1 ByJ.W.LYON © (Continged from last week) takes one fifth or one sixth he power of a steam locomo- which has become Cal both - gome large centres: a the sen- e coun: ; increas- ding of money out of t try to for the "ing the difficulty and cost.of ex- change all tend to show that the use of coal for transportation " purposes in the Province of Ont- ario is rapidly drawing t> an end and will soon be classed with the other discomforts of the days of our inexperience. Senator Smith a strong anti- Hydro Radial man, has publicly announced that the sooner we electrify all our Railways the better for the country; and it must be gratifying to a number of those present to-day to rem- ember how a few years ago we waited on the Federal Govern- ment recommending the Elec- trification of certain of of our Railways and the deputation re- ceived scant courtesy and a very impatient hearing at the hands of the Government while to-day it is announced that the Cana- "dian Pacific Railway, the pri- vate ownership model of effici- ency is working on plans for the electrification of its system and I might respectfully suggest that the members of our Asso- ciation and of that deputation . seemed to have some at that » time. Aside from coal the only other source of power of any conse- quence aside from electricity is petroleum and its by-products in the various forms gasoline ete. and it would seem to me that the Ontario Government was placing all its money on petro- ih and gasoline as its winning ee are many things in favor of gasoline, including its cleanliness and the ease with which it- can- be handled, and there are many points in "favor of the motor truck and the, automobile as they would elim- eka necessity for the {Ed the) and "ransmission of sengers and eight could be taken from the point of shipping or from the curb and delivered direct to destination of any place along street with- out change. These are 'all real advantages and on the surface make a strong case for motor 'transport, but the facts are,these many advan- 'tages are their undoing as the failure of an adequate supply of gasoline means disaster to 'the' system. In the commercial world the. law of supply and and demand governs the price of commodities and gasoline that a few years ago sold for fifteen cents agallon now sells at three three times that amount, and it is believed that it will reach a much higher price in the not far distant future. In fact I may say it was only the unexpected and continued development that saved us this year from seventy-five cent gas- 'oline, and this rising price has come not withstanding the new- ly discovered process of cracking gasoline and the new plan of taking gasoline from natural gas s0 in view of the facts of the past five years it is well to now consider about the future. It is common to judge the future by the past,-and the best exam- ple'we can use in this respect is the United States whieh produce two-thirds of the worlds petro- leum and its products and has ninety per cent of the automo- biles of the world. Foreseeing disaster the Geo- logical survey of the United. States in their first report pub- lished in-1908 estimated the en- tire petroleum supply of United States produced and to be prod- uced at eleven billion eight hun- dred million (11,800,000,000) bar- rels of which amount one billion eight hundred million (1,800,000 000) had already been produced. Flax Wanted Port Perry Flax Mill intend operating a flax mill in Gra- ham' s evaporator building dur- ing the season of 1921. Far- mers are invited to call at the office of Hogg & Lytle to learn particulars, and arrange con- tracts at the earlist possible =F modern meth Phil Get a Toronto Farm | "Value Your Time' 1G factories don't pay men to do the work do. 'They make ike siogey by using modern machinery an who a "iohiey tise modern tnethods, hand-power for work a gasoline engine will do. sw will become merely ncldents in the day' fork, Mut separating; churning; sa: ¢ hines too. You "All those jobs that weary | © Mea an Served at al ing of frei ht. - as | Reach, 'put up for ti candies, A ettes, Tce Cream." Onn Mrs, J . Stones. Farm for Sale 50 acres. being lot 10," con 8, 20 acres tillable land, ture, Plenty. of water Apply to liam | , Port Perry; Tot balance and shade. Bowles, R. R. 1 13, 'wn 8, Reach. J. A. RRAY. DE MUR! / Office above Rose & Co. hours; 9 aim, to 6 p.m. 