2 Jewe ; from this. store, for in addition to the ty of ms we sa and the sil Pith eich: oe ste Some ere is an pride in receiving a _gi rom this Stare=-the hor home of dependable Jewelry. at prices. -. 28 JAMES McKEE JEWELER os Rg SEED CORN roel corn will be here in a ghiort time. : | will be'as usual of a high feqminsting quality : rder will be sppretiated. - . -------- lls. ould, the views fed ve. wholesome will be needed more and vill be necessary for the pay to indifference, not ing that has to do with a Perry there vote stood as follows:, _ Polling Sub-Div. Total possible votes--819, Votes cast--554. ~The Dry majority in Reach was 763. /The vote stood: Ve... ond.l 17 Sain Greenbank ....c... Victoria Corners -. bo Qea ., ilaaeii FOR Tara on Yphtidue voto Yes 178. Yoo gi6. No 151 i es eh No 824, | twoand a half fe Cannington--Y 0.98 3 Lindsay-- Yes 1799. Noto Oshawa--Yes 2354. No Lire We are glad that Premier Draty is glad that the Drys won eferendum contest, use the vote is a notice to the i > Contig Back to Port Perry i "One of the most welcome pieces of news we have heard -.18 that Mr. H. G. Hutcheson, of the Standard Bank, Oshawa, is coming back to Port Perry. The Ontario Reformer says: "Mr, H. G. Hutcheson, who has been manager of the Oshawa Branch of the Standard Bank of Canada for the last 'disposed of his residence . . and will move old Siteets to his former residence in Port Perry. The transfer wi il be made about- June 1st. 'Mr, .Huteheson, during his residence here, has taken a prominent in many of Oshawa's leading societies. In 920 he, the chair of the Cedar Masonic Lodge in 1920,and oe year he is Treasurer of the Rotary Club, director and treasurer of the Oshawa Hospital, honorary president of the Anglican oun People's Association, treasurer of the Oshawa Community Welfare Association, and treasurer of St George's Building I und. Mr, Hutcheéson's departure will be jogs gtbed not onl by these societies, but by the citizens of Oshawa gene. Iy. It is quite evident that Oshawa has discovered what Port _ Perry found out Jit years ago--that Mr. Hutcheson is a good .citizen. We shall be pleased. to welcome Mr and Mrs Hutche- son' and. daughter, Miss Ethelwyn, when they return, Win. Smith, M.P., Privy Councillor After forty years in public life, Mr. Wm. 'Smith, M.P., for South Ontario, has been elevated to the position of Privy Councillor. South Ontario people will' appreciate the honour conferred upon their representative, who now. becomes the Honourable Willian Smith, * Annal Meeting Port Perry Bowlers - The annual meeting of Port Perry Bowling Club was held on | election of off; 4 Fal) : March 28 last, Pres oe . Mellow inthe chair. The business was th Carmichael. it--Dave Carnegie -William Graham | . ment Com-- |of the interesting play that was. - | Whitby motored up to see their _ Hon, Presidents Bank, like an individual, is known by the company it Az every bank has a distinct character. Bank has been so closely associated with rural develop. inthe past i century that it is now characterized as the looking for practical banking covparation, let our ee dni ~ STANDARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER ry MILLIONS Looking for Mary Jane Mary Jane was discovered all right, but the audience 'was kept.guessing until the very last given under the auspices of the 0.D.E., in the Town Hall on o ay evening. he play was prettily staged, and was full .of movement and funny situations throu hout. Marie Varney (Miss Mayrienne Short) had the t time of her life checkmating the three clever young men from Chicago, whose attempts to deceive her failed most signally. The young lady led them a ance, an captured a prize in the end. - Augustus Merrifieild (James 'Boe)," Charles Barnes {Oeil Purdy); and Berkley Crane (Clin- ton Short) had a very busy time Xeeping right side up with care. act tragedy seemed to haunt these gay young souls, and they experienced many thrilling' mo- ments. Pauline Wentworth (Mrs Bent- les) found the business of keep- ing a boarding house much more 1 of adventure than is usual. Carlita Romagna Shultz (Mrs John Nasmithy, and Gustave Shultz (Mr. McIntyre) had a most exciting time, h gameout with ying colors, an rig] ht pros- pects for big i 3 nd Mary Jane wasn't Mary Jane afterall, but Carlita. John Merrifield (Ernest Ger- row) had all his anxieties quiet- ed at last, and found Mary Jane where heleast expected to find er, Wing Tu (Jim Carnegie) must feel a little doubtful vet as to how he escaped assassination, and whether. Mr. Paddington would ever pay his 'leetle billee' Mr. Paddington (Douglas Lu- cas) will have to call on Madame Shultz some time when she is not "'out"'if he wants her to sing his world famous opera. Gladys (Miss Grace Davis)kept things humming, and the au i- ence laughing. The parts were. well taken; and the ber applause of the audience showed how thorough- ly this bright play was enjoyed. Manchester Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff of | Oshawa, and. Mrs. Evans of sister Mrs. Fitchett. Mr, Hiram Lamb has pleurisy but we are pleased to learn that he is recovering. Mrs. Chas Lamb and son Fred spent a few days last week at Lindsay. Mr. Frank Lamb spent a few days at his home here. - The monthly W. M. S. will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Lamb on Friday. . Warriner Lodge No. 75 Meets every Second and Fourth Jlonday § in each month in the Oddfellows' Hall. , Visiting Brethren Welcome T.W. McLean, P. Ingram, ¢ . . pli Try CORBMAN?'S for QUALITY GOODS Christie's Sodas, 1b. 20¢ 'Dates, good and juicy, per 1b. 20c. Jello Powder, pkg 15e Peanut Butter, 1b. 35¢ 5 lbs. for $1.50 Icing Sugar, Ib. Ose Blue Rose Rice, 1b. 15¢ Prunes, per lb. 20¢ SPECIALS Purest of dag, 20 1b pail, Pure Maple Syrup, qt 90c. Pure Maple Sugar, Ib 35¢. Pure Jam, 4} Ibs tin $1.00 Pink Salmon, tin' 20ec Red Salmon, tin 38c. Java and Mocha Coffee, Currants, per Ib. 22¢ Sardines, tin 10c, or 3 for 25¢ Pastry Flour, $1.35 and $1.65 per 25 1b bag Kippered Herring, tin 22¢ Soap Flakes for washing woolen and all fine wor Laundry Soap, bar 10c. D. CORBMAN Bell Phone 157 PORT PERRY, ONT. Furniture for Sale Handsome dining room suite, and a quantity of other £0 ture. Apply at the om Parsonage, House for Sale Six-roomed frame house, barn, garage, big henhouse, garden, good well, and cistern. Apply to L. Jacobs, Port Perry Read Page 3, Inside mse 2d JAM ES WARD PIANOS, ORGANS an and GRAMAPHONES ALSO SEGOND-HAND ORGANS PANGS, TUNED MAY and JUNE "Bell Phone ini