RICE Effective June 7th, 1921 Tourige Car Runabout . . Chassis . . ( Truck Chassis 670 Starter and Electric Lighting on above $85 extra Sedan $1090 Coupe . . 990 Above prices include starter and electric lighting All prices are F.O.B. Ford, Ont., and do not include. Federal Sales Tax McKEE & HOOD LOCAL DEALERS PORT PERRY - EXPLOSIVES FOR THE FARM To clear land of tinge, trees, or boulders, dig ditches, Ban cellars, etc.. we have a com plete Stock of CXL tumping Powder, fuse, and oo ators, Panamoid Roofing Panamoid Roofing i is made of the h hest grade felt, saturated with the best waterp is possible to obtain. - You may give you jong § Service and our $2.15 for' 108: Squake Feet $2.65 for 108 Square Feet Three : ly $3.26 for: 08 Square Feet BA BiB i Paris Green A Creonoid Arig of Lead Dated at Pont Pony, Ont thin 3 diet a ) of May, A.D. 192} 'Ashton; Hd Herbert Costello, By their solicitor, WM.-H. HARRIS George Collins - Real Estate Agent FARMS FOR SALE Good properties. ., 'erms to suit a aser. farms, houses and:lots, etc for Salew Port Perry, Ont." po See: our list" of = Columbia Records | at 69c Geo. R. Davey. - Star Office; Port trey At Nestleton The Nestleton Sunday School | will hold anniversary services on Sunday, June 26th, and a tea 3nd ent shisrtsinment on Monday, une 27 : We make - CLOTHES that fit. See our 'range . of suitings and be convinced - we make and sell the best. 'W. H. DOUBT sizes of tts Eso Wall Board Oil and Paints a specialty CARNEGIE HARDWARE CO, i 160 oy I con 8 eat Whitby, « loam, 7 room: ame house; stone ation, Water piped to 10 hosts ® 5d barnibr spring by sone sta ns. legen h Ten ons garage: near Bick hn edit fo Toundagion har