Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 30 Jun 1921, p. 2

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are Lord Romsey, a Ua! ister; Surgeon-Major Th | r of Field Hospitals; bis hex bro y lieutenant, and his fiances Olive Moreton; Ceptain 1tonald Granet, nephew' of the hostess, home with a wounded arm. Lieut. Conyers Teceives commissior. on a "mystery' ship and Major Thomson decodes a secret message from the battlefield. rd Romsey receives a visitor he, conversation reveals the Cabinet Min ister's secret dealings with Germany. Thomson calls at Granet's apartments to discover whether he knows any: thing about Lord Romsey's. visita Granét denies any knowledge of the so-called: American chaplain. Gerald- ea for an im- expostulates T a naval Ine Syades Thomeon's marriage. e with Conyers or disclosing Admiralty ans to the two girls snd Granet. After a walk in the park with Gerald tors, even (Copyrighted) "I was looking had a tel: to go thoughtf ment. He glanced at the on the dashboard opposite to him. "I tell you what" he su "why not let me motor you y Conyers down? I don't.believe there's another fast train before one and we'd get down in hours, easily. It's ing for, a good stretch into the coun- "1 should love it," the girl exclaim- ed, "and I Soak the 5! Geraldine would. Will you wait while I run infance was and see her?" ; "Of course," from wn to Portsmouth by the' in first train we can catch this morning. He says that if we can get down in time to have lunch at two o'clock, | he can show us over the 'Scorpion. After today she will be closed to visi. s own relations. 1 was; just going to see # Geraldine could N I 1} } Nr for a taxied, 1 have Ralph. He wants there uf for a mo- little dock ted, and Miss a couple just what Pm long- Granet replied. "Here 166 Why, have you." Granet swung the srchiwuy of a hotel opposi ite the "All ri it the car ig come all right." They crossed made their way to the dock. 3 nace was waiting for them and in al. of very few minutes they were on their way across th The. "Beor- | phon" was lying well away from other craft, her four t funnels would faint wreaths smoke. very low in the water and her a; leaning a little forward to look at her, | you under no obl your BAY ST. course he'd be delighted the car around into) he agreed. "We'll leave Of course, I'd like to the cobbled street and The pin-| She "Personally," 'side? "This deck is there?" Granet asked "What on earth have TE Ai é, Granet returns to his room to fin y C £1 "T thin t ly --"that is if it's. 24 k 4. He| We are, and there's Miss Conyers ai a is one of the most man may Jn r le a ro 8 an wand as | the Window. . You go it and talk het vicious, hkdoous things I over saw. 11. The Ta he ; entered the game. War Office refuses| DEE HAC Jo a at, welve 20 So ope hat Ralph be quick and|,crose to the het. ' the egg and| genius at the same time; : to 'allows him to rejoin his regiment. 0% O° BH ve To I Sopa trae 3 1 "Its just a little something we a: is the drink of the literary man par Thomson goes to the Front to inter- there within two hours, right, 8 that the Scorpion' just. ahead [+ alk eat d 'place in oven. Tonti tlonce. rey ST x view Granet's General and has his Fe San get away before the roads are; of ya? Granet asked. 'he replied. ! : A yen, 5s excel 50 a ER saspicions confirmed. he 7 ted into jhe Sous Sorel. : ] : ever see ax thi oo mander e for If the ple put in a hot oven | Minard's Liniment. used by Physicians PTER X = ) ine met her on the threshold ugly She ooks as thou 'would show crust will burn before the filling $ -- es ' Eo pg al- TY io iol Aagctiser Jot a Jou. Der Spit, ouk death from every little yet ee) politely. me is cooked. Frost with the whites of Circumstantial Evidence. ~~ © ih . s " y * 4 ad' ~ y most 4 personal matter with me |f,.e hoaming, "She's a fine boat," Granet mutter- i bon a ine about Ege. > ae Youn side bab Co Dein. Three months ago I spent the night with the Third Army Corps up by Niemen: I was there on other busi- ness, as you may imagine, but there was some hot fighting and I went out to help. I was attending to some of our fellows and