Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 4 Nov 1920, p. 7

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With a new Norwegian e process for obtaining salt from water it is estimated thdt each watt-year of power will produce 'tons of salt, besides useful condensed brine. Professor-- 'What is density?" Student--*1 can't define it, but I can give a good illustration." "Professor ~-- "The illustration good, sit down." mt A Between Friends. "Say, old' man, tell the truth now; are you not a bit jealous of your wife?" the guest asked as they plac- idly enjoyed the after-dinner cigars. "Well," his old-time friend and host admitted, "I am frank to say that I am. , It is for that reason that I nevar invite to the housé any one whom a woman of the least sense or taste could possibly take a fancy to." X Inquisitive. The precocious infant had just re- turned from his first day at school, re- gistering intense ennui. The anxious family gathered around. Ai "Donald," asked his mother, "what did you learn to-day?" "Nothing." is out constipation and indigestion, Solds: 10, gpl, fears. ug teath- 'MInare's LIntment Relieves Sleep with the windows wide with plenty of warm covers on bed, as a cure for anaemia and that "tired feeling" you so often have when you awake in the morning. "FREEZONE" Lift Off Corns! n, ever without them They have always given the greatest satisfaction and I can gladly recom- and | Mend them to all mothers of little ones." - The Tablets are sold by medi-] 'elne oi or direct by mail at 26 _ Headaches and 'backaches, 'loss of Cents a 'from The Dr, Willlams appetite, poor digestion, nervousness, | | Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, - Pimples ass unsightly biotenes on fe fp, ay a skin, icate that the blood . "Infl y a Drawback. - become impure--that it is not doing | a ye handicap any its appointed work. If this condition " is not remedied it will grow worse and | Jour 5,1" 40 have." says the presi. worse, and a complete breakdown will to make Ain = ted not- ery i To | himself to his full capacity and has a bad effect upon him. When other | workmen learn that one of their num- it th moras gh fine, ye comet's tail," pridefully, ~~ |body, and poor in "quality it cannot do natural work of feed e brain and the result is weakness An e storm, pH meet the oouriss m™ blared nearer through the hills; A sudden, passing drench of rain |' 2 Ik off the window sills; Nanchine forks fire . downward from the sky; No Pain! . 1 wish that there were some worden Called the Land of Beginaing Again, Where all our mistakes and all our , heart-aches And all our poor selfish grief ol. 23 : _ "For. the comrate 'he's Etaddott to | hai : Could be dropped like a shabby coat ~~ at the door _ And never be put on again. svish We could come on. it all uns d I wish that the one whoin our blindness had done : The greatest injustice of all Could be at the gates, like an old friend that waits . We could find all Whe. hia we. in- tended to do, ~ But forgot and remembered too late, | Little: 'praises unspoken, ' little = pro mises broken, and .one deall thousand a TA duties neglected that might have perfected The day for one less fortunate, It wouldn't be possible not to be kind In the land of Beginning Again; And the ones we misjudged and the ones whom we grudged ~ Their moments of victory here '. In the Land of Beginning Again. S----p Would find in the grasp of our loving i hand clasp . More -than penitent lips could ex- . plain, For what had been hardest we'd know ; had been best, . And what had Seemed lost would be - gain; For there isn't a sting that will not take wing * When we've faced it and laughed it : away; 3 And I think that the laughter is most what we" re after In a Curious Predicament. 'wo yeafs ago a Gérman prisoner of r named Hopp was tried hy court- martial for the murder, in atrocious circumstances, of a farmer's wife and daughter. He was condemned to death, but it is now found that he can- 'not be executed, and it would seem that he will have to wait fn, prison all his life as a condemned man' whose entence can neither be remitted nor ed out. In the Berne _convention 8 the Allies. 0 larry out sentences on prison- of. war, t was meant to insert in treaty a clause enabling tha ¢ "deal with flagrant crimes, | a the last moment it was omitted. Ob, somewhere there are neighbors | yet). Black homes winked into .