RB! - proc Cambridge and Wellin curbing. Mr, : Fe and lost a considerable amount of blood. Mrs. Brooks 'empleton's Capsules for rheumatism mpleton's Razmah for Asthma. ham fora good yeliable tonic Eagtman Cameras and Kodaks of also printing and developing done here. 'Note Paper, Stationery, | Chocolates English Health Salts, Large can 60c. = I i: Morrison's 'Drug Store 1 looking i % ed, and is quite ill. Coo x ¥, 3 be " x oN elect china with care. We have many nd attractive . pieces in Salads, Nut ~ Bowls, Cake Plates, Bon-Bons and many ~ other pieces that will giva you pleasure to have in your collection. REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY DONE JAMES McKEE JEWELLER © ~ = STATIONER | en] me Er Cf Cf LT ET CS LEE Hv : 5 et s our caps ready. * About September 1st, oy best. vameties of Plums and: Peaches will be ready. We will have a "good supply pig . . on hand ; = 'Wait for the best varieties. SE _ ltpays.. / Ontario Hm 4 FEI SR : G. Me€lintock was in Lindsay with - were: Mr. Moore, Brooks, Miss Florence Sook, and Mr. W. G. roceeding south on Cambridge St. r the corner of ¥ gton Sts. Dr. White's car: which was proceeding north, had nearly reached Wellington St. when it struck Mr. McClintock's car. All the occupants were thrown out except Mr. MeClintock, who was probably saved because he naturally took a firmer grip of the wheel, when his car : Yas struek, Those who were thrown out fell on the cement f persons to Lin 3 Do Mrs, Moore had his head badly cut and his back in- J s and Mrs. Deshane were both bruised and shaken. Mrs Deshane appears to have been injured internally. Miss Flor- ence Cook's arm was hurt, The car driven by Mr. MoClingobi was badly wrecked,and "had it not been for the fact that the fender of Dr. White's car ran on top of the running board of the other car and held it down, it would have or upset. As it was the side was caved in, and both hind wheels were broken off. Dr. White claims that he did not see the other car, and those who know the doctor think that his explanation is quite correct. He is well known in Lindsay, and was probably another direction when he crashed into the cas. This is not Dr. White's first aceident. It is reported that he ran into a returned soldier last year, and that the man died of his injuries. Driving a car is.a business that should occu- py a man's whole attention, and if he cannot keep his mind on the task in hand, He should quit driving an auto. His own gafety, and the safety of the publicirequire this. ' A phone message received from Lindsay on Monday night - stated that Mr. Moore could not recover from his injuries. - Mrs. Deshane's injuries are more serious than at first sup- Mrs. Brooks is ettiu better Miss k has been able to return home," Mr, McClintock had a 1d Shaking up, but is home again and is able to attend to his uties, 8 At time of writing, Mrs. A. H.{Rose and Mrs. Wm. Cook are in Lindsay with their father, Mr: Moore, who'is in the hospital. Mrs Moore is with her husband. "MOTORCYCLE RACES i a arlay an ioloregele races were first class, but were not who would ; no other attraction, were at Lindsay Fair. The Results of the Contests \ Ag "First Race--Three Mile Side Car. This race resulted in a dead heat between the two Cassidys. ~ Second Race--Three Mile Open Solo, won by Friend 1st, Hands 2nd, Butler 3rd. Third Race--The Castidys tested out their tie, and this time Nelson Cassidy won. Fourth Racc--Five mile solo, won by Hands 1st, Butler 2nd. Friend had to drop out on account of a broken chain: Fifth Race--Five mile side car, Lemer won first and Cassidy came second.. - + ii : The Matched Race between Butler amd Friend was the big event. The contest was extremely close, It was a five mile race, and at the close Bufler was half a 'wheel ahead. On the straight run, Friend can out-distance Butler, but a the corners; Butler fakes terrific chances. * There were no entries for the County Motorcycle Race. : In the local bicycle race, Ben Smith came first, and Robt. Plum second. This was a race of good speed. # In the professional bicycle race Neil Munro came first, and R. A Terry second. Both these riders were from Toron. to. and Neil Munro is the champion bicycle rider of Ontario. «In spite of the fact that the financial returns were not high, it is probable that the Motorcycle 'Association 'will put on another meet next year. Night Watchman Appointed A special meeting of the Board of | The result was that a resolution was t1 Council to | was appointed night watehman, and e Monday night. ee boi Monday afternoon to consider the question of protecting the town against a recurrence of the store-breaking of