Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 28 Jul 1921, p. 7

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{1 firmly believe I owe my life to Tanlac, for it has completely rest my heal afier suffering twen a | years," was the statement mad | Mrs. 'S."Nolles, 208 Parliament St, ' Toronto. a j tims of St. Vitus dance, o EB" 2 5. "During all those years 1 hardly t into debility that leads to other Patient--"Yes, but you'll charge for knew ot it was to eat a good mea bles, Regular meals, out-door it! hw" > without suffering dreadful pains in el ereise and plenty of sleep Wiens) | Spal pit of my stomach and also palpitation Bary to 'the nervous wea a ot ous, dy, | Of the heart afterwards. My liver was it ; om, Yout Yen gimme candy, badly out of order and I was troubled 1 a ature d lot 'with nausea. I generally woke d Mrs. Casey=--"Didn't-01 tell you Oi up, in the mornings with a fearful ant Bite Jo anny at all it you | yh ncho and had oh boils or ed the boy 'or | didn't ag stu : ness that I had to hold on to the furni- rl will be sturdy and fit for s + "Wes ture to save myself from falling, I was just tired out and weary all the The value of Dr. Williams® Pink Pills; "Well the longer ye. kape still the a 0 oRer yo get it. time and every now and then had such Easy | the Dark. a sinking sensation come over me that : Irilihmen ~ were being: shown |! thought my end had come. In fact, Two th I was almost a confirmed invalid and began to show symp. |round a collfery - for the first time, used to lle awake for hours at night s of nervousness which developed | When they saw the coal coming up x Jusne Ry worrying about my condition, and 0 8t, Vitus dance. seemed to {he shat Jrom the pit, Mike remarked | ;o. expected to be well again, 4 SE "But the way Tanlac has built me up muscle in her body seemed to "Shure, and I'd loike to see the men has been really wonderful. The first ® twitching and. jerking, and' the | Who put those great lumps of coal in few doses seemed to do me good, for = rouble seemed to be igrowing worse. | the skips. They must be terrible I-began to sleep better and had less We finally decided to give Dr. Wil strong.» NA : distress after my meals. After taking. {1ams' Pink Pills, and the result was Don't be absurd," said Pat. "Why, | eight bottles of this medicine I'ean e and « ¥ Gf hetter even 'than we had hoped for, | it's" that dark dows there: they ean't | vo riastly sdy'1 am ba wal as 1 ever al re tion 'wood and water for an ina she is now enjoying the best of | 8ée what they Te lifting. was in my life. All my stomach normal respira A i ; " Tr ealth." : Gl ie. : trouble has disappeared, I sleep fine Tr ne oa pve to iy 4 hours of| "Lifted a eel to a wag-| You can get Dr, Willams' Pink Pills Caught Out. at night and amr so much stronger that bi meti wo hours of "Li 2 : § 1 b A' small girl with her mother was < | artificial tion. Wrap the patiént| gon for a man thet was paralysed i Scag aay desiet-in elivhe bY watching two men at work in the Cen: | on" a aravork with eased | in warm, dry blankets and massage| one hand." ] i d | $250 from The Dr. Willams' Medi. | tral Hall of the Law Corts in Lon. my friends and am glad of this oppor- the legs and arms tb encourage cir-| Parents have sometimes remarked 'cine Co., Brockville, Ont. "| don. They were kneeling in the vast tunity to tell everybody what a grand culation. = Stimulaai shogld Je. 3: that 1 Is moredifioult io £t have | ° ! expanse of 'flooring and repairing the medicine it hor " ministered referably y a phy: mn, | girls irteous 2) mosaic with minute pieces of colored | Y .| and if pols is a pulmotor-or lung-|among strangers, but here is a report A Game That Stopped stone, carefully fitting them together ov nlag if $013 by leading Tessie m-; motor handy, it should be operated| which proves that the : 1 Tyranny. in a gigantic puzzle. : . rs fh ii by someone skilled in its use. reaches its highest development ey . Several hundred years ago there| It Was 'a business the maiden an What They Needed. Te pi In the family circle! = "Sunday, helped | a, | lived a young and dissolute Indian | derstood perfectly. "Now, my friends," said the Parlia- Mary with her Sunday School Jessa: prince named Behub, So deeply were | After two or three minutes one of mentary candidate, making another ef- Monday, I buttoned Marys Tens {| hls subjects afflicted by his excesses | the men lifted a small piece of stone fort to arouse the enthusiasm of his ly. ble face, the body resting on gs Mamma, Sos busy. , wd that a native named Nassir deter-|that was not quite =the right size, audience, "what do we need In order 'disease, hardened arteries! or a pile of clothing so t ) at boy x A -- mined to bring the tyrant to reason. | Placed it on a small block, and began | to carry this constituency by the big- kidneys are warned against! hangs down lower than thie body. os report like ; Ye and{ - With this end in view, he invented |t0 chip the edge. The child was as- gest majority in history?" iges or staying £00! mouth is cleared of ug slong a a a and 1 said,| ® €2me, in which the king, impotent | tonished at such a breach of the rules The response was immediate and en- e increased < indker Songue| NE, -- cry. me. I went to |DY himself, is protected by his sub-| Of the game. v : thusiastic. 