the super-man and ucts, there is now be- 3d what is known as super- 2 Canadian product and terproof and to have W. J. R. asks: "18 Hime juice taken ds reducing agent effective, and is it harmful in any way?" Answer: Lime juice is wholesome but ineffective as a reducing agent. Fhe oniy way 18 %o eat less fat orm. or easy to digest and if they contain much nutriment. Answer: Cucumbers and enions | eaten with vinegar would be hard on the stomach, and . probably severe indigestion, This combination of vegetables is almost without food values. Onions eaten as a small part| i lead to | of a meal furnish vitamines and min- eral salts, and are beneficial in this, respect. Cucumbers may supply some than ordinary Portland 'cement, The increase in strength is specially mark. ed in the case of cement and sand mor- tar, and the difference increases with time. / oT -- ts Hattentots Eat Giraffe Meat. The Hottentots are especially fond of giraffe steaks and giraffe marrow, anda potroast of boa-constrictor is - | highly prized in Souther Guinea. od. meal before retirn x {60a a fhe" be. &id in inducuig Patagonian I indians, Who 1 Hea on the 1 the also wants to know if these ae hard| posure Yitamines, $00, Jt' they sxe mot 80} 'and are 'afraid ) 'alone, All this the I was taking medicine, but it only did net 'help me, od I was growing weaker. Finally 1 a to try Dr. Williams® after using six boxes "Pills, 1 elt much better. I Had a better ap- | petite, slept better and felt stronger. However, I continued taking the pills for a couple of months longer and 2 aow Lam feeling as well as ever I did. I give all the credit to Dr. Williams' | Pink Pills, and hope that my experi ence may be of benefit to some other weak woman." You can get Dr, Williams' Pink Pils through any dealer mail at 650 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Willlams' Med} cine Go, Brockville, Ont. St ' en ne ' I Am-- The very essence of character. The first essential of happiness and| | success. I nerve men to face the rough and the smooth of We. with equal com- X am -that which doable a man to rule his fears and his passions. 1 'give men and women greater power than any king or potentate ever enjoyed. I 1ift them "above All regrets, all all useless desires and "lam that which shows man how to protect himself from all his enemies, within and without. 1 make him the master of circum- stances, the ruler of conditions that otherwise would fill him with despair. Without me, & man ls like a mari ner without a compase--at the mercy of every wind that blows; the slave of every passion and (impulse. Most of the tragedies, all of the sul- cides, many of the failures, and much of the poverty and misery of life, are _ | due to the lack of me: I am 'the best friend of Han, his greatest ald fo success. In the midst of dangers and difficulties; 'in spite of ridicule and opposition; in front of all sorts of provocations, I hold him true to his 'highest ideals as the needle to he pole, I am like the og celestial worlds that swee 3 their orbits Stary depths, undis turbulel -- o and calm; like the dulet depths of the ocean that tempestuous, and tempests that {wreck so many lives,-- human beings that reck success: nnot touch me. - Lam I in the ternal calm of prin | the Boy Scout movement the fullest | support. medicine or by {an all-night hike, the boys discovered '| Scouts this heroic action would never ican market. "tity is George his lite, and make the Bema this country can not have too nny of in the years to come." An anomalous revelation made by e late war, Dr. Robertson sald, was the whole human race had not ecayed in any way as regards cour- 'age, but physically it had deteriorated Medical examina- there was a vital need of according In the schools of Canada, he Baid, 1t was found that 5 per cent. of the pupils suffered from minor physi- cal ailments, A high type of: citigen- ship would remedy this. The Boy Scout movement made not only for | good citizenship, but for a rugged physique as well. It performed a dual function--moulded character and made rugged youths of those who might otherwise be physical weaklings. Quick Action of Omaha Scouts Pre- vents Wreck of Express Train. James Caldwell, 18, and Clarence Swingholm, 12, Omaha Boy Scouts, saved through passenger train No. 6 on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway from being wrecked a few days ago and are being acclaimed as heroes. 'Returning to thelr scout camp after A large tree lying 8 the rails, and at the same time heard the train ed for a curve 300 yards away. Pulling Caldwell"s red sweater from his back the Scouts ran down the track waving it frantically, and the engineer stopped the train a few yards 'from the tree. It is supposed wild honey hunters felled the tree across the 'track and decamped when they saw what they done, If these boys had not been have occurred. What a singular ad- vantage of an all-night hike! Wanted--A Boy Scout. Addressing the 27th Boy Scouts at their dinner held in Toronto recently, Mr. John Northway sald that he had been given such splendid service by Boy Scouts that when he wanted a boy In his business now, he always ad: vertised for a Boy Scout, Business men--adopt this slogan. 