Al present 'We can mg nedia ery ford cars. This is a bigger advantage to you than you you think,' Fords are always in demand and our. lifted allotment is quickly taken up. *"" "Take this matt seriously, 'Get your: onder. laced right dway. | Make sure of the model you prefs? by curing it now. \ : You and your family intend to ex berioncd the de Jehis of motoring sooner or later. You need faster fransportation to take care of your business interests.' The Ford is the ideal car for a wide range of uses, for. dependability and economy, * Get you Ford -now while we have the model you want in stock. Ta : Ford owners secure genuine Ford pans without de= ns lays, They are the same price no matter where hou ht. Cn skilled mechanics make repairs at a fixéd rate. You - know the cost of Ford service before you buy it, As. one of the 3,000 dealers and Ford service stations in Canada 'we are prepared at all times to render unequalledService and keep your car always in good condition: J : | [Church was decorated wi McKEE & HOOD ; He Tance of a, and. giving an' LOCAL DEALERS PORT PERRY Loh Fee 1 the Tosti 1. : ; Be W was gt the orga anand plays voluntaries, "The. 'bride entered the'church leaning on the arm of her father ' and looked charming gowned in white charmeuse, inset with | silver lace, a (girdle of orange | blossoms, anda court train lined aright with shell pink Georgette crepe, | {..! plinth : Andweagret falling from the Shou der) Her _ with the opinion tha 4 exceptionally - De ie gd is AmésHolden® Auto-Shoes"are miles better. 3 blossoms. Her slippers: were + =in performance than ordinary tires. That white satin and She carried a bes, been ied to. our satisfaction So shower bou get. of ? Sycetheart Fw a good ide identify ia waa i bri ley, 5, were Mice SE Quel Brer tan, ban, 08 Toronto, and Miss Mild- { ¥iriiay f Sharbot Lake. © |: ; & ig signing of the Correct Lubrication |e 53 ? rian 8 ir. 3 and Mrs. sills left st ight 2% for a motor trip, the bride trav- For your Car, Tractor, or Engine So Rell (hi ah mee pte | am _@ [with a chic little hat "of blue can be obtai ed by using 8 itt Dheasant with veil to mateh Gargoyle Mobiloils at nel in 'the Sinclals Mi of the Ch % on Saturday afternoon. It being| A grade for each type of motor. 3 |the werk mesting. gals lothes Secs bags. During the mesting Miss =i {Gertrude Gibson told about the} "Gargoyle Mobilolls" are the finest line of 'oils 8 Sion pehool he a ik on the market to-day. 'We are selling them at : a price that you pay for inferior grades of oils. "Mobiloils A. and E.," medium and light body + ; whol ad our. Rik for Chevrolets and Fords, per gallon $1.50, : field i grit gon pre ness 5 gallons at $1, 85 gallon. : "Mobiloils B, C, and Avetic, per gallon . 65, 5 gallons at $1. 50 gallon. 5