Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 23 Dec 1920, p. 4

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low prices, at / M : Nomination 'Day. 7.80 'doing good work. y Sohod b hii ing andi is Pipes all prices; and|M olgars, Davis' drugstore TAKE NO" ICE Al outstanding unts 'due 'to R, A. Fitchette must be set- tled by Tuesday, Dec. 28. Other- wise they will be placed in his solicitor's hands for collection _. Buy*Jenny Linde" Choo- _olates for Christmas, at Davis' Drugstore. The committee appointed b the Board of Education to loo into the matter of a gymnasium |e for the High School, looked over the available room, and are hav- ing a carpenter's estimate "pre- pared.- There will be an interesting program' given in connection 'with the Sonya 'Sunday School Christmas Entertainment. Calendars and Diaries Jor 1921, at Davis'. Don't forget the Christmas Entertainment at Blackstock on Dec. 26th. iene me A Unemployment Elsewhere, in this issue will be found a notice re the unem- ployment situation in our larger centres of population, urging any who can provide employment to do so, even'if only for a short time. Coming as it does after a 'time when help has been hard to | 'secure at any price, there are un- doubtedly many, many odd jobs that have of necessity been ne- giected Suring' the past few years. It would seem that we now have an opportunity to get this work accdmplished at a rea- sonable cost, and at the same time relieve a great deal of suf-|; fering this winter. { Xmas cards and book- lets, ail prices, secls, tags, and Xmas decora- tions at Davis' drugstore The Rabbi of Toronto, was in town on Saturday 'last, and performed the christening' cere- mony at the Port Perry Hospital of Mr. Isaac Turner's baby. ~@ Games of all kinds, at Davis' Drugstore. "Mr. J. J. Cassidy, of Trenton, 'N.J ., spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John «Cassidy. ai the the holidays. Nr. James Stonehouse' is able to be about again after having been confined to the house for some weeks. ; * Remember the date of the «New Years Entertainment at Raglan ~dangary 1 a i wo-- REE het planibia Records at the _ Star Office. Monday, December 27th. Town Hall = at |1 p.m. The business men of she town a fair Christmas | 18 Sr and for gravel, son, Pa : Sabbath Services 1a.m.-- ns 2 Worsh 3 p.m. Sunday Sehool .an Class, 7 ihm. Evening | Worship es: , 8 p.m,, Epworth League Thurs yy 'evening, Prayer and Praise service at 7.30 p.m. Choir practice, Friday, at 8 p.m. EM Church of the Ascension December 25, there will be a special Service with a celebra- tion of the Holy Communion in 10 a.m, All 'members of the Church] especially are urged to be pres. at the service, as it is in- cumbent upon them to partake of the Christmas Communion: Special Christinas Service in the Church of the Ascension on Sunday evening, Dec. 26, at'. 00 p.m.. Special musie. The Christmas Tree and Party of the Church of the Ascension will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 26th, at 7.30 p.m. * All welcome, pl LC Ross Roach wins® fame in Hockey Ross Roach who is a substi- tute goalkeeper with the Aura Lee Hockey Club of Toronto, proved himself a star on' Satur- day night in the game with the University of Toronto. The Globe says: 'The playing of the two goalers featuree the 'match, Roach especially being in the limelight, The little fellow went about his task like a vete- ran. Wicked and accurate drives that would have beaten the ma- jority of net guardians he cooly turned aside. : The fans 800n realized that he was the main barrier between U. of T. and victory. = To-day he is being hailed as another ern Forbes. In Stewart and Roach the Aura Lee have the best goalers in the city." Well done Ross. Perfumes, French Ivory, and Ebony toilet articles at Davis' Drugstore. vy Scugog Council The municipal Council of the Township of Scugog met on the 16th. The members, were all presént. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. On motion of Mr. Jas. Crozier, the Treasurer was instructed to pay, the Pedldy People, Oshawa, for roofing métal, etc., $97.70; also Mr. Wm. Alldred $2.23 for freight and cartage. On motion of Mr. Geo. Sweet- man, the Treasurer was instruet-| ed to pay Mr. Mawson $16 for 8 days work on road. Mrs Min- nie Stephenson $4 refund dog tax. A "On motion of Mr. Frank Dow- son, the Treasurer was instruct- ed to pay wire fence bonuseg--| to Mr. Walter Samells, 32 rods, $18; to Thomas Clark, - 38 rods, $9.50; to Isaac Rodman, 30 Jods, saac Russell Carter 9 Bible| - You are: invited to these services . On Christmas Day, Saturday, the Church of 'the Ascension at ; 820; Oliver Raymes 8] "opposite the Post Offic - PORT PERRY Meals and Lunches Served 'at all hours. . Oj sters served. Christmas' 'stockings, and Christmas candies in stock. { Cigars, tobacco, cigarettes, Meals at all hours. Open Sunday Mrs. J. Stones. Latest books, gift books, |- picture hooks all prices, at Davis' Drugstore, Enlarged snapshots afine Xmas present. 850c. at Davis' drugstore - DIED ROSS--At Port Perry; o on Tues- day, Dec. 21, 1920, Miss Fran- cis Ross, sister of the Late Aaron Ross, in her 82nd year. HOOEY--In Cartwright, Jot = con. 5, on Saturday, Dec. 18, 1920, Thomas Hooey, aged KL : years, § months, For Sale A Mandolin, in good - or et also, case. Worth $1 00 dei both fc for $10.00. Apply at Star A Farm Superstition It seems a kind of superstition to the minds of many farmers that the farms would go to ruin men were not hustling around somewhere on the farm while there is daylight, - Says "President S. B. Reynolds i mn e Farmers' Magazine. A disciple of the new agricul- ture will reason like this: The work 'both indoors: and dut is arduous enough at best, if I can lighten it I will, whether the | process will enable me to make money or not. 3 I re sme Methodist Church Special Christmas music will be given by the choir next Sun- day, both morning and evening. [The morning anthems are; -- "Arise, Shine,' "Sing, O Heavers, 2? Hall.» The evening anthems are 'Gloria in Excelsis" (Twelfth Upon the Midnight Clear," Stainer. Mr. Stauffer will play Gounod's "Ave Maria' "the violin at the evening ras Egerton Boyce, Choirmaster There were some' amusi [features at th Chris Have these done for if they and their sons and hired] : Maker: and Mass) Mozart; and "It Camel hs ist and Choir Director Lv Port Perry Methodist Church < Pupils accepted in piano, organ and voice, Thorough, practical and up- \ to-date methods used. Terms moder- rate. Apply at private studio at the home of Rev. l C. Bell, Port Perry. Yr \ Christmas' 'Presents /A number of Wyandotte hens, roosters for sale at $1.50 each. Thos. H. Bates, Port Perry. "* " Teacherof == PIANO AND VOICE "Bell Phone 60 = « J.D. McMaster Veterinary Surgeon lacksmith sho Port Perry, "Ontario fine White |i pullets and ] ; ep _ i Office at house, east of Switzer's ? ¢ qoterate wages : can. usefully emj p men at this time vice to the comminity as well as to selves. - Many - farmers have repairs and other odd jobs which have been put off for ; years on accou of e high cost of 'labor 'This might be a good x up with work of this nature. § Farmers desiring help coum cate with your: local representative Sand" 'state the nature of the work 'and wages you are willing to pay. ME Honorable Manning Ww. Doherty, : Min ister 'of Agriculture ; LE RM. TIPPER, Agricultural Repr senta County of ntario oY We have the larges and 'most va . ;

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