Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 6 Apr 1922, p. 7

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or, What re he frst | to weak, easily fy A the strengtis red men, ---- ar children. Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills this spring--they will not fisappoint you,' 2 to ® ery troop in the | | Cont i Bach. 88 nty'of Brant w Sake past enough to keep me up. Many days I. vefting: couldn't do my housework, and the ete. n "allotment BTrow- he ds ets, credit and assist |W "to assist farmers and truck-gardeners. A "potato club, encouraged by thie Provincial Depart nent of Agriculture, is to be formed | and the citizens of Brant Cotinty will be asked to co-operate by placing Small pieces of ground at the disposal of, the lads for their growing of the "good old spud." London Troops Presented. © On 8 recent occasion a magnificent | enlarged photograph of Lieut. Arling- ton Beckett, who was killed 1h action at Hill 70 in: 1917, was presented to of, weight, Sold by all medicine dealers or sent | the Boy Scouts of the city. of London, temperature, pallor, g from Tibet with an: | otter Buropean, a Tibetan guide, and iverest oe a race of mystery in the Tibetan language. lo Snowmen," on ac-| erocity and the savage ] orton 'when they come in nally completed. Bury, the leader of ' Everest expedition, states an elevation xceoding "the man, and he thotight might be those of same lad been altered Dy the 6 he an to a. statements of the Tibetans,and haven our train of about forty or fifty 'oolies. We were coming "down 'the trac which' leads trom/Gnatong to Sedon by mail at 50/cents a box cr aix boxes for S2a 50 by The Dr. Williams' Medi: ille, Ont, then. As we Bot. near Gantok, we had | _ to climb the long ascent, My com- panion had gone on ahead with the | the sun, which was ot. about setting. While I Was 'musing heard a slight ; , and, looking 'around around, 'I saw, some fittecn or twenty paces away, a figure, which 1 now suppose must have. been one er ak men that the Po is 2 of my. Tecol ¢ Sa arrose he a EE about the Xisd of pao sei of hatted hair on: Hints hoa rl 'hair on his face face, hight, 1 t ea 16 form of primitive bow. He did not see 'me, but stood there, and 1° watched 'him. for some five or. ix % minutes, So Jas as I could off at a run-down the hill and 1 was Impressed with the SS menduvs speed at which he: 'travelled, 2 Uticlad Amidst the Bow Phe weight of evidence ndicates that 'the 'creatures seen on Mount Everest were really men. That unclad. human beings should be able to en-| dure the cold at such heights and: find, 1s amazing, but not is animal lite above | vine. © On Mount 89d any birds . Including the 'Some of those ir Hoarty splaygd fest, and » certain - things, and will be hung in 'the local head- quarters. The photograph is the gift of Lieut. Beckett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Beckett, of that city. Be- fore the war. Lieut. Beckett was .a member of headquarters patrol and was a bearer of, the highest Boy 'Scout decoration, the 'Sitver Wolf. Windsor Investiture of First Cub Pack The investiture of the First Windsor Wolf Cub Pack took place recently. in the church house of the Church of the | Ascension of -that city, in conneotion *| with which the pack has been formed. 'The proceedings of the evening got | ® under way early with many parents # | and friends of the Cubs in attendante. ~Beoutmastér Dick Roe, of Toronto, mot {and Cubmaster of the Pack, and Rev. detect it when it was pointed .out to him. In size, color, shape, and actions they were all alike, and 'they sang and twittered alike, so far he had noticed. ative Patagonians; like other sav- age peoples; have very keen eyes for things which - their modes of fe have made it Indispens- able that they should notice, ¢ «In other words, they are and as a matter of course they excel in thelr ewn particular line. It does not follow, however, that they have than are possessed by men (zed 'countries. Set them to find a reversed "'s" the middle of a printed page, and, tears in the would run dewn. their brown | cheeks: and. they would give up the search with aching eyeballs. But the proof-reader can find the reversed let- ter in a few moments, and never strain his eyes in ihe 9 lomat ha oficial Dominion EO iit re. port has just been received on a germination test of flax fibre produc- ing seed derived from a crop grown on irrigated lands at Tilley, Alberta, was itself produced from | g OD from a small experi- mental lot ot, fibre flax which was {ient 'was niade 'In order to de- bilities of the flax Canada D, Walter Collins, rector of the church, were the speakeérs of the evening. ' This pack, the first to be organized the Border Cities, now has a nfem- rie sae) bereiip of 46. The Cubmaster will be eda by: Bert Eldridge, who will charge Fhe Cubs" when "they a the age of 12 years, when they have the privilege of becoming Scouts. Regular weekly meetings are now be- ing held and many hikes have also been arranged for the coming season, Full information regarding the for- mation and conduct of Boy Scout Troops 'and Wolf Cub (Junior Scout) Packs may