quality 4 the wheats; that the Prine 'will make a loaf fairly large in volume but yellow in color and coarser in texture, | = "As the _rust menace spreads, '| there will be great temptation for Canadian farmers to grow a so-called 'rust resistant' wheat. The worst of | g | these is probably Red Durum, which 'was introduced fn North Dakota at a time when rust was making ter- rible attacks on the world's wheat. | This wheat is rather prolific and has -& heavy kernel, but should not geive the farmer because this wheat will not make bread nor macaroni, Sad ita only merit a that i in heavy ~ Anniversary at Blackstock On' 'May 220d" and 24th the of Blackstock will cele. x ibe Un Union Sabbath School piveriary the A. Kaiting, h, sll. a a and, i uesday, the be athletic sports an in the the oon, by Supper 1 eyeni 'ets. an cert d, Mr, Ww 7. pam... Tollowe 50c. lof the Junile of 8. 8. No. 2, month of April. Sr. IV--Dorothy. Stephenson, 3 87, Thi 'oronto, will here will {be concert 'in the| ition: Sports 26 I today. with wily good cars on the market, the Gray-Dort stands out as a exceptional car and an uncommonly desirable investment for you. i You can buy all the good qualities of the Gray-Dort in other c cars if you ~~ are willing to pay the price. ~ But in no other car at anywhere near the Gray-Dort price can you secure the complete combination of desirable features which makes the Gray-Dort the biggest bargain in the motor car field. _ Gray-Dort' value has created a wide demand for this car. * dealers are able to make almost immediate deliveries to a few owners. See your dealer to-day. [TTT HH const STANDARD GARAGE. COMPANY _ GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LIMITED Chatham, Ont. ~ But Gray-Dort wore" will be taken by Mrs. Howard Leask whe. 5.C. E. mas be held on Thursday night |the scheotroom of the Church, Sohool Report The following is the. siahding Doris Mil Anniversary of the Presbyterian Church at p Sroenbank services on Sunday, Mas Sond by Rev, 'W W Bryden. The _ choir will be assisted by F. W. The Mrs. D. Archer and Mr, n|Mctatyre of Port Perry. afternoon service especially for} children. Tuesday, gramof 8 sports will be he ps the evening a supper and pros gram will ven. The pro- gram will be ven by the fol wing artists, Miss: Emma ompson, Elocutionist, Donald C. McGregor; oist; Miss Hazel Cockburn, violiniste, of Port Perry; and Miss Annie Belle, Soloist, "of Toronto. Seed Potatoes For Sale Early Ohio Seed Potatoes, New Ontario grown, 50c bag. ROY SCOTT, Seagrave and get the high price for it. "All Kinds of Live POULTRY Junk Hides and Sheep Skins Wanted. TURNER BROS. Bell Phone 213 Ind. 1800 fm 3, tooth Second-hand Machinery For Sale . Gang, Separator, condition; ten foot tiger rake, cheap; 2 foot- -| lift Sulky Plows, nearly new; 6 foot Binder sheaf carrier and trucks nearly new. Straw Cutter. Apply to Geo. Jackson & Son, Port Perry, House for Sale Six-roomed {Jrame house, bam, garage, big henhouse, garden, good well, and cistern, Apply to L. Jacobs, Port Perry' #0 Lath and Shingles For Sale Apply to Jason Stone, Port Perry, or Milton Stone, Sea- grave. Thank Offering at Manchester A free will offering in the in- terests of the 8. S. will be held in the Methodist church on Sun- day, May 22nd. Two sermons will be preached at 3.30 and 7.30 by the Rev. W. D. Harrison of Port Perry. Welcome. Miss C. N. T of Blackstock, will sing at services. A --------------y W. J. COOK, REAL ESTATE 100. acres; lot 10, con 11; Reach, 11 brick stone foundation, d sopair 100 x 45, stone wall, h ater i in stables; separate hi holes Hise, Jobling: ard 3 ter Fruit, fe good, 75°acres under cultivation, to school, I mile to church, 12 acres 300 acres, 8 room frame cottage, bath, furnace, hard and soft water, stone cellar house } in best of repair and nearly new; foof barn 100 x 60, stone stable under 36. of cement floors; barn no 2 hip roof 70 x 48. stublivg 4 fou 100 cattle, 21 horses, 2 silos pig pen, hen house, implement house and games, ge, spring cree! wells at barns, about 2 acres as timber, is a first-class farm is well situ- "for RR. 2, Port Perry 46'%4 acres, lot 13, con 8, Whitby, in the village of n, 8 roomed fra stone cellar, hard and soft water, barn 56x stone wall. drive house, hen house, heavy clay loam, 9 miles from Oshawa. 25 acres. lot 35. con 9. Reach, 30 rode from Dagmar Station, 13 acres timber, bal- ance pasture, gravel pit on property, wire and rail fence. 67 acres, about 4 miles: Uxbridge, clay loam, all workable, 8 roomed frame house , hard and soft water, barn 50 x loam, 7 roomed frame ho ation, water pi to house spring by g Help Wanted AGENT TS--Be a aren, Ach in ghingpe a abhuised up. Write 432 a ton West, Toronto. House For Sale Six rooms, nicely pain divided cement cellar, Sisters, double lot. Apply to H. Doubt, Port Perry. PEE RO Shdking--S 39 restore nora} breathi n » Es es, ad nt tai 3 a at your F 3 *s. Trial pletens, 142 ' a or King W., Tdi Local Agent--P. G. Morin 1 -- NG COMPANY, LTD. ONTARIO Gas Engine, 4 h. Wagon Seat, new; ie new; Set Whifll en, new. - n Blacksmith Shop, Myrtle, Ontario a 'Toronto ing -3 REE icv Prospectus; enter now. Ww. HEN Sus :