Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 14 Oct 1920, p. 4

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) C a : a en Sh booton 8 - "High School 'at . Ontario, '. Mr. Geo. Mackie's farm. in * Brock, was sold by Mr. George "Collins to Mr. Wallace Platten. Mr. John Haydén has been]. a inted m er at the oom) branch of The Canadian " 'Bank of Commerce. ; Mrs. (Rev.) J. T. Hall, is re- maining at Picton:for the pres- ent, owing to the fact that her mother, Mrs. Jas. E. Lent is suffering from a paralytic stroke Mr. Jas. Moore is recovering somewhat from his recent aceci- dent. Mrs. Deshane'is still un- able to walk, To-night--Thursday, October 14th--there will be a Farewell Service in St. John's Presbyter- ian Church for Miss Margaret Stuart, Who is about toleave for India as a Foreign Missionary. * 'Representatives of the Foreign Mission Board of the Presbyter- ian«Church, the W. M. S., and others are expected to be pres- ent and give addresses. «Special music by the choir.The public are cordially invited to be present. : t Mr. and Mrs. Harry White and daughter, Irene, are leaving this week for the Old Country, ex- pécting to return about the sec- ond week in December. The bakery business will be conduct- ed by Mr. Albert White during the absence of his brother. Major Lovatt, a war veteran who entered the ranks as a pri- vate, and whose rapid promotion on merit was most notable, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. E. B. Walker for the week end. A number of ladies of the W.M.S. attended a Branch Meeting at Greenwood on Tues- day last. Hallowe'en Bazaar The young people of the Church of the Ascension will hold their annual Bazaar in the Parish Hal) Friday, October 29th at5 p.m. Preparations are being made ~ for a splendid display. Nothing will he sold before the bazaar opens. There will be a Fancy Work Booth--Used Book Stall-- Remembrance Table (supplied by old members and former mem- bers of the parish. There will also be-- A Candy Booth Fish Pond Demonstration Booth (a new feature in charge of the Misses Cockburn). . Good programme. Supper .» served at 6 p.m. Admission to ~ Sapper 50c. and 30c. For Sale Motor boat hull in first-class dition. Apply to Bruce L. rry;, Bowmanville, Ont. : Stray Steer Came to the premises of the undersigned on or about May 24th, a steer 1 year old. - Owner requested to prove property; pay expenses, and take it away. Archie J. Johnson, lot 20, con 1, Brock, Blackwater P.O. . * For Sale Shropshire ram lambs, pure . Also a good driving horse, 6 yrs. old, well broken single . and double. - Apply to Alex Me- or, lot 6, con. 9, Reach Tp., Uxbridge P.O. 3--28th. ? Reward Offered 5 for information leading to the Ee bi a 'Jack Wallaceburg, their friends. ships on Field Day were: Senior, Ernest Gerrow; Junior, John Brock; Girl's Sen- ior, Miriam Harris; Girl's Junior, 'with good result is of much | r va " than 4 victory on en al I. R. BENTLEY, Opt. Port Perry, Ont. the Ascension, wi ann "|Supper this year, on day, | {October 29, in the Parish Hall 'Watch for further announcement P. C. Morrison, Druggist High School Notes - The annual sports were held on Tuesdayand Wednesday, Oct- ober 5 and 6. On Tuesday even- ing several contests, by both boys and girls, were held on the School Campus, and on Wednes- day a long lidt of contests were conducted on the Fair Grounds. The . greatest. keenness of the students and interest of the spectators were manifest throughout, but the chief event of the whole series was the basket ball match between the girls of Oshawa High School and Port Perry High School. result was a victory for- the visitors, but the fairness of the playing, the good work on both sides, and the cheerful reception of defeat by our own girls made the game very enjoyable for all. The school appreciated the presence of the many. ladies and gentlemen who Were present both from town and from the surrounding country. It gave much enjoyment to the students, who look for the patronage of % The winners of the champion- Boys' Boys' Mabel Wilson. = - ' On Saturday ' afternoon the basket ball team from Lindsay Collegiate Institute came to Port Perry and played a match with our girls. -- The result - was similar to that of Wednesday afternoon, the visitors winning by several points, but also as on Wednesday the playing was skilful on both sides, and the