Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 9 Jun 1921, p. 6

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"re (Copyrighted) GE SYNOPSIS: - "I might have gone into Regen "The story, written in 1916, begins Park or St. James's Park," ghey 3 with Lady Anselman's luncheon-party {minded him. . RE at the Ritz Hotel, London. Among the| "In, which case" he observed, "I are Lord Romsey, & inet | should have walked up and down until n ; Surgeon-Maj 20 1 had had enough of it, and then gone ef In : eraldine Conyers; her jor Tho r of Field Hospitals; his Away in a ad temper." ad 8 oft = 4" t be i " he la be ne : ther, a naval 'lieutenant, and his decling absolutely to Bens vit you; IOrTHied, . lean to wi . fiancee Olive Moreton; Cantain 2onald [pag o single thought of me when you| 8h hour and we have been here for" Granet, hew of the nostess, home : io 1 two. Stop that taxi for me, please. et, nephe i turned in here. Do you mind if BY Lax]. 8 with a wounded gum, Lien; < be that I prefer not to believe it?" I cannot Spare the time even walk ship a Mr Thomson decodes 3 He asepted the bh ' q the battlefield. vel, ) aap) 4 Lard Romsey receives a visitor and the| met," he suggested, "might I walk conversation reveals the Cabinet Min-| With you a little way? You see," he : ister's secret dealings with Germany.|Went on, "it's rather dull hobbling|, painless cripple" he said: ar Thomson calls at Granet's apartments along here all alone." as they shook hands, ig Denna to Siseover Whether he Imows_ any: sh soures you 3 may, if Jou leh grudge the time, Doing Jour. duty to |e thing t omsey's Vi . assented, cing sympa =1t y Fo By Granet denies any ipavladge ad he an at Jug ile . "How is your leg He actully avoided any menti soca) mepican ain. «| getting on . a future meeting and was rewar ine evades Thomson's for an im-| = It's petter--getting on finely, Sol with a little or: of ber hand mediate marriage, He e: lates far as my leg is concerned, I believe, the wi im with Conyers for disclosing Admiralty{ 1 shall -be fit to go out again in ited | plans to the two girls and Graneti ten da 8, It's my arm that ers 3 fi iy Te me a little. One of the nerves, the into His rooms, | suddenly d CHAPTER VIL--(Cont'd.) doctor: said, must be wrong.. I can|His servant came forward edge pany, or may decrease. hE They all stared at him. Granet's only just lift it. You've no idea," helhim from the inner room, and took| . Besides size itability of X W face was expressionless, the girls| Went on, "how a game leg and alhis cap and stick. "+ | material is to be considered. Enamel-|¥ the nters disco were bewildered, Ralph was frowning. /{¥ussed-up aym interfere with the lit-| "Any telephone messages, Jarvis?" is inexpensive and light weight.| about Paul's splendid p Meanwhile the dog "Dash it all, Hugh," he expostulat-| 1 TOunc of one's daily life. I ecant| Granet moved toward the easys|I: is especially suitable for preserving Ka og x ; drink sufficient to. ed, "do have a little common sense.|T'0€, cant play golf or billiards, a ng, sir. kettles because its surface : ; i La intelli i » : : e ig not af-| UN Here's a fellow like Granet, a keen |f0r an unintelligent chap like me," hel chair. On the way he stopped. Thel: : ; eR Ty soldier and one of the best, doing all| Wound up with a sigh, "there aren't|door of one of the cupboards in fected ad, Touts. hd RE 3 "rot: he can for us on lard but a bit wor the any other Ways O1 passing sldchoa = be 5 haw en He frowned, very likely to chip od render it oe never travels alone'?" 4 or ME i t our submarine, danger.|*"; 4 s Haven' to u, 8 ph i and. rey gs 2 aoa Aan Se a Way i I try and reassure him, 'Why do you call yourself unintelli-| wish those ph sli Yeot' locked 7" | for use in cooking. If you allow an os Hat isw't just like you, Angela | eh?