Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 11 Aug 1921, p. 3

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is. that. whatever. -part- y Says in the child's mental at birth, its mentality no! : than 'its 'physical make-up, can many 'people realize the won- that it is now possible to rint by wireless telegraphy? And how many are aware that rain can be ~~ made by wireless; that the world can' 'be surveyed by wireless; that photo- © graphs, and Buman speech, and the ~~ music of a full brass band can be sent radiating through space by means of : sha invention made practical by that t. "have been designed by le to send messages hive heen "punched" on tapes Morse code by wireless, so that receiving station automatically trans. the Morse signals and de- livers them printed in Roman charac- ters to the hatting. operator. ow result. has bas Deen achieved by e analinh Ie Poy -part- chiatrie- Clinic; conducted by a group of physicians, psychologists, and 0 vho take a scientific interest public opinion must be rt of "| sillie recently stated wie he ea rain to fall when the sky had been, for | days past, 'innocent of 'clouds. 'For 'the 'purposes of thé expériment box-kites were sent up in the air to a 'height of about 6,000. ft. - Attached to each kite was a specially-invented ter minal which made contact with the at mosphege. ~ This terminal was also electrically' connected to a flexible ; wire, which was attached tq the ground apparatus. . Exactly how the result was obtained fk Mr. Balsillie's secret, but it is a fact that after six hours cloud formation began, and rain finally In a country like Australia or Egypt, where rain is very ccarce, this great invention should prove a boon of im- meagurable value. Professor Belin, a distinguished radio scientist, recently transmitted, 'by wireless, pictures of the Olympic Games from Antwerp to Paris, The apparatus used was designed by him- self. Photographs are often sent over the | ordinary land telegraph line, dnd the | transmission of wireless photos pre- sents no specfal difficulties. Quite re- cently Professor Belin's apparatus for sending photographs by the land: line 'was adopted by the Surete de Paris-- the Scotland Yard of France. The in- strument will be used for the trans | mission' of fingerprints of suspected persons. So if a 'man is arrested in Paris it will be possible to send his fingerprint to London and Rome for identification. The exact 'position of the boundary- line between South and West Austra : Ua will be fixed by wireless it bias done already. | soll the hands. tion is mo trifle. Indolence leads to idleness, and idle. |" - ey. k : "Will it ever be sent' on question. $ Scientists disagree on this, but the majority say "No," and give excellent 'reasons; the chief one being that wire less waves. always follow the curva- ture of thé earth's surface, and there- fore cannot be se t; ever powerful the transmitter, icularly from the Si planet as SUMMER COMPLAINTS KILL LITTLE ONES "At the first sign of Hines during the hot weather give the little ones Baby's Own Tablets or in a few hours he may be beyond aid. These Tablets will prevent summer complaints if given occasionally to the well child and will promptly relieve these troubles they come on suddenly. Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in every home where there are children. There is no otner medicine as good and the mother has the guar- antee of a government analyst that they are absolutely safe. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 256 cents a box from The Df. Williams' Medicine Co. Brock ville, Ont. es ~~ The Old Grey Wall. Time out of mind I have stood Fronting the frost and the sun, That the dream of the world might en- dure d And the goodly will be done. Did the hand of the builder.guess, As he laid me stone by stone, A heart in the granite lurked, Patient and fond as his own? Lovers have leaned on me Under the summer moon, And mowers laughed fn my shadc In the harvest heat at noon. Children roving the flelds, With early flowers in spring; Old men turning to look When they heard a blucbird sing. And travellers along the road, From rising to setting sun, Have seen, yet imagine not The kindness they gazed upon. Ah, when will ye understand, Mortals--nor deem it odd-- 'Who rests on this old grey wall Lays a hand on the shoulder of God? ~--Bliss Carman. ---- Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere ---------- Wisps of Wisdom. To forget a wrong fs the best re-| venge. To become an allround man, be on the square, Elbow grease is warranted not to : Trifles -make perfection, but perfec- " {and you may have mus: subject to strain are aa tism or lumbago. If is ular she is thin and you begin to show symptoms of any of these disorders, try building up the blood with Dr. I en i Pills, and as the bl -restored to its normal condition: Hveiy: symptom of the trouble will disap DPPeAr. SL are more people who owe thei: sent state of good health to Dr. Wil Hams' Pink Pills than to any other medicine, and most of them do not hesitate to say so. . You can get Dr. Williams' Pio Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Williams* Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. een Two Parsimonious Talkers, "Well," said Ovid Langley, "maybe there is another town where there are two men as little given to talking as Si Herrick and Jim Baldwii, but I doubt it.' * Mrs. Langley looked up from her knitting. "What théy been doing now?" "I dropped into the hardware store this afternoon after a pound of nails, and while I was there Si came in. He was carrying a tea-kettle that needed soldering. Jim came up to wait on him, and Si just pointed to the spot that needed fixing. "Without saying a word, Jim took the kettle and went off into the back room, and Si sat down and began to read the newspaper. After a time Jim came back and handed the kettle to Si. It had 'twenty cents' marked on the side. "Si pulled out a quarter and gave it to him, and Jim put his hand into his pocket, took out a handful of change, picked out a nickel and handeds it to Si; and Si went away, carrying the kettle,. And, by Jiminy, neither of 'em had said a word.' ' "Well," said Mrs. Langley reflective 1y, "I guess if the truth was known there's a lot of talk goes on that ain't really necessary." Smoke Screen Reappears Over London. Smokeless, sootless and robbed of the weird atmospheric effects upon which many of its landmarks