"TRUCKING and CARTING vl Long and Short Hauls z Bowles R. R. ~JURNER BROS. 15 eon, Hest | M pic of A» Township of Reach, Pupils Th a sty si Tor the | 5 TEE BES Noieo is hereby given Onto I have at privat mitted or delivered to the persons: tr. fame Aer. pe pa oy | ioued in section. 8 and 9 of the Ontario . | the, maby i SS He BR 0 livered ff the lists made Pursuant to said : fied freed KesmentRol of" se he ed Dont Fail to see , Col. [pg St Bd ®3 eptember] g ve Ps s ' Rs 17, Tad oo up 'in the air 17th day of Augie, 1920, and re. with him you wish. mains here for inspection. Electors a ro ws = ; : ; o y ar, g ci ha fled the sid list and «| dor sale. tod oriin order called upoh to examine the sai an yr . th AIL 3 hon and Exhibition BE ee Se "Wis = Tam Sin in she, hues by ors corrected accordin aw. ' s : an So soened 8 2 Wh baying poultry junk ce. an and in BSON ~ |Church of the Ascension DENTAL SURGEON . «Phone it Clerk of the said Municipal : fyb? Vr SA h Dated at Manchester, 17th or 1920 wr g Prayer, Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. |YOU have ¢ suveiing in this line to : Mornin soilam. | Office over L. G. Hall's _ [2 es. Sunday Se oof and Bible Class, _PORT PERRY _ ONTARIO | Te ; VOTERS® LIST 1920 : p.m. Evening sip the last Sun-- EEE -~---- Municighlit 2 the Tounshipof Seugos, day of each month at 7 p.m. THE Eo ones Notice is hereby given that Ihave émns-| THURSDAYS NISS ESTELLE BULL mitted or delivered to the persons ment Service of Prayer . at8 p.m. ion: section 9 of On Vo joned in acon 3 o thie | x bya d lets' REV. C.F. STENT, B.A., L. Th. Teacher of 1 : terations or repairs in the build- : ion to be so transmitted or delivered of Incumbent PIANO AND VOICE ling line. First-class workman. - \ r e Yr ry the lists made pursuant to said Act, of ; Bell Phone 60 | ship guaranteed: ' \ : all persons appearing by the last revised : : Assessment Roll of the said Mujcipality . pe -- . = : | Sh Sho nn All Kinds of Live r --- : # tive mbly and at Muni pa . ) ; ; Saturday Afternoon. =:Eici:zEPomltpy| [| WE SERVE YOU HE Tharchy ool pon Gi UR : : ; What services do your pankers render? runghidn dng od poi 1 r Do they supply you with sound, practical ep em er Senin 19 Tare advice based on up-to-date knowledge of THOMAS GRAHAM, : markets, prices and business con {pug Sek hth Tomi isc | If you have any Do they help you to take advartage of your Program of Amateur Races : Junk opportunities and increase your income ? All pa ayable in Merchandise Only. ; . This Bank is prepared to help farmers in First Prize $15, Second $10. Third $5. Fmt ED oii Sell tousand get | || every way possible. Consult me for, Hew wer, ul a red and white cow. Finder please com-. ines ile Si Car Kaco-pet 10 Amateurs Fag. co BEST PRICES | || THE CANADIAN B ANK Five Mile Solo'Race--opén to'Amateurs. ) Hides and 'Sheep One Mile time Trials for track Record (flying start). "J. A. MURRA ; OF COMMERCE RRAY The championship of Canada is open to question ° DENTIST kins Wan ed. n between Steve Woods the aviator, Ford Hands the ™Ofhice': above Rose & Co. S t PAID-UP CAPITAL" HAN $15,000,000 young dare-devil, Bill Butler the speed wizard(watch hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 | b RESERVE - =" $15,000,000 him at the corners) and Ed Friend, 4 yrs. despatch : pau: : 'TURNER BROS. _ PORT YE FD BRANCH, E B. Walker, Manager, rider at the Front. This is to be a test. : ; + Bell Phone 213 Ind: 1800 : ! : _ Five Mile Side Car Race--open to Amateurs. Billiard Table For Sale Two Mile Bicycle Race-open to Local Riders only . Apply at Star Office. Two Mile Bicycle Race--open $ ; Bicycle Races--1st, Silver Medal; ond. I Bronze Medal Ontario County Championship + SONYA Five Mile County ( hampionahip open to- ae Working on his, Ev Riders Only *- | the misfortune to fall and break | First Prize--Gold Medal. his back, and is badly paralyzed | from the effect. He is getting y ) 3 a i as BASEBALL along as well as can be expected. || so mol 4 : Rl ine" w The young people of the com- | \ eal WwW { d St k "Classics™ of Toronto vs. Port Perry ie young peonle of the eomeb, . | yatered DIOCK Matched Five Mile Solo Race between 0 Butler and Christian Endeavor Society at 1 : ny : ane : Friend for a side bet of $50 Bn enjoyable aa at the : : : A om r on x : : 2s Admission: Adults 3c. Children 2 Thursday evening last, A prize If we had been paying dividends on " watered stock "-- was offered for the best hard- : : i : : times costume and was won by| = ~~ If we had issued stock to shareholders at less than its s par value Mrs. H d Leask, while the} a Under Auspices Ontario Motorcycle hss. DT a ile, the} : and were aking for revents 5 pay dividends on sich fmuce-- Donald McDougald, New York. ition 43 A number from here attended we would expect the public to take the we the Toronto Exhibition : : had no right to increased rates! ¢ Twenty-two members of the} ; : ; ordson ractor Mission Band motored to the| But we have doris neither of these hings, on the contrary our = 1 Mission Band Rally at Beaverton | . plant represented, in actual cash invested, up to Decemb on Saturday. Miss Aileen Wil-}2 = Fab Rei liamson, Secretary, read the re-{ ~~ | 71919, $16.000,000 more than our combined tock and port of the work of our Band] Tae f : g oh Shiny By tirning back fn the business all pris sarnli; al idle a P OWER F ARMING [rary the work of' A I i PE pe > DEMONSTRATION - fecal ali £ © | © Gerad dc «mmo eer. started. this week, ~The con-~ BY THE tract was given to Mr. Goodwin, of Lindsay, A new li hing FORD MOTOR COMPANY | {ivstomis sbao betnmtalisg pies KE. Kinnon, Mr. anit. Canada : : gimmon. ] Miss on end; with MeKin 4 Practical demonstration with farm. sotoiink supplied by mans MACHINERY Y coueaNy