--let him see that we've a few gent?" she protested. "You couldn't|{he asked a little curtly. wo egg to stand in the questionable piece | Clinton!" her friend replied. Ea little things up our sleeves?" have got through your soldiering so The man was staring towards the|of agateware and the égg becomes dis-|: ml "That sounds all right, Ralph," wel ir you had been. sideboard in some surprise. colored, it is best to discard the utensil Utilizing Old Stockings." . Thomson agreed, "but you're depart- ! 1 know all the soldier stuff,"| "I am very sorry, sir," he said. "I|.rather than'risk lead poisoning. Dish Bsa pans § ing fr®m a principle, and 1 wouldn't|he admitted, "know ty job, that is to certainly believed that I locked it last| pans and wash basins may: ba of Several pairs of stockings, the feet do it. It ism't & personal risk you're| Say, all right, and of course I am|night." enamelware and may be on without of which had been patched and darned running, or a personal secret you're|Mmoderately.good at languages but that! Granet opened it wide and looked danger even sffer they are chi to the limit; had accumulated in our The 0 | of & ina Liniment in the house, - sharing" with others. It may sound | finishes me. I haven't any brains like| inside. His first glance was careless : en. ailer they ed. | gtockin eh great absurd under the present circum-| Your friend Thomson, for instance." |enough, then his pind ,| Tin is light weight and a good cin: oe hog. ke Bei great wa stances, I know, but--" aor pnomson js very ever, I He stared incredulously at the smali| ductor of heat. It'is very good for| yo foreetul, I wondered in what way, Na Sd Granet laughed lightly. His arm | believe," she said a little coldly. array of bottles and turned swiftly| pie and cake tins. It must be thor they could' wondered. t way. § 1 ie 5 : fell upon the young sailor's shoulder.| ("And a little censorious, I am|around. "| oughly. dried and kept in a dry place 7 be used: And this is what | th )- : of: "Perhaps Se Re right, Con-| afraid," Granet added with a slight| "Have you moved dnything from] to prevent rusting i Tid; 5; : ore Ly ull yers," he intervened. "You keep your| grimace. "I suppose he thinks I am| here?" Iron and steel ate' strong After cutting--off the feet, I opened} SED detain Ln old scheme at the back of your head.|@ garrulous sort of ass but I really| "Certainly not, sir" 'was the prompt! able, They ho a and dur. the legs and, laying several together, & rs BRL We'll know. all about it when the his-| can't see why he needed to go for!reply. ™ ane, id well and. dis-| sot them in my mop handle, They are'| ~ Granted: an. arresting head: tory of the war's written. There's| your brother last night just because| Granet glosed the cupboard slowly. tribute it evenly. Heavy grades of excellent. for mopping linoleums. and tine, the art of writing a retail = always the' thousand to one chance, fe Was gratifying a very reasonable| Then he walked to the window for &|\™™" &re especially good for bread| fiogrs, as they absorb. the . water] ad srtisement ls fist the ability . 1 might get brain fever | curiosity on my part. It dsn't as moment, his hands behind his back pans, baking sheets, and frying pans. i Kly nd 2 ily ER adve = nt is fust the ity i n a German 'hospital and begin {o| though I wasn't in the Service. The| "Any one been here this morning at| Aluminum is more éxperisive but for LT yg are easily wrung, out. to say one's say intelfigently, - Tear it up, old fellow." Army and the Navy are the samelall, Jarvis?" he inquired. "| many purposes. it is superior to other] use, them in. another, way: in logical order, and, above all There was a moment's silence. Ger-| thing, any way, and we are always! "A man for the laundry, sir, and a| materials: It is not affected by acid prom one pair 1 removed the feat, aa ; aldine turned to Thomson. glad to give a Navy man a hint as person to test the electric Hght" | fruits, does not rust or chin. A gud] PE the legs, and sewed two. edges |. Maturally, = & "Hugh," she protested, "don't you|to how we are getting on." «Left alone in the room at all?" |heavy grade 1 OF hip. A