San an arrived § Some a $30 mont s in Eng-{the 'with the TC of a short stormy spell. . "he enjoy the, rip up the St. wrence, appreciates the welcome % les is return, . Mr. Smallman wishes to an- .nounce that he will resume bus. ~iness this week. Hallowe'en It is said that Hallowe'en was originated by the witches who found that all the days in the year had been taken by the 'many saints, except Oct. 31st, and application was made to the Pope to set aside this day for He it ohes. The request was "Evidently celebration of witch- es day or Hallowe'en has been popular for many years. If you got any group of old men toget- r they can tell you of pranks i in their boyhood days and these escapades have a glamor Shout them, for the bitterness Shey caused has died out and ing but the overflowing life ; that caused the mischief is re- membered. There are different sorts of tricks--some funny and harm- less--some mean and at times cruel, The line between fun and meanness is at times fiue, but tke "true sporting spirit will recog- ig it, and not carry a joke too his year on school' came in for a full share of attention. It would be well to remember that burglary even in fun is a da gerous pastime. Locked d are not to be opened without |: permission, and it is quite pos- sible that the guardians of school property may become so incensed that the young fellows may find themselves in an awkward po- sition and what was started in fun may end in sorrow. In a couple of instances other locked doors were opened, and ,some of the contents of build- ings were removed, Stones were thrown at one man who tried to take care of property of which he was in charge. The addition to the ; buildings § in the vicinity of the Post Office was most marked. Gates, fences and movable goods were treated in the usual man- ner. There was evidently-- 'something doing all the time" It is unfortunate that in some instances, good sense and fair- ness were forgotten. Two cars of coal in. 2P.Figary, Coal dealer. APPLES FOR SALE I have for sale a quantity of apples." Save money and labor by coming soon and getting them in orchard before I remove them to seller. D. E. Ianson, Green- bank. : Bell Phone, Uxbridge. Hallowe'en Bazaar he annual Hallowe'en bazaar pder the auspices of the Young ples Society of 'the *Church the Ascension, was held on iday evening of last week, and was larger and more successful than ever before. The Parish Hall was trans- formed into various attractively -@ecorated booths. and the vis- itors were delighted by several new features, one of which, the the Sample and Demonstration booth conducted by the Misses : Cockburn, offered many barg- no candy stall, with its - Charming black and orange dec- E grakions was in jShargeof ~ bers of the Junior 1d. 3 anige Tree and Fish Pond The a thriving business A corner was the Table, dedorated Violet and silver, where many thei in Ses, ring former a very pleasant voyage Particularly did| | Son of Mr. and b son Scugog, the marriage tak-|- and . gifts] pions. e up when| LR. De Opt. Port Perry, Ont. roi ay Can the husband do the wash- ing? Come to the demonstrat- ion on November 6th. and see how easy it is. Folger & Boe. _ In lovin " mamaty of thy dear mother, Mir. Joseph Wright, who died November] Some day, some time, out e: es shall see, The facé + we loved so wel ar day our hand shall aop in her's And*hever bid] arewell. The he Sowers we ley upa Spon the grave. May wither an But the love for her, i sleeps beneath, ill never fade away. Daughter, Mrs. Kirby, husband and family Methodist Church Nov. 7, 1920--Fellowship 10 a.m Preahing service 11 a.m.,follow- ed by communion service. Pub- lic worship at 7 p.m. rant. i Buy your Templeton's Cap- sules at P. G. Morrison's drug store. T. R. C's for Rheumatism ete., Raz-Mah for Asthma. Re- lief guaranteed. Announcement The engagement is announced fo Annie Irene, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T Dobson to Mr. W. Allan Jackson only rs. Wm. Jack- ing place quietly this month. Stray Sheep A stray sheep came to my premises; lot 5, con 6, Reach, about October 18th. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Charles Howsam Cow for Sale Fresh milch cow. Apply to Mrs: M. Lowry, lot 23, con 11, Reach, Seagrave P. O . Clerks Notice of the First Posting of Voters List : Voters' Lists of the Village of Port Perry in the County of Ont. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of The Ontario Voters' Lists Act the copies required by. said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pur- suant to the said Act, of all per- sons appearing by the last re- vised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitl to vote in the said Municipalit at Municipal Elections; and that the said list was first posted up at my office on the Nineteenth day of October, 1920 and re- 'mains there for in§pection. Electors are called upon to ex- amine the said list, and, if any omissions or any other A£rrors are found therein, to take im- mediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Wm. H. Har: - Clerk of aed ® Village of Port Perry Dated at Port Perry this, Twen- ty-Seventh day of October, 1920 are 'A. E Rogerson, "Prop. 600D MODERN SERVICE| You can recomniend the St. arles to your frien We know we can 'please you in 'hotel accom- modation. For sale by one or more stores in your town. Price 75c. / INSURANCE EXCELSIOR LIFE EIRE Sick and Accident AUTOMOBILE (Theft, Fire and Liability) GEO. R. DAVEY AGENT PORT PERRY wishes to aniidunce that he has taken over the local |, Agency 7 , and will kee parts. his' blacksmith shop in "PORT PERRY. "| Maser Haris I~ {ono our list for sale. = Also ice format) oi for either 'Navy "| property. Parties looking for Would do well toysee . McKEE & FERGUSON, Real Estate Agents. . McCaw Block Phone 152 ~W. A. BROWN _ AT.C.M.and A.O.C. M. Teacher of Piano Bell Phone 75 x 2 F lorence M. Cook Sept. : 'Port Perry, Ontario - Brick-laying, Plastering - and Contracting FIRST CLASS WORK 4 : a © "Office above ri & Co. hours, 9 a.m. Lo. 6 p.m. a Phong 93 Miss ESTELLE BULL "Teach PIANO A D void ? _ Bell Phone 60 Farms for Price $5000. ESTIMATE - OF © TYPHUS, CASES," 1920, : 280,000 Lis i f 1 The Charles Dean Farm, 258 acres in Darlington Township, price $11,000. 2 The Miller farm, 145. acres on Brock Road, in Brock Township. - Price $14,000. 8 85 acre woodlot "in Georgina Township Sale i 1 2 3 IN THE GREAT - TERRITORY. ENC FOOD. FUEL. PTION, - vioL THE - PEOPLE ARE - HUMAN - HELPLESS? UKRAINE. IN - SOME * VILLAGES - HALF : TH| "THE-LINES -A-B, CD THERE 5 ARK TYPHUS, CONSUMP SMALL - vioLenct. RAGING "IN - "UNCHECKED. Port Perry Houses for Sale The Spencer House; fruit, stable and plenty of garden land. $2,000. New mdderh two story frame 8. house, every convenience, central. Rebuilt story and-a half frame house. Price:$2,200. ¥ Apply to W. H. Harris, Port Perry, Ontario $3,500. On . MEDICAL SUPPLIES: CLOTHING. DOCTORS. NURSES. HOSPITAL - ACCOMMODATION. -AND + THE -CHILDREN -ARE 'THE -GREATEST - ' ELEVEN * MILLIONS -OF - THEM - AE" AR WAR « ORPHANS. : |] SO - BESET - WITH MISERY - THAT - +THEY - ARE - 2G PEOPLE * ILL "AT : THE ' SAME - TIME, 187,000 08/ BOTH: ROUMANIA . TUBERCULOSIS - Si ALARMINGLY : SMALL -POX®" " REPORTED.» PREVALENT + na BULGARIA. . Study this Map. It tells--_but only partly tells--the Story of Misery in Central Europe. Within the great territory bet ] destitute . children are doomed to grow up weak and deformed fers ot want of : fats, milk and sugar, unless immediate help comes from without - Lt HERBERT ' HOOVER. invited to speek at a meeting. said : : the black lines m sof «. Canadian Red Cross