- cently been appointed port Derry h 'camping trip along the Ka- watha es, for a couple of Miss Mildred Hiscox, has re- Matron of the Western Hospital, We congratulate Toronto: * Hiscox on her success. - "Mr. Hardy Purdy 'has been ~ 8pending a few days at his hom \ will be held here. ; | High School Athletic the afternoon October 6th. Don't miss them, > tts ti reid. Chicken Pie Supper Will be given by members of the church at Bethel, near Shir- ley on October 4th. There will be a. good play afterwards. Further particulars later. " ---- -------- Mrs. Edward Griffen Mrs. Edward Griffen, whose maiden name was Rosena: Maud Beswick, died at her home north of Port Perry on Monday, Sep- tember 27, 1920. -Mrs Griffen _has been bed-ridden with an in- curable rheumatic disease for about eleven years, and her death comes 25s a happy release from most intense suffering. Mrs. Griffen took great delight in her Bible, which she knew thoroughly; and its truths were 0 great source of inspiration and 'comfort to her. : Deceased is survived: by her husband, three daughters and two sons. The fnneral took place on Wednesday at the Pine Grove Cemetery. Collins-Druean A very simple but pretty wed- ding was solemnized at the Church of the Ascencion, Port Pe on Wednesday, Sept. 15 at 2.00 p.m. when Edythe Marione, second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Druean became the bride .of Mr. Stewart Collins only son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Collins, Scugog. The ceremony was conducted by the Rey. Mr. Stent in the pres- ence of only the immediate re- latives. The bride, who was given away by her mother, look- ed very sweet and charming in a white silk dress with over- dress of point lace and wore a white embroidered bridal veil with customary orange wreath. She carried a shower bouquet of Sweetheart Roses. She was at- tended by Miss Beatryce Sisson who was dressed in a navy blue costume with a bouquet of pink roses. The groom was assisted by Mr. Archibald Alldred, A Buffet Luncheon was serv- ed after the ceremony at the home of the bride's mother. After the cutting of the wedding cake the bride slipped away and changed tq her travelling suit of brown silk and velvet. io <The. happy' wouple motored to Myrtle witere they boarded 'the train" 'for their honeymoon to Toronto, Niagara and Buffalo. On their return the will reside in Uxbridge. The bride received numerous presénts," Vv v then . be Properties sold by George Collins Mr. Wm. Kennedy's fi Cher nnedy's farm 'to - * Mr. Mill's farm, at London West, to Frank Hooper, of Black- ini stock. a 1 be Holy Communion at 11.00 a, | ' Mr. R. Bryant's farm, Reach, to Mr. Tyre, of Toronto, 'Sunday School open at : Spm - The Methodist Sunda - at 3. p.m. from _ It is'being held in the T Hal at the proses poner 0 Pies racy in fittin Accuracy is o assistant Miss | Sports at air Grounds on Wednesday |Sec'y-Treasurer. = i y, School d the keynote to our growing business, © I. R, BENTLEY, Opt. | Port Perry, Ont. | ; bs Sinac. NN Auction Sale "Friday, October 1, 1920 Auction plements, and furniture, at the property of Jas. Dickson, lot 20 con, 9, Whitby Tp., near Myrtle Station. See bills. Sale at one o'clock sharp. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. FOR SALE 'Peninsular" range (coal or wood). dining room table, large clothes cupboard. ~ Offered at a bargain for quick sale. Apply to R. H. Short.at Standard Bank, Port Perry Auction Sale y Auction sale of contents of the Myrtle Livery, the property of Thos. Smith, Myrtle Station, horses, 'waggons, buggies, ime Picments and furniture." See ills. No reserve, Sale at one thirty sharp on Thursday, Sept. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. PORT PERRY Surgical and Maternity HOSPITAL (over Star Office) For Terms apply to Mrs. Cormack, Port Perry BASEBALL - TriCounty League Finals | The first season of the Tri- County League since the begin- ning of the war, closed with the final game between Sutton and Stouffville, at Suttan, on Friday last. - Sutton, who were champ- ions of the Northern division won the pennant by befeating atchword | sale of farm stock, im-| Office at house, east of Swit: . blacksmith sho; Port Perry, : 0. Florence M. Cook BE RAR Teacher of Piano' Bell Phone 75 r 2 Sept. 4 and will kee parts at his blacksmith Try Sastagher; le Fo Zr Or Condtipadis oy I necsti tee For sale by ne or more stores in your town. Price 75c¢. - x fo Spin PORT PERRY MISS HAZEL COCKBURN y TEACHER OF VIOLIN Class started July 1st, 1920. Applications for terms, ete. may be obtained at the Star fice: : Farm for Sale INSURAL EXCELSIOR LIFE FIRE - Sick and Accident. AUTOMOBILE (Theft, Fire and Liability) : GEO. R. DAVEY PORT PERRY 140 acres (134 acres tillable) 6 acres hardwood bush, lot 31+in the 7th and 8th concessions of Darlington. Two frame houses, and two 'barns, orchard, smail fruits. For further particulars apply to J. H. Campbell on the | | premises, or at Enniskillen P,0. Notice to Creditors Of Frederick William Vipond, 'deceased. - Pursuant to Sec. 56, of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all. creditors and others Xs claims against the Stouffville 11-9 in the final game before a crowd of hetween 1500 to 2000 people. The fol- lowing is the standing of the League: RA Northern Div Sutton ; Lornville . Cannington Beaverton Southern Diy Stouffville Sunderland Cannington Port Perry fo 10 In the play off between Sutton and Stouffville, the games went as follows: Sutton 96-5 9 11 Stouffville 8 88 79 Bobby Dale was the star of the series, pitching all of the five games for Stouffville. The locals hope to enter a strong team in the League next year and make a good fight for the flag Payment of Fair Prizes : + Payment-of all prizes awarded at the Port Perry Fair will be 'made on and after Friday Oct. 8 upon application to E. H. Purdy Church of the Ascencion Service and Choir Practice will be held on Friday, instead of Thursday, this week. Ofi Sunday next, the first Sunday in the month, there will m. only, not at 8 00.8. m. _ The Rev. C. F. Stent wishes to thank all those wh sent material for the bargains. WANTED fruit baskets, in good eondition Apply Star Office. e A'large list of farms for sale in Ontario County. Some city property for exchange or sale, also Western land. . My list includes somé rare Wiite or phone me before buying. Communicate with W J. Cook, R.R. No 2; Port Perry, or Bell Phone 107 r 2 2, or Independent Phone 406 = |any) held by them, and that after the A number of used 11 quart - estate of g Frederick William Vipond, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, labored, who died on or about the Ist day of September, A. D, 1920, are, on or before 15th day of October A. D: 1920, to gend- by post, pre-paid, to John Vipond, of the Village of . Brooklin. the executor of the last will and Testament of said deceased their christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full par. ticulars of -their claims, a statement of their and the nature securites (if last aforesaid the said Executor proceed to distribute the assets of the said d d g the ies entitled thereto having regard only of which notice shall have been given as above required, apd the said executors Notice bth,. as AAA Templeton's : atic _ Capsules Have brought 'good health to half-a"million sufferers. . { A healthful, mone: -saving remedy, well ah for on Tom Fi ins Local Agent i P. G/ MORRISON Dr W. A. Sangster's Dental Office will be closed £ ember 6th to October is taking a month's vecation. rom Sept- he Rheumatism Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia. + its tot Sion to ae pp ene Templetonsi42 King WV, Toronto. | ra _ 3 "|g Second-hand Ontario foat-lift iv will not be liable for the said assets. or any part th f, to any person or ns of who claim or claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Port Perry this 4th day of September A.D. 1920. "Wm. H. Harris, ~ Solicitor for said Estate 5 SE a i Ld A 7 7A LER aL oo - |p. G. Morrisdn, Druggist FOR SALE Thanksgiving . decorations and also aksgiving. 'helped to ss rate the Church so well. Rally Day \ at to such claims |. "tho close to / | soil clay loam, "150 x 30, stone stabling, drive house 50 x : i 40 ee Se-------- | fon Jackson, He 2] ~ part of our sea-borne hands of a competitive nation. The Navy League of Canada. Z 300 acres, 8 room frame cottage, bath, furnace, hard and soft water; stone cellar, ouse in best of repair and nearly new; hip roof barn 100 x 60, a == ~t floors; barn no 2 hip roof 70 x 4: Jidbling for 100 cattle, 21 horses, 2 silos i ig pen, hen house, implement house and rarage, spring creek, wells at bars, about 12 acres timber. This is a first-class farm for grain or stock, buildings and land extra good. Anyone wanting a good farm at a reasonable price hoc) look this over, 200 acres, Cartwright, 8 room frame house in good repair. 'Barn 130 x 36 stone stable under all, cement floors, stab. ling for 42 cattle and 14 horses, hay barn 56 x 36, drive house 36 x 20, also garage. 180 acres cultivated, balance timber some suitable for milling, ; 70 acfes, 6 room frame house, stone cellar, barn 60 x 40 on 9 ft cement wall, cement floor all through, drive hou x 18 on 9 ft cement wall, separate ouse about 6 acre® orcha.d, 12 acres timber. Fall possession. 4 23 acres timber, maple: birch, basswood white ash and hemlock, all milling timber. Purch to have five years to remove timber. Y 3%; acres, 7 room frame cottage, in goad repair, hard and > huildings. amd isa most desirable home, being close to beth Public and High Schools and only a short distance to tow, Td acres in Por Perry 5 room frame se, stone tr, barn 30 x40 on ce. iE wall, also stable. Good orchard and small fruit. = : 5 acres, 7 room brick vaneer house, hot 18x40, barn 40x36 on 7 foot 'cement wall, V2 acre orchard, fall and winter fruit ence: - "9 'acres in Corporation of Port Perry, 6 ropm frame house. stone cellar, cement "| Hoor, cistern, frame barn 26 x 36 on 8 foot stone wall, henhouse 50 x 20. his 'is a | comfortable home at a reasonable price. '50 acres, lot 16, con. 3, Cartwiight Tp., me house 7 rooms, barn 30; about 6 -acres hardwood standing timber, Fall possession. Su, 9 9 ed solid brick house sieht caller An alk hip roof ih 77 3 40 on stone and cement wall 9 feet hi for - in good repair, soil sandy clay loam, at town, church, school All conver: : Real Estate 62 acres, about 50 acres timbey, in 'the Township of Manvers, comprised of cedar. Bifkh, booch. maple: based rok and ine: River running through property. Any person wanting timber should investigate. Might consider house in exchange. ol Ya acre, double house at Myrtle, brick cottage, 6 rooms on each side, 2 furnaces,' well at door, frame stable and drive house, cemént walks. rT 57 acres on county road, small frame * house in good repair; barn 56 x on 9 ep foot stone wall, cement floors, silo, wind- mill, hen house, pig pen, orchard and small fruit, some bass, Raf mile to village, spring or_fall possession, plowing done and ready for seeding. 3 100 acres, Lot 5, Con. 5, Pickerin: + half mile from Kinsale, on County R as the Sadler farm, large stone hoWle two stories, barn 70 x 34, stone stable, eement floors, hay barn 50 x 30, hen house and pig pen 50 x 26, drive house, 90 acres cul. tivated, level land, some: hush. Sold sub. ject to present Jease having {Zhou duce years to run. ight arrange for session. Also Mish roomed 'house i stable on property. Terms and interest 100 acres about 30 rods from the corp- oration of Port Perry, buildings in fair 150 acres just outside to cor oration of Port Perry, 7 roomed brick i state of repair, soil mostly all a heavy clay water, good out' loam. yo. roofed bam 70 x 33, on stone wall, stabl- ing under all, cement floors, drive=house, small orchard, land level and heavy clay loam, 25 acres bush, about 35 ac: pasture. 150 acres Pasture Land two miles sorth -of Port Perry--about 42 acres timber -- lampzac, cedar, spruce, white bi ; . Nonguon crosse: A poplc, Nongaon res proeiy: Pe . 150 acres, 4% mi soil clay loam, 9 room frame house in ex. ellant repair, oak 'floors. furnace. In x66, and horse barn 50x 36 'stone wall, cement oors, frame barn 82 x 56, drive house x 20 of steel, 7 horse roony for 24 cattle, on west Possession 1st March FA 100 acres, lot 10, con 11, roomed bric! : es of © and: on 9 foot farm.