in ed Success. of our millinery depatt- not a matter of chance. Years ago we the policy of engaging none but expert mil ners to inter erpret the "styles as laid ' down bys e don't buy hats ready trimmed by the dozen. Every hat is a distinctive creation 'built to suit individual requirements. eaving our workroom may be worn in the big centres of fashion with the perfect contidence that £3 the Correct t thing. i a bank account is an. assistant : "in character building, It establishes the "confidence, independence and pride which Increases effort and paves the way to success, Dpen an account to-day and be on "par : THE CA NADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE _ 'PAID-UP CAPITAL - © $15000000 RESERVE FUND" "= = $15,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH; FE. B. Walker; Manager. eG y PORT PERRY INDUSTRY we Naas a large Stock gh Cretonmes in various witths for side curtains, coverin s, ete. ferent. designs and Solofifys 3 Nothing ance of a § The silk is lit Sally ie ture coverings, drape ries, SL of pretty. oral fo 48 inches wide. Prices 50¢ to $1.25 °F ashionable F abr Shantung Silk Suiting - _ $3.00 YARD can equal the wear or appear- uit made from Shantung Silk. of extra heav holds its shape well an and pressed, e showing up the ces the Spring clcan- be renewed. So I NR . CURTAIN NET -- Neat and scol NOTTINGHAM LACE patie J in centre with double border any A oped edge, 36 inches wide, white or. Ivo: Per yard 'Curtain Net--Bungalow Net, small conventional design in centre, 36 inches wide. White or Ivory Many dif- +4 +444 *444 +444 + weight so that it may be cleaned It is .86 inches wide and comes in natural shade only. / Per yard $3.00 F. W. McINTYRE be Spirella Corsets ' Satisfaction and goudhiving Fusranteed "LADIES--The undersi ell oa home aud bt pe igned Spica hg application 'to Mrs. M_ Robern Po Per On AM] ort erry pk 'BIG PRICE F OR CREAM The Port Perry Creamery is now paying 69¢ per pound for Butter Fat. Our rigs are on the road and are will- ing to call for your cream. GIVE US.A TRIAL 'Allan Goode, Proprietor For $2000 Edwin Griffen instructs us to sell his new 6.roomed house with '3 acres of ground. There are-- | barn, pigpen, and henhouse cn |. { the property, with some fruit. | The property is situated at Rose's i Corners, and the price is $2000. 0,' WM. H. HARRIS, - AL eb 12. Port Perry, Ont: Per yard 50e Curtain 'Net--Nottingham Lace, with square mesh with pretty bird designs woven in, : 40 inches wide. Per yard $1.00 cu RTAIN NET--Woven in pretty floral and convent- ion designs. extra fine quality, 40 inch wide, Price $1.50 $4440 44 EIT SS FOF +++ HEELS Ebb i +4494 444 TITeee +e * cs Yor pring Costumes Summer Dress Voiles 75c YARD Voile is the popular material for wash dresses this season. We have a large range of voiles showing a wealth of new designs and colorings. The width is 40 inches. Colors Sky, Rose, Cadet, Brown and Taupe Per yard 75¢ Spring Butterick Fashion 25¢ Dominion of Canada Departmen: c of Finanee Do not forget to file your Income Tax Return on or before the 30th of April, 1920. business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows: -- ALL persons residing in Canada, em- 1. Every unmarried person, or widow, or widower, without dependants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $1,000 er more. 2. All other individuals who during the ployed in Canada, or carrying on MISS ESTELLE, BULL Teacher of PIANO AND VOICE Bell Phone 60 calendar year 1919 received or earned $2,000 or more. . 3. Every corporation and joint stock company whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal "For Sale Good 150 acre farm for sale. For particulars apply to J. 'H. 'Brown, Seagrave, Bell phone : Her 1-4. 'We want your RAW Furs and will pay the, year ended in 1919. Forms to be used in filing returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920. ALL INDIVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers must use "Form T 1. FARMERS AND RANCHERS | must use Form T 1A. CORPORATIONS and joint FE companies must use Form very person required to make a return, who General Instructions. Obtain Forms from the Inspectors or, Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or from Postmasters. Read carefully all instructions on Form before filling it in. Prepay postage on letters and docu- ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of : Taxation, Make yous stuns promptly aad avld penalties.