be had upon application to the Boy Scout Headquarters, Bloor and Sherbourne Streets, 'Toronto, When will your conmimunity become g& Boy Scout-Town?" growing children. It pmy contain bacteria productive of intestinal trou- bles or bacilli. Hence the practice of, pasteurizing milk that 15" ted to in- nts young folks, Unfortunately, the heating process called "pasteuriz- ing" (so recent investigators assert) a very necessary vitamine which raw milk contains and which is a. preven. tive of scurvy. .It has been ascertain ed, however, that the every-day toma- to is exceedingly rich in this particu lar vitamine, and 'that the difficulty may 'be overcome, with prevention of scurvy, by giving the child a daily dose -of half a tablespoon of fresh to- mato juice or a whole tablespoon of canned tomato juice, strained: Wilnard's Liniment prevents Spanish Flu The. Crystal: Palace is' ten inches longer in summer than in winter, due to the heat of the sun on the frame- work. The Eiffel Tower, Paris, is: af- y, and 'a' passing cloud sun for a short time is "to cause a change in the KINDS 1 pulle saw Ship least exertion'left me completely tired Ie FORK. #8 out. I was awdy below my normal weight, and my wretched health or Tied me not a little, "Well, it surely was a delight to me t= is when I noticed a great improvement in my appetite after taking my first Wo bottles of Tanlac, and I saw then at it was a wonderful medicine, I am perfectly well now, can eat any- thing I want, nothing hurts ine, and I feel strong and well all the time. I can do my housework without a bit of trouble. Tanlac is simply grand." . Tattlac is sold by all good druggists. : 3 . --Advt. ----e A et Sa - Faith. Plished a seed by faith alone Through the dark to the unknown, Came at last through winter's gloom On a mountain top to bloom. Shook the dirt from. off its neck, Groomed itself without a fleck, Raired its head and at the sky Cocked a blue untrodbled eye. 'Quoth the mountain, "It Wy. well Deeper down it did not dwell; Faith tke that anothe+ place Might have moved me from my base." : a it ™ MONEY ORDERS, Order. Five Dollars costs three cents, fe teen Smiths, Read This! It may interest readers bearing the name of Smith, coupled with the usual John, to note the different forms of this name met with on a world tour. Italy, Giovannd Smith; Spain, Juan 'Smithers; © 'Holland, Hans Smidt; France, Jean Smeet; Russia, Jonloff Smitowskl; 'China, Jovan Shimmit; Send a Dominion Express Money | At the first sign of it. America's Ploneer Dog 'Remedies © Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ads ls b; ns 8 Auihons Clay or Co, ET West. ith Street New York USA. © SE COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots - ' TORONTO BALT WORKS GC. J. CLIFF . TORONTO A Health Saving Reminder Don't Wait until you' get the Spanish Influenza USE Miiard's Liniment Its Healing Qualities are Amazing. THE OLD RELIABLE, 'NURSE THINKS Iceland, Johne Smithson; Poland, Ivan { Schmittiwelski; Greece, Ion Smikton; Turkey, Yoe Seef, mi Powder ul Pefine. With Cuticura' Talcum An exquisitely scented, antiseptic powder. Gives quick relief to sun- burned or firitated skins, overcomes heavy perspiration, -and infparis a delicate, lasting fragrance, leaving the skin sweet and Wholesome. Soap 25 Ointment 28a nd 50e, Talcum25c. Sold theDominion; Canadian : thug BA Sh Band SW. Memtenal Montreal: Cuticura Soop shaves in mug, Say "Bay : nless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets 'you are not getting Aspirin af all. Why take chance only "an "unbroken package". of "Bayer Tablets of -which contains directions and dose worked out by 5 WARNING! S Sore 27 | NOTHING BETTER Lydia E. Pinkham'.: Vege~ - table Compound Advised for all Women in Poor Health Toronto, Ontarlo--"T took Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for years and the only patent medicine I ever recommend. I am @ nurse and if:I find a woman is in poor health I always tell her to take it. Although you know that doctors and nurses do not use patent medi cines I must say that 1 think thers is nothing better than ySur Vegetabla Compound. When I first took 18 many years ago, I was so tired when I got up In the mofning that I could not eat, and when I went to ped L was too tired to sleep. . My mothers in-law told me that Lydia BE. Pinks -ham's Vegetable Compound was just | what IT wanted go T tried it and only took two bottles when I felt betters Since then I have found that thera is: nothing that makes me feel sa well, for it seems to build my system right 'up. - I don't know any ether - medicine that has done so much for women."--Mgrs. W. H. Parges, 19 Wellesley Ave. Toronto, Ontario. 'Women testity again and again, i that they have been helped by Lydia' RB, Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound ° "after other medicines have failed." It has been tried for nearly fifty i years and not found wanting. If you are sufféring from any of « the various ailments which accom pany female weakness try Lydia BH, Pi nkham' s Vegetable Compound. years ant Jovy safe by millions for

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