CAL ITEM LO ronto, were guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, To- BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce ve, on Friday, April 14 1922, a son. _PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, hy ning BLE cin he (SERAER 4 Bisa sali y 0 35g Ca 3 is vio " t Manitoba and best Arth Ps : over the ; $ 5 SK ER ia . oe _ bollday; also Srnest Pargeter. oe MARRIED ol FOR SALE | Do you need any of the follow- | Rey, - Newton Powell, Robert ~ Dry Mixed Wood, also | Bin diy erety Wing, Sok of Slavs | nding wood 85.00 soles, Pillow cases, towels, cpnize Dalbeattie. Scotlang > ate of| single cord delivered. . y | es Ol e fy i 3 0.D.E. oe eT you on Sat-| At Port Perry, on Wednesday, RS urday. April 22nd, P81 April 19, 1922, by Rey. TT. I ' Mr. Wm. Scaife, of Toronto Ae Ari Tie hel Goods to o 0 oronto, 7 has Boor Sins ies in town - LIE D on, Lots of Stove, Nut and Mr. W. Crozier has sold his "property on Union Ave., to Mr. ohn Anderson. Mr. Mansell Sleep has been Miss Mae Coultis is home from Beamsville for her holidays. Miss Elsie Bradley, of Welland gent Easter week at her home ere. Mrs. Wm. Cook, we are glad to say, is improving slowly. = Mr. Earl Williams spent Easter with his parents at Prince Albert. Mrs. Herb Baker, of Sunder- land, is spending a few days with her father, Dr. R. Archer. Miss Muriel Cook, of Toronto, spent the week end at home. Miss Lela McMillan spent her Easter holidays with her parents at Kendal, Mr. Robt. Somerville has re- turned from the West. Mrs. Samuel Farmer is spend- ing a few days with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Percy Corrin, of Toronto, spent the week end in town. Miss Bull spent her Easter holidays in Bloomfield. Mr, BeréDenison, of Uxbridge, is moving in the house recently occupied by Mr. Hugh Campbell. Mr. Harold Jaekson, of the Medical College, Toronto, is en- joying the Easter vacation at a home here. Mt%:Geo. Davey and daughter Dorothy. and Mr. Wm. Davey, J spent the week end in Buffalo. Stabback, Mr. Ed. Griffin, spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. Alex. Vance has sold his property on Ontario street to Mr. Thurston. Mrs. F. E. Macdonald, of Hamilton, and Mrs. K. Watt, of Brantford, spent Easter Sunday in town with their sister Mrs. Cecil E.-Beare. 'g = This is the closingsweek of the Evangelistie that are being conducted BY Rev. and Mrs. J. 'R. Aikenhead in the Methodist Church Their thoughtful presentation of the spel message accompanied by ustrations gathered from their own experience, have been ar- resting the attention of old and Joung. Come and get the bene- it. Cut out the coupon from this - paper, take it to Parrish's Hard- ware on April 27, 28, 29th and secure a free can of Chi-Namel Varnish. The Editor is away this week attending the big convention of school trustees and ratepayers at Convocation Hall, Toronto. Miss Bessie and Miss Jean Crozier, of Toronto, spent Easter holidays with their parents, Mr. /and Mrs. J, W. Crozier. Owing ta.illness of demonstra- tor, the ChiNamel Demonstrtion at Parrish's Hardware had to be|: ed until April 27-28-29th. Miss Florence Ford; of Toronto, pent Easter along with Mr. and 'Mrs. Stewart Ford. ; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beck "the week end in Toronto. Mrs. C. Tindall was in Toronto] 7 spent Mr. Jos. Baird, Mr. Charles|pe at the residence of Fielding, At Scugog Island, on Friday, April 14, 1922, Thomas Ro: fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Graham, aged 1 year, 8 months, In Toronto, Sunday, April 16, 1922, William Brown, aged 58 years. Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery on Tuesday, April 18. EE ---- In Memoriam WOODLEY -- 1n ever loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away April 21, 1921. Mother dear, how we have missed you, alone can tell. Friends may think we oft forget you, en they see us smiling, But they little know the sorrow That's concealed behind that smile, In thoughts we see your dear sweet face, And kiss your tender brow: But in our aching hearts we know, We have no mother now. : Sadly missed by husband, sons and daughters. EE -------- Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. H. Fielding wish to thank the friends and neigh- bours for 'their kindness during their recent bereavement, also the Women's Institute. ---- W.C.T.U. The W. C. T. U. will meet in the Methodist Church on Wed- nesday, April 26th at 3 p.m. A special program will be given which should be of interest to every one in sympathy with temperance questions. Tea will served. :: Collection taken. Everybody welcome. Ee ---- Port Perry Public School Easter results of examinations in Fourth Book. Max 900: 675 honors: 540 pass. Pupils with an asterick and figure after names show exam- inations absent: At Shirley, on April-7,-1922; | her son Henry Franklin, widow ¢ of the late Adam Fielding, in her holidaying with his parents at|79th year. Seagrave, Ss, in- : Coal. 