Mr. and Mrs. B. Tennyson Unionville, and Mr. and Mrs. D W. Crosier and family of Stouff- ville were'at the home of W, * Crosier during Thanksgiving. Mi. Walter Oke had 15 bushels i of potatoes ona lot 20 x 40 ft. | Mr. James Lucas has been ap- pointed a member of the Mothers' Allowances Board for the County 'of Ontario. The Ontario Local Board are: Mayor Harper, James Lacan, Mrs. Gordon Conant, Mrs [alcolm Forsythe, John Weth- erall, ' ; * BORN--Born on October, 13, 1920, at Sunderland to Mr. and 'Mrs. Herbert P. Baker (nee Lu-| cille Archer), a son. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clemes and family, Toronto, were the ests of Mr and Mrs James rnegie for the holiday. Dr. J. A. Murray has been called to Cleveland, owing to the . critical illness of his son-in-law, | Mr. McKenzie. Mrs John Bradley is spending a couple of weeks with her son, Oliver, in Syracuse. Don't forget the fowl supper to be: given by the Methodist Church at Port Perry; NOV 1st The engagement is announced of Lena Blanche, youngest daughter of Mr. Albert Hall, Port Perry, and Mr. Charles Harvey Rogers Fuller, B,A., S. C.. City Engineer of Chatham, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Fuller Toronto." The marriage will take place in St. Alban's Cath- edral, Saturday morning Nov. 6, at 10.30 a. m, Folger and Boe have installed the following Delco-Light plants this month: Major R. J. Gell, Bowmanville. : Jas. Rose, Pickering Harry Purvis, Sunderland W. G.'Smith, Inniskillen Don, t fail to hear the Rev.-Dr. R. N. Burns, of Toronto at the Port Perry Methodist Church on Sunday Oct. 31st. BASEBALL Port Perry High School base- ball club opened the season aus- piciously in Lindsay on Thursday of last week, defeating L.C.IL 4-1. The whole team played like champions. Only four Lindsay player reached 1st base off Jack- son, one on an error, 2 walks and a scratch single which de- veloped into Lindsay's only run. Fat fanned the whole side in the second. In the last frame] with darkness settling down and nobody out, Campbell at 1st, Bowles saved the day for Port when he made a spectacular run- ning catch going back in the outfield for the fly, the man on first had meanwhile gone to second and Bowles made an 'easy double-play-- Raines with a double" and two singles, and 'Bowles and Art Brock with two {Singles a piece, lead the hitting. Stoddart was Lindsay's best, ~The score R: H. RES TinaY 8) % ay ( -1-0- ' ~ Jackson and Nesbitt ~..Wethrup and Stoddard 3 Nestleton + On the evening of Oct. 15th © the friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs. John Nesbitt gathered at their home to spend the even- ing pith 'them before their leav- i oy In the course of the even- accurately. |B R. BEN' ] ! Y, Opt. oh Port Perry, Ont. or their new home in Beth- we do not and we trust! that you may renew friendships 7, {and r admirati | Ban nn 0 od & Rk Church of The Avoinsion annual Bazaar and Hollows on u is year, on Kr October 29, in the Parish Hall Watch for further announcement ToNicuT Tomorrow Alright NR Tabl sick headaches : relieve xii tone dn gulate the eliminative s, make you feel fine. '"Better Than Pills For Liver Tis ® P. G. Morrison; Druggist Hallowe'en Bazaar The young people of the Church of the Ascension will hold their annual Bazaar in the Parish Hall Friday, October 29th at 5 p.m. Preparations are being made for a splendid display. Nothing will be sold before the bazaar opens. There will be a Fancy Work Booth--Used Book Stall-- Remembrance Table (supplied by old friends and former mem- | bers of the parish. : There will also be-- A Candy Booth Fish Pond Demonstration Booth (a new feature in charge of the Misses Cockburn). . Good programme. Supper served at 6 p.m. Admission to supper 50c. and 30c¢. , UTICA