Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 28 Oct 1920, p. 3

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a © $0 many _ dinary push-plug sockets. Freneh. naturhlist and During the war he was in phabeaptive balloon, and says of birds and insects. he hig aerial craft were They not only came to but to He and he was 'thus able | to secure many rare' specimens. 3 Foley, ~ City, On . Snow, Norway, Me, Cliafles Whooten, Mulgrave, NS. R..0. Armstrong, Mulgrave, N.8. _ Landers, Sen, Pokemouche, | Despite the fact that' its existence has never occurred to 99 of 100, users of electricity, the present method of installing electric lighting fixtures in- | Yolves one serious disadvantage. The e fastened permanently, 0 walls and ceilings. In the , for example, interior decora- tions must often be planned around 'the illuminating units; when it would | be much better to arrange the fur- _nishings, and subsequently place the chandeliers and bracket lights, like old-fashioned kerosene lamps; wherever they may be most - fittingly installed. And this very flexibility 'has now | been made possible by the invention 'a new method of connecting wires and fixtures. Flush with the surface of walls and ceilings, are placed little receptacles which resemble the or- From the 'base of each bracket fixture project «two curved arms, like the claws of a hammer. To attach the fixture to any of the numerous wall receptacles, the claws are simply inserted into the slots, and the fixture 1s brought to regulate up colds and make oth i The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from: The Dr. Williamg® Medicine Co., 'Brockville, Ont. ----e psi Authors' Ships. " Attention has frequently 'been called to slips in fact 'made by gréat novel ists.' - Those who are wisest in the great things of life may need. to put in a detail involving some technical point on which they ure ignorant. Some of them, like Thackeray, whose method of work seed not, to have | been mincingly sarefyle went' astray on points of fact, which it is an in- nocent amusement to track down. In Rachael Esmond Warrington's préface to "Henry Esmond," which Thackeray. makes her aate 1778, she speaks of the coming of Rochambeau to this continent. ~ Rochambean did | mot come until 1780. Thackeray speaks in "Pendennis" jot. Mohammed's soldiers. cutting off the heads of all prisoners who would not acknowledge that there was but 'one prophet of God. The truth is, Mohammedans believe in all" the prophets of the Bible--Noah, Abra- ham, Moses, Jesus--only they believe that Mohammed is the . greatest. Thackeray should. have remembered this, for he had read Gibbon. . In the "Virginians" Chaplain Samp- son is unlawfully arrested for debt during divine service, 'Under the Eng- lish law this could not be. An old of- fender like Sampson would probably have known this much of the law, and would hardly have acepted the situation with the resigned question, "At whose suit, Simon?" ®, in "The Newcomers," ' asks; hy have we no picture of the en and her august consort?" The letter in which the question {8 asked is dated 183--. There was no prince consort until 1840. = Some persons think they have caught Defoe napping when he makes Robinson Crusoe fill his pockets with biscuits before he swinis to the wreck. But Defoe was a master of fact. Prob- ably Crusoe kept -on his short | breeches, , Sir Walter Besant, in "The Children of Gibeon," makes a new moon rise in the east at two in the morning. Tis 8: | the' 'old 'moon that rises in the morn: book 'holder, or, support, of recent ntion, interests unfailingly those have experienced the 'awkward. - Bible, dictionary or 'similar | bulky volume, - It, consists of a hori |. zontal roller bar, on elther side of which is a spring-mounted surface. 1 'these are laid the covers of the lle, or back, the right and | pages will always be level, the same helght above the ing. The new moon appears in the western sky and sets soon. after the out "Rider Haggard describes' in i, Solomon's Mines" an eclipse of the new moon, an astronomical im- possibility. : ri es No man ever got nervous 'prostra- tion pushing his business; you get it { only when the business pushes you. * Salesmen make path paths in the forests of prejudice which Yoo ly | nerve. ~ Thousands of Cinadian h housewives from day to "day on their are daily drawing more and more on their reserve. strength, . | knowing full well that they are using 'up that vital force which often means life or death in the crisis of disease. They are the victims of a feeling of 'hopeless' exhaustion after the per: formance of even the small tasks. which were once the simplest and | easiest parts of the day's work. They find the appetite failing, sleep is dis- 'turbed and unrefreshing; they lose weight, and always feel tired and dé- pressed. In this condition a blood- building tonic is needed to restore health and activity, and for this pur- pose Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are