T° very near to the German lines. became separated from the others a little and was - Ing about when I heard voices talkin; rman within a few feet of me. couldn't hear what they said but I could distinguish two figures. es and they are bringing searchlights e sighed, "After all," "Geraldine would she announced. five minutes. Could we just stop at my house for a motor-coat?", "Certainly!" Granet agreed, glane- ing at his watch. bso! ripping! We shall be down there by one o'clock. Why is this to be Con- yers' last day for entertaining?" "1 don't know," she answered in- differently. © "Some Admiralty regu- lation, T suppose." train, and--well, what i love it)" "She will be here in "This is a ed. "What did your brother say she could do?" £97 smiled. : way," he remarked. "If our chief en- gimeer there had the proper message, there's none of us woul what we could get out of those new engines. e turned and shouted an order, "Thirty-nine knots," Geraldine re- Lied. "It seems wonderful, doesn't The officer In charge of the pinna "Our speeds are only nominal. any for a little time." They The young officer drew. A their faces and the sunshine danced upon the foam-flecked sea. The har- bor was lively with emall craft, an aeroplane was circling overhead, and out in. the Roa like to say » Granet leaned over the mail together. saluted and with- : Slow 'in ds several warships "So were we," Ge: "1 When the tea has been grown on the heights of Ceylon, hand-picked cleanliness, it is a shame to spoil it in the making, but this is what is too For perfect tea you should have a bachelor friends to another. 3 "Why, has he been boring you with stories, about it?" ng : "No, but I sat near him at lunch to- day, and I heard him say absent-mind- edly to the waitress, "Dimme 'icky dinky watty; pease'. " ; * 'Buy Canadian products.' COARSE SALT The Perfect Brew. "of exquisite 'air-swept done. One them made off towards the he dediared, "1 am not German lines, The other, after stand-| give whether I chose the right pro-|In a moment ¢r two they swung DE oye motoring ore, Your heavy porcelain or earthenware tea- 3 : ing still a moment, came in my direc-| fosgion. There is so much that is mys-| around end drew vp by the side of ""ugpe is a beauty, isn't she?" Granet| Pot: (Scald it well before using.) Put L A N D A LT tion. "I took out my revolver, and to! terious about the Navy. They are|the vessel. R.lph waved his hand to assented nth DY tioaily "What she|in & level teaspoonful of tes tothe A aml ae tal qu the truth § very vestly Brel always inventing something or trying the, Sou the top of hey gangway. Yoould pron th ad §| cup; add freshly boiled waters ard 'Bulk 'Carlots something new. one, you people:" - a TORONTO 8AL / c exceedingly awkward matter for me Geraldine came down the steps,| claimed. "Huo, Granet, . Have you wouldn't dare say. We were going| this means "the third boil when the ALT WORKS. . to have been taken prisoner just then.| ooo" per hand brought the girls down?" over sixty plenty of times this morn-| billows surge wildly in the kettle. 0 4 OLIFF . TORONTO Just as my finger was on the trigger, "This is the most delightful ideal"| "In 'the most wonderful racing carve: and yet one scarcely noticed it.|Let it steep for from three to four! . - begame conscious that the man who| une. exclaimed, as Granst held the|you ever saw!" Geraldine told him, | YOU #66; she's 60 beautifully hung. | Er re was approacBing as humming 'Tip-| door open. "Do you really mean that|as they climbed up the y. "We (To be continued.) NE . SS . -- Ro I as my eh Bettiah | Jo0. ke going to take us down to|she 't have Seen here for -hours me fp es = NR : ' 8 lace and saw at once he was a Briti ortsmoul and come and eee|if we had waited for the train." g : officer, 'He addressed me guickly in Ralph?" "I met Captain Granet this mérn-| Keep Minard's Liniment In the house, | he Ee ' TRE FEI EE man p German. 1 answered him 1B ish.