES TO THE INDIAN CONGRESS iN LONDON : 35 Sinn Feiners = Arrested in Dublin A despatch from Dublin ' says:-- Thirty-five prominent Sinn Feiners own men with passports for Ams 'erica were arrested on the point of embarkation for the United States Friday afternoon. ia A ti, A despatch from Amerongen says: :--The illness of the former Ger- ~hag reached a stage] eS her doctors consider it imsere tin e fotmer Empress now is wheeled about 4in an invalid chair. * were arrested on Friday, Five um-|7 is Now Invalid }are used; these may be either paved they can he cheapiy fed.. They will eat many weeds, such as dandelions, couch grass, shepherd's purse, vetches and plantain. - From the table they can be given the leéavings of cereals, cooked 'potatoes, and milk. But their staple diet should be hay, wheat or oat straw, clover: and carrots, : 1 Rabbit hutches should be divided into a sleeping chamber, which should be tight and free from draughts, and a more open space, protected by wire netting. *A ma 'huteh 'may ha or grass courts surrounded bys fence sunk deeply enough into the ground to BS prevent the a burrowing out, isting the sympathies of the young "| generation in the campaign for gre er production. Rabbit-rearipg ' more extensive scale can al Fra & prottable 'occupation for