ommoda anned FACE WAS FULL OF PIMPLES For Three Years. Hardand Awfully Sore. Disfigured. Cuticura Heals. "I had been suffering with a pim- ply face for three years. My face was full of pim and they were hard and ly sore. They fes- tered and dried up, and were scaly, and disfigured wy face. They caused me to lose & lot of sleep, and were awfully itchy, making me scratch and irritate my "I started to tise Cuticora Soap and Ointment: and | used two cakes of Cuticura Soap snd two boxcs of Cuticura Ointmerit when I was healed." ( East: COARSE SALT LAND SALT TORONTO SALT WORKS «TORONTO pmpound i: Pink? nKnam table: Compound nd found good nd \ ery helpfu much ge Compound to ou