We regret to report the death of Mrs. Thos. Dyer after a short illness. Miss Elda Christie is home over the week end. : Miss Lida MeClintock of Grand Valley visiting at the residence of her sister Mrs. Frank Hortop at Utica. \ Mus: James Mitchell and her daughter are visiting at Mr Wm Rusnnell's residence. Mr, and Mrs. Waldon and fam- ily were visiting at the home of | . Mr. R. Wallace last week. - Mr. and-Mrs. Wm. Rusnell * and Son visiting at Mr. F. Sandison's ome. ; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reynolds with their family and also Mrs. John Taylor and family were vi siting at Mrs. George Howsam's residence on Sunday, 7% Bon Voyage © The following address explains itself: ! : Se To Mr H. S. White, Port Perry Dear Friend-A number of your friends in the 8 O.E. and Band have learned with pleasure that a trip to the you i enjoying Old Land--the land of your birth. hat memory has many pleasant es of your boyhood's home, tion of The Y. P. S. of the Church of the Ascension, will hold their pposite the Post T Meals and Lu Served at all hours. put up for tourists. I candies, cigars, tobacco, cigar- ream. Open Sundays Mrs. J. Stones. : nches ft drinks, and will keep parts Farm for Sale aa : Re on 8 i CoRR ; acres tillable land, | - : ; y balance pasture, plenty of water| P ORT PERRY df i Apply to William a RL Bowles, R. R. 1, P: 13, con 8, Reach. ors 5 16S HAZEL COCKBURN | at his blacksmith J. A. MURRAY Office above Rosé & Co. hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 'Farm for Sale TEACHER OF VIOLIN Box 79 Port Perry 140 acres (184 acres tillable) 6 Oe Frau Took Furs = bgt) | For Private Sale For sale by one or more stores in your town. acres hardwood bush, lot 81 in| . the 7th and 8th 'concessions of Darlington. "Two frame hauses, and two barns, orchard, smail fruits. For further particulars apply to J. H. Campbell on the premises, or at Enniskillen P,0. | t Si : | | W..C, Ferguson, lot 7, con 5, Cartwright, (one mile west of Blackstock) has for sale the fol- lowing stock. \ 4 steers rising 3 years, EXCELSIOR LIFE 4 Heifers, rising 3 years 2 Steers, 8 years old - 2 Heifers, 3 years old Roan Cow, 7 years, due in Nov - Spot Cow, 5 years, due in Oct year ol Siok and Accident ~ AUTOMOBILE - (Theft, Fire and Liability) GEO. R. DAVEY General Purpose Mate = Reg. Clydesdale Filly, 2 years Brown Driving Horse, 3 years 4 Oxford Down Ewes, 2 years eligible for registration 3 Oxford Down Ram Lambs Asthma RAZ-MAH ildi medy, put Bi sind py nd w BBE Dearest agent of King Went Tor i : y - Bell Phope 60 x0 Local Agent : _P. G. MORRISON Sale Register | J Auctioneers ; Ferrell, Darlington Geo. Jackson Ted: Jackson | Stray Sheep i wright Tp. g Sheen, Owner can eligible for registration "registered | The cattle are all grade short- horns of choice quality and in condition. The cows are right every way and good milk- ers. ' Having a pasture farm this stock must be disposed of be- Bell Phone, Port Perry 196 2-1 or Blackstock P.O. P : § "MISS ESTELLE BULL ~~ Teacher of PIANO AND VOICE W. A. BROWN - Port Perry, Ontario 'Brick-laying, Plastering ~~ and Contracting ~~ _ FIRST CLASS WORK Strayed to Lot 1 Con 1 Cart. | have same penises, Kpply to Torn Fam Egos - Smooth-running, econorical care for, - Run on kerosene | Add & Toronto Grain Grinder and a Toronto : pment. 'They, too, will earn money by your time--Save waste on your farm. Vu a _ All Toronto Products reach a splendid standard of quality. You should know more about them. Writefor our fre booklet UMP CO., Limit} '| ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & FAantic Ave, Toramth , Jno. 