| As word and answer | | Stretched out' until her skimming 4 healthy firs yielded sugar. {never he a. and sprawled before. a door, "Twas 'then the heavens severed be- fore one rending blade; | And in a moment more the wires. rang 'out a call for ald. hedght aped across the tumult of the night; . And readily, as yesterday they stopped . .to swap a yarn, _ Now, man and boy, old Michael's friends turned out to save his barn. The clouds were rose and orange and flying swirls of flame. First, coatless, hatless, swift of foot, "young Donald running came; Then Martin Bain came riding down, 'Moonflower, his little gray, length against the turnpike lay; Tom| Asher's muddy-geared machine brought up a willing load; And Dillon on his white-faced roan came pounding up the road. In scanty clothes old Michael the rain and wind defied; Stood with his "silver. 'hair asline, a horse on either side. Behind him blazed his ruined barn, a bursting, glowing flame, He did not seem to see them there un- I til they called his name, And "Michael, did you save the car?" "T'was Dillon raised the shout; "The car be hanged!" he. answered back. "I got me hordes out." O Sugar! Long before the white man came to North America, the Indians of British Columbia had a white sugar derived from the foliage of 'the Douglas fir tree. Prof. John Davidson, University of British Columbia, assisted by James Teit, has given ug the results of his study of sugar-bearing fir trees. The sugar appears in small white masses and in small flakes, It is quite hard and dry, not at all sticky, and tastes like a high quality of refined sugar. . At first Professor Davidson thought that the sugar appeared as the result Jot aphides which punctured the foli- age. But he soon discovered that in- sects were not present and that only He therefore came to the correct "| conclusion that the phenomenon was the result of atmospheric causes. In the" dry-belt region the abundant sun- shine produces an excess of carbohy- drates. Moreover, the same abundant sun so heats the ground that there is great pressure in the roots of the fir trees even at night." As a result the | leaves become water gorged and ex- 'ude water through tneir tips. This water is quickly evaporated and 'the sugar is left. Though the Douglas fir trees will dependable source of sup-| ply for sugar, the sugar will always be valuable to chemists and phy- siclans. eee ites. - Portugal's clima is. much milde than that of Spain ; : The is to make | rich 'blood, which reaches every ringing with it new | © vitality. | vb to the bene-| fit they have fc ros in the use of Dr.| Williams' Pink Pills when run down in health. Among these is Mrs. Ber-| tha Kendall, Darling Avenue, Toronto, | who says: --In the summer of 1918 I was in poor health. My appetite was variable, and I was Weak and unfit for |: work, and I-suffered a great deal from nervous headache and palpita- tion of the heart. A lady friend re- commended Dr, Williams Pink Pills, which' I used with splendid results, as by the time I had taken six hoxes I felt like a new woman, 'I think Dr. Williams Pink Pills are worth their 'ber has a pull with somebody higher | up they look at him askance and the due favors and push him into a posi- 'the boss is of a different stamp, he case of favoritism. ithe whole organization. young engineer or college graduate or anybody else comes to me agking for a leter to enable him to get a job at tour works I say to him Just what I fhave said. here. 'effect upon these other men fs bad. Then the foreman, or whoever is over him, will either show him un- tion for which he is not fitted, or, if 'will hesitate to promote him even who wanted to know how to spell cat, 80 I told her. That's all." 000,000,000 duning the war and owes 36,000,000,000 francs according to the present rate of exchange. "What, -nothing at all?" . ; "Nope; there was a woman there -0-- The United States lent ¥ $3,- nce 'when he deserves it because the boss 'knows the others will think it is a The effect, is bad 'upon When any therefore, weight in gold to every nervous, sick |. woman, as they cure quickly and save |: doctor bills." Dr. Williams Pink Pills may be had fram any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or 6 boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ------ ani Growing Old. At six--I well remember when-- I fancied all folks old at ten. But when I'd turned my. first decade, | Fifteen appeared more truly staid. pT But when the fifteenth round I' drun, I thought none old till twenty"bne, Then, oddly, when I'd reafhed that age, I held that thirty made folks sage. But when my thirtieth was told, I said, "At twoscore men grow old!" Yet twoscore came and found me thrifty, And so I drew the line at fifty. But when swore, None could be old until three score! I'd reached that age, I And here I am at sixty now, As young as when at six, I trow! 