Only $5.00-- complete 3 strop--twel blades in an : kd cases to utoStrop Safety Razor Co., Limited AutoStrop Buildng Toronto, Canada rh 'Buf in the Yun-| of (China, on 'the banks 3 homes Teuth free for several tun: people: * MAT ~atudl ds Tig yellow: 'clay of | textiire. : a great many cave aye been excavated in the ifr, overlooking the fiver. them aré of two of three © tlay . being so. tenacious horizontal layers of it will ; eries of floors. Although are not unfamiliar in "the world, nothing 'at » e these is to be Toundnywhere i else. Seattered over the face of the oli, : among the cavéhouses, are -qiaint ." Buddhist shrines, with images, carved - out of clay, standing or sitting at the _entrarices. Those high up on the clay wall, as well as the Toftier family homes, are reached by bamboo lad: ra ders, XE Ne The a had gone oft splen: didly and even the very juvenile "star" had. behaved beautifully, though: the mame he had received, "Reginald Homer," would seem to be sufficient tification for a revolt. In the vestry of the English church erward, the clergyman was making usual entries. When writing down "name, he paused thought- nge," he thought, ag he recall inal Homer, the great Greek "It's a curious name for.the | opestod the man, 'with k.~ "Poet, sir? Lor, gina!" : en ar} To. find the sliver Tiatng. ge When none would think it there-- | To help the growls of thought As ft Nabe. 4 To crown W es The victors in the ya : To brush with gentle hand - The earth-stains from the white [Of those who've erred'in deed = | But wigh to do the right, To have for, our ambition The rocks in front to scale, To put a touch of rosy. In the life of those who fatl, : All would from choice be good-- Oh, none would be exempted! Our virtues, half are due To never being tempted. Cheer one another onward, Of tears the world is rife; - And pit & dash 'of rosy Into some gloomy life. The rising sun is glorious The 'noon-day bright and gay, But we need a touch of rosy At the waning 'of. the day. morse Minard's Liniment For Dandruff. I RN t Tree Planting on the Prairies. * Despite the extensive publicity which has been given to the advan- tages of planting shelter-belts on the 'prairies, and to the assistance offered by the Dominion Forestry Branch to farmers who wish to establish them, there is still misapprehension in re- gard to the methods to be followed. The Forestry Branch distributes an- nually, free of charge, about 5,000,000 trees and cuttings. Each applicant is given sufficient trees to plant about half an acre annually if he follows the methods which experience has shown to be necessary for Success. When planting a sheltér-belt, carey. should ba taken to so locate it that it will protect the home and stock from prevailing winds. Sufficient space should be left between the shel 'ter-belt-and the" 'buildingsto keep the snow from drifting around the build- ings and to give room for a lawn and garden. ny |" Many failures have ropultad from planting on goil not properly prepared, and, to insure as far as possible the success of thE trees sent out, the For- etry Branch stipulates that the land be summer-fallowed the: year 'previous to planting. If order that the plant ers may have the benefit of personal | Instruction; inspectors of the Forestry Branch visit each applicant before the trees are furnished. To secure trees: for planting in the spring of 1921 it is necessary that ap- | pleation 'be made before March 1; 1921, to the Forest Nursery Station, Indian Head, Sask.' A very jugtructive bulletin entitled | less bolero; two lengths). | from the McCall Co., 80 Bond St. | vigorous SpRgervation of our natural _ | observation 'posts with wireless® tele- | ation and a reasonable revenue from | the ? fio or "prevent. 'the destruction | escaped being scalped by Indians on roi ; pu 044 | the United States during the recent ; 'saw service with the Canadian Expe- 1 , 9501--Misses' Dress ! sitable' for small women; with or without sleeve- 'cents. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 16 ~requires 2% yds. 54 ins. wide: Width, 1% yds. 'McCall Transfer Design No. 1044. Price, 26 'cents: These patterns 'may bb 'obtained from "your local McCall dealer, or Toronto, Dept. W. ----r-- FREQUENT HEADACHES a A Sure Sign That the Blood is Watery and Impure. . People with thin blood are much more subject to headaches than full- blooded "persons and the form of anaemia that afflicts growing girls is almost always accompanied by head- aches, together with SrBance of the digestive organs. Whenever you have constant or re- curring headaches and pallor of the face; they show that the blood is thin and your efforts should be directed to- ward building up your blood. A fair treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do this effectively, and the rich red blood made. by these pills will remoye the headache. 