depend for their charm for three months, Lon- don has begun to regain its traditional aspect with the resumption' of coal burning in many of the factories. The Pittsburgh-like tone is rayidly being restored; buildings which had begun to look white and colorful are once more being coated with soot, while the medley of smoke-stacks, steeples and gables, hard and distinct without their proper" haze, are sinking back into the blurred outlines in which Whistler saw them. The city had been exposed--a very un-Venetian Venice under cloudless skies and bright sunlight--since the first days of the coal strike: The older they saw the familiar indistinctness | settle over the landscape. A gentle man in Kensington Gardens said yes- terday, pointing to a confused pile of masonry situated near the Serpentine: "That building has been perfectly hideous all summer. The architect who designed it did not take the miners' strike into account." There 1s no longer ground for the complaint of strollers in Hyde Park that they ihad = been sunburned during thelr stroll. 1 ra -- MONEY ORDERS, Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices uroughout Canada. Canada. Razor Wi Wrinkles. umerous inventions haye been de- an easy shave as a ent or cream applied to the | sides th Husband--* y. inhabitants gave sighs of relief when i 2 boy's "A oad worker } bu alka too Be. » he report came back signed nL to rule by the boy's. father it bore be- the ature this. feeling. re- tort: "You. ould hear his mother!" Generous. ly, day gift I had no idea would be sent in to me." Wife--"Didn't I tell you at the time" that I couldn't afford to be generous,' am stupid. dear?" . In the Su Suburbs, : The Heiress--""Yes, when I don't wish to accept certain men's atten- tions, and they ask me where I live, I say in the suburbs." 'Mr. Selfsure--"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ex- cellent! But where do you live, Miss Brown?" ¢ The Heiress--"In the suburbs, Mr. Seltsure." Glad -- -.Plain Scotch! Sandy and Mac were on a visit to London. B On the morning of their arrival they discovered that the washstand was {without 'soap. After ringing the bell an attendant appeared and asked their wishes. Sandy, habitually a fast speaker, remarked, "Sen up sape, lad; a wee bit sape, quick." The attendant gazed open -mouthed at the two Scots. '"'Taint French, taint German, 'taint 'Wesh," he thought. "Wonder wot thew mean?' "Mon, cried Sandy, indignantly, "can ye mo understan' plain Scotch?" Grasping at the last word like a drowning man at a straw, the Cockney fled. Later he returned with--a bot- tle of whiskey and two glasses. Didn't Show Training. Daddy came home from the office early one evening, and mother had not returned from some friends whom she had been visiting for tea. Little four-yedr-old Gwennie ran up to her father's side. "Daddy," she cried, "I've been want- ing to see you for a long time when mother's not near." "Why, my little girl?" asked her father. "Well, dad, answered Gwennle, "please don't tell mother, because she's an awful dear, but I don't think she knows much about bringing up children." "What makes you think that?' ask- ed her father. "Well," replied Gwennle, "she makes me go to bed when I am wide awake, and she makes me get up when I am awfully sleepy." ef The amount spent on famine relief; {in India last year was $5,700,235. The publishers of the best Farmers' paper in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: "I would say that I do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of time like MINARD'S LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has outlived dozens of would-be competitors and imitators." COARSE SALT LAND SALT TORONTO SALT WORKS 4 oLFy TORONTO America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Tres & to Aither dress b if Fest To aps "ASPRIN" | Warning! It's Now Free From Tro From Which She Had. ed For Three Long Years. "I will always feel grateful fa the lady in Toronto who Ne take Tanlac," said Mrs, Dartrude Fu dear, when 1 ley, 74 Colborne St., London, thanked you for your valuable birth-! "For three years I suffered from: a that the bill general run-down condition, following {a severe operation, 1 was in the hos- pital for a month and, after coming home, it was fully ten weeks before X get around very much and then only with difficulty. "I could néither eat nor sleep 'with any satisfaction and had very little strength. I was not satisfied' with the way I was mending and decided to get something to build me up: "I read a statement from a lady in Toronto about Tanlac and.l wrote to her and she advised me to try it by all means. It certainly has: been a godsend to me and I am glad I follow- ed her advice, for I am a well woman to-day. I began to pick up from the very start and my strength gradually came' back. I have a' fine appetite, sleep soundly all night long and my work is a pleasure. I am grateful for Tanlac did for me and I believe it will do the same for others." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Adv. tte nn Anzacs' Hero Wreath Travels 12,000 Miles. Premier Hughes of Australia placed a wreath on the grave of the unknown warrior in Westminster Abbey this week which came all the way from Australia, says a London despatch dated July 80. The flowers were fresh and blooming, although they had tra- velled 12,000 miles, having come to England packed in Ice. Premier Hughes sald they carried with them the spirit of the Anzacs to the em- pire's hero as the boys carried that spirit to the battlefields of France. The wreath was made of the famous Australian wattle, red roses, carna- tions, violets and lilles. Thousands of persons went to the grave of the un- known hero to see the Australian Pre- mier place the wreath there, Sr ---- Canada has most extensive fishing s--5,000 miles on the Atlantic, 7,000 miles on the Pacific, and 220,000 square miles fresh water. 111 You Never Tire Cf Cuticura Soap Because of its absolute purity and refreshing fragrance, it is ideal for every-day toilet pur- . Always include the dr Talcum in your toilet preparations, Soap 25¢. Ointment? and SOc. Taleum 25e. Sold throughout the Dominion, Canadian Depot: ul St., ER He 'THE MISERY OF __ BACKACHE Removed by Lydia by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable >» Compound. ord, Ont. - took Lydia BE. Pia etable Compoun Ji | 2 backache, and I also had a female weak-

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