good] together, forming a square. - On this fs : think you're carrying principle almost| . "I really couldn't quite understand! = "The eleotric light man was here for! co 7 Stade should be purchased,|| sprinkled a fow drops of liquid pol- No "literary gift"--nq flowery too far? It's so fearfully interesting | Major Thomson myself," she agreed:|a few minutes. sir." since. thin. light weight utensils ave! ich and now have one of the best | | e--i y. The for us when Ralph's at ses, and we| "May.l asic--do you mind?" he be-| The master 'and servant exchanged] 25i1y dented. Aluminum is especially | dust sloth ) oe beh ae : wait day by day for news from him,|gan,--'have Jou been engaged to him! quick glances. The latter was looking 800d for sauce pans, double boilers, : TS best copy is the éurnest, over to understand a little what he's do- long 1 pale and nervous. kettles, percolators and. fireless cooker Jose are splendid to § tne.counter talk you would giv n She looked away for a moment. Her| "Is anything missing, sir?" 'he|Dans. "An luminumy griddle ia draw on over the hands and arms as: J "00 ESTEE RT 'I think you're a horrid nuisance;| tone, when she replied, was meant to] asked. } Pl Topve successtul than even a protector from wind and sun when | * amen Major Thomson," Olive grumbled, | convey some slight annoyance at the| "Yes!" Granet replied. "Did you|Tt h 1 'one made of iron. | working in the. flower and' vegetable "We'd just reached the exciting part." | question. notice the gentlemin who called last | pas Coy and does not require] serden, : | "I am sorry," Thomson said, "but|{ "About three months." evening--Surgeon-Major Thomson?" greasing... Aluminum wears for yes" ep i ! 1 Mink, Ralph, you had better do what Captain Granet, pelied a 'pebble| "Yeg girl" * | and repays for its initial cost. A Faithful Dog. : : i ; in Grane ested. away from the n front of him| « ) inl si Earthenware and glass are uneq. : ip Gr : Withi LE butinet-}: = & e young man shrugged his shoul-| with his sound foot. Ban pay con him since] , He ed for slow baking eo -- as in big; On a lonely logging road that wound Grammar Is "useful, but not ders, his face was a little sulky. He| "I should think he must be a very "No gr ; case of scalloped dishes, meat ple,| 4MOnE the mountains lived Unele Ben. Indispensable. It doesn't: make ook the plan up and tore it into good surgeon," he remarked in a mea- Pall stood, for a moment, think-| custards and puddings, They are suit-| * .» Bis dog, Billy. I often met him or break the advertisement. "It. 1: ces. : sured tone. "Looks as though he had|ing. ' The servant remained motion. | able: for tabl i oY re Silt i the 'woods, says a writer; but never is your own. earnestriess and "If you weren't niy prospective|lots of nerve, and that sort of thing.| legs, The silence in the room w Bwashi © Service and. thus save without ®eeing. Billy close behind. | od os and brother-in-law, you know, Thomson," | To tell you the truth, though, he rath-| ominous: so, also was the En dishwashing, Glass has the advantage Nearly always the dog carried a pail convistion : that. makes. geoply he exclaimed, "I should call your er frightens me. I don't think thet|look of disquietude in the two mew] J. SHADING one to look through and; "V+ © for their supper. | Believe and respond to what interference damined cheek! After all,| he has much sympathy with my type." | faces. en's | see when the food is cooked. ng game for 'thelr supper.' , oN. Ee, heal Tap A you know, you're only a civilian, and| She became a littlé more indulgent "Jarvis," his master said at last The shape of the utensil must be Uncle Ben had also. taught the dog to: | you say. gE you Sn be expected ito understand ad smiled faintly-as she looked at|«"remember this. I. am not finding considered, One having a wide base! Aotainpen y hi foe spring wit he 1 : these things." : m. > = feata : th elie pail and to carry ome ed with "Thomson was silent for a moment.