Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 13 Apr 1922, p. 4

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Freel The Than] -offer the W. M. 8. will Easter S PERSONAL Mr. Bert Sarvis, of Lindsa 8 has dis- | Tormerly of Port Perry of his billiard parlor to Mr. Bs Wether, the Ot prietor, who has already ta ht ssession. - It is understood Mr. en has secured a lease of the store at present occupied by Mr. A. T. Claxton and will open up fe: up-to-date candy store; with the possibility of a restaurant on the second floor. - . Miss Anna McMillan, Toronto, ig visiting with Dr. D. and i er. Rn Mr. Frank Woodley and datigh- ter Lucy, who spent the winter in the Northwest, have returned ome. Mr. Ben Dunn Saried to. plow on Monday, April 10th, Eel, the first man on the job so far as we have heard Mr. Howard Stoneis bE resent in the Toronto hospital after undergoing an operation for some trouble about the ear. We are pleased to learn that Mr. John Irvin is improving after his long confinement to the house through illness. Mr. Joseph Sisson has been on the sick list lately, but is now improving. At the examination at the To- ronto Conservatory of Music. re- cently, Miss Florence Hill, of Reach Township, passed her primary harmony. = Mr. W. H. Letcher, who has Been quite poorly. of late, we are glad to say is home and doing very nicely. Mrs. Samuel Jeffrey is in To- ronto and underwent an operation for appendicitis. She is doing well. Miss Lydia 'Moore, Toronto; is home for a short while visiting her father, Mr."Fred Moore. We are pleased to report that Mr. Ed. Kilpatrik is improving in health. Keep your eyes open for the "Jersey Black Giants." Spring has sprung a leak. S---- SEAGRAVE 'Miss Ethel Frise and her sis- ter, Mrs. Tresh, are visiting their parents Mr, 'and Mrs. Wes rise. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wes Frise and [$8,00 Alma were in the city over "the week-end. Mrs. E. A. Wells, of Finger- board, is visiting her daughter Mrs. C. W. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Chas Sornberger. Mrs. A. J, Dance is visiting in the city for a few days. We are sorry that Mr. Haw- kins has gold out his business here, we will miss their genial faces. We. wish = them every success "where ever they. 20. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Tanner and family in the{10, $14, death of a husband and father. = Mr. Tanner will- be greatly "missed in our midst, he was a worker and 'was always] good i "nr to help where ever heed. " z da members' present. repairing road-8, $10. wy n Lambe, in his 22nd your. At Sea, ki on Tuesday, "Ath, Too 922 John Tanner, a i I. 0. D. E. The Scugog Chapter of the I. .D. E. intend holding a Bazaar. and Sale of Home-make Cooking| n the rooms. of their Chapter, ti Mr. lard's store, on Saturday, , April 22nd, fom 3 to 6 o'clock; to which all mem- bers and the public in general are cordially invited to attend. Donations to the Bazaar will be received atthe rooms on Friday from 8 to 6 o'clock, and dona- tions for the home-made cooking sale on Saturday at 2 o'clock. - en Reach 'Council -- Met on Monday, 10th inst. All Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communjeations From the department of Public Highways enclosing statement showing the amount of govern- ment subsidy due this township] on road expenditure guring 1921, the same being $1,980.3 From Grant Christie, 3G ators' report of sheep owned by Wilmot Walker, killed by dogs, which he valued at $12 From W. C. Pollard, advising of a dangerous hole in road op- posite Lots 2 and 3, Road 5. From Wm. Nesbit, account for looking after and caring for one| Isadore Otis. From Dr, 'Archer, an. for operation and a ance i one Mrs. York, $39.60. No action taken. Messrs: McMillan™ and Holtby introduced and carried through a by-law appointing'pathmasters feneeviewers, poundkeepers and sheep valuators, It was decided that the Fates of pay for work on. township from the lst day of April ntl further notice would be as fol- lows: 50c¢. per hout for man and team and 25¢.-per hour for man. Coun. Thompson gave notice that he will, at the next meeting of the Council, move for leave tof introduce a by-law to appoint a Road Superintendent for 1922. Accounts Passed. Ewart Blight, repairing: road, Climax Road Machinery Co.; grader blade, $15.45. Wm. Nesbitt, services re one Isadore Otis, $3.00. : Port Perry Star, adyt. for cedar, $2.00, George Smith, flour for Gray family; $4.00. "PF. Crogier, groceries for. Gray 1 family, $7.97. by a: $12, Sa Christie, valuating sheep, f, Tummionds, dragging and F. Rugnell, cutting brush, road Walker, one sheep killed : Cement now in P. ee = PORT PERRY 08 Phones Mash 15, 192 'him now on Long Distance. I. know he 'is in his office, so I'll call Sta-" 'tion-to-Station." The: " cost of sdlés made by Station-to-Station calls is of ren less than: the cost of corres-' pondence -- to say no~= thing of the time saved, hy Jor our booklet, wp Pow : Ways to Speed Up Business" . LEONARD. EAR OIL : TOTS HEAD NoIBks "Tea he ever "Insert in Nostrils * maT LS Speci by a » Suectalist for different kinds The' Council adjourned until | to-date the. 8th day of May next. Property The undersigned ale his Resilience phone 214 5 LE : ~ Sweat Pads PIANO AND. VIOLIN Bell Phone 16912 PORT PERRY RESTAURANT (Diesfeld Block) Meals at all hours "IGE CREAM ; "Soft Drinks, Cigars; "Tobaccos. ' fectionery, etc. Sis enings. Smith - Prop Mrs. ALA, Oxy-Acety ene = to Ry B. Sn man's: blacksmith shop, All kinds Com put. in gear wheels. a A H. . THURSTON | HARNESS SHOP In Blong Block i 'We have in stock Whitpe: Curry Combs Brushes Horse Collars =~ Lap Rugs Club Bags #Trunks- Suit Cages = Repitring a specialty. be ~W. E. HARRISON Port Perry, Ont. - Real FARMS. On ae ona and. lots, ete. for sale. "Port Perry, On _PonPery |g, "We have move from. the Art] Dowson. shop 1- "Office over 5 fhm | 2 Misa a Dre Store arem erg 0 use waiting any it. done now, Call {the T

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