od rus Tiouleholl aon: } sable in ev ome. For --. RAZ-MA been famous: psules are the fair Sold by P. G. Mor- rison. "Archer, . : 1 to Napanee to attend a wedding. Mr. Wm Spence and family ily. ! To Unveil Tablet 5 On the morning of June 3rd. {a bronze plaque will be unveiled ! in the Canadian Bank of Com- | merce, in memory of the 1701 wen of that institution who took up military duty daring the Great War, The ceremony will be performed by Hon. William Smith, M.P. Pasture for Rent The undersigned has for rent pasture for 35 or 40 head. Good water and shade. Lot 19 Con 11, Reach, Geo. Till "© 115-r-3-1 At a meeting of the Bowling . Club, it was decided to ask the bowlers of Bowmanville, Osha- wa, and Whitby to play home and home games with Port Per- 7. and with each other. It was algo decided to call a meeting at an early date to arrange the schedule of games for the Cen- tral Ontario Bowling League. { i ! W.C.T.U, The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. will he held in the 'parlor-of the Methodist church on Wednesday, May 25 at 3.30 5 3 This is the annual meet- ; and the election of officers > i be held. (Itdui urgently re. quested 'that all members "be t= present. A ten cent tea will be wn derved: Baseball May 14 = Port Perry. Public Sehool won from Uxbridge Pub- 1 Me Schopl. 7-6. ~The game was 3. veloseand well played ° The "work of Harry Peel and Glen Collacutt at the bat, the 'catch- ing of Oscar Beare, and the "base rufining of Joe Naple, +, 'Were responsible for the local' /, victory. A return game will be Played on Saturday afternoon. Port Perry=00051 1--7 " Uxbridge-- 0006 00--6 ~~ Mowat, Fergusofi and Beare ; "Sammy"' and Hart Monday, May 16-- P. P. H 8. defeated Bowmanville 12-6. P. McMurtey a member of the ,. town team was Slloyed to play Among embarrassment A me." =Perry bowed. He was a prard an elderly Tnan, d oe Bo- sobriety. He | i both pocket, "Sir, » he began, speaking delibr ny ately but without any foreign om I "I am here to make certain prop: D to you on behalf of a person who NI'€€, Jour o own Reuent sil] § shall be namelestition frowhed ponderoui men by h ™ fo od ¥ Bp site weond, "yp cannot prevent your of course," he 8 Said, "but Tv Iw youhead, understand from the first that I itting BRS wn b da Wi sacar ; the seventh with two gone on that t innings with Nesbitt on ywles was safe on Muir- 8 error, Cawker doubled to ing Bowles, Sweet- ed a terrific hit to For rheum- i} sm, Templeton's Rheumatic | recognized ~ Miss Annie McMillan, of To-| ronto, is visiting Mrs. Harold Rev. W. D. Harrison will at- tend the District Meeting at! Whitby this week, then going on | have moved to Whitby. We re- gret to lose this estimable fam. R.R. 3 Uxbridge, or Bell Phone g | He | | | | | by the purchaser. | ntefest on a Reach 'Found in Uxbridge on Uxbridge Ball Grounds on aturday, May 14, a ring with 19 keys. Apply at the Star Office, Port Perry. County Medical Association Meeting An interesting and successful meeting of the above society was held at the Ontario Hospital for the insane at Whitby, on Friday, May 13th. About 20-members of the pro- ern half, attended. { The following officers were' re-elected: President=Dr 8.7, Dr. McClintock, of Uxbridge; Secy-Treas. --Dr. Jas. Moore," of Brooklin, * Members of Executive -- Dr. Shies; Uxbridge.-Dr. Kaiser, of Oshawa, Dr. Crawford, Oshawa. Dr. Holg. Oshawa. C. Rouftley, Secretary of the Provincial Medical Asgo- on the benefits of organization of the: Profession and advised the County Association to af- filiate with the Provincial or- ganization. teresting talk on the latest sur- gical treatment of Female Pel- vie disorders and also urged more efficient «+ organization Slang medical men of the Pro- ev fee of 00, per member was fixed and it is ped to" en- roll the name of every member of the profession in Ontario County. = By a resolution the number of meetings to. be held was fixed at at least four durin 'the year, one at least to be hel in the northern part of the County. Dr. Forrester, Supt. of the Ontario Hospital, received the Asjedaion 4 ith every kindness during would become a centre for medi- cal research and advancement in the County." He also placed at the disposal of the members any help the institution could give at any time, and invited their attendance at the weekly on , Wednesdays. Lunch was served in the din- ing adjoncned: to meet at time and place to be fixed by execut- ive committee.' Born At Medicine Hat Sask., on Monday, May 2, 1921, to Mr. and ; 2 tla seh wi ¥ Yor Donald £ $5000 on Reach frm, wlio $12, 000, yieldi an Tae on 1 Property valued at $7000, Yielding % to on property valued at $6000. viel $3500 on Reach farm yield %.. py 4 + We ay a second ouch Tar worn 31 hich sell this mortgage 24 "82800 an its payment as to principal and interest. Provincial and Dominion Bonds to yield 6% Wm. H. Harris fession, chiefly from the south-{ Mellow, Port Perry; Vice Pres--1{ ciation, addressed the nina] House: Prop e Dr, F. W. Marlow gave an in-| : is remarks hoped] of and the Government institution ing room at 5.30 and the meet-| * We have some giltiadged which we will personally Toren Ye Port Perry " Rhcrimatisn Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia. Ti Gi : empleton's Hav brought good 57 paved to iE ion pg sufferaish TAY i Absalthfal, money 7 Sp een yr ok a Jo Ask ' f ; : EEA Tdcal Agent Py G. Morrison 'Huy Your milk - from Ben Dunn and delivered ro your hares hu 10 quarts for $1.00 ~ For Sale | We have several Port Pores houses for sale at prices from $750 to ing every style of 3 ouse, or without garden or ble, some with modern "improvements. SEBERT HOUSE A. E. Rogerson, Prop. cra You can recommend the Sebert House to | Jour friends. We | ow we can please : you in hotel accom- . modation. ; £ 4) -- mp We _ siakc that fit it. w, H. Harris, Port Porry o ae) 00D MODERN SERVICE| - CLOTHES '| 000; includ f+ "The Canadian Red Cross Society i is vne. oF thirty-one National Red g Cross Societies engaged i in a world-wi e Crusade for a ~~ Thei improvement of health The prevention of disease The mitigation of suffering. This movemént is endorsed by oe "The Governments of Thirty-one Nations; ¥en The League of Nations; ides * Mediczl and Public Health Experts Meet. % sian RETRO iY ing in Internationdl Conference at .... Cannes, Frauice, April, 1919. The Crusade is being inaugurated by a I World-Wide 'Enrollment of Members ~ ONTARIO ENROLLMENT ST May 22-28 4 sig 2 ENROLL! Ag the outward and visible sign "of persons] in movement for good health; ou sharers te . To help create public opinion in favour of souisd health measures, - < i You may enoll with your Local Red Gross Branch or Barolimest Gos x mittee or, if there is no organization in your community with THE ONTARIO P PROVINCIAL DIVISION, 410 SHERBOURNE ST, TORONDY, i : Canadian Red Cross Society Ontario Division. - Boas i od