to give ond 10 yive varie Wine poy : Aw wondertal range from whith to make. a 2% & > in in feecolined and hig bay om bought t anywhere | open yr hearts freely . mW and 50 I say me "God Bless CHRISTMAS ER Christmas Fair "Itis reported that eight tons poultr from | Offi gt ood tase woah Stier rom | ter the the | ¥ well within | le the i ohaply well w. ran rom 26¢ a lb. for undrawn L er to 50c. a lb. for tw Lit Ls It re |r { « {must be ve sportin | Single Driver, o keys; it is evident that t ue of pri ran up She | thousands of doHars. "The showing of horses was 3] ot as large as might have been, | but it is not, easy to tell what could be don® to i fojmprove matters in this res fter all there . spirit before exhibits of this kind can be numerous. It would not be possible to put up prizes large enough to PAY the exhibitors for the trouble of 'Preparing the exhibits. THE PRIZE WINNERS Single Iulve Driven | farmers only, Parish 2 J Murray, 3 Fea Whitfield a Pay illiam Anderson, 8J Murray, 4 wa Whitt Gents' Turnout--1 Ww Anderson, 2] Murray ion Team--1 Orville cultural Team--1 . 2 J Clarkson: Tukey Male, 1920--1 Mrs Frank ey Hon, and 2 Mrs Frank] hes Fara G2} Mrs N Taylor |apeners Ctiarles Dickens . Provincial Police , The following letter was sent out by the Attorney Geueral's ice and expjains itself. « In order to assist in the prompt and $a - admin arranging to a Provin- cial Constable under the direct- ion of the Crown Atomey. It will be the duty of this of- ficer to attend, under the di- rection of the Crown Attorney, ©| to police work in connection with | H all parts of the County wher-|L ever- there is no Police Force: In. cities and towns having a force, while, of course it is the Provincial Officer's duty to give what assistance is necessary, he will not relieve the Local Police of their duty or interfere with their activities, It will be his duty to: enforce the Criminal Code, the Ontario Temperance Act and any Pro- vineial Statutes, but not of course Municipal By-laws, which of necessity will be left to the Muniei en It is hoped that the appointment of these: officers wil result in a greatly improved Sdininistration of Justice, especially in the rural districts. All com mplaints of criminal offences, fences against the 0. T. A or offences against other brovincial Statutes should be made to the Crown Attorney who is responsible for the enforcement of the law in this County. h School The Hi Play. Congra ulations are certainly due to all 'who helped to make the play the great success that In resentation, in ] in staging, the oo was 11 that could be Gesir. The acting did credit to the students, and the make-up and scenery ga Svidence of unusual A players have ty which requires t 25a 'histrionic worth the onsible for in MEMORIAM | i old Brindle, a sembs You broke my purse long, lon, --A Co Testor Reach Council The final meeting of the mun: | icipal. Council of 'the Tp. of sh for the year 1920 was held on Wednesday 15th inst. All members present. The princi the passing of accounts to set- tle up the business for the ecur- rent year. A by-law was pas- sed naming the place where the nomination will be held and ap- pointing Deputy Returning Of- ficers and Poll Clerks, to take the vote of the electors in the event of a poll being required to form a Couneil for the ensuing year. The Council decided to pay 50¢ per hour for man and team, 25¢ per hour for man shovelling to keep the roads open during the winter months. ACCOUNTS PASSED Alex, Me(iregor. gravel and, re- fund s 1; $23 Drs. Archer & Oho. attend. ance on Fred Hope, .00 Treas, of Uxbridge Tp., boun- 1920; R. Darer, filling culvert, con. A. A! Claughton, bal. for grad- ing $12.25 Dantley putting in culvert oon 4 $13.5 g and Lytle cement, $15.10 tt, ditching $10.00 Wm. P Phoenix, gravel $15 45 Jas. Fishley bonus W.F., $7.00 Wm, Thomas, gravel, $37. 76 W.F. Crozier. postage, $14.00 Jno. Masters teaming $13.50 Geo. Lee $4.00 shov snow Frank Welsh rep culvert econ 12 $18.95 Jas. rd gravel. and grad. Robt Palmer, gravelling Div. 39 Stanley Croxall. gravel $10.65 Jas. Leask; bal. as road supt. $65.00 Geo, Smith, gravel $42.60 Geo. Smith, gravelling, S50 00 Ed. Acton, gravel, $13.06 Ed, Bryant, gravelling Div 58, $68.90 W G Real, gradin ng div 62, $30 Wm Bowles, WO00 supplied Mrs Fitchett, $12. Ed. Christie, filing in culvert, Brock Road, $15 Ed. Christie, Fini w. f, $17.15. Wm. Phoenix; services as truant officer, $15. 00 John Jeffrey, drawing stone and dragging road, $6 County Treasurer, for general purposes and County good roads, $16;159.86. Also a number of small acets. Nominations are to be held at o'clock. completed, $59,496.08 Totol expenditures during the ear, $57, x Be 1 Fe. as 'follows: Roads an bridges, $7726. 14 County! Sa 157 86 ools, $18,404.16 I business was| Total receipts, when tax roll is 1 1 i Manchester, on Monday at one, t proses by ooking} and preparin eT exereis- | ing foresight in rai : y lo and other ily sgle- products--can add' to these worth. This Bank aids and encourages every kind of agricultural operation. ~W THE 'STANDARD BANK OF CANADA PORT PERRY BRANCH R. H. SHORT Manacen Monday in each month in the Oddfellqws' Hall. Visiting Brethrén Welcome: T.W. McLean, P. Ingram, NG oa Dogs, $167.00 Miscellaneous, $342.19 Wire Fence EB nus, $369.95 Gravel, Salaries, slide 00 nting and Postage, $186:80~ Notes paid, $11,000 Interest, $275.80. Balance $2219.68 © Mr. Dooley on Panics. No, Sir, ye can bet it ain't the people that have no money that causes panics. Panics are the re- sult iv too manny people havin' mon- Th' top iv good Trae is hard times, an' th' bottom iv hard times is good times, Whin see wan man with a shovel on his shoul- der dodgin' eight thousand autymo- bils,I begin to think tis. time to put me money in me boot. Don't git excited about it, Hinnessy, me boy. Cheer op "Twill be all right tomorrow, or th' nixt day, or some- 'time, 'Tis wan good thing about this here wurruld that nawthin' lasts lon enough to hurt. have been through many a panic. = I cud handle wan as well as Morgan. Panics cause thim- silves, an' takecare iv thimsilves. Hk of Health, $78. 00°