'Cement A car of St. Mary's Cement now in, stock. P. FIGARY PORT PERRY March 15, 1922 and Pea. The genuine "PL &W- Scranton i Residence phone 214 LEONARD EAR OIL EAFNESS and STOPS HEAD NOISES 'Rub it in Back of the Ears' (Never Put in Ears) Insert in Nostrils For sale in Port Perry by P. G. MORRISON » and all good druggists I have a cash buyer for an up- to-date good home in Port Perry. Call Phone 152 r 2. Morley Campbell. SS -- House and Lot for Sale Fine Brick residence and four acres of choice garden land in Port Perry, 9 roomed house with Seniors oon furnace, electric light, bathroom, Slen Sollaents = Io! hard, cistern and Es water in Laura McClintock - 775 |house, Situated near School and Eila Robertson 5 769 Shurehes, P rice $4,500. $2000 cash. Jota Roberts > ol We also have several properties | Dorothy Ney - 757 |in town, Blackstock, Shirley and Elsie Somerville - TT Honey's Corners priced right for Grant McMillan - 756 [4uick sale. : John Dowson - 137 HARRIS & CHRISTY Reuny Ward - 2 SEI ls orene Cawker - : 1 Beare - 722 Lime Harry Peel =e 18 Just arrived a car of Guelph Grace Rundle - 717 |White Lime. Price $15.00 in ton Hazel Parr - 716 lots. C. L. VICKERY. Stella Butt Doubt = 0 : ern Marguerite Doul - Leis Lindy - 681 : WANTED illie Mowa - 662" Good fresh ill od Ethel Jackson - 5831] price, © os WAL PAY go Willie Ferguson - 562*2 Chas. McArthur, Port Perry. aD Junior Tom Blah, ro Horse for Sale Harold Graham - 662 6 years old, weighing about Norman Carnegie - 644 [eleven hundred. Apply to. Robt. Nora Wallace - 634 [James, Manchester Station, & Harlin Davey - 631 . Morley Doubt - 612 1.0. D. E Nelson Williams - 590 SE in Te Frank Andrus - 586*1| The Scugog Chapter of the I. Beare - 566+1|0. D. E. intend holding a Bazaar}. Donald Cawker ~ 52g+1|and Sale of Home made Cooking| -|in the rooms of e-- tario Fall Wheat. cheerfully refund a blended und your mone satisfied. Patronize home industry. FARMERS' UNION MILLING CO. the Best Grade of On- - ail our flour and will if you are not "The Peoples' Meat Market Will do the rest. Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn ; Teachers of = PIANO AND VIOLIN. Bell Phone 169 r2 Port Perry PORT PERRY RESTAURANT (Diesfeld Block) Meals at all hours ICE CREAM Soft Drinks, Cigars, Tobaccos. Confectionery, ete. Open Evenings. Mrs. A.A. Smith - Prop Oxy-Acetylene Welding We have moved from the Art Dowson. shop to R.: B. Small- man's blacksmith shop, All kinds of heavy and light work done. Cogs put in gear wheels. A. H. THURSTON HARNESS SHOP in Blong Block * We have in stock Whips Curry Combs Brushes Horse Collars Sweat Pads Lap Rugs Club Bags Trunks Suit Cases Repairing a specialty, W. E. HARRISON Port Perry, Ont. George Collins Real Estate Agent FARMS FOR SALE properties. Terms. to suit purchaser. All sizes of farms, houses and lots, etc. for sale. Port Perry, Ont. Ee s-- House for Sale The undersigned offers for sale by public action his house We sell éverything you want in choice, clean, - palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good BERT MacGREGOR Ring up Phone 72. JOHN BELDON LUNDY LDS. DDS. c DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. geons and University of Toronto. Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings y appointment. Bell Phone office 68, ring 2; residence ring3 : Office over Morrison's Drug Store Methodist Church Sunday, April 25th 11-a,m.--Mornin Worship 4 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible classes 7 p.m.--Evening Worship Painting and Decorating Now is the timeto get your order in to have painting and decorating done, before the rush Season.. Materials are much lower In price. No use waiting any longer, get it done now, Call phone 178. Ed. Brookes. Pasture for Rent Good pasture; plenty of run- ning water and good shade. Ap- ply to Abe Wallace, Lot 14, Con. 7, Reach Township, R.R. 1, Port Perry. - Bell Phone 189 r 29. March 16th, 1922, 6 in. Globe Representative If you wish to do business with the Toronto Globe--in news, ad- vertising or subscription, consult Samuel Farmer, Star Office, Port] Perry, Ontario. ST "For Sale A Dresser, Stand, White En: amel Bed, Springs and Mattress, Set of Bedroom ishes, Feather Bed, Hall Seat and Mirror, and a Cane seated revolving chair. Apply to Mrs. Pearson, next to the skating rink, Port Perry. : Nursery Stock . Nursery stock for sale. Prun. and lot and contents on April 21. or Mr. Leslie Jessop ing and grafting done. Apply to fon Maciachian, py. 245" Bors We are sovea farms that ery. Hin-Ap. 20 0% sold at once price will be ad- ---- | vanced for fall possession. If Interested come and look them OVOP. ni LG a es of Ontario Wheat, Pastry is made from ® bal prices ar ty low and the ality of our . workis high, Merchant Tilo Goode's NAR er Ib; at ry Is paying 41c. for! butter fat. ¥. og can save labor and make more money by sending your cream to Port Perry Creamery -Allan Goode, Proprietor. | Manchester Store N EWS Choice fresh dates pkg 10¢ Soap flakes per 1b 15¢ Extracts 2 bottles 25¢ Corn Starch 2 pkgs 25¢ Choice Salmon per tin 35¢ Shallots 2 Ib Choice Meats Smoked picnic hams, and Breakfast bacon, and Pick- led rolls, always on hand. W. F. Crosier J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Office npstairs in Leonard Block Hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Phone 93 ~ Spirella Corsets 'AND FANCY | Rubber Goods Sole Agent i: M. Cockburr Bel Ehne 78, Port Po ' - F arm Pro For Sal £ Siar : Dutch Set Onions per bas. i 3 J perty e ®» i i 4 tf cs da aaa sa