Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 20 Jul 1922, p. 4

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PERSONAL Me. H, V. F. Jones, Assistent General Manager of ths Canadian Bank of Commerce; and Mr. Wm, Hogg, Supt. of Ontario Branches, were in tcwn one day last week while on their tour of inspection of the Eastern Division. : Mr, E. B. Walker and family | are camping at Port Solster for a couple of weeks. Mr. Arlidge is in charge at the Bark during; * My Walger s absence, 'the 3 the ing gad Nasmith, ome Sh = Witness, iss two week's rest at his Mrs. J. F. McClintock is holi- daying in Muskoka. Mr. C. Houck, of the Traffic Dept. B.R. & P. Railways, Roches- ter, N.Y., has been in town for a few days for the first time looking up relatives. Mrs. Murdoch Macpherson and the Misses Hilda and Jane Mae- pherson, of Brantford, were. the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Lundy over the week end. Mrs Ross Kerr and Miss Kay Kerr, Toronto, are visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Lundy. Mr. Gordon Ingram, of Sault Ste Marie, is home for his vaca- tion ; also, Mr. M. L. Ingram, of Montreal. A very handy descriptive map of Hickorv Nut Gap and Gorge in the Chimney Rock Country, N.C., also a booklet entitled "From Indian to White Man," has been written and issued by Mrs. Isa Maud Ilsen, formerly of Port Perry. Mrs. Ilsen will be remembered when a young wo- man as Isa Maud Armstrong. EE Garden Party at Utica The Methodist people of Utica purpose holding a garden party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McKercher on Friday, August 4th. A good time is anticipated. EE The Beginning of a Summer Resort A little real estate deal is going on just across the lake on Scugog Island. Mr. Thos. Collins is clearing up the lake front, and is selling building lots for summer cottages. He has sold some fif- teen lots, and it is expected that building operations will begin shortly. This lake shore property is well situated for gumier resort. It is nicely wooded; pond is easily accessible. 'It is within easy run of Toronto, either by auto or by rail. Itis a matter of wonder that this summer resort idea has not been developed before. Pleasant Picnics On Wednesday afternoon last, the members of the Methodist Sunday School and their friends held an enjoyable picnic Stephenson's Point. At the or set, the Sunday School att wish to thank those who gave the use of their autos, and those who contributed to the "sports" fund --the generosity of these people is much appreciated. They gave the kiddies a good time and they were pl 000 On Tuupsday St. Johns Pres- byterian Sunday School went to St. Christophers, the other side of Caesarea. It isa fine picnic grounds. and the people had a 40, driving shed 18x20, frame follows: Sr. 111 to Jr. IV unte 4 work, Ko pu Everson. hope; hon, Lilian Murphy, hon, . pass, Grant Jeffrey. Martyn: ~~ Recommended, "Mil ton Butson. | Memorial For Brook At a special meeting of Brock Council held in Sunderland on fallen heroes of the Township in the Great War. . The monument will take the form of a statue, and will be erected in front of the Township Hall. On the base will be inscrib- ed the name of all the soldiers. The Council will select the design to be erected, and a motion to raise the necessary money or part of itby popular subscription, was voted down. Reeve Francis presided at Satur- day's meeting, all the Council being present, including Deputy- Reeve Pinkham and Messrs. Bott, Brethour and Sproule. Church of the Ascension SUNDAYS Morning Pra, ayer, .. lam, Sunday School and Bible Class, at 3 p.m. Evening Service at 7 p.m. Holy Communion at 11 a.m. the 1st Sunday of the month. REV. NORMAN H. NOBLE Incumbent Prince Albert Circuit Manchester-- Sunday School 1000. m, Preaching 00 