| "I wonder what your type 1s?" she eo Jou ate lways sareful heats pore Tickly one ith a se LS a ie eh Jal He read in the others' faces their| asked reflectively. than ever. There is a new Red © imhy prove this b same capagiby. You! ys fireplace 1n the cabin served them sympathy with 'the . young. sailor's| "Fairly obvious, I am afraid' he! (ha game He Tay not Suspect us| we nd Ven. OY putting & pint of by ou fo cooking and for heating, and | complaint. He moved towards the confessed, with a gh. i] love my| yet, but he will. You EL She si Fox . and malice Billy was 'taught to bring in smal | 1, " soldiering, course, a am asham- » ' which 'boils ol 2! e bro Ea: Py hey ot T am sorty," he said simply. ied to think how keen I have been on Jarvis? 4] ra ¥ & ie covers the blirner and uses the sucks for. fuel. - Uncle Ben's rude bed } 2 actly, sir. vRAh : BP was near the outside door, so that he Good night, everybody! ; games, and should be still if I'bad the| The man withdrew - noiseless sat more economically. Pressure]... ; : They all wished him good-night-|chance. Outside that I don't read ; .V:| cookers save fuel and are sati rn e dates stitred. © H lced: 'slowly h 1 ha] Once more Granet walked to the win-|®® save fuel and are satisfactory. : red, e wa slowly| much, I am not musical, and I am very| dow, He looked: down for a few min.|. . re couch the dog al i In other words; put yourself} your soul--Into your writing. Tn into front hall; waited for a mo- mu redispoged: to: let ithe id : : ment and. then: accepted his coat and Too ater Racin : ete ate Bronce Wes af Se Dassere.hy but he tha otc. Summer, Complaint. hat from a servant, Lady Conyers|just like me," he continued thought:|in "together "in his: mind |" Diarrhoea and entefitis, commonly waved to him from the staircase. fully,' "We don't do: particular he Jong th : he Was! called "summer. complaint! cause. "Where's Geraldine?" shé asked. * | harm in the world oslo 0 SUPPOSE ro at £ Moog 18 Joad a! DOTIOTS (= s8the! ar Bab bor Thomson: turned away: wii] we do=much pe and. at the further end of it a wan]! dathe 5, Among ies than any "They are all in the smoking-room,| = "Don't be So he protested. "For trod Maing. fort say himself draw |giner disease... i ; Ludy Conyers" hb" "mid ™{'Good | one thing, it it splendid. to be a1eap-| face unwithingly darkened, Ne. oon | tho. manlosoinget elation between night!" able soldier | You, are' just what ho ci Tis Rete: A nam. sont. rene | hon, piaience of bowel. disokders, > country wants to-day. 3 i A ; \ ; infants. > hea = CHAPTER VIIL liad T dow quit sure: that pin have, set, a0on hia lpn the name of the gic of the houted term, In a way; their meeting the next or (To be continued) = | One warning is essen At the morning was fortuitous enough, yet it| "Have 2" he murmured; "Perhaps » on : first sign of iliness the mother should |] Jad aise its significance for both of it's the incentive I'lack." es Il the family physician at once + Geraldine's greeting was almost| They were silent for a few ts. | Minard's. 1 used by Physicians nie complaint" is ee studiously. formal, Then Shey hogan to talk more lightly. i A AR] toibe tr [ "You are not going to scold me for| They disc ; doge and horses, their Very Mean. y g ; my memory, are you?" Capt. Granet| mutual friends, and their engagements |: al ed, looking down at her with alfor the next few days. They did not| - TWO Small boys werc discussing the faintly humorous uplifting of the eye-| once ref Thomson. Presently various attributes . thelr respected: brows. "I must have exercise, you| Geraldine paused to speak 'to some| Parents, and the conyersation had "mow! : ... friends. Granet leaned upon his stick | reached the highly critical stage, and "YT don't even remember telling you in nd 'and watched: her. | threatened to get eve: tbat I came ino the Park" in the|She w fo "Well: remarked T : Li " it Ew ' hd ell, remarked mselves_in a y 'was: a delicate cheeks, th

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