un- surpassed. Often the trouble will have progressed to a point which makes full recovery slow, but the treatment should be persisted in and renewed health and activity will be the result. The case of Mrs. W. Schooley, R.R. No. 2, THsonburg, Ont. well illus: trates the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cases of health breakdown, through weak, 'watery blood. Mrs. Schooley says: "For upwards of five years I felt my strength declining, un- around the place. Then a doctor was called in, and after doctoring abdut a month he said that only an operation would help me. I did not feel like go- ing through this, and decided that in any event I would wait a while, I had no appetite, often had headaches ac- companied by dizzy spells; several times I had fainting spells, and my legs would swell, and.I could not even sweep a floor without resting several times. Again a doctor was called -in and he said the trouble was general debility and nervous breakdown. The treatment, however, did not help me, and then one evening as my husband was reading the paper, he came across a casé in many respects similar to mine, cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The next day he got me a supply of the Pills, and to their continued faithful use for several months, I owe my present splendid health. I may say that soon after beginning the use of the pills I felt a gradual fmprovement in my con- dition, my appetite improved, I began to feel rested after a night's sleep and I gained in weight. My friends were continually expressing surprise at my improved condition, as it was general- ly believed I had become a chronic in- valid, 1 always take a delight in tell- ing them that Dr. Williams' Pink Pils -are. responsible for my present good health, and as they have been a real blessing to me I shall always continue to praise them." ' If you are suffering from any con- dition due to poor, watery blood, or weak nerves, begin taking Df. Wil liams' Pink Pills now, and note how your strength and health will improve. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or they will be sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.30 by The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co; - Brockville, Ont. 3 a Rough on Nelson, . It' was his first trip to London, al- though he was no longer young. But he thoroughly enjoyed the sights and sounds of the busy London streets. In fact, since he came from 'the other side of the border, he enjoyed. these more. than the. cinemas and theatres, where you have 6 pay to 0, in. } One afternoon he lingered to listen " [to a small but 'hard- -working band of alleged musicians who were perform. side street. | ing | one time possessed of an opal which | tonso XII. presented an opal ring to {the Queen, Mercedes, on their wed- in-law, the Infanta Christina, who also til at last I could not do light chores | elous stones, . The Royal family of Spain. was at they considered 'brought them such bad luck that they eventually got rid bof 'it. The story goes that King: Al- ding day, and she died shortly after- 'wards. He then gave it to his sister died very soon after her acceptance of the gift. The King then wore it him- self, and he, too, was in his grave within a brief period. After the King's death, nobody seemed very anxious to wear the opal 'ring, so the Queen Regent hung it round the neck of the Virgin of the Almudena, at Madrid. The onyx. was at one time credited 'with malignant powers, the superst!- tious folk of the Middle Ages believ- ing that anyone wearing an onyx would be visited by evil spirits at night, and have troubled dreams. The Hindoos have a great affection for the cat's-eye, which, they say, greatly strengthens the financial 'posi tion of its wearer. Among the Brah- mins the ruby is a very favorita jewel, as they imagine it acts as a charm against fire, 'The turquoise has been credited with many powers. It is suposed to cheer the spirits of its wearer, and it is also said that, if he sustains a fall, the stone will itself crack, and by its magical influence ward off any injury or fracture to his bones. am Live Stock Show. It is said that the proof of the pud- ding is In the eating, and this very aptly applies and is proven in the price received for the best finished live stock at the Toronto Fat Stock Show. In the 1919 show as high as 6c. per lb., live weight, was paid by auction for cattle, b60c. per Ib. for hogs, and 4lc. per 1b. for lambs. Quality always brings a premium. The attention of the readers is direct- ed to the Eleventh Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show, to be held at the Union Stock Yards, December 9th and 10th, 1920, ten fl essai. Submarine Films. Annette Kellermann, the aquatic star, will present in her next film play scenes under water, in one of which, as the heroine, she engages in a thrill- ing struggle with the villain, The subaqueous pictures are taken with the help of a steel chamber, con- taining camera and camera man, which is lowered into the water. A porthole covered with thick glass, in front of which the action takes place, serves the photographic purpose. . : ° yh Preserving Boots and Shoes. Now that boots are so expensive, find that it is well to use the bottle of olive ofl for something besides salad making, I keep a small bottle of the ofl in my bedroom closet and every week I dip a small piece of ffannel in the oil. and rub my black boots thoroughly with it. Keeps leather from breaking. Minard's Liniment For Dandruff. If a man empties his purse into his head 'no man can take it from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.