'H. Brown, Agent, Seagrave, W. J. COOK : Real Estate 300 acres, 8 room frame cottage, bath furnace, hard and soft water, stone cellar, house in best of repair and nearly new: | x 60, stone stable Suter and 62 acres, about 50 acres mbes; in th® Manvers, comprised of cedar, second growth pine. R 1 "Any Person wantin, gE" oh hip roof barn 100 all ~=~snt floors; barn no 2 hip. 4: stabling for 100 cattle, 21 horses, 2 silos timber sh 1 «8 pen, hen house, implement house and house in exchange. garage, spring creek, wells at barns, about This is a first-class farm nor stock, buildings and land extra Anyone wanting a good farm af reasonable price should look this over. Ya acre, double house at Myrtle, brick rooms on each side, 2 fu ble and drive house' 57 actes on county road, 'small: fra use in good repair; a 5 x 36 9 , cement floors, silo, wind- pén, orchard and 200 acres, Qartwright, 5 room fame hou onc ouse in good repair... Barn x # Reg Shorthorn Cow, 4 years, | lone sable under all; cement floors, stab. ue Oct. 4 2 + ling for 42 cattle an orses, Reg Shorthorn bull, roan one J6 x 36; drive house 36 x 20, also garage, 4 ! ' 180 acrés cultivated, balance timber sore - suitable for milling, small fruit, some bi hay barn spring or fall possessio: and ready for seeding. 100 acres, Lot 5, Con. 5, Picked mile from Kinsale, on County Road, known rm, large stone house, two x 2 stone stable, eement n, plowing done J acres. i Toom frame house, stone Tar a ivi cellar, barn 60 x 40-on t cement wall, stories, barn Bay Driving Horse, 5 years ! cement floor all through, drive house 36 x floors, 18 on 9 ft cement wall, separate root house P! € about 6 acres orc! 4 Oxford Dowh Ewes, 1 year, Fall possession ig pen 5 x 20; driv e house, 90 ac bw ha.d, 12 acres timber. tivated, Jevel land Sold oo , some bush. Sold sub. Tease "having about three years to run. Might ; ion. a five roomed house a: pérty. Terms and interest 23 acres timber, * "white ash and hemlock, all milling ti ber. stable on pro e five years to r ; Purchaser to hav 1 Oxford Down Ram, 3 years, timber. 100 acres about 30 r. oration of Port Pe state of répair, soil mos loan: y 150 acres just outside t Port Perry, 7 roomed brick roofed barn 70 x 33, on stone ing under all, cement floors, : : ody fram the Jcorp- 3% acres, 7 room frame cottage, in good ty uildings in fair huildings. and isa most desiral being close to o corporation of th Public and High Schools and only a short distance to tow. 6 acres in Port Perry, 5 room frame house, stone cellar, barn 30 x 40 on ce ment wall, also stable. Good orchard And loam, 25 'acres "bush, about fore winter. small frui oe pasture; : re an d two mile th bout 12 acres of Sabo gedar spruce, white Jone and onquon crosses . Priced Ra ah Propety 150 acres, 4% soil clay lly 9 = * 5 acres, 7 room brick vaneer house, hot of house 18x40, barn 40x36 on 7 f. ; Va Sere svchard fal pind Jxinies fruit Po) . | fencés in repair, soil sandy : close to town, church, school. All y ience. : oof cement tamarac, wall, iles plrom Por Perry, room frame house in ex- fam 10 wa n a cellant repair; 6 88x66, and horse barn 50 x cement stone wall, cement floors, foot x 56, drive house 40 x 20 his is a stalls, 2 box stalls, room room for 10 cattle 4 ho Possession Ist March. 192] 100 acres, lot 10, con 11, Reach, 11 barn roomed brick: stone foundation, x 45, stone wall, 9 actes in Corporation of Port Peny, room frame house. stone cellar, floor, cistern, frame barn 26 x 36 stone wall, henhouse 50 x 20. | comfortable home at a reasonabl 6, con. 3, Cartwright Tp. soil clay loam, frame house 7 rooms, - 50 x 30, stone stabling, drive house 50 x hardwood standing of steel, 7 horse in good repair, barn 100 _Wwater in stables, separate se, piggery, stabling 99 acres, 9 roomed solid brick house stone cellar under all, hip roéf barn one and cement wall 9. feet. t floors in stable, stablin 2 box stalls, stabling for t