Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 16 Sep 1920, p. 4

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"fn impressive Dedicatic : - vice followed, conducted by the 'Rector, Rev. C. F. Stent B.A. L. Th., who also yspoke a fe well chosen words. ° : After the service the Junior Guild served afternoon tea in. the Parish Hall. Personal Notes Grace Rundle underwent an operation for appendicitis on Sunday, and is doing nicely. Rev. Jos. Barnes. B.A., of Scugog, will preach next Sunday atllam. and 7p.m. Rev. W D. Harrison will conduct anni- versary services at Scugog Head Church. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orr, of Buffalo, spent a few days in town with the former's mother. Miss Scott and Mrs. Scott, of Soronts, spent a week with Mrs Ir. Mr. Henry Doubt was in town this week. Mrs. Nathan Byers has been visiting friends in town. FOR SALE-"Peninsular" range (coal or wood). dining room table, large clothes cupboard. Offered at a bargain for quick sale. Apply to R. H. Standard Bank, Port Perry Prince Albert Miss Annie Ross, of Ottawa, who has spent some weeks visit- ing her sister Mrs. H. R.' Mur- phy, has returned home. She was accompanied by her uncle Mr. Jas. Ross, who will spend a few weeks in Ottawa and Ren- frew County. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Simp- son and family, -of Renfrew, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Murphy, at their home. W. F. CROSIER . General Merchant Manchester, Ont. offers for sale Rose Brand Lard 3 1b pails $1.15, 20 1b. $7.00. Seeded Raisins 25c. fhe. Best Laundry Soap 11c bar. hredded Wheat 15¢. 8 lbs. Rolled Oats 25¢. 2 boxes Corn Flakes 27c. White Wine Vine- gar 50c. a gallon. Women's gun metal button boots, a few pairs left to clear at $3.00.. Just re- © ceived a full line of men's and boy's heavy and fine boots; also Carhartt's leather label overalls. Splendid assortment of men's sox priced right. See our shakers prints, towelling and cottons, * before buying elsewhere. = = Presentation to Miss May Allin. Last Tuesday evening the telephone operators of the local Bell office presented Miss Ma Allin with an address and a sil- ver tea service. Miss Allin is leaving the telephone service, where she has been chief opsara- tor for a number of years. Her marriage is to take place shortly, Physical Instructor Mr. Clinton Short has been inted Physical Instructor of e High School Cadet Corps. - Navy League A Branch of the Navy League was jarred here last week with the following officers: Soendent E- i Shar pa . rt Treasurer--T, J. Widden oq Uhairman of Publicity--W. 8. | dirs H. Harris, President .0.D.E., was placed . ecuti - m1. R. BENTLEY, Opt. i ® port Perry, Ont. . | plaster. \ . oe -- Toronto's able ist can ight special- be pri Ab 5) drug store, Port Perry, Thursday September 30th. ~ House Struck With Lightning on Saturday S Night Wm. May, of Shirley, had his house struck by lightning on Saturday night, doing . about worth of damage. Most of the destruction was due to the splintering of the frame and the Considerable difficulty was experienced in getting the children out of their bedrooms The lightning struck the east epd of the house and filled it ith gas. The entrance to the bedrooms which were in the west end was fromthe east and Mr May and his wife had to go through the gas to reach the children. Fortunately no ac- cident occured except that all were somewhat affected by gas, from which they soon recovered. There was a little fire, which was spon put out. Mr. May, who i Happily there was some insar- ance FOR SALE Plow, both in good condition, Port Perry. In Loving Memory September 10, 1910. Just ten years ago to day Since our dear father passed away; Sleep, loved one, sleep, and take thy rest God calls home first whom he loves best. Do not ask us if we miss him, There is such a' vacant place, Can we ever forget that footstep, And that dear familiar face. SHUNK--In loving memory of our dear mother, Charlotte Bond, beloved wife of the late James Shunk, who passed away August 13, 1920. We miss our mother kind and true, No friends like her on earth we find, We miss her dear, sweet smiling face, No one can fill a mother's place. We miss her, oh, so sorely, When we see her vacant chair, But we know she's safely resting Within the Master's care. Sons and Daughters W. A. BROWN