4 . More disturbances-to the health ares total population of 10,000,000. Canada, caused by their blood than most peo- ple have any idea of. When your blood is impoverished, the nerves suffer from lack of nourishment, and you may be troubled with insomnia, neur- itis, neuralgia or sciatica. Muscles subject te strain are ..undernourished and you may ave er theum- tism or lumbago. If your blood is thin and you begin to show symptoms of any of these disorders, try building up the blodd with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and-as- the blood is restored to its" normal condition every symptom o the trouble will disappear. There are more people who owe their present state of good health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills than to any other medicine, and most of them do not hesitate to say €0., You can' get. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 60 cents & box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Go.; Brockville, Ont. pia ddsoty tap ati Quebec Premier Advocates ~ Conservation. Hon, L. A. Taschereau, Premier of Quebec, in making his initial address as Premier, outlined his policy in re- gard to the natural resources of the _ |.province. He said, in part: "The first article of my programme «+ « will be a zealous care and [ protection. Hydroplanes have begun their patrol, to locate fires at the out- get. They "will be supplemented by graphy. "The tiie 'has 'come, it appears to nen 'regulate' the 'cutting of limits ng a minimum of the annual cu the and a minimum to stop pazhts. Reforestation mmed undertaken and Price, 30] "} 85,000,000 acres are at present occu- | the world crying out for food." ¢ | not walk. After using three bo "| try one detachment was billeted {n a he and were knows more about "Canada's ay Empire" than dny other man. He killed and ate the buffalo, narrowly at least one occasion, suggested and built in Alberta the largest irrigation system in North America, recruited leitouennds of British and Canadians in and not only volunteered for but itionary Force in Siberia. Now the four western provinces of Canada have a population of 2,600,000, the buffalo are to be found only in 'parks in the Canadian Rockies and the Indians are on reservations. There are nearly 20,000 miles of railvay in the four provinces, or one mile for 'each 125 persons; and of 225,000, 000, acres «of good agricultural land, but] pled and cultivated. Of the balance, 190,000,000 acres, some 30,000,000 'acres lie within fifteen miles of these railway lines waiting for settlers. "Think of it,"" says Col. Dennis, "and His view is that while Canada has won a standing among the nations by her work in the recent war so that to-day the name "Canadian" is recognized as distinguishing a citizen of a progres- sive and virile country, Canada's share in the great struggle has involved her in financial obligations which can only be met and discharged by increasing her population and developing her vast natural resources which, while ample security for many times her war debt, must be made productive of wealth through development. Between 1905 and .1914 about '2, 500,000 people settled in Canada, the largest proportion in the four western provinces. « They left Great Britain, the United States and other countries for their new home, and Col. Dennis be- lieves that 500,000 each year may fol- low them until these provinces have a he further believes, is destined to be "the keystone in the arch of the Bri. tish Empire." : nee fp sed mm Genuine Conservation is Statesmanship. -When any such undertaking as the development of a natural resource is proposed, if that development is to be made under government control and regulation, it at once appears to arouse the fear that it is to be some- how the beginning of a malevolent policy called "conservation," and con- servation has had a mean meaning to many ears. It connoted stinginess and a provincial thrift, spies in. the guise of Government inspectors, hateful in- terferences with individual enterprise and fnitiative, governmental haltings and towardices, and all the constric- tions of an arrogant, narrow, and academic-minded bureaucracy which cannot think largely and feels no re- sponsibility for national progress. The word should mean helpfulnese, not hindrance--helpfulness to all who Pris, Me er Gunn, ™m: - dis- ? 