home team accepted their defeat grace ame, It should be stated, not as an apology but as an explanation, that it could hardly be expected that our team could hardly. be a case from much larger schools, and also with facilities for win- ter practice not enjoyed by our students. Many on the home team are new in the work this ear, and will no doubt give a Pont account of themselves before very long. 3 ball girls provided lunch for the ilo the Household Science rooms. Receptions of this kind Srve to bol of her ore closely in friendship not only the students taking part but the schools concerned--and 1 Church of the Ascension The X. P. 8. of the Church of | ual Bazaar and Ho Vo [Served at all hours The |- A "consider-|: able number came to witness the match for a team chosen in each | On both occasions 'the basket | Lu 'put up for tourists. Soft drinks, candies, cigars, tobacco, cigar- ettes, Ice Cream. Open Sundays Mrs. J. Stones. Farm for Sale 50 acres. being lot 10, con 8, balance pasture, plenty of 'water '|and shade. Apply to William | Bowles, R. R. 1;Port Perry, lot 13; con 8, Reach. » J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Office above Rose & Co. hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 Chicken Pie Supper at Manchester There will be a chicken pie supper at Manchester on the evening of Thanksgiving day, Oct. 18th after which an ex- cellent entertainment will be given, for which there is the following talent: Miss Emma Thompson, Toronto, elocutionist, Miss. Marks. soloist, and the Whitby Orchestra. Try Loot Fy 70 Condtohads For sale by one or more stores in your town. ~ Price Tbe. Agr ¥ EXCELSIOR LIFE _FIRE Sick and Accident AUTOMOBILE (Theft, Fire and Liability) GEO. R. DAVEY AGENT - PORY PERRY 'Rheumatism - Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia. ~~ Templeton's { and will keep parts 20 acres tillable land, ee shop in _ PORT Sl = » 5.8 "MISS HAZEL COCKBURN TEACHER OF VIOLIN Box 79 | Port Perry S--------ary. Farm for Sale 140 acres (134 acres tillable) 6 acres hardwood bush, lot 31 in the 7th and 8th concessions of Darlington. = Two frame houses, and two barns, orchard, smail fruits. For further particulars apply to J. H. Campbell on the premises, or at Enniskillen P,0. For Private Sale 'W. C, Ferguson, Tot 7, con 5, Cartwright, (one mile west of 'Blackstock) hds for sale the fol- lowing stock. : 4 steers rising 8 years, 4 Heifers, rising 8 years 2 Steers, 3 years old 2 Heifers, 8 years old Roan Cow, 7 years, due in Nov Spot Cow, b years, due in Oct Reg Shorthorn Cow, 4 years, due Oct. : Reg Shorthorn bull, roan, one year old. General Purpose Mare Reg. Clydesdale Filly, 2 years Bay Driving Horse, 5 years - " Brown Driving Horse, 3 years 4 Oxford Down Ewes, 1 year, eligible for registration 8 Oxford Down Ram Lambs; : eligible for registration 1 Oxford n Ram, 3 years, _°/ registered « The cattle are all grade shori- horns of choice quality and in good condition. The cows are right every, way and good milk- ers. Having a pasture far stock must be: disposed of be- fore winter. ' : Bell Phone, Port Perry 196 2:1 or Blackstock P.O. MISS ESTELLE BULL ~~ Teacher of" i PIANO AND VOICE " Bell Phone 60° umatic Capsules Have brought good health to half-a-million sufferers. ; k Sid A healthf oney-saving remedy; rsd rugs g 0s bor Ask OUP igen Templeton, 14 King W. Teenie Local Agent C. 5 3 ot Bos 1 | wright Tp. = have s m a W. A. BROWN Port Perry, Ontario Brick-laying, Plastering and Contracting _ FIRST CLASS WORK Stray Sheep - Strayed to Lot 1 Con 'Cart- PERRY | 4 Oxford Down Ewes, 2 years! 'this [k - 130; | part of the--job. Takes aw the stable--and All Toronto Stable + cattle bigger , stable chores become t {| er Write fiow, : Winnipes © Montiel stables as fast as six men in the old way ofit ble Tquigment is desis with : easy. 'Time is saved. Cattle are contented. -- A wide knowledge of proper stable ] ( of our. big stable equipment book: ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO, ' Atlantic Ave,, Toronto ONTARIO WIND E ORONTC fo / Sal Cuts out Ei ob. Takes away the danger of the el barrow and 'the slippery plank. Encourages cleanliness thay. Die vi : is designed ta save wor h this_equipment that - is will be sent freed [CYL TR NTO Jno. H. Brown, Agent, Seagrave, Ont W. J. COOK 300 acres, 8 room frame cottage, bath furnace, hard and soft water, stone cellar, house in best of repair and nearly new; hie roof barn 100 x 60, stone stable under all. ~~+a=t floors; barn no 2 hip roof 70 x 4% .abling for 100-cattle, 21 horses; 2 silos rz pen, hen house, implement house and garage, spring creek, wells at barns, about . 