--Franklin. Lite i is made up, not of great sacri- fices or duties, but of little things in which smiles and kindness and small' obligations, given habitually, are what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort.--Humphry Davy. "CASCARETS "They! Work while you Sleep" growling around like a cross . You are constipated, bilious, 'what you need is Cascarets to- x for ; Fa to dress as one ought." * "Oh I don't know. I have a suit of clothes for every day in the week." "Really? "Yes, this is it." Unnatural Flavor. i | Regalia. a Te Sorell 5 tty ay ears country | superstitions in connection ge pre: friend who is trying to run & model chicken farm, The girl was much in- terested in all that was shown her, particularly a line of incubators, in front of which she made this observa: (tion: "So you have incubators? Very nice, indeed; but I am afraid that arti- ficfal chickens can never taste like natural ones." Staves. "Well, how would you like to live in the city?" Farmer Iargraves was asked as he returned from an urban visit. | "Not at all," was his emphatic re- sponse. "There ain't no liberty in the city. Why, city people can't cross a street until a policeman blows a whistle." Not Quite Lost, The little chap howled sorrowfully until quite a crowd had collected. 'What is the matter, little fellow?" one asked kindly. "I'm lost," was the reply. "Won't all of you take me home 'to Moses Einstein's, the well-known cut-rate merchant on Broad Street, who has Just received a new lot of finest over- coats, suits and gents' furnishings, which he is selling actually at less than cost?" ------e fees MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money back. A soldier presented himself at the commonwealth treasury in Melbourne, Australia, and said: "I am a £20 note and want to be cashed." He said that he had swallowed the note 'at Fleurbaix when he expected to be cap- tured. He remembered the number, and the note in question turned out to be the only one missing from a par- ticular issue which had been recalled. The man received a new note. "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents buys "Danderine." Af- ter an application of "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or any dand- ruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. Write gfor Price List al down fuel ills, Soe winter The HALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited HAMILTON FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS CANADA § on > finds it difficult ots times | quire, as way 1"--0. W. Holm Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemper i True Iriendship in marriage is an of soul qualities. - "MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs™ Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only--look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stom- ach, liver and bowels, Children love its fruity taste. I'ull directions on each bottle. You must say "Call fornia." CUTIGURA HEALED ITCHING ECZEMA On Little Boy's Face, In Blisters. Lost Sleep, "My little boy had eczema on his with red blotches, and his face almost like raw , and ters. The blisters broke oN and caused his face to become sore. Ointment. In a short time all of the eczema were gone." Fo Mre. Z. Alexander, Box Make Cuticura Soa ointment snd Talcum your dally toilet preparations ai 3 shaves mug. AIR Xou can just tell by | tell by its healihiyy stimulating .odor, that is HF I only had some Sloan's Lini= ment!" How often you've said that! And then when the rheu~ suffering--you forgot it! Don't do it again--get a bottle fo« @ay and keep it handy for possible use face, at it caused ftching and loss then it broke out in blis- "Then I used Cuticura Creek, Mont. , January 21, 1919, USE SLOAN'S TO going to do you Fb matic twinge subsided--after hours of tonight! A sudden tack may come |. on--sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles, backache, stiff joints, neuralgia, the pains and aches resulting from ex ure. You'll soon find warmth an lief in Sloan's, the liniment that ee trates without rubbing, Clean, econome ical. Three sizes--35¢, 70c, $1.40 Sloan Liniment(: ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at' All without the "Bayer Cross" of "ages Tablets of Aspirin" which ropes directions for Colds,

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