'Phone 98 'Judges Court of Notice is hereb x given that a Court will be hel yiarpuant to "The Ontario otérs" Lists Act," by His Honour the Judge lof the County Court of the County of Ontario at the Town- ship Hall, Manchester on Friday the 15th day of October 1920, at two o'clock, in the afternoon, to hear and detérmine the several | = complaints of errors and omis- sions in the Voters' List of : the Municipality of the Township of Reach for 1920. All persons having business at the Court are requited to attend atthe said timeand place. Dated 27th of September, J 1920. W. J. Dobson Clerk of the said Municipality. Sale Register Geo. Jackson : : Ted. Jackson } Auctioneers O¢t. 7--V. Tinney, Cavan 8--F Thompson, Mariposa ¥ 9H. McGill, Janetville 9--John Hayden, Reach * 11--Jas. Aldred, Orono i 12--E. Woodward, Cresswell * 13--Wm, Ormiston, Raglan 14--Rich Edgerton, Cartwright 15--A. Sharp, Orono 16--Mrs Tummonds, Port Petry 18--G. Dixon, Little Britian 19--W. J. Sackville, Rossmount 20--Mrs. Bradley, Orono 21--Wm, Brown, Kirby 22--Thorndyke estate, 23--Lieut.-Col. Ferrell, * 25-L. Keeler, Brock 26--H. M, Cowan, Orono * 28--Geo. Lane, Oakwood + 29--~Thos. Kirby, Ashbugn Nov. 3--Mr, McBride, Cartwright * 2~=Wm. Jackson, Scugog o -R, B. Gillies. Pontypool "> 15--Mr. Stapleton, Orono Dec. 8--Geo. McHoull, Lakefield "" 15--R, Johnson, Bethany Jan'y 26--Shorthorn Breeders', Peterboro Feb 23--R. Sisson, Bethany Shirley The Shirley Women's Insti- tute will meet at the home. of Mrs. Wm. Somerville on Wed. Oct. 13 at 2.30 p/ m. The meeting promises to be of special interest as' the Pres. Mrs. Cronk;-of Pickering will be present, and will take part in the progiain. Mrs. Wm. Byers will give an account of her holiday trip. * Luncheon will be served. Collection in aid of the Justitute will be taken at the meetin Everybody: is invited to a ed: + UTICA rlington | Pay 2 have been visiting here recently Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson: and family were visiting at Mrs- Jas. Hortap ion Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Marining -- ting Mr. John Jones, recently. , Sonya, visited at Frank Ho oftop's recently. evision ~~. I Dist: | Mr Wagg's father and brother | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lyle, of | So galls & FoRGUSON Real Estate Agents McCaw Block Phone ma 7 "Egerton Boye oa Organist and Choir oyce Port Perry Methodist Church Pupils accepted iff piano, and Joice, "Thorough, ithe, organ 8 hup- ! Yoda te methods used. Terms moder- ly at risat studio at the si ARETE 1, Port Perry. Church of the Ascension : SUNDAYS: Morning Prayer, . . 11 a.m Sunday thio and Bible Class, p.m Evening Servion the last Sun- day of each month at 7 p.m. THURSDAYS Service of Prayer . at8p.m.' at |REV. C. F. STENT, B.A., L. Th. ' Incumbent Wanted APPLES All Kinds of Live WANTED If you have any "Junk Sell to us and get BEST PRICES Hides 'and Sheep Skins Wanted. TURNER BROS. - Bell Phone 218 .Ind, 1800 Mrs. Maynard "and son, Woodbrid e, are visiting "with . Josiah Smi Poultry All Good properties." suit purchaser. farms, houses and lots; ete. for. sale. nd your am to city creameriés_. when' _ your home creamery can you more oney. an 'Good 'George Collins - Real Estate Agent FARMS FOR SALE a Port Perry, Ont, "W. A. SANGSTER » DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over L. G. Hall's PORT PERRY ' ONTARIO Ge t Your Printing Done - At The Star Office this + | I and wg . Propristor m Ls and Biggs x Port Perry, Ontario _ = Consult me for new work, al- terations or repairs in the build- ing line. First-class workman- ship guaranteed. [ee ws | an the SECURITY A Savings Bank Account not. only des an assurance for the mE Euarantess you security 19 save is to suceeed-- : 70A THE. CANADIAN BANK | PAID-UP CAPITA AL RESERVE OF COMMERCE . 15,000,000 - 5 $1500.00 PORT PERRY 53 BRANCH, E, B. Walker, Manager. HEN YOu visit hie. YY. take motice of the great number of Ford cars that assembled there, and observe the happiness of their owners. comfort. fall fair are Imagine Yourself in one of them spinning to the fair with your fay = speeding aw p home