Port Perry, Ontario Brick-laying, Plastering + ~and Contracting FIRST CLASS WORK Seagrave Mr. John Tanner's house, un-i der boss carpenter F. Hatlie, is nearing completion. Mr, Hawkins has been fortun- ate enough to get 3 cars of coal in the last two weeks. f Mr W Brown at Millikin doing work for Ontario Wind Engine and Pump Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown of Seagrave, enjoyed a worth while holiday up the Muskoka Lakes as the guests of the Ontario Wind Engine and Pump Co. Ltd. Toronto. : obtaining a quota of what rep- resented tho ( £00! The opening event was a ban Carls Rite hotel Dr. F. E. Luke, 167 Yonge St, |" - a returned soldier justi, bought the place last spring. || Second-hand Ontario foot-lift || Sulkey Plow and a Crown Gang | Apply to Geo. & Ted. Jackson, || In loving memory of our dear father, || William James Shunk, who passed away, | | '| land, This was the result of a Sales| | Contest and Mr. Brown is to bel congratulated on his/success in| of dollars| worth of Sales of "TORONTO" | is {eves for glasses at A. J. Davig'| 7 e at house; east 6f Swi * blacksmith shop. "Port Perry, Ontario Florence M. Cook A.T.C.M.and A. O.C. M. Teacher of Piano Bell Phone 76 r 2 Sept. 4 150 acre, 85 plowed, balance pasture, plenty of shade and barn, stone foundation, driving house, brick and frame house, 8 rooms, small orchard, short distance from station, "school and church, first class dairy farm, geod hay land." Apply to Jr 79oot Frogs 'or (2 : ; . iv or P > 7 For sale by one or morg stores in your town. Price 75¢. 3 | INSURANCE EXCELSIOR LIFE FIRE ! Sick and Accident AUTOMOBILE (Theft, Fire and Liability) GEO. R. DAVEY AGENT PORT PERRY W A large list of farms for sale in Ontario County. Some city property for exchange' or sale, 'also Western My list 'includes some rare bargains, - Wiite or phone me before buying. Communicate with W J Cook, R:R. No 2, Port Perry, ok Bell Phone 107 r 2 2, or Independent Phone 406 ' WANTED Housemaid. Apply to Mrs. « George Jackson, Port Perry. Watch Fob Lost Watch fob with gold ornament lost in Port Perry, on Saturday, September 4th. Finder please notify Star Office, Port Perry. ~~ WANTED A number of used 11 quart fruit baskets, in good condition. Apply Star Office. Lr Notice Dr W. A. Sangster's Dental Office will be closed from Sept- ember 6th to October bth, as he is taking a month's vacation.. S ° Rheumatism Now is the time to get rid of it} Nature is pulling for you-- The warm weather's here-- This is your chance= grasp it--take ii Temploton's = > | Toronto Aug. J.-H. Brown, Seagrave, Bell Phone 116 r 1-4. . C. SWITZER | wishes to announce that he has taken over the local Massey-Harris ~~ Agency . and will keep parts at his blacksmith ; shop in PORT PERRY MISS HAZEL COCKBURN TEACHER OF VIOLIN Class started July 1st, 1920. ~Applications for terms, ete. may be obizined at the Star ice. running water, hip roof | Ships xs "The Kev'te the market is Ships-- Canadian 4 ~ The Navy Leaive of Canada 5 > W. J. COOK 300 acres, 8 room frame cottage, bath, furnace, hard and soft water, stone cellar, house in best of repair and nearly new; hip roof bar 100 x 60, stone stable under bn bedi floors; barn no 2 hip roof 70 x 42, scabling for 100 cattle, 21 horses, 2 silos ig-pen, hen house, implement house and 12 acres timber, This is a first-class farm for grain or stock, buildings and land extra good. Anyone wanting a good farm at a Fall Fair Dates. Barrie Sept. 20-22 Beaverton Sept. 27-29 Bradford Oct. 12 and 13 Brockville Sept. 21-24 Cookstown Oct. 5 and 6 Elmvale Sept. 27-29 Lindsay Sept. 22-25 Markham Oct. 7-9 Newmarket Sept. 22-24 Ottawa Sept. 10-20 Peterboro Sept. 20-23 Port Perry Sept. 16 and 17 Quesnsville Oct. 12 and 13 underland Sept. 20 and 21 28 Sept. 11 Udora Oct. 5. : \ Woodbridge, Thanksgiving Day Farm for Sale 140 acres (134 acres tillable) 6 acres hardwood the 7th and '8th concessions of tDarlington. Two frame houses, 'and two barns, orchard, smail fruits. - For further particulars apply to J. H. Campbell on the Notice to Creditors Of Frederick William Vipond, eceased Pursuant to Sec. 56, of Chapter, 121 of e Revised S f Ontario, 1914 notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of 2 Frederick William Vipond, late of the | Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, labored, who died on or about the Ist day. of September, A. D. ute; oa £5 before 13th day "of October wD. , to send by post, pre-paid; to John Vipond, of the Village of okli Bi y | 6 acres in Port premises, or at Enniskillen P,0. [i xr price shoul look this over. 200 acres, Cartwright, 8 room frame house in good repair. Barn 130 x 36 stone stable under all, cement floors, stab. ling for 42 cattle and 14 horses, hay barn 56 x 36, drive house 36 x 20, 180 acres cultivated, balance timber some suitable for milling. 