= 1 Sop ; ' Fh : nn Synopsis of Later Chapters. "Blow id the goit go this alter iptain Granet calls upon Mousieur BIOniF he: en SE AE t at the Milan Hotel and gives "T° 'dead off it," Anselman re- _ document from the Kaiser of- plied gloomily, "Our friend. in the g France a separate peace. The easy-chair there ked spots off us. discovered. stks bo Mr, Collins . 3 by his uncle, Sir 1 ; 5 a duty the new s y Eoing to ent; Sir Meyville Worth of MNerf en io ' . calling upon Isabel W. he oe ix ; « Sakets by tie inventor for he. captain § ! { 0 rd and shown the marvel to the its Lig : a Yous. Invention. ToT can't stick eveds in she dastime." seid Good might & Tite Shea yr wr i Coiling Shut up hia Teviek uy 1it his candle outside and went s CHAPTER xX ~ (Cont'd. 'I agree with you, sir," he sai to his room. Arrived there; he ( 3. (Cont'd) ndeavored to persuade orie SE Diag 3 br oom. Acsive there ho gltn "It den't Captain Chalmers, father," nen to play another nine holes Jt weg half-past eleven. ro 'etrun p= Isabel interrupted. = ° Sumsuecessfully, I Togtet to state) [is clothes quickly pat on some rub- | er rogions the Royal Sir Meyville seemed suddenly to be- oh cigaret, ; shoes slipped a brandy| ed Police, the Hudson- some still, He looked fixedly. 'at'. Well" he remaiced, Hts too far 10 flask and revalver" oto his pocket. | the missionaries acted as enu; ' : fb. down to the links again, but. Fl Ten down and every Eskimo that could be lo: wri Bo ame you, {hen 1" he demanded. oy Jou a game of yo the ith his watch ini bls hand. | cated was put down: The Indians were are. you, sir?" . ; : i pi ° ) y "I gm Captain Granet of the Royal "Wr, And Tose to his feet. . |which he had never: been ; Fusiliers, back from the Front,' CHIE vo five) £5cape since 'his wounded," Granet replied. "1 can aa! sore, "If You will ge me Ave and Belgium ure you that I am a perfectly trust-' yoloches, it would intercst me. to | aietal Hours, "But | don't understaid." Sir Mey. Whether Baa es BY Wie lessons Toight ene Sat 4 [t% moments leer, "1 6 : le en. Mr. Collin threw the. seamed someho: erent for, Cranet. oxpinind. "1 had tha|Jack with great precision and. they|If it were less dangerous, it wis sure of meeting her at lanch at Diaved an end during which hid sup. jess. sti v= In those few. mox Po Anselman's the other day. We! gs OHty was Apparent. %y fro! ments the soldier blood in' him called £ house or Todgor, if-Iat ¢ have been playing golf together at! oc from the house FOF the first Liner, for the turmoil of war, the panorama oer 0 or lodges, if Iaiter sen Brancaster." Ee 0 he . hy life and eatin, the ores at La peda. a i hase. ier of i a bega J Ta - . citem jugg] J th fa while hy ed 0 y iether ! Winall He The) -- Wyble Sor ek 45 Jou make of this change the a itn "rain-| read or Write! The farmer had the boat. ip he bo A Re, asked quickly. {ing death on every side. Here there 'hardest task, having to answer no less "My foult" he muttered, "my gon So nied oe hey a Yhort| as nothing but silence, - the - oftthen 220 questions, some of which fault. | Captain Granet, I thought that 11:4 afternoon?" : | lash of the distant sea, the barking | were: amount of improved land, waste my datighter knew ny wishes. T'éin| "uf 'am no scientist, 'worse Tuck? of a distant dog: The danger was(yang, costes Tabor," number of fruit ot 4. Present in 8 position to ruceiVe Graneb replied impatiently, "but I saw] stimuli of that 'blooded backs rove: AOmesHe antmals, ractons, auld) You will pardon my apparent inhospi-| sot the i shi iden. me hat they've | ground. He glanced at his watch. 'Tt > Toda e nlount ofall, products tality. ' 1 shall ask you sir, to kindly got th Fish h ir eyville, wanted still ten miindtes ta twelve. 501d 8 ¥ The: census sheet forget: this visit and to keep away sro mia gos, the men commanding For a: moment then he suffered his|covering manufacturing, trading, and from here for the present." 3 ¢ escolt they've given him --actual- tho fo go back to, the new thing| business merely. called for firm name, "I-shall obey your wishes, of course, wed me ou 10 the Rorkshop and | which had crept fafppchis life, He was| address, and nattire of operations. Rh sir," Granet promised. "I can assure] Stl gens fuck ae pn SE 4 A sudden the Milan, he #aw| Canada caw clahn the a you that I am quite a harmless person, | saw the bottom of the sea, even the bd. + the fig. cot almos A do mot doubt i, sir sir Movil Cojor of the seaweed, the holes in the made repli itis the harmless people| «57 ; ! of the world §ho do the most mischief, Cod eos, the shells, to) It was a bat An idle € ere or there wnd great burst under water" jog with Jhat secrets are given away. you wi ¢ 1 ellow me, I will show you' a quicker inet looked around. They were the other end now. ug ow the avenue; without going | wy form po Cia . 5 They paused in the middle of the oe : vit Ry SET as pool, ae palaorS, vos | 139m. Granet held up. his handker- iid bo bas r the| apie Summit, if "Vou can go in. feubal" he fates Chief and turned his cheek seaward. er of - th For 'yeara ofie of the most thrilling | directed ah go nl ther) There was still little more than a their incidents of" & visit to the Alps has dirgcted ward. . see Captain fioating breath of air but his cheek |i 'been the scent of the Jungfrau oy She obeyed énd took leave of her) on covered with moisture. 5 2 ' the cog-rall road that 'starts from i a 4 "1 have everything "he said. | thi of .ice--and for 53 Kleine 8 y tie with o little whrug of the shoul" « Lo ne : ; eine Scheldege, at an elevation of]. +, Six Megville taok Granst's arm | gant before we go 10 bed to-night 1 fingers gr windowsill 8,711 ft. and climbs the mountainside | "o.. dow 'the ; : eat an aeroplate. | He raised himself a at the startli de of 26 per cent;, | LOE "Captain Granet," he suid gravely, LOUD KUT jour watch is right to the eyes fell upon. his nin-|or-an angle ont 2 a Hr Y Pproporti "I am an indisereet person and I have ute or two to twelve reaches Jungfraujoch, at an elevation out an indiscreet daughter. . 'Bearing in' Ar ors sure tht ie Tight, RL : tened, The place! .s 11 339 reef, less 1 nin} your profession, Saale 10 to-pight you and I, my. young: friend;|toe ac i j|: It is now. proposed to. adds to This lh seen absolutely secret. Put a are 'going to play with our lives a ; seated | Wonderful experience in mountain geal upon' your memory.- Go back to. Lie Tete eatelossly than with this he wid ; Z climbing a still further thrill, by com- Brancaster and don't even look again' fink » he went co errno iat. I parison with' which the former will |} in this direction. The soldiers round pic eve camefull n, Deasuring it with was in darkness. turned his| appear quite insipid. From the pre! this place Have orders not to stand Yori hs y- ey Mo Sootel, a : entrance. sent endl ofthe track the mountain {°C on ceremony with any one, and by to- ractice: is b ay tot an " 'Two Hingtest he exclaimed: softly. soars anpther 2,206 ft. to the summit cealm night I believe we. 'are to have an Gaomac a tone 10 7€ he opm ot, 1t will be to-night. . Are you! of an elevation of 18,547.46 By means escort of Marines here os well. What gow and looked outers, | eR taolutelyl™ of excavations and tunnels the track | you have seen is for the good of the = upretty Hot stuff, isn't he, Ronnie?"| They sicod b in] Will be extended until it reaches a spot "I congratulate you heartily, sir' he asked. Janced sat his op silence. Nothi | 2 in 'the centre of 'the conical summit. ; Granet replied, shaking hands. ith 1 Wi need i opponent, directly below its highest point. 'From course I'll keep away, if I must. I Booked i and. poi his hard face, ny the end of this turinel a shaft wiil be Pome when i as al over ah | oh ose and fit gold Spoctacles. behind them, asleep; in| bored vertically to the summit itself, |' you will aligw me to come and renew! 1% he ad ietly, "He's too 'the mars) | and in. this shaft: passenger elevators | T! my asguainiante with your daughter." * : wet, the golf led; 'so thiit non - i it is over, with plessure," Sir eyville assented. © + CHAPTER XXI.' Granet stepped ' into his car and| . : 7 drove off. The inventor Stood Sooke At about half-past ten that evening, after him. Then he spoke to the Granet suddenly threw down his cue sentry and made his way across the in the middle of a game of billiards, [cou ack i X gardens towards the boatished. -. |and: stood, for a moment, in a listen- re \ id } 3 ; "I ought to have known it from the attitude. : : h ph 3 the highe first," he muttered. ' "Reciprocal re-| 'Jove, I believe that's an airship!" : : view of a world fraction was the one thing -to think ihe exclaimed, and hurried out of the ! land. - mountain tops around them. ° about." ; room, - lpia ~_Granet, as he drove back to the| They all followed him. - He was Lh Dr db Dormy House, was conscious of a standing just outside the French shoulder. - From: hat pe Minard's: Liniment for Dandruff; curious change in the weather, The windows of the sitting-réom, tpon the hich hung b re GT wind, which 'had been blowing more | gravel walk, his head upturnedy listen- 3 or less during the last few deys, had! ing intently. There was scarcely a suddenly dropped. There was a new breath of wind, no moon or any stars. : heaviness in" the atmosphere, 'little Little clouds of grey mist hung about Space. S : ; re banks of transparent mist were drift- on the marshes, shutting out their view) fi J . Time was, not so very .long ago, ing in from seawards. More than once! of 'the sea. The stillness was more|SPok: RTS BO, se when thousands of men 'were crippled he sbopped the car and, standing up,;than usually intense. ] God!" he murmured. "They're or killed while coupling freight' cars. lookad steadily away seawards. The "Can't hear a thing," young Ansel- i io "| It wis cobsidergd unavoidable. Cir-|ate' long stretch 'of marshland, on which man muttered at last. ~ . {To be continued.) TE) Cand-all sorta-of i the golf Jk er A situated, was a. Jay. have been fancy," Granet| re cular: Saws; Danes: aug soris:ot » lig! izzlin, , was | adm 5 Minard's Liniment 'swiftly moving machin sky He found, when Te reached] . "A motorcycle going along' the] " 0ors Liniment for Burns, eto. ory. took thelr annual toll in lives an the Dormy House, that nearly all the| Hunstanton Road," Major Harrison al Dre limbs; It, too, was "unavoidable." || pe | With the perfection of motor vehie: powered : Jaen, were assembled in one of thes gested. ih tight large ing-rooms. A table of bridge 's 'a magnificent or a d been made . Mr. Collins was |raid," Dickéns : remarked; glanci seated in an chit to the [around. > rege = window, reading a reviéw, Giranet ac-| f a cup of tea and abood should