a.m. Prospect Sunday School 1.30 p.m, + Preaching 230 Prince Albert-- Sunday School 2 30 p.m. Preaching p.m. Mr, Wauchope will Hos charge of the services, START BUSINESS SCHOOL TH SUMMER The Shaw Schools P. Melatosh, Chief Principal BUSINESS SCHOOLS TORONTO "Property For Sale I have a splendid list of farms and town properties for sale. Apply to Morley Campbell, gs Port, Perry. Farm seller, or Or phone FOR SALE The Marlow Block; in the pros- perous village of Blackstock. For particulars enquire of J: MARTYN, Box 149, Eo) Ont. Farm for Sale Fifty acres, all workable, lot 19, con 2, Reach, barn 36 x60, hip roof, stone stable, cement floor, water works and gasoline engine in barn, and stable; pig pen, 24x Lloyd year's Sr. II to Jr. 11I--Kenneth Waue- Birdie Saturday afternoon, the Council passed a resolution favoring the erection of a monument to the ; | market, as will be seen by the | PORT PERRY md Csiminaions are as| H. S. WHITE get more enjoyment out of the row. Drift along among the water lilies and munch our candies 4 HER. Oh boy, oh joy! Oh girl, , what a whid! r:: ections affect the heart; rr PORT PERRY Coal, Lumber, Lath Lime, Shingles Arrivals last week were: car of Dressed Lumber, Op posed of siding, flooring, Vv Joint, boards and plank, also a 'carload of lump and hy- drated lime. To arrive this week a carload of anthracite coal and have some N. B. shingles left in stock. All to be sold at very close prices C. L. VICKERY July 6th, 1922 Motor Boat For Hire For Fishing Parties, Picnics, Camping, etc. Call Charlie Bowerman, Bell Phone 162. . Pure Honey for Sale Fruit Bloom and pure Clover Honey for sale. Apply to John F. Gerrow, op h Street, Port Perry, Bell Phone 156 r 2. Plymouth Binder * Twine After years of satisfaction, we still stock this reliable , make of twine; and now have a supply for immediate delivery. Twine users will find that-- "GOLD MEDAL" is the chea est and most reliable twine on the following table: ooLD. MEDAL, 650 ft.--463% ft. or lc. Superior, 600 ft--443} ft. for lc. Extra, 550 ft.--44 ft. for 1c. Standard, 500 ft.--43% ft. for le Geo. Jackson & Son i: ONTARIO PURE HONEY FOR SALE Apply to W. H. DOUBT, Port Perry, Ont. W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over Archer's Hardware 5d pene." Teaders close Aug aS ore Tenders ge" All Kinds of |Hides, Sheep Skins ~ Bell Phone 218 W. E. HARRISON Biong Blook Port Perry Office Phone 94 Residence phone 214 Wood Dry Mixed Wood, $2.76 single Dry Hardwood Slats in in stove lengths, $3.60 Some Pea Coal on oe also Blacksmiths coal in stock. P. FIGARY PORT PERRY Jui 20, 1922 is p: epared to do all kinds of 'Harness Reparing and has for sale at Port Perry Harness Sweaf Pads 1a ey ng $e. 5 per Ib. Jo ii e Auto Rugs and more' money by sending your Travelling Bags cream to Spirella Corsets AND FANCY Goode' s Creamery Port Perry Creamery Allan Goode. Proprietor. "Manchester Store NEWS | Best: Com. Peas Tok om of Beans, per tin 15¢, Choice Red Salmon, Gunn's "Pon-Honor" ed Corned Beef, 1b. Boots, per pair $3. Cream of the West Flour and Marvel P ed Oats, Gfoun Shorts and Bran in stock. Pure Paris Green, lb. pk: 50c Arsenate of Lead, Ib. 85c. W. F. Crosier Crush- J. A. MURRAY . Rubber Goods DENTIST Car for Hire SoleAgent i M. Cockburn {Office upstairs in Leonard Block | Apply A. Parrinder, Port Perry. Bell Phone 78. Port Perry . | Hours, 9 a.m.to6 p.m~ Phone 93 Bell Phone 157 "TENDERS Tenders in writing will be received by the un dersigned tor the pur his property in Port Panty. Owner vetiting on account of age and infirmity. Offers ie dod preferred. ere are nearly 4 acres of good land with frontage on three streets f good Village. A young orc jun come into bearing, and other small Tuits. The house is of brick, has nine rooms in addi.ion to attic and pantry, has all conveniