Hanson, "Hundred gio? = o'of a.50ft. pure. wool vas-of and brown shades. Size 1015 Men's Work Shirts | collar attached. An ideal shirt for | Sizes 14%; to 17. Price $3.00 These are made of a heavy union flannel with work or sport. : FIRE EIIII III III II rrr erste +44 we They uy and black. consist of tweeds in browns, fur felt and velours in blue, Prices ranging from Now is ter Underwear - _ Stanfield's Now the time for the man that need to re- plete his winter stock of underwear. We have a complete line of Stanfield's pure wool underwear in inations and Penman's, com We also cares 1 son's and Turnbu two piece styles. Watson's Turnbull's the best lines of Penman's, Wat: 's Ceetee brand of underwear. It is good business for the man that needs these lines to buy earl require before the lines are broken. y and get the quality and size you $4444 4444094400444 0444 FEE 44 0400404004000 00400 4444 oberon FF, W, TICINTYRE Butterick Fall Quarterly The Performance Figures of the 25 miles and more to the gallon of gasoline These figures speak for themselves, They are the dollars and cents side of Chevrolet owners' motoring ¢ satisfaction. Wiad i But the outstanding merit of Chevrolet perform- -- ance lies beyond mere economy. It isa fact easily proven by riding in it at any time ; Comfort that rough ¢ ee ra 'High School Sports Wednesday After- noon, October 6 The public are cordially in- vited to attend these sports which have be- come a popular annual event. T. H. Follick, Principal Port Perry Flax Messrs. Van Skiver & Rich- ardson intend operating a fla { mill tn Graham's- Evaporator a { Port Perry, beginning with. the 'season of 1921. These gentlemen 'are busy making contracts with the farmers to grow the flax, The matter of growing flax is (considerably simplified in this L. i this case, because the seed is provided, and the harvesting will be done for the farmers. All particulars and contracts can be | obtained at the office of Hogg & . 1 Lytle; Port Perry. ha We wish this new enterprise Svery success, as a considerable ,humber of persons will be re- quired to operate this industry. Get' your printing done 2h Office at the Star The Victorian Womens Z Institute The regular monthly meeting of the Victorian Women's Ins- titute will be held at the resi- dence of Mrs. Henry Mountjoy on Thursday Oct. 7th at 2.30 o'clock. Come and enjoy a good meeting. Lunch to be served. Sec'y-Treas. Bay of Quinte Subscriptions Methodist National Cam- paign Headquarters office in Toronto reports to Mr, Geo. W. James, local treasurer for Bow- manville, that subscribers in the Bay of Quinte Conference have already paid in on their Sub- scriptions 52.3 per cent., being the highest in the Five Central Conferences of the Dominion. Presbyterian Sunday School There will be no Sunday School in- the afternoon next Sunday on account of the Rally Pay service in the morning. RR RRR RR RRA | Methodist Church Re-opening Services It is expected that the re-open- ing services will he held Sunday and Monday Oct. 24th and 25th. Publications Available For Distribution The Department of Agricul- ture at Ottawa includes in its available publications some four hundred titles which embrace practically every phase of farm- ing in its broadest sense in Can- ada. The new list whichrecent- ly issued contains thirty new publications which relate to dairying; field crops, insect and plant diseases, live stock, the orchard and garden and poultry. In the miscellaneous list is i: - cluded 'Farm Feeds', The Use of Coarse Grain for Human Food,"" and a new edition of "The Maple Sugar Industry in Canada." All these publi- cations are for the free use of citizens of Canada and are ob- tainable for the asking from the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa, : . RRR Principals and Teachers See that your pupils enter this competition; and also arrange for suitable program on . FIRE PREVENTION DAY, Oct 9 § We will presant one thousand gold plated and enamel Medals, suitably inscribed as 7 for essays on Fire Prevention Jopice) tobecm «t- ® ed for by the boys and girls of Fare vn and Fourth Forms. : College, snd Univarsity students ¢r igible to compete for nin2 grand prizes Two Solid Gold Medals | Seven Solid Silver Medals |& The Royal Proclamation should be read by a pupil an | inevery 8 Room NR no ntario ia the, third Ga