- The Kingdom of | ree | By E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM, esis JI & ds ' ly Synopsis of Later Chapters. "I can assure = that you will, Captain Granet calls upon Monsieur | Captain Granet," she said. "If father, Guillot at the Milan Hotel and gives| Chooses: to behave like a bear, well, dow him a document from the Kaiser of- SH od % i ely fering France a separate peace. The ang G glane plot is discovered. Conyers sinks two 5 I oy A submarines. Granet is commissioned | 8%", in a > Taay, into wall of by his uncle, Sir Alfred Anselman, to| Signal, they all made their way into wall of fr destroy the new sub detector, made by | the lounge, where soffes as being one Ses th g ; Sir Meyville Worth of Norfolk, * At) served. Utanet made his way to Ger. one of 'he sippotts. ; his aunt's luncheon he meets the siiine's Shae but she received him a yar Byiay, ar vas 1 duvghter, lzabel Worth, Oly bir doing ay: AuAES bee) Dh ean Sot CHAPTER XVIL--(Conyd) ~ |hests," he explained. 'My strict twelve hours a day," she "You nt dow Too Foond.a orders were to make myself agreeable he is Soing no one -- In Stay home," Lady Ansel. | to & young woman who lives in e sort even allow me to spe \, pie a Yo ha me, rif ini it| of bluebeard's house, where no visi- We meet at weals 1 han bon iy Heavenly y tors are allowed and emiling is yuoi-/ to allude to the 1a t " "nn 3 - by z a od oe] Save yoga it," the gil in her | yy Geraldine looked across at Tsabel a Ba aT i He te wor try RE ts de? i: grey mists | ne sai feve 135 won- a a Whether he's homely or Scume slimost $0 stiffe § grey mies derfolly clever. Did 1 hear you my, "Ob, nal There are two or Ls MoWely or, everything; in: but the gurgling that you - id Te Zon E out of Sewn" Bren Srou Lon Then do you se, 1 can't. help thinking, of a little water, and the sighing: ver; +L am going away for a fyw days the corner $0) "WAY, : most melancholy sighing you 4 hedard--of the wind 'in our rugged py voice, ee Sided, ro of § oy Tiair. I have another reason for going." w ding a Bn wilier Tow, you must remember." | "yo looked at her steadfastly and she' wh t théy could | DId you leave fem § doesn't sound attractive,' GFan-| gorgot her vague misgivings of & few hear the fain a pleasant smile? of Nortel aro yout You ars 'oe minites ago. After wl, hie percep-| There ire work in| Were the. words you spake without ] 5 t was Tr ere," said, - # : ; Where near Brancaster, I suppose" | him to Teave London for 4 time. [the burn or the Poti) THF! id yo ones Bulle, * We are within four miles of it,"| uy hope the change will do you! are not allowed even to Did you do the act that you needed the girl replied quickly. "You don't 60d," she said quietly. - "I think, per-| the village. : Now, : do : FRAAR RR ever cote there, do " ' you are Fight to go." begin to understand, jet, | To help the home folks who depend on Grauies looked at her with uplifted : what. it is like to be here" : you? eyerows. EY CHAPTER XVIII. "Well, it all sounds interest-| Did you give them some loving: to "This is really rather a coinci- Granet, a few days later, brought ing," he remarked, "hut 1 think cheer thelr way? things, Ahem this morn with a AREER ie fi gg dence!" he exclaimed. "I've never his car to a standstill in front of an' it must be deadly for you. Your "Will those who are yours 'be happy been to Brancaster in my life but I've . ¢ oo promised one or two fellows to go: Ordinary five-barred gate upon which | invents no end of wonderful to-day?' down to the Dotmg House there ton a8 | nted in white letters "Market, doesn't re 3 {ow onlay 5, a 2x morrow or the next day, and have a ar ger A slight Srey mist', . | You know that {t matters, O man on ' 'mechanical insti i have been giver a thorough prelimin- = week's golf. Geoff Anselman is going, | ] 1 4A! HV the street, a at the 5 test. | 44 / was almost blotted from sight. On|"All that he wants from y Whether you're pleasant to strafigens + devices Isavs hoor. ive ary nother C ant for ome." : p (sence or my silence. i The girl was for a moment almost; te. She side 2 ihe geile & sandy, back the other night ; you meet; Sued es iawn, her, Sisppeated | em trees, which | If he'd thought about Does it count for less to those whose "You'll come and see us, 'won't Sfectusliy concealed any view of the h te SU your sanle. And the word Y*¥1t may, 14 be delighted," Granet|"Soems as thoigh the giel were cs tamed bo aes rou say epee promiead hear. "When are you, ght Srapel muttered to himsel, ESTE) Ine i test sn the And so Tam asking as yuu £9 oa yout | in back » . X (i by - To-morvow. You're quite sure that SS backed Jus var Done to ihe side, STOking,, fe obo #it does: gee | WII Sone Wie are yours be happy g J 1 * y Th "] ghall come all right," Granet as. upon the latch of the gute, prepared | hard upon you, Miss Worth. On the tous --~Clare Shipman. ES is i i 1 sik Hi bier £ il rast ni 3p22i. 0 siptstly i 2 Es wy. i 1 it really is rather inter- sured her. "I'm not so keen on golf 10 fring Is open, Almost immediately esting, isn't it, to think that yours --e LR as some of the fellows, and my arm's @ figure father is such rion 7 oan : 1 ) "Halt]" ather is such a man of mysteries? ni : Ja it Eonop, aud 2k alneoh Grint hdd with orien 1 th Sbload UCT | Dorkieas