Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 30 Jun 1921, p. 1

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RSDAY, JUNE 80, (921 Advertise in the Star--it paysyou. hd a W.C.T.U. Convention i . Well w The 26th 'Annual Convention : ; 3 ginot | 'f the Woman's Christian Tem. FR the same expenditure of time, energy and id | game fis oerance Union, held in the Meth.' fl feed, you get bigger returns on pu cattle | we wilk dist Church, Uxbridge, on June than hock Myou ie anal clo ; 3 8 the. J 23, at * improve your consult. the loc: e -jj{ has been iq Delightful" is the word that | this Bank, Ca : Ca HR {expresses the atmosphere o , . page Rio tL eat. is convention. The day wis STANDARD SERVICE en Service 3 if dyn an EINE, an e roads good, ing ' . : | her bu am | Without dust after the revious TANDA D BAN that fein g ays The fethodist i S OF CANADA K » > those of you that have. an {Church is quite a fine bui ing iE) TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Wh | Faribuion in you get out:and hol or a sinal} dows ies banks. "Port Perry Branch: wr H. G. Hutcheson, Manager. REA Raines we have the|2 memorial tablet to Col. Sam! best pitcher in the _ [Sharpe, with a Roll of Honor for| : : ; the departed soldiers. In the!' The Plan of k ; te € Flan of Work Committee Prospect Carden Party y. . He onire by the ear ho na urged the wearing of the badge, {Beliotrope, in front of which increasing the membership, and Prospect people have made and Was a large white satin bow. | further educational work both are continuing to make great . After devotional excercises 3 to temperance and in mother's | preparations for their garden led by Mrs. Gully of the Ux. Meetings. partd at the home of Mr, W, J. bridge union, the President of: Supper was served banquet | Cook on the evening of Friday, e County, declared the meeting style' and the delegates were July 8th. The supper is sure to lopen for business, The morning Welcomed by the Mayor of the|be good, and the artists who are Ee a Theis yi a home run, two-bagger, single gE 2 a hos ; d walk; and the latter two 100 Letter Size Writing Tablets and. walk; 'an fr ' singles and a 'walk, di : furnish. Were present and spoke, Rev. first-class--Harry Bennett, com. fe % Regular 85¢ go ng at 23¢ each Howard's battting has been ihe reading ot oe furmish. Mr. Bennie making special ref. edian; Oshawa Orchestra, the . There are'five- Unions in the erence to the importance to-day | Misses Brownscombe, Uxbridge; 2 gq, % TA Yery poor, not having hit in the Nampoles Grape Salts last no games, striking out county with a combined mem. Of the four words which W.C. | Miss Stacey and Miss VanNest. 3 : bership of 268. Oshawa leads I-U. repressnt, emphasizing | of Oshawa. esd Formerly 75¢, now 50¢ bottle || four uimes.* Sahin 0) 2 1 Ps R H Elyith 90 members; Port Perry Jartientarly the value of the mmm ------------ A Moir 8 Chocolates, 65¢ pound. Port Perry--000101020-- 4 12 7 second with 60; Whitby, Ux.-Wor ristian, "4 -- : she Sunderland--30000610x--10 12 11h; | Montserrat Lime Juice bridge and Prince Albert make' The musical _program was Raihes and Palmer. up the balance. Whitby dele. made most pleasing by the pres- Bates invited the convention to Shee of the Uxbrides Orchestra, held in their town in June Solos were sung by Mrs, | Warriner Lodge No. 75 50c and $1.00 per bottle {| * Pur vis and Hill. Ni nl : . as dg : Se 7 -- : i ly. Archer, of Port Perry, and Miss i lish Health Salts, 60c per tin . x s 3 a th tered dnanimously, Gould, of Uxbridge. Meets every Second and Fourth is sso on Ta : Died on Tra in did work done in several depart-| In the evening Mrs. Anderson Monday in each month ments, especially in connection 'spoke of **The Challenge of Can- in the Oddfellows' Hall, with the Referendum, a great' ada to the women of the W. C.|, Visiting Brethren Welcome deal of canvassing was done T.U. With our increasing pop. T-W. McLean, P. Ingram, and a quantity of literature dis. ulation, it will be necessary to N. Secretary tributed. Flower, Fruit and maintain our high ideals, and we Delicacy Department reported Mast uphold fie aetion of those gs if undreds of visits--to the sick |to whom is entrusted the task o and "'shut-in's"', always accom. enforcing the law. In response SOMEHTING NEW IN anied with aboquet or delicacy | to this presentation of the case, {food and clothing where neces. a resolution was passed endors- CHOICE TEA a Ey . boa Amory, of Toronts; kad : LI ee, en visiting her parents, ~ Morrison's Drug Store * Hand Mrs. Robert" Borin, Mt: ES rf : ' Prince Albert, and was return. : Jing home on Thursday Homing by train, but was stricke | with heart failure and died be. fore reaching Whitby. . |sary). Ing the attitude of the Premier WHAT SHALL | GIVE THE1BRIDE? Soil A Pleaxifitr Osis] ahomads of doses so toons 3 he -Attomey-General of | "Royal"? y worry dver what you shall give When ~~ A Pleasing 'Outing the salaries of Traveller's Aids | Ontario on moral questions, Ceylon Tea in Black there are so many handsome things to Mr. and 'Mrs. John Johnston Stations in Toronto. - Oc Ib. : ) s - al . aot, . . em -- ; choose from in our store, such 88. i entertained the members of the| One Missionary is being Sup- We would like t rex Casseroles, Pie Plates, Silver Tea Presbyterian. choir and some |portedin the lumber camps of : > you to "Service, Bread Board, Cake Basket other friends very pleasantly at|New Ontario. Miss Sproul after Wher e Your try some of this tea as "7 Flower et, Butter Dishes, ¥ e their home on