Jast week. requesting the take immediate action in appointing a night watch- man, Reeve Lucas was present, and pro--ised that the mat- ter should have proper attention. Accordi.cly, Chief Nesbitt i he started hi | Warriner Lodge .. McClintock,: They were Fair was in progress, and many of 'Trade was held on s patrol on ; No. 76 Meets every Second and Fourth * © Monday in each month "in the Oddfellows' Hall. Visiting Brethren Welcome T.W. McLean, P. Ingram, : N.G Secretary High School Notes Additional prizes for the work of the past year are announced Agriculture' -- Best kept plot (donated by Mr. I. R.: Bentley) John Raines Best Flower Bed, (donated by Mr Bentley) Marjorie Claughton Household Science-- Form II, (donated by Mr. W. H, Letcher, Chairman of Board of Education) 1 Amy Beare, 2 Irene Spoffard. Art--Form II (donated by Miss L. M. Harris) 1 Hilda Rose, 2 Alymer Tennyson . The School Athletic Associat: lon was re-organized for the coming year, with the following officers: as follows: Boys' Section Honorary Pres--Mr J'W Crozier President--Ernest Gerrow Secretary--Norman Philp Treasurer--Mr Geo Stone Committee--Clifton Beacock Chas Cawker, Arthur Brock, Willie Nesbitt, Keith MeMil- lan, Ernest Spence ; Baseball Club--Manager, Louis Bowles; Capt., Chas. Cawker, Mascot, Orval Switzer Hockey Club -- Manager, Louis Bowles; Capt., Chas. Cawker; Mascot, Jas. Carnegie Girls' Section - Honorary Pres.--Mrs M Letcher President--Jean Crozier Secretary--Elizabeth Allin Treasurer--Helen Mellow Committee--Grace Rose, Amy Beare," Mary Ferguson. . Isabel bt Basket Ball Capt--Miriam Harris Baseball Capt--Sarah Armstrong The Household Science De- partment is very popular with the nirls of Form I. Seventeen are now enrolled from that Form Sevearl girls in Form IV are awaiting a revision of the time table to enable them to take the same course, The boys in the Agricultural Department are busy these days measuring land and surveying for drainage. - At the University supplement- ary examinations held recently Mansell Sleep was successful in completing his Junior Matricu- lation. The annual Field Day of the School will be Wednesday, Oct. 6th. A long list of sports for both boys and girls is being pre- pared, and arrangements for a asketball and baseball matches are being made. Another Robbery at Whitby The business section had another visit from daring thieves on Saturday night, when the clothing store of D. F. Johnston was robbed of about $ worth of ready mude "clothing und gents' furnishings. The thieves entered through a Wheat Certificates THS Bank has special facili ties for collecting Wheat Participating Certificates, the initial payment being at the rate of 30 cents per bushel as authorized by the Wheat Board. THE STANDARD BANK OF -CANADA hind Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits 1$8,360,537.09. PORT PERRY BRANCH R. H. SHORT Manacen. window at the rear of the store, _|and effected their getaway very quietly. This is evident from the fact that although one of the cleriss slept over the store. it was not util next morning that he knew anything of the robbery. A few articles of clothing were found at the rear of the store on Sunday, making it appear that the thieves were frightened as they were leaving. ; ~ An attempt was also made to burglarize. H. T. Thompson's clothing store, but the windows were barred and the attempt failed. Keep the Offices Divided For many years it has been customary to engage a man of all work for the corporation, He is styled Street Commissioner and his jobs are legion. In point of fact his duties are so numerous and his hours are so long that it is a physical impos- sibility to do all well. Successful work as Street Commissioner can only be done by a man who can put his whole time on the job, and who shouid have time to get a thorough grasp of the whole situation. The town would be money ahead if a proper man were employed to devote his whole time to this important work. He should not have to stop dog fights, colleet taxes, clean ditches, ete., ete., ete., ete, ete., ete., ete., ete. and so forth and then some. Let us have a policeman and a street commissioner, 'too. They - ean both pay their way. More than that each can be held re- sponsible for his particular work and would take a pride init, too. Let us keep the offices of po- liceman and street commission- er divided, and we shall save money. No man can work four- 'teen hours a day right alon ,and do justice either. to himself or his employers. Good Investment 'We have for investment some good farm mortgages in this peighbour- hood, bearing 6 per cent. interest ds | various sums from $500 to $5000