That Makes Light. to come before the Board again for o' khaki-clad figure. / suppose so,' she admitted, - A mew type of lantern for light-|; fortnight, so I rather w eo! "Your name and destinaticn?" the den, you see, father ja Slmoet brutal | houges has been perfected. chance of getting right away. The Man demanded. - I -- H any Sells confl-| yo light is started automatically at links are 700d, I suppose?" "Captain Granet of the Royal Fusi- ence. He never oven me a) night time or in foggy weather, switch- "Wonderful," Miss Worth agreed, lies, from the Front on leave,"| thin, or shepuiages me to.ask 8 Toco | ing itself oft when it is no longer need: eagerly, "and I think the club-house| Granet replied. ' "I was going up to ton. I think for that reason I} ed. The 'inventi iil enabl "to is very comfortable, - There are often | the Hall to call on Miss Worth." grows Dither Io Teseht his work dnd ay oy hs a oy some guile nice men staying there, 1¢| Jay where you ate, if you plesse, ulus ra ee gl acoR Ast 30 mea) mere agi old ee i - 5 J ' Ty 1 sir," the man r 4 7 0 » ] 'Th culfar, he place would be imrt | Je stepped back nth the sentry box| A Fariormeid entered with te of ightbouse i very SISD8IYE SIME | ppg ave: waked vot an sassretne i ; § e throu a "hone. In: . " ' : for east two people must be ke 2 oral ile in fent Cath That Seminds a Cort or two he reappeared. to his hostess' side upon the'sofa. He upon it constahtly and boats must be | TY Of testing home conveniences be- "I must warn you about father. He's| Pass on, please, sir," he said. showed no miore interest in outside sent out at frenuent intervals with | 107 Selecting them. During the winter fal the most unsociable person thai ever| Grane walked slowly up the happenings. * He was an adept at light £004 and stores. the project leaders in the various com lived." avenue, his hands hehind him, a frown conversation and he made himself} There are places so inaccesible at| Unites met with the county home "I'm not shy," Granet laughed, "By. | Upon his forehead." Perhaps, after all, fhoroughily agreeable for the' next| p! | demonstration agent to discuss the thebye, pardon me, but isn't your| things Were not to be so easy fdr him. | hour. he "(ee quickly to his feet. [foo seasons of the Jear that It has ly i Orr E Wb Boma oot Homes father the Sir Meyville Worth 'who On Sither side he oouid "see the 55% £0," ho deddared aon out of 20 eostion to ateet mar- abe Some con i s 2 stretches of sand, ; e Te * . Sjeo 3 ies : ic Javeuts: a Sng ite, Save the long creeks of salt water. As he "It has been 30 nice to have you|new automatic lamtern will work un- haps you'd better post me up hefore| Came nearer to the house, the smell) here," she said, "but if you only knew | tended for months on' end. I come?" of the sea grew stronger, the tops of how it. was to arrange it,| 'How does it werk? Well, it is real- "I shan't tell you a thing," Isabel|the trees were more bowed than ever,| you'd understand why I hesitate to}yy quite simple; "Large quantities of Worth declared. ""Just now it's very| sand was blown everywhere across the | 48k you to come again, {8am are stored under enormous pres- much Letter for you to know nothing | bopeless flower-beds. ~The house y shouldn't you come and lunch sure in steel cylinders, which are con- whatever about him. He has what, 1| 1tSelf, suddenly revealed, was a grim, pith me tomorrow at the Galt Club?" by pipes. with the burner. of call the inventors' fidgets, for some| Weather-beaten structure, built on the |e asked: "agerad bY pipes, url reason or other. If a strange person| very edge of a , barrowlike the e hesitated. It was obvious that There >. certal 11' substa: which comes near the place, he simply loses | tongue of land which ended with the eRe ppeil There are certain substances whic! his head." house itself. Th expand when light falls upon them, "Perhaps 1 shat be welcome, the few yards Captain Chalmers has » gmal 'and contract when they are in dark: i then?" Granet remarked disconsolate. | the windows. To his right was a wall- : : oi d ; > : : Rvestment: 11 mo BYING = 1-22 ly. ed garden, some lawns and greenhous | 3) likely fathar will of 1 \ plied '® efore, | 1S at 1 pay There was a flash in the girl's eyes |e; to the lef \ ; ond wi ! Cie, B a rod : ne of these sens ur F 5 je. fundamental. goals for as ghe answered him, Ibo a il to-morrov tive ! the entire work of the home is A : : 3 5 111 £ i : i ier was | « stationed doing sentry duty. He stood 3: on ane side, however and allowed ring 'bell. "Officers 'quartered here?" Granet|Structure was red. Most of 'the Instinctive mctions of | It is owing to the fondness of the domesticated animals may be traced | Celtic' tribes for the leek that their {back to what they did in the days |descendents, the Welsh, retain it | when they roamed wild,' and were evening forced to defend. themselves at a mo Granet drew a little sigh. g ©: A |ment's notice, ; "Well, I hope it's som that | causing A For example," even a Pomerdnian | OB do us a bit of good," he s '© Tio i Se ME FRE dog will turn round and round before it. - The 'Germans are miles ahead Inard's Liniment for Bui cur! ; 'When you're down and out and 'Whispers, "What's the use of win-| Just sit down and think of