THE F ord "Truck gives re merchants a great opport for business growth. It their training area. [t means motor transportation at he low cost--low first cost, low oper- Sa ating cost. : A small outlay will motorize your 7 | Qomming Prayer tam, | Ge deliveries and open to you. the op- | evering scvierie use suns | - day of each month at 7 vim. : rties. 1 portunity for business expansion. Soro NASIR | sin alas of We give you quick. and satisfac- ~~ fue oT Ants Dorsal" "Fob Serr. Ont | pe tory Ford service. i |" W. A SANGSTER |ces ors : arranged. Consult us as to the type of body I anted oA SORSBOX * | Thomas. i OFF L. G. Hall's .. which will best suit your need. PORT PERRY ~ ONTARIO Pio Port Perry, pore yu a EY ; Consult me for fiew work, ee : ] Get. Your Printing Done Serations or r repairs in the. build- At The Star Office line. First-class workman- aR : : ; Gl b guaranteed. Bell PB one 70. McKee & Hood | AllKinds of Live Tm . LOCAL DEALERS - PORT PERRY ONTARIO. Po 1 Itry ! ] io WANTED If you have any Farms for Sale ~~ Port Perry Houses for Sale | Sell to us and get The Charles Dean Farm, 258. acres in Eq The Spencer House, a! stable and BEST P RICES Darlington Township, price $11,000. 4 plenty of garden land. Hide nd" She The Miller farm, 145 acres on BrockRoad, = 2 New modern two sto! i frame ne house, : es | Pp in Brock Township. Price $14,000. ; every convenience, cen 500, Skins 'Wanted. 85 acre woodlot in Georgina Township. ~~ 3 Rebuilt story and a half Fh house. Price $5000. 51 : ; Price 2,200. : "TURNER BROS. Apply to W. H. Harris, Port Perry, Ontario ; Bell Phone 213 Ind. 1800 BATTERY DELCO: CHARGING | "Miawame How Labor Saving Means x We are now. ready to take care Money Saving. of all your automobile battery trouble. How valuables the fagmer's float = * What is it 'worth per 'hour? Thirty Our plant i 1s one of. the most up: to: 'cents? Fifty cents? A dollar? This tdate in the county and all our work Sens Soe ma wn ow. :s guaranteed. We have just. com. | onthe farm : It is "plain that the value of his Sime' pleted arrangements with the Willard | increases as the amount produced oe 2 his. efforts increases. Labor-saving de- Service Station at Oshawa to handle | vices such as the tractor. harvesting _{ . machine, hay fork, hay loader and many the famous Willard Battery and to | other have been introduced on the | : to increase production and cut dows the have all our repairs and service work labor cost. The .most t farmers in any community are' ~ done under the supervision of their "who keep instep with the