'Tis true, my hair is somewhat gray, And that I use a cane to-day; "Tis true these rogues about my knee Say "Grandpa" when they speak to me; But, bless your soul, Im young as when I thought all people-old at ten! Perhaps' a little wiser grown-- Perhaps some old illusions flown; But wondering still, while years have rolled, When is it that a man grows old? el tn MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars cests three cents, --b een. Mining is an ancient art, being men- tioned in the Bible; while a-gold-mine| is depicted in an ancient Egyptian papyrus drawn in 1400 B.C. * Se fps Minard's Liniment For Dandruf, risen Akad Endowed Flagstaffs. "For a long time England p the only endowed flagstaff . in the world," that belonging 5 the Royal a of MINARD'S LINIMENT from a | Toronto hiouse at a very low price, and have it labeled his own product. one we have yet seen of the many that 'every Tom, Dick and Hurry has tried to introduce. you will get it. each Dottie. You 'must say "Call A merchant can obtain an imitation This greasy imitation is the poorest Ask for MINARD'S LINIMENT: and Vatican's Print Shop. The Vatican possesses one of the finest printing establishments in the 'world. It was founded in 1826, and only one year afterward already pos- sessed the characters of 23 different languages. Save time by a daily and weekly plan for housework, by simple living, by convenient workrooms, by efficient utensils. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California". Syrup..of Figs |. only--look forthe name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most Larmless physic for the little stom- ach, liver and bowels. Children love its y taste. Tull directions on "DANDERINE" Girls! Save Your Hair! Make It Abundant! Immediately 'after a "Danderine" massage, your hair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appear- ing twice as heavy and plentiful, be- causé each hair seems to fluff and thicken, Don't let your hair stay life- less, colorless, plain or scraggly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, beauti- ful hair. A 3b-cent bottle" of delightful "Dan- derine" freshens your scalp checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimu- lating '"beauty-tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful bright- ness and abundant thickness--All druggists! AWsite for Pr Hg re be losure winter IDAY cOmEty, Limited FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS CANADA The HA HAMILTON urers. Fortunes have le from simple ideas. 'Patent Protection" booklet and] | "Proof of Conception" on request. HAROLD C. SHIPMAN & CO. _ PATENT ATTORNEYS . ; Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, instant. ly that corn stops hurting, then short ly you can lift it right off 'with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle ot "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal luses, without soreness or irritation. Give Cuticura the GC. Care Of Your Skin And watch that troublesome erup- tion disappear. spe with Cuti- cura Soap, nary and apply Cuticura Ointment, or eczemas, rashes, itchings, etc., they are wonderful, ng so insures a clear skin and good hair as making Cuticura your Svea toilet preparations. EEEhE MSOCIOEIOOCIOEE A Cure for Bad Breath "Bad breath is a sign of decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean bowel." If your tecth are good, look to your digestive organs at once. &ot Selgel's Curative Syrup at druggists. 15 to 30 drops after clean up your food passage stop the bad breath ador. 50c, and $1.00 Bottles. Do not buy substitutes. Get the genuine. 6 IOOEUBEICTICCIOCH KN America's Pioneer Dog Remedies .. Bbok on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress PEL the Author. =H. Cla. lover Co., Inc, ns est 31st Btreet ew York, U.S.A. ONLY TABLETS MARKED _ ARE "ASPIRIN "BAYER" Ct Tm Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" For Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Tooth- 1 _ Headach e, Earache. tis, take Aspiin marked with the Bi ey thn | acid. and i , Sciatica, Neu- a udm SESE t is well ie public GEA imitations, b their general rage mark, the "Bayer Cross,

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