Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 23 Jun 1921, p. 3

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erie wis honors, It will be njoyed only it i honestly earned by real person nal "The bo boy. who can Tali any article, such as a baseball outfit or a bicycle, a asking for it, soon tires of it. A] 8° BO ent in its posses- i |!ston. His toys are broken, his ath- | letie goods forsaken, and he is always | ready with the cry 'What can I do 'now? Thé 'hoy 'who goes out and through an effort becomes the posses- (Bor of some article, realizes its value lin the terms of the emergy spent. It 'may not be a monetary value, but | there' soon is a joy in the possession {and he takes great care of the article so gained. "It is one of the especial rules of | the Boy Scouts that they shall be duly | entitled to what they receive. They take no tips and rewards for services, The same is il of men's buy | Ing. Think of the suits, light top coats, hats, Snigth collars, ties, gloves, socks, shoes--the sporting goods and the Incidep- . tal. wearing apparel bought for golf, (tennis, and so on. "For the first time in six years I know what it is to enjoy good health, Think of the new things that will be bought for spring clean- Ing and hame convenience at this 'time. The vacuum: clean- | ors, but 'when, by good, honest effort they {can obtain something that is beyond their ordinary reach, it amounts to an j apbullding of their character. They | begin to find thelr plice in the world ana' feel that they are the posséssors and since it was Tanlac that got Tid of my troubles and put me into such fine shape, I think it is up to me to state the facts for the benefit of others," sald Fred Roberts, 1624 Georgia St. Hast, Vancouver, B.C. | carpet sweepers, ra, gas and electric heaters, ranges, washing machines, paints, varnishes, floor ' wax, cleansing fluids, curtains, up- " holstery, garden and porch furniture, lawn mowers, garden tools, etc. Think of the lighter foods com- Ing Into use. Cereals, fruits, salads. "I suffered for years from bilious- ness and. my appetite varied a lot. Sometimes I would hardly touch a bite and other times I would eat a hearty meal, but, as sure as fate, if I did eat anything, I had to suffer for it afterwards. I would get nauseated and bloat up with gas so bad I'd-heve palpitation of the heart and almost choke for breath. I had wiolent head- aches that left me weak and lifeléss and suffered with such awful pains:in the back that it was agony to staop over. I also had rheumatism in my right leg which gave me a lot of trouble and which kept me awake so much at night that I was tired most of the. time, "I've only taken four bottles of Tan« lac so far; but already I have gotten wonderful results from it. I have a good appetite, can eat anything I fancy and never have a sign of billous. ness or gas or pain afterwards. My food seems to do me good too, for I feel much stronger and have galued ten pounds in weight. I'm not bother- od with pains in the back any more and the rheumatism has entirely dis- appeared. I now sleep well at night and get up feeling fine. My wife also has been taking Tanlac with wonder- ful results and she joins me in ex. pressing our thanks for the great good we have gotten from it." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere, Adv. The Wow couple, just married, were off on their honeymoon; * They left London with. thelr: Inte hearts beating 85 one as they say in the' love-books. They had to change trains at Clap- ham Junetion, and an obliging porter, whilst struggling wita their luggage, ade mental note of the fact that the young woman's hair was aotted with ce. of personal property gained through their own efforts." The Boy Scout movement, properly carried on under competent and trust: worthy officers, 1s one of the most wholesome agencies in the upbuilding of robust and manly virtues among boys. The boys who undertake the obligations of the Boy Scouts, and faithfully carry them out until they become competent masters of the craft, are better fitted for playing the great game of life, honorably and ef- eT 3 v2 Shaving sss, { fictently, than those who neglect such ting Ww {a course of training. The Boy Scout : movement is designed to develop hon. People feel livelier at this time orable and manly boys, and deserves and consequently loosen up every encouragement, Be thelr purse strings. * » * IT wa "HEALTH ED BY DR. J. J. MiBDLET Provincial Board of on nil 2 Preson uy. he apm dado: ithe glad © Se i i mn EE Toronto, ; Tous is vo present for yoy, sir, with | ; _ | the company's compliments." 1 "Indeed!" said the traveller, "What is it?" Fi "A railway map, ar ee "Oh, thank you! But what are these marks in hive pencil?" "There's the beauty of that map, sir," 'answered the porter. * marks show just where the tus are, and their length." "Oh, George, give the porter Bite. crown!" cooed the bride. ASP ' 1, og > All these new demands are In- aL a ". { Hluminated Darniing Egg. The opportunity for local men { A "illuminated darning egg" is the chants to get over effective Lo- i novel and clever idea of a New York- oal Advertising News at 'this jer, John B. Warren, its most impor time Is so evident that it needs !tant object being to relieve the eye- no emphasis. «| strain which ordinarily attends the job of mending socks and stockings. The egg. is of translucent china, and is screwed upon the end of a hollow handle which conteins ah electric bat- tery. The handle, at the point where it enters the egg, carries a tiny elec- tric lamp. A push with the thumb on a switch