| "u} am. not Going 10 WOMY YOUF| meio Bk Se SA © 2000 WAS : LT FARE © oh I fancied for a noma t Sop brother," he answered, smiling, "but : LB RT : #5 NPN hy PAY 0000. Jor a uolid sold ratoh gh" of apnoyed. Wed Set get ut. Iam going to take Jou down to Ports- SPP (PN Jou can ontaln & 3 at nl anual 53 this,' he spered. within 8| pn onth, if 1 may. We shail be there Hf <3 SIRI the" siaing lotfers ng phrase, or hundred yards of the German trench- Jong before you coub get there by 1 SAA oy) where now mar ih ) Pol Re you th 0 : T-ES= W-=CH=S A-E F=~L-Y G==R=NT-ED - up,' 'Who were you talking to just now?' I asked, as we stole along. 'No one at all, He answered. I didn't take the thing seriously for the moment, although it seemed 0 me queer. Afterwards I regretted, however, that I hadn't set myself to discover the| meaning of what was arently a deliberate lie. "The next time I met Granet was at a luficheon party 'at the Ritz, a few days ago. I recogniz-| 4. ed his face at once, although I had only seen it by the flash of my élec- tric lamp. From: that moment I have had my suspiciens." The General nodded. He was lodk- ing & little grave. "It's a hateful thing to believe," he said, "that any gne wearing his Ma- Jesty's uniform ever play such <a dastardly part. However, on the whole, I am rather glad that I passed in that request to' the War Office. Anything more we can do for you, your Major?" . : took the hint and depart- ed. A few minutes later he was in his ear and on his way back to Boulogne. CHAPTER XL Olive Moreton gave a little start as the long, grey, car came noise- lessly & by the side of the kerbstone. Captain Granet raised his hat and leaned from the driving seg, lovands her. ope I didn't frighten you, Miss oreton.?' "Not at all," she replied. "What a lovely carl" = clared. lucky person I see, Miss ike we were DP him ass tle." = From that came scanty. had in "Marv tain Granet seven "Number St or "You will ine {i of my new toy?" "Simply wonderful," Geraldine de- "Olive told me that your uncle had just given it you. "What a to tell you oh "You won't frighten us," Geraldine Granet glanced once more at the clock in front of him. "For a time," he remarked, "I am chauffeur. I just want to mee what she'll do--to experiment a lit- ir het Beate. Granet sat bolt right, with his road. Shortly before entered Portsmouth.» "The most wonderful ride I life!" Geraldine exclaimed. there should be a pinnace at number dock from one until three." Granet pointed with his seven 'dock there. i do nothing of the sort," nsizted. would be you are, Granet!" a little shortly as they forget both of them. Six cylinders, ers, and 1 wouldn't we can touch if point conversation. : be- The girls leaned back a fixed upon the one o'clock they | ever 1" Olive echoed. " . Ralph nh finger. {8 there," he shall 's the hd nch and "botel for Iu | how important it is that good dentists Ple| should regularly examine the mouths Mouth Hygiene for Children. =~ In a former 'article we remarked and the: teeth of children. Until there is a dental clinic in every public school in the land we can perhaps expect no great improvement in the teeth of the very poor, but at least we can go an ng. | ; Parents already know much, but they should know much more. "* The best mother in the world is still likely to be' ignorant 'on the subject. That is discouraging, for after all it is the mothers 'alone that can carry out the fules that the dentists lay down for caring for the child's teeth. 3 mother should tell him that little pieces of teeth soon the pretty When the 'more popular 'with: Boys than with Because of this, T. ¢ bath to be taken at night when free| perspiratio v low, The o| daytime bath is usually a hurried of- hed, but a A bath serves several purposes, for not only does it cleanse the gurface of the skin, but it-facilitates the remov of dead cuticle and opens the pores, allowing: many impurities to. escape: prefer the hot tub n is allowed to follow, Th NES "filling in the missing letters, and enclosing ; . a A ohvelope, With your name = 4 oaote i Siredtion olearly tten thereon, so- 'We with tur wi ont del orm: you of your pes absolutely free, a watch 'that you Dich a, Yoon re own. * . While the pussle may be' difficult. it Sosts' nothing" tof try. Hoa Nex Manufacturing. Oo. 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