1 ttc . .{Jects. The fame of this extraordinary ---- "Another candidate." gh surface blood go the 'woods, and I saw a squir: jects. phon quickly, and at last it Cheaper Than Leather. ES contracted by the ttempting the| re! that had its head in an old tin can, 8itracted the attention of Behub, Nas-| The waiter was trying to look un-| Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere much of an effort. 2nd I picked it up and I took a1 oad Bir was summoned to teach him the | Concerned, but at the same time he -- boat" in another cause right. astride of 'patie out of the can and let him go.X I game. kept on eye on the guest whom he had | A British ex-officer claims to be pl ; cus essure squeezes in| MT. Squirrel had canned himself be.|® The young Brahmin availed himself | Just served with' a portion of stewed | the only blind chartered accountant canoes, a type of, the lower part of the ribs for three f0Te the days of the Boy Scout Move. of the opportunity to instil into the | Steak. in the world. ; very easily upset if the| seconds duration, then allowing the| Ment his adventure would probably mind of the tyrant the principles of | He had sampled that stewed steak Drugs and toiiet preparations have SATO TOR Hd bt it they e to be taken off. so as to have ended in a cage or in a pot ple. d_government, himself, and was feeling doubtful been discovered in tombs dating back 8 and 'move about in the De the lungs. Repeat the pressure There is strict neutrality in these |® Struck by the truths which Nassir|2bout his tip. He was astonished, | to 1,500 B.C. try to exchian ts, 'etc. | and relaxation alternately. The mouth] TePOTtS, received two aays apart trom presented, the prince expressed his | therefore, when the customer beckon. pio iy I ig is f : the should be kept open with a cork,| the same Scout: "There was a cat in willingness to confer a liberal remune-| el to him and asked: "Can you get importan Mis tl ll e ORG GERACE of a handkerchief. Con.| 3061 trap so I went and let him out." ration pon 'the young hative .. He | Me two more portions of this steak?" fisties un rr tinue, this method of artificiel respira. | | picked up a little bird under a tree asked him to gfate his terms. "Yes, §ir! Cértalnly, sir™ replied 'take precautions: regarding; le this met pArLpaeal 'and | 2nd climbed up-the tree and put it in '| the waiter, "And some more potatoes, conditions and 'the possibility | tion for a long if necessary, and ; 4 Nassir demanded as-many grains of ; ori und do mot give up hope for at least two \t% NOt safely." | wheat as 'would arise from allowing | Sir?" These seem ing and}de ; ope. Bh 18 And so they go on and multiply-- one for the first square, two for the| "Oh, nono! I only want the steak gs but it js the! hours. ie ly hirty thousand good turns a day-- second, four for the thira, and so on | tO Datch my boots. It will be cheaper ? 7 TE GT nearly eleven million a year in Cana- doubling the number for each of the | than leather." 's Pigeons. His companions looked, too, but all da alone, not to mention those done by fixt Squares on the chess.board -- ns a : they could see was a black speck mov- | grner le ag a direct r of the your squares on the ; Oats "have been successfully re- dogs of war were hardly ipl peop! resylt The king, piqued at the apparently pgs of ol ing toward them--until the black | example furnished by the Boy Scouts. of e ro p a the d ap ireq | Placed by dried seaweed as fodder for 'monsters fhat mythology speck took the form 'of a black dog: Only. a very small percentage of trivial RN an : S08 red | horses during an experiment by the Hiven, Sathn, the little that seemed barely to touch the ine are ever reported, for Scouts do | | SOMOWat angrily, to ask for a |p. military authorities. "Mr, Bi < m Po . ir, Ernest Harold "The Mien declared that h ! 3 gift 'which would be more worthy of oe aan ra 'eried ey hot Sale about these things unless acceptance, But when Nassir adhered 0. McPherson, tances none of the that th 'could see his wings; but asked, : A tovhds 'request, the monarch ordered |* Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, ¢ that his name implies j].tuat they, could gl More important than aflthmetic, or the required quantity of corn to be de: Armstrong, B.C. that his name implies. mone of them except Duval belleved | grammar, or spelling, is this syste. Se Iauired Sua 8 Oe Mvmanws Lintment 0 0 from Verdun a small town pap hie could get through the artillery | matic teaching of thoughtfulness and : : Yarmouth, N.S. fire alive, kindness, for when selfishness is Upon calculating the amount, how. Dear Sirs--Since the start of the . ~ And it seemed as if they were right. eliminated poverty and crime ceunot iy he superiatendents uf Je pub Baseball season we have been hinder. Cuticura Insures A missile struck him. Duval saw him | exist, 8 mand to be, eq with sore muscles, sprained ankles, . . fall--saw him stagger to his feet, con- Sr fea 80 enormous: that not only = Behub's | etc., but just as soon as we started us- Thick Glossy H: ir 3 p SE kiagdom, but all Hindustan would |ing MINARD'S LINIMENT our RT : fused and faltering. . The man took GUARD BABYS HEALTH Rayon Rado te pe discharge it. | troubles ended. Every baseball player | | Shampoos with Cuticira Soap pre- his life in v upon | VY on 1 J Mii Belittb 8 dmired the yoiing Brahmin | should keep a bottle of your liniment ceded by light applications of Cuti- the parayel 309 shonted at. the top INTHE SUMMER for his remarkable ingenuity, and Nas- Bandy. Yours truly, te the ov no of hs Isles on Al AN 4 / sir was installed as the king's prime Ww. E. McPHERSON, druff and . promote the healthy "The dog saw 4 d heard With.a| -- minister, .- « 3 Secretary Armstrong High School Sonlition necessary to producing frantic yelp, he got into his st The summer months are the most} The game seems to have been Baseball Team. uxuri hair, . ? " dangerous to children. The com-|known in Hindustan by the name of Seap25c. Ointment 25 and S0c. Taleum 25c. Sold again. On three legs, with the fourth | 4308! hat 1: was changed bys the throughoutthe Dominion, sapien the | Plaints of that season, which are | Cheturanga: y . 344 St. Pani St., W., Montreal, Swine ing helpless, Eh lo os To infantum, 'colic diahoea and Persians Belly but the Arabs, COARSE SALT uticura Soap shaves without muy. if stretched to cateh him. on dysentry, come on 80 quickly that of- who took possession of that country, LAND SALT TA IAAL RE of Ina etal TIDE Ris collar th | ten a little one is beyond aid before | had 'neither the dmitial "nor the final no 4 n message that read, "For God's the mother realizes he is fll. The letters of that word in their alphabet. 2 Bulk Carlots ; : eh Will relieve you 15. mother must be on her 'guard to pre- | Consequently they altered the name to | § TORONTO SALT WORKS CE Ay A v. 201d 'on. Will re "7% i | vent these troubles, or if they do come | Shetranj, Though at one time the o 4 oLiFF TORONTO | | | 1 the dog had brought something | °® Suddenly to banish them. No other | Chlnese claimed to have played chon | . . | : : REL ia ome hing medicine {8 of such aid to*mothers |in 174 B.C. the Hindus played it long | mee : : ee AGN d ! ~ : 'mistaken. for {during hot weather as is Baby's Own | before that time. Don. Teme : ad navel mol pee at | a meg | meen] This Woman's Letter Tells eaters or by may| Namirig Mount Everest. DOG DISEASES '| ""y "How To Pass The Dr. Wil-| It is a striking fact that Mount | Mating Fore to meses, Crisis Safely. |liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. | Everest is almost the only one of the dress bythe x risis Sately. 0 { he great Himalayan peaks that has not 118 West Tint Sirens pp : a Jaive Indian name, The reason is |§ New York, U.B.A . Lascelles, P.Q.-- "During the Change sti 1 more striking. It has been the in- : of Life I felt so weak and run down I | variable custom of the Survey of India AS P| RI N could hardly_do my work. The per- a-.| to adhere to the native names. The iration d pour over my face so '| English maps therefore contain Kin. x " 4 tee what a doing. 'chinjunga and Kakalu and Sandakphu 4 : the re he inass ooord but for ver. | "Bayer" is only. Genuine. | but, many wb felt us [did would have the highest peak of all, the most : 3 Vegetable Com and it did me a to find any pa- ag Jrorld of good. 1 tried other remedies t was called after : 7 but I put egetable Compound ahead of the great English a\ | them al, 4] very one 1 kngw There is something 'plefig- | £ : hy : done foe in the thought that by. 4 /A\ A oNCAN BROWN, Lascelles, Prov. 'mightiest of their great v ] " i of tnopeopeatingia ave «NGS of oh fuch rning symptoms on sme of think of it as the great : backaches, dread of impending evil, ia € ap ; of the heart, sparks before the * Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin at all. | In every Bayer package are directions _ | for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu- sm dud . » x ty & Toothache, Lum

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