nature ® and ingredients 'of the" food as regards the presence or ab-|or sence of "yitamines in its 'composition. | It on is :--What are vita- wiki composition tains. life consists: of vides / ork on this subject, re ar of rats.and puppy! ty starch and wi ig roel, sugar; an y watching "the animals 'he found that| This e I : ation' is. "Are there beeen thre oe Yes; up cess should be short, tables not allowed to soak long. sooner the boiling is finished and oe milk so obs . difficul : ea ds comparatively an. ex- remely small fraction in the mater- th on} Ing." ere the diet is of the tinned ned variety almost exclusively, has. also occurred in construetion in this country where canned camps in the oy articles of diet, and where fresh meat, milk and vege- -{ tables are not easily procured. This vitamine is alse Heficient in fresh 'vegetables that have been dried; or even kept: for long periods without drying. When. vegetables are boiled the pro- and the vege es removed the more nutri- will be. of destroying the vitamine milk has been one of the objections to. the wholesale pas- les of milk. - However, by ex- ER that has been previously ; filtration to a temperature ng 158 deg. F. for a short , the ie in the milk is not iorin troyed. but only Slightly Znpaiced, This cannot be avoi ded, however, an the deficiency is more than Ver nd balanced by the greatly increased pur-| oe of the milk after pasteurization} the destruction of practically all he haste bacteria that the milk re contained. e more his subject of vitamines | t to account for in human | to fall victims of "| trouble 'when boys and tymptoms of nervousness They are almost sure «Vitis dance, or drift into: debility oh Jeads to other ? meals, :out-door exercise and of sleep are neces- sary to combat the nervous wear of school life. But it is still' mors im. Portant that parents should pay atteh- tion to the school child's blood supply. keep this rich. and poy by giving Dr. Williams' Pink Pille_and the boy or girl will be sturdy and fit for school. The value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills | in cases of this kind is shown by the statement of Mrs. Watson; Grand OR | Falls, N.B., who says: "In the spring The 'Soout Movement "keeps mov- Grimsby had one troop Jast fail. Since then it has grown so large that it has been found necessary to reor- it as three 'separate troops er a. District Scoutmaster, Mr. J. A. ._ Livingston. And that is not all, because two whole patrols of boys | who came from Beamsville have be come thé nucleus of a new troop with headquarters in their own town. Ren- frew, too, has experienced a similar growth in Scout interést, and Kincar: dine has a troop which is also suffer- ing from growing pains and plans are being. ade. to divide it into two. 4 . Prepications: for the 'Summer camps dre ' proceeding 'wherever there are Scouts, according to Provincial Head: | quarters in Toronto. A recent double | number of "The Trail," the Ontario Scout officers' 'paper, was devoted en- tirely to the subject of Camping ang Camp bent ER ; WHEN BABY I IS ILL When baby is ill; when he orld a great deal and no amount of atten: tion or petting. makes him 'happy, Baby's: Own Tablets should be given him without delay. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which re: 'gulate 'the bowels and sweeten the |&tomach and thus drive out constipa-. | tion and indigestion; break up col and simple fevers and make teethi easy. Concerning them Mrs. Desire, Theberge, Trois Pistols, Que., writes: 1 am well satisfied with my use of Baby's Own Tablets: them of great benefit to my baby when he was suffer! from constipation and: I can strongly recommend them to other mothers." The Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. i Miser. 1 have seen many things, x ¢| Too beautiful for words; Twilights tremulous with mist-- Birds. 1 I have heard music That was to me--. | Soft as the slasiag gers s1 Of the sea. have Known many ida; Now I am old-- I'am a miser ' : Counting my gold. En si MONEY ORDERS. bo It is always safe to send a Dominion Express: Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. & Allowing Pleny of Time, Parcel Post Clerk--"On ~ that live turkey the postage will be a dollar .and thirty cents." 'The Poultryman--"Guess I'll" start dim no worth of stamps. I het ions lose enough weight on the Sot | 'that about right hefore he 's delivered." SE I have found | of 1919 my 'daughter Thistle, then 12 years of age, began to show symptoms of nervousness which developed into St. Vitus dance. She seemed to lose control of her limbs and at times every muscle in her body. seemed to be twitching and jerking, and the trouble seemed to be growing worse. We finally decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and the result was better even than we had hoped for, and she is now. enjoying the best of health." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ef Truth, When I must die I shall not Tear the Boing; There will be daybreak Solowhire; a new dawn Spreading before me and new strength bestowing, And I shall be no more an earth- bound pawn. There will be life enriching, leaping, Vision Suyeiled before my eager pulses And I al still be: loving, learning, keeping The zest of life in some fair para- dise. I have. no fear blended With Being infinite and undefined; Only the service of the body's ended, I shall not lose my eager soul, my SiS mind; that I shall be but I shall mot lose my love, and you, O dearest, Seeking your way, will meet once more my own And whén you fear me farthest find me nearest; All that 1s true, though each must go alone. All that is true---but truth does not de- ceive me; These poor wise words no shield of comfort make; If it were you, and death did thus _Dbereave me,-- It it were you--were you--my heart' would break. Cl eee Minard's Liniment nt Relieves Neuralgia Ee amt How Tall Are You? Most men are quite positive as to their exact Height and would become indignant if you questioned the ac- curacy of their statements in that re- 'spect, but, as a matter of fact, no man -can-aay,; un less 'he has just then been measured, ®xactly how fall he is at any particu 'time. If the original féasurement on which he bases his 'statement was made early in the morn- Ing, he hag been crediting himself with too much height most of the time; while he has not given himself all the 1 height to which he is entitled it the ent was made in the even: his for the reason that all per- sons taller in the morning. 