70 acres, 6 room frame house, stone cellar, barn 60 x 40 on 9 ft cement wall, cement floor all through, drive house 36 x 18 on 9 ft cement wall, separate root house about 6 acres orcha-d, 12 acres timber. Fall possession, 23 acres timber, maple: birch; basswood white ash and heml all milling timb garage, spring creek, wells at barns, about * lso garage. 'spring or fall p in Wg and ready for seeding. a Real Estate : 62 acres, about 50 acres simben in the Township of Manvers, comprised of cedar, birch, beech, maple, basswood, rock elm, and second growth pine. River running: through property. Any person wanting timber should i i - Might id, house in exchange. Va acre, double house at Myrtle; brick cottage, 6 rooms on each side, 2 furnaces, well at door, frame stable and drive houge; © : ~ cement walks. 57 acres on county road; small frame house in repair; barn 56 x 36 on Eo oe uucspaent fours, Wis, yind, mi n house, pig pen; o small fruit, some bush, Baif mile to village, . plowing done + 100 acres, Lot 5, Con. 5, Pi mile from Ki "half m on County as the Sadler farm, large stone house, two stories, 70 x 34, stone stable, eement floors, hay barn 50 x 30, hen house and pig pen 50 x 26, drive house, 90 atres cul. tivated, level land, some bush. Sold sub. ject to.presént lease having about three years to run. Might arrange for fall 3 i Also a i DE Purchaser to have five years to remove timber. 31; acres, 7 room frame cottage; in good repair, «and soft water, good out huildings. and is a most desirable home, Schools and only a short distance to town Perry, 5 room fram house, stone cellar, barn '30.x 40 on ce ment wall, also stable. Good orchard and t. 3 bush, lot 31 in small frui 5 acres, 7 room brick vaneer house, hot house 18x40, barn 40x36 on 7 foot cement wall, ¥2 acre orchard, fall and winter fruit fences in fepair, soil Sandy clay loam close to town, church, school. All conven- ience.- . a 9 acres in Corporation of Port Perry, 6 room frame house. stone cellar, cement floor, cistern, frame barn 26 x 36 on 8 foot stone wall, henhouse 50 x 20. This is a fortable home at a 1 ble pri 66 Acres, lot 9, 'con 7, Reach Tp., soil clay loam, 50 acres cultivated, land level, some beach and maple bush, 1 acre orchard, fall and winter fruit, 8 roomed house, stone and cement foundation, bam on 9 faot stone wall, hen house, ni stalls, stabling repair. ry, 5 horse stalls, 2 box f bling, drive house 50 : 30x 30, nome ins harden . . her, Fall pousgmeion. 0 99 acres, 9 roomed solid brick Mane § under all, hip roof barn ne cellar 77 x on stone d cement wall 9 being close to beth Public and High" 88 x 66, or 21 cattle, all in good 50.acres, lot 16, con: 3; Castwright Tos: lin, | soil clay fron frame house 7 rooms, La house 13.) stable on property. Terms and interest easy. ; 100" acres about 30 rods from the corp- oration of Port Perry, buildings in fair state of repair, soil mostly all a heavy clay % poly ad 150 acres just outside to corporation of Port Perry, 7 roomed brick house, hp roofed barn 70 x 33, onfstone wall, stabl- ing under all, cement floors, drive house, small orchard, land level and heavy clay loam, 25 acres bush, about 35 acres of pasture, \ 150 acres Pasture Land two miles north % of Port Perry--about 12 acres of timber -- Waindme, Vin spruce, white birch and * Po s 1quon crosses property. Priced at $1,200, half cash. Si 150 acres, 44 miles from Port Perry, soil clay loam, 9 room frame house in ex- cellant repair, oak floors. furnace. Bam and horse barn 50x 36 on 9 foot stone wall, cement floors, frame barn 82 x 56, drive house 40 x 20 of steel, 7 horse stalls, 2 box stalls, room for 24 cattle, also room for 10 cattle 4 horses on west farm. Possession Ist March. 192), floor, cement silo, drive house 20 x 18, ; ing ted ve roomed house and a, 2

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