12 acres.timber, - This is a first.class farm for grain or stock, buildings and land extra good. Anyone wanting a good farm at a reasonable 'price should look this over. 200 acres, Cartwright, 8 room frame houst in good. repair. . Barn 130 x 36 stone table under all, cement floors, stab.' | ling for 42 cattle and 14 horses, hay barn 56 x 36, drive house 36 x 20, also garage. 180 acres cultivated, nce timber some suitable for milling. 70 acres, 6 room frame house, stone cellar, barn 60 x 40 on 9 ft cement wall, cement floor all through, drive house 36 x 1 18 on 9 ft cement wall, separate root house about 6 acres orcha.d, 12 acres timber. Fall possession, i 23 acres tiniber, maple: birch, basswood white ash and hemlock, all milling imber. Purchaser to have five years to remove timber. 34 acres, 7 room frame cottage, in good ir, x 1 huildings. and isa most desirable home, being close to beth Public and High Schools and only a short distance to tow 6 acres in Port .Perry, 5 room frame iouse, stone cellar, barn 30 x 40 on ce- ment wall, also stable. - Good orchard and - small fruit. : 2 5 acres, 7 room brick vaneer. house, hot house 18x40, barn yall, Y2 acre grchiard, fll and inter frail ences in good repair, soil san oa close 1 town, church school. All con -conven- lence. % : 9 acres in Corporation of Port Peny, 6 room frame house. stone cellar, cement floor, cistern, freme barn: 26 x 36 on 8 foot stone wall, henhouse 50 x 20, is is a comfortable home at a reasonable price. 50 acres, lot 16, con. 3, 'Cartwright Tp. | soil clay loam, frame house 7 rooms, barn 50 x 30, stone stabling, drive house 50 x about 6 'acres hardw standing timber. Fall possession, ' a wiper med solid brick houses x one: cellar under all, hip roof barn 40 on stone and cement wall9 feet hi cement floors in stable, stabl; cattle, 2 box stalls, stabling for hard and soft 'watery good out I on 7 foot cement tamarac, cedar, " Real Estate 62 acres, about 50 acres. timber, , in the Township of Manvers, comprised birch, beech, maple; ba and second growth pine through property. . Any timber should investigate. house in exchange. { Ya acre, double house at cottage, 6 rooms well at door, fra cement walks. 57 acres on county road, house in good repair; bard foot stone wall, cement floors, silo, - wind- mill, hen house; pi orchard and small fruit, some bush, Fai mileto villaue: 8 or fall 'possession, plowing "done an ready for seeding. pe J00 acres, Lot 5, Son 5; Fier a mile from on Coun as the Sadler farm, large es jd two, stories, barn 70 x 34, stone stable; eement floors, hay barn 50 x 30, hen. house and pig pen 50x 26, drive house, 90 acres cul- tivated, Jevel land, some bush. Sold sub. ject to present lease having About three years to run. Might a fall session. "Also a hve room hohe Fa stable on property. Terms and. interest 100 acres about 30 rods from 'the 4 oration of Port Perry, buildings ys aie state of repair, soil mostly all a heavy clay ver running "Might consider Myre, brick each side, 2 hirnaces, small ffaine 56 x 36 on 9 loam. 150 acres just outside to corporation of Port Perry, 7 roomed brick ouse, hi roofed barn 70 x33, on stone wall, 'stabl- Se) Sours, rive house 8 0 , land level a : loam, 25 acres bush, about 3 aos oF re, : 4 3 150 acres Pasture Land two miles north Port Perry--about 12 acres of timber-- Bre, oo spruce, white birch and poplar. n crosse: . Priced - at $4,200, half cash. or of 150 acres, 4% miles from Port Perry, = sil Flay loam, 9 {pm frame house in ex- cellan air, oa . 88266, and:horse bate 505 po or 0 0 stots all foment A Jour, ; me hav 83 x rive house of steel, 7 stalls, 2 box stalls, yor For 24 cattle, ie: room for 10 cattle 4 horses on west farm. Possession fst ho 1921 oT 100 Fein font con Ji Reach, Hn roomed bri , St foundati in good repair, bar 100 4 sions it ter in et Esha orchard mostly fall a good, 3 f a on frame stable and drive house, ¥ ' . EAA > 53 for 33, miles oe horses, 10d and is + |cement silo, piggery, hennery 40 x 24, - drive house 24 x reg velaan 2 oh oa = 38.1 "smal Half acre

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