'The disks of cartilage between the '| twenty-four vertebrae of the backbone Feld & iderably to the pressure due $ of the body when it is _expand: themselves while fs in a recumbent position. .| The effect in the case of a fairly heavy Of average height may amount to h, and in the case of a police- ho walks upon pave- "Gee, that dog Tas a Tenderfoot-- : Jong tafl, It must be about three fi First Class Scout--"Yes, that's his back yard." Ni Han _ Maid (reporting)--"There's a man at the door with a wooden leg, mum." "Thank you, Maggle; we don't need any." | 5 \ Right Description. \ Poor Sultor--"Is it true that Jour father has lost his fortune?" His Lady. Love (sighing)---"Yes, all is swept away, but you are left, dear!" "Great Scott! I should say I am left!" 3 Dividing It. A case came before a court involv- ing the ownership of an eight-day clock. After listening to both sides, the judge turned to the plaintiff: "You get the clock "And what do I get?" complained the defendant. "You get the eight days," replied the judge. / Adding Class. A family named Stubbs, which be- came very, rich during the war, pur chased a stately home. It happened that someone who had known them in less prosperous days was in the neighborhood, and thought would call. He did so, and asked for "Mr. Stubbs." The butler regarded him with a per- fectly straight face. "There must be some mistake, sir," he said. "This is the house of Mr. St. Ubbs." Quite True. A pompous manufacturer of machin- ery was showing a stranger over his factory. . "Fine piece of work, isn't it?' he sald, when they were looking at a very ingenious machine. "Yes," sald the visitor, "but you cannot hold a candle to the goods we turn out." "Indeed!" said the chagrined manu- facturer. "What is your line?" "Gunpowder," was the reply. His Title. The nine-year-old son of a New York doctor recently sought out his father and put to him. this question: "Dad, do you know what nickname they gave to Napoleon Bonaparte?" Now the father desired that his son should have the pleasure of bestow- Ing this Information; so he evaded the reply by an interrogatory on his own part: "What was it, my son?" Whereupon, to the great astonish- ment of the physician, the lad replied very proudly: "The Little Corpuscle.," His Hearing Restored. The invisible ear drum invented by Nvingaghione; fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people ih New York City. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relleve himself of deafness rand head noises, and It does this so successfully that no one could tell he ls a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated, or wholly destroyed natur- al drums. A request for information to A. O. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City, will be 'given a prompt reply. advt Magic! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, {nstantly that. corn stops hurting, then shortly you lft it right off with fingers. Doesn't hurt a bit. > Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses, --p Salt mixed with starch will prevent it from sticking. Forest fires benefit no one and they rob the workingman, the merchant, the farmer, and indirectly every citi- zen. - Forest fies are fought not only in the bush, but in towns and cities. When Canadians of town and farm and forest are all determined to stop forest fires, then our forests will be freed from the ravages of this fiend. ASPIRIN "Bayer" only is Genuine "I could hardly believe mg eyes when I stepped on the scales after taking six bottles of Tanlac and found that I had actually gained thirty-five pounds in weight". said JoSeph Drouin, 2194A St. Denis St., Montreal, who, for the past twenty-six years, has been passenger conductor on the Canadian Pacific Railway and is well and favorably known along the line of his run between Montreal and Mount Lauriers. "Before I started on this medicine I was in a bad way, For years I'd had to take my meals here, there and everywhere and, as the result of this irregular eating, my internal machin ery got all out of working order. I lost all desire for food and what little I ate would form gas and bloat me up until I could hardly breathe. ' I be- came so nervous I couldn't sleep at all well at night and was often so tired in the mornings I didn't care whether I took my train out or not. I fell off twenty-five pounds in weight and became alarmed about my condi- tion, for I had tried all sorts of medi- cine without getting any relief. "Then; one day I read a statement in the paper that decided me to give Tanlac a thorough trial, Well, I never would have believed any medicine could"do a man so much good in such a short time, It quickly settled my stomach and gave me such an appetite that I could eat three good square meals a day and no longer have any trouble with indigestion or gas and I sleep so well at night, even when on the road, that I think it would take a collision to wake me up. I now turn the scales at two hundred and ten pounds, which is ten pounds more than I ever weighed in my life and feel better in every way than I have for a very long time. Tanlac is the best medicine I ever tried." Tanlace is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Adv. An Easy Thing. Next to making his own mistakes the easiest thing In the world is to criticize the mistakes of others. ee ee ee To clean a photograph wipe with a soft cloth wrung out in warm water and a little ammonia. Dry w with an- other cloth. NOTHING TO EQUAL (BE The first thing to do when you have an injury is to apply Minard's famous Lini- ment. It is antiseptic, soothing, healing, and gives quick relief. America's Ploneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES w to Feed Mall to Ad- dress by the Auf be 71 ent Sls New York, U