d= ~~. .. and are lined with plaid cotton flan- Price to olear 500 nel. Sizes 26t0 2 $6.50 to $7.00 Men's and Boys' Winter Mitts Youth's Work Mitts RA de | {ELE 2 Men's pullover made with WNIT buckskin face and pigskin bbed yarn wrist. Price 86c,. Men's Rubber Collars 'We have a few dozen rubber collars > Styles which we have ceased to stock Worth to-day 40c.' To clear 19¢ i 7 wigs Retails . : over woolen mitts. Price $1.50 Solid Buckskin Pullovers A dandy mitt for driving made throughout of genuine buckskin and finished with elastic wrist. Can be used over fine mitts or gloves. . 8 ~ Per pair $2.50 ~ White or Grey Cotton' Blankets, $3.95 JR These blankets are made of heavy grade flannelette » and come in the 11/4 size or about 68 inches by 75 inches. : Le be had in grey or white with blue or pink striped borders . Per pair $3.95 November Delineator >of ' conn ped " 4 ! Pullovers, $1.50 3p i "back. - Made large to wear - Regular $40.00 suits for $35.00 2 This reduction does not apply to all men's suits, but only to the ultra fashionable m dels for young men, ~The coats of these suits are cut with semi fitted back and trim- { med with belt and fancy pockets. The $45.00 suit is made op Sfom pure" woul homespun in a navy mixture, while "the $40.00 suit is made of all wool homespun ina grey color and . rough finish. Navy Mixture, $45.00 for $40.00 Grey Mixtuae, $40.00 for $35.00 ~ Sale of Men's Paramtta Raincoats ig hese raincoats are made of double texture paramatta cloth and are guaranteed waterproof. They can be ~. worn over a cloth coat or sweated as a protection against rain or wind. Men's wat ost ado 22.00 . en 8 waterprool coat made of double texture paramatta cloth in f shade. Material is cotton. Price $8.00 ; Paramans oot Jn fawn . AT $10.00 Made up of similar-cloth as the $8.00 cloth only cloth outside i _ lining is cotton. Price $10.00. ye Suiside iz wool and AT $12.00 These coats were imported direct from England and are made of fine twilled wool paramatta cloth with choice of fine quality lining or heavy velonr for winter wear. Price $12.00. Butterick Fall Quarterly Ne | A Way to Compare Cars That makes a wise choice certain I ONE of the great delusions that has often prevented a \ judicious choice of a motor, car lies in the seeming - simplicity of selection. ; {i Nothing is more 'dangerous than an abstract comparison. | "And nothing more needless. ~~ But strangely enough, in the midst of a giant industry voted for progressive waysy there has been no standardized ~ method of demonstration. ° : : j Every Chevrolet dealer is now selling the Chevrolet on | the basis of demonstration. No high-falutin' nor super || heated atmostphere. No hearsay. No supetficialities. any other car to such tests and make your decision from result ~ We are sure you will choose the' Chevrolet, | : \ 'W. J. Cook - Real Estate THE . i A large list of farms for sale in 9' oT je : Ontario County. Some city property | Farmers Millin Co [for exchange or sale, alsb Western ® !land. "My list includes some rare| LIMITED Will be pleased to book your order for OIL CAKE MEAL and COTTON SEED MEAL for winter use. ; bargains. Wiite or phone me before : buying, Cohimunicate with W J Cook, {R.R. No 2, Port Perry, or Beli Phone J 107 r 2 2, or Independent Phone 406 Sale Register Geo. Jackson Ted. Jackson Nov 11--R. B. Gillies. Pontypool ** 12--T J Carscadden, Orono * 15--Mr. Stapleton, Orono ** 24--Wes Heard, Ashburn \ } Auctioneers We will carry a full line of all kinds of feed at close prices. We handle Brantford Roof- Dec. 8-Geo. McHoull, Lakefield ing Paper, also waterproof and fireproof | I Cameron Lisuey Roofing Paint. 'It stops all leaks and pre- anstone, Deagrave he : . TER ore Bathe serves the Foot tin or paper. Try it and ; Jan'y 26--Shorthorn Breeders', Peterboro e convinced ' ' | Feb 21--R., Sisson, Bethany Mar. 15--E. Rinch, Orono | {Utica Methodist Church { Anniversary will'be held Sunday and Monday, Nov. Tand 8. On Monday evening a four act play --*"The Deacon's Tribulations," :--will*be given by the Sandford Permanent Players. Supper will {be served; and orchestra and 'other music will be provided. x hours thorough enjoyment wil be given by a company of 18. THE FARMERS' UNION MILLING COMPANY, LTD. PORT PERRY ONTARIO ~ COAL! COAL! . We invite requests to demonstrate the Chevrolet, then MYRTLE STATION LIVERY | JOHN BURNS, Jr, Proprietor | Bell Phone, Port Perry 121 ¢ 5 I '1 car Nutand 1 car egg just arrived Commercial Work a Specialty 4 wiikey «=P. FIGARY 72°" Port Perry = Who Can Beat This? 3 | Mr. Chas. Wells brought an [S500 large white carrot to the | off Hogg & Lytle this "week. The carrot was 16 inches ; «at top, 21 inches long and ~ weighed 6 pounds. Mr. Secifed thes seed in British Col unusually A Box of our high i grade chocolates The whole crop was an » ' Lode = is a parcel of pure delight. A Ygvuy one. Whether tied with igs, : . : fruit or nuts, they are just . perfect in flavor and satidy either for yourself or friena. No more. U pay you can get no finer 3 1 a Can ot. SE Mes iE