the Oshawa Road |2 years of faithful service has I we feel sure you will : ars, and many other pieces which will help last Thursday. An appetizing |2iven up the work. reasure 1s-- like it. Try afreesam- - gladden her Bridal Day. supper was served, and a soci The morning Session was closed| Itis pleasing to note that there ple. F . our spent. € guests gave|with scripture rea ing and pray- 15 a movement on foot eautify : al : J AMES McKEE three hearty rh) for their [er by Mrs. Kean of Whitby. the country churches. It is high| ° "Blue Bell" By drlhcts ti ui host and hostess upon leaving. | After a good dinner in the|time that this was done, In the Ceylon Tea, 65 ~~ JEWELLER FH STATIONER basement, provided by the Ux-|days when many of the country Bl H i a yr a bridge ladies, the afternoon ses. churches wore erected, they ack or Mixed 3 a ofrs fon : ial | Were quite in" keeping with the ~~ A Terrific Storm service led by Mrs Farmer of Boies ge the People, and for Cheese Cele : - es ternoon of last|Port Perry. Whit was the|that matter some of them are 3 En ee Week saw the worst storm that [only union. that had lost any| still in keeping with some coun-| New and Old at 30c and members by death-- Mrs. Geal |try houses--we won't say homes. 40¢c. per Ib. and. Miss Elliott, who for many| Yet the Great Teacher under. F years was Supt. of Raiiway|Stood humanity when He said-- resh Eg L] work. Mrs, Pearse of Port| 'For where your treasure is; Ww Perry, has since passed away, [there will your heart be also." ante She was always a very untiring| / There can be but little pleas-| we pay highest market worker in the temperance cause | ure In worshipping in a church rice for th Bri and many other religious activ. |that is dirty and bare and poor-| P em, ring ities: "They rest from their |ly painted. = Children who go to 'them in any day : i do|Sunday School in dingy base. labours, Sud. their, works do ments must receive a very false D. CORBMAN has swept over this district for many years. Ina very short time g { % RB WTB Cf the down town streets and the ; . E R IES '- _ [|{bowling green were badly flood- LAA ANA : ed 8 Etoon beirig covered by , th about 18 inches of weter, : . : ie electrical storm" was ter ; w. i Se ¢ ' To ais : I : | Fike, and it is sutprishie that no wi xpect ual' uildings were struck in town. Bi € ex f J nd Gring y But Mr. John Jeffrey, Prince of Cherries from G Soh . rt, was not so fortunate. He ¢ i : TREN EY lost his barn, his tractor, his The officers were re-elected|and. unfortunate impression of § Get your supply early as the auto, some grain, twelve pigs, [except Miss Harper of Whitby, Christianity, which should PO nie P hone 157 ' : is short 5 and eight loads new hay. who was replaced by Mrs. Jack. | beautify and enrich life, instead ERRY, ONT. crop 1s "3a : Only partial insurance, son, Port Perry as Rec. Sec'y, |of making it hard and bare and Eowyn : Mr. Wes. Frise, of Seagrave, [and Miss Marion Burns of Osha-| narrow. . Wei lost a stable that was struck by wa becomes Corresponding Sec, | - Country people as a whole, me oa lihgtning. . / Mrs. Medd of Prince Albert was | while more dependent upon their| Machinery for Sale AE es .] pa? : made a life member. = Mrs. Stal-|own resources than city fo.k. 2 Massey Harris Binders : Pe Me i NTOCK ee ter, County President, reviewed | are under fewer restrictions M MoCor mick Binder Ao IN o2 § So CAB the work of the year, and noted and have greater opportunities| Massey- arris Mower No 21, A a IN oo J arking § the with gratitude the victory of the [to beautify their homes, churches Int . almost new : ort Perry = x. oti Ontario M : ' B nck Referendum, a victory which the and other public buildings. ~ {In ernationa pi h.p Gasoline : Fit eR A am block W.C.T.U. helped to win. . Much is being said about mak- wo Plot new ~ Mrs. Anderson of Toronto | ing country life more attractive, S 3 spoke of the educative value o3 orn there is no doubt that the All these articles will be sold at very low prices. It may be handy to park your car on the main block of "the eet in Port Pesr the Referendum to members who country people can do so. if they . Swi Sirdar eventos Dak Be hl rong Somes who cou - fp' Ae tice is not without its dangers, |upon public questions, Now that y | When there are two lines of cars | the prohibitory laws are on the == S-- ---- EE --one on either side of the street, [Statute books, it is essential that |r : . : : the driveway becomes very nar. they be enforced, and the The Purity and Sweetness - row for the cars that. passing |W.C.T.U, can and! must keep PE d . np and down the street. while [public opiition alive upon this of our Ticats make their. appeal to the happy family pedestrians are constnntly. -[subject, 1 «circle where quality foods are appreciated. Nothing or thn a Are Lops thn ross. | 51 Another t feature of but the best and lots of that is to be.found there. Hon. es fs ace | the work is the travellore aid, est weight and satisfactory service. Our telephone is re stree and | which protects young girls when go dT yeurbest friend, od 28 N 1 nse they travel, One than wich Bec Steak, 25¢. Ib. Beef Sirloin Roast, 25¢ Sy disappear every yearin Canada, eef Shoulder Roast, 2c. ~~ Beef Flank. 18c. ."."" . a ised for more Beef Brisket, 17 '"." Beef Plate, 20¢. __ Idilligent effort in this direction. || Be - i 0 : ; - ; : ; | Fork Should The, was given over to routine work, Town. A number of gentlemen | to provide the program are all »

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