'this ime, bak you meant wel again, ing hemp." ( 0 TT wt (to hn SR. Harvesting the Crop: Lr When the German army broke into 'Belgium and swept through the coun- farm-house, A "private, wanfdering through the flelds, came upon a young girl sowing seeds. "Yah!" he sneered. 'but we shall reap. "I shouldn't be at all surprised," she replied sweetly. "You see, I'm sow- "You shall sow, Self-Appraisement. An-illustrator in the West, who wr. once 80 beset with orders for work of various sorts that he felt obliged to 'enlist the aid of collaborators, tells of hig interview with one applicant for work. After the preliminaries had beemw set- eled, the youth asked: . "And how much are you going to pay me for working for you?" The prospective employer smiled and answered, "Why, I always pay a man what he is worth." 'Whereupon the youth reflected in great gravity, and then picked up his hat to go. '"No, sir," he said. "I can't work that cheap." ! ' ef eenne MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. reir erent rae Square Money. Australia for the first time In her history is issuing nickel coins. They are not disks, like our nickels, but square, with rounded corners. They are made of this shape for two reasons. It is cheaper to cut square blanks out of metal sheets, and the coins pack better in boxes. The idea is not go novel as might be supposed. Coing of the same shape have long been in circulation in Cey- lon and the Straits Settlements. Familiar in India is a wavy-edged nickel one-anna piece with twelve rounded corners. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs™ Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup ot figs only--look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your enild Is having = the best and most harmless physic for the little stom. ach, liver'and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. ¥ull directions om each bottle You must say "Call fornia." Minard's Linime ? Bees honor on With' Nutty and In a few moments you can trane- form your plain, dull, flat hair.. You can have it abundant, soft, glossy and full of life. 'Just get at any drug or toilet counter a small bottle of "Danderine" for a few cents, Then moisten a soft cloth with the Danderine amd draw this through your hair taking ond small strand at a time. Instantly, yes, immediately, you have doubled the beauty of your hair. It will be a mass, so soft, lustrous, fluffy and so easy to do up. All dust; dirt and ex- cessive oil is removed. Let Danderine put more life, color, vigor and brightness in your hair, This stimulatmg tonic will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and falling hair, and help your hair to grow long, thick, strong and beautiful. Will Soothe and Hd Whether it is an itching, buming skin trouble, an annoying rash, irri tation, cut, wound or burn Cuticura will soothe and in most cases heal. First bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Dry and anoint with Cuticura Ointment. In purity, deli- cate medication and refresh! ng fra- grance Cuticura meets with the Spprovel of the most "fod foe. St Soup 2c Si ent 28 and Sold wish to ufe a resource and think in larger terms than that of the greatest | immediate profit; -hindrance only to those' who are spefidthrift. A conser-' 'vation which results 'in a stalemate as between the forces of progress and governmental' inertia is criminal, while .& conservation which is based on the fuller, the more essential use of | |. a resource, ia. statesmanship. 'St. Joseph, Lovis, July 14, 1903. Minatd's Liniment Co. Limited. = Gentlemen; --1 was badly kicked by my horse last May, after using several | preparations on my leg nothing would do. My leg was as black as jet.' I was laid up in bed for a fortnight and could of your MINARD'S LINIMENT I was as .| well as ever, so that I could start on JOS. DUBES. ho feels that life is not 1s usually neglected all in life that are worth Commercial Traveller. | ghuss gates ol. Amariovg Blouse Dox Remedios DOG DISEASES 18 and Mow to Food Mailed Free Ee a dress by the hor. I. Olay GIover 00., Xho. 118 West 31st Street . New York, U.B.A ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" Bayer nti th senting Fry Aspirin Er oa park (regis public S agaivi TERE general Er