at one 'side of the handle starts the lamp to glowing. When the egg has been inserted into a stocking, the fabric of the latter is brightly illuminated. For the lamp in- side is provided with a reflector, sup- plemented with a diffusing lens. Thus | f the threads of the stocking are shown up conspicuously, to the special ad- vantage of a mender whose eyesight is poor, ? The darner, indeed, may operate on the stocking in a light that is other- wise poor; and it is claimed that much better work may be done when the illuminated egg 'is employed. If desired, the battery may be djs. pensed with, and the lamp connected with the ordinary house circuit. fi ans a ite 'should 'he first 8 ul : toes Smid i Oy , ned and gro! rge en: this regard one thing pre-| {5 afford plenty of room for exercise to my mind--the question and play. A covered ical fitness. Examination of| pasion 'men during oe. war showed large defects among ie elig tls e ages. forty-five, and hitherto these defects p14 noticed. The defects were of | aold or stormy 'wanther, 'and every] encouragement given them to take part in games giving ppottunitiss for muscular. dev As facil-| ities for play are Just as necessary as for study, the law should dempnd these facilities as : ment for every school. There shoutd de a good supply of drinking water, y protected, and ith ent "ai bacteriol The Match Box. I"am a boat upon a stormy sea, My shortened sail still bellies to the wind - FOR WEAK PROPLE I have a hundred tars aboard of me, "| My holds are full of Whispered mys- fg, a a paws Se cerry; Dr, Williams' Pink Pink Pills Act « on the Blood' and Nerves. Food is 28. fmportant to the sick | person ag ,.miore 80 in many. cares. A badly chosen diet may re- tard recovery. In Health thé natural appetite. is -the best guide to follow; petite is often fickle: and depraved. Proper food and a good tonic will keep most people in good health. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a fine tonic medicine, harmless and certain in their action, which is to build up the blood and restore. vitality to the run: | down system: For' growing girls who | are thin and pale, for pale, tired wo- | men, and for old people who fail in str Bh, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are an ideal tonie. Thousands have testi- (fled to the benefit derived from the use of this medicine, among them 18 | overset; . Mrs. "William Gallie, Hantsport, N.8., 1" The urchins hailed down stones and who says: "Before I began the use| righted me; 'tot Dr, Williams' 'Pink Pills T was so] Till one of them fell (in, and all got weak and run down that I could hard- wet, ly do' my own work. I often suffered | And they in terror of tHe scold they'd from headaches and was very ner-| get © "vous. I then began the use of Dr | - Went off and left me to the open sea. ints, | Williams' Pink Pills and I can truthe |' k Pratl. sag. 5 have fo d them J ir' Tam a match box'on a Her now, better. ever taken. You may | A spent match in my mast, a leat Will advise other sufs| - = my sail, : "Dilly." The sport of all the veering gusts that blow, e gold and spiceries ilove tall e Fg a RV » ng to George Defense. . pe + ; he outbound car, says a London as 'to, he arms, I carry hidden guns of deadliest kind. Sealed orders has Whither bound Only the Emperor who sealed 'em knows, 'The waters liereabout in rocks abound, And storms are frequent: I may run aground, - , 'Bittle my captain cares what weath- 3 er blows, my captain-- Cheerful looks make every dish a . east, Egg whites are often slightly yel- lowish or greenish.. But high-class restaurants and hotels demand eggs whose albumen shall be when cooked essity of having the ' closets kept clean, screened from flies, and dis- ecent paper by Dr. J. J. Broad infected at least twice a month with [ 'who has gained ex- A tas these. conditions of physi- examinations of nee, and as the scheme for ven- ation 'in' town 'and "ural schools usually depends on the doors and win- dows, the ha, seh ow has been: re- Before my launching--not so long be- ¥ fore-- A surly owner cast me empty down And" pocketed, his reeky pipe and swore, But urchins roving on {he wiver shore Found me and rigged and launched me as their own. ------ se ee MONEY ORDERS. Buy your out-of-town supplies: with Dominion * Express: Money © Orders. Five Dollars costs three thtee cents. A Little Wisdom. Choose your wife by ear as well as eye, The pgwer that often wins is simple patience? © Those who dre true to themselves are never false to others. In the company of strangers don't introduce your tongue. A promiseigliould be given 'with eau tion and kept with care. When one door sticks, look around for another that will open. Water, smoke, and a nagging wo man, drive men out of the house, Consult your purse, and not your in- clination, ag'to what you 'should buy. ELL a LD) n. This can ah be : te Te Tors the school a. re- y' enough. hater, TT] et oat nate o for pla : the recruiting and opening 51} doo the many Twice have I been submerged, once Keep Your Skin Clear By Using Cuticura The Soap for daily: use in the toilet, cleans To be seventy years young is some- times far more cheerfil "and hopeful 'than to be" forty" years Slde=-Olives; Wendel Holmes: «4. v.04 Ae |; Clagsified Advertisements. L OMPOSITORS ert hop + Bighest 'habies in : Sencar) ugha ener aly i p Snobs ent d 'lot tions ped; A + Amite | irritation. Billy the car hiv i : ah aon "inh it was either Airy bawling eat SE wo nt itslef the othet pas. SS | ain is: only. Ge "nas Li t Co, Ligia 15:

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