'You will find it pays. Boy Scouts are not eclock- watchers; they are always obedient and always prompt, and they have been trained to be physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. SPEAKS HIGHLY OF EARYSOWN Vip ET Once a m ther has & has used Baby's Own Tablets for- er little ones she is al- ways pléased #6 speak highly of them to other mothers. She knows the good they 'have. done her children - and realizes that her experience should be of benefit to others. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Fred Murphy, Charlotte. 8: "I have used Own "Tablets tor the past eight 1 cannot speak | tor ighly of them: for they have been ! of t assistance to me in my first ce of motherhood." © Baby's blets are a mild but thorough | laxatiy whieh aro-absalutely 'harmless | 5 if you force a faking, Four not be friends "oo forgive each other's 'Nickels, well known lecturer, residing at 227 Wells St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, "Tanlac has not only completely re-' stored my health, but I have actually gained 27 pounds in weight," said Mr. Nickels in referring to the remarkable henefty he had derived trom the medi cine. "For something over six faonths, my stomach was very badly disordered. 1 suffered terribly from Indigestion and Dyspepsia. At times I would be in great distress and I would invariably experience an uncomfortable bloated feeling for hours affer eating. I had no appetite scarcely and the little I ate would often make me deathly sick. My head ached until I felt like it would burst and I was so nervous I trembled like a leaf. When I got up in the mornings, I was so weak and dizzy, I couldn't trust myself to walk around and I just hurt ail over. "Tanlac has brought ebout a won. derful change in my condition for I am now enjoying the very best of health, My appetite is splendid. I relish my meals. Everything agrees with me perfectly. The nervousness, head- Only Convict-Operated Game Farm. The state.of Washington maintains the only game farm in the world which World's is operated by convicts. Great num- bers of pheasants are rafsed by trus- ties on the penitentiary grounds, for distribution throughout the state. The men work as freely as though they were not under confinement, efi There are 33,206 registered ships on the oceans and seas of the world, They have a tonnage of nearly 62,- 000,000, A Health Saving "REMINDER : Don't wait until you get sick--USE reset COARSE SALT LAND'SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF . TORONTO SLOAN'S RELIEVES NEURALGIC ACHES R forty years Sloan's Liniment has been the quickest relief for {, neuralgia, sciatica and tism, tired muscles, lame backs, sprains and ud His, aches and pains, \ Sloan's handy and apply freely, WE rubbing, at the first twinge. It eases and brings comfort surely and readily. You'll find it clean and non-skin-staining. Sloan's Liniment iz pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists--35¢c, 70¢c, $1.40. "Made in e300 (a TP "Bayer" is only Genuine ce on any. Tabls of Aspirin," preser rheuma- | GEORGE H. NICKELS ------ aches and didky spells are all gone and I never have an ache or pain, I am only too glad to tell others about the wonderful good Tanlac has done. It has no equal." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere, Adv, Finger Nalls Vary in Growth, No two finger nafls on our hands grow at the same rate. The nail on the middle finger grows faster than any other, while the thumb nail is of slowest growth, -------- Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend TF Se, America's Ploneor Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Frea to any Ad- dress by the Author H. Clay Glover Co, Inc, 118 West 31st Street New York, U.S.A, i & % | d |? Make Cuticura Soap and Ointment your Ts pital to ake a ] substitute for, Soha : every-day toilet prep: arations, * Bathe with | the Soap and hot water on rising and retiring, using plenty of Soap, best applied with the hands. Smear any signs of | pimples, redness or roughness 'with the Ointment and let it remain five minutes before bathing. Finally dust on a few grains of the ex- quisitely perfumed Cuticura Tal- cum, it takes the place of other ertusnes for the skin, + Ie. Oistment2s and 50¢. Talcum25e. Sold ihbuontih adh ER YOUNG WOMEN AVOID PAIN i This One Tells How She Was Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- 8 Ri ~~ "'For jwosears | 1 suf, fro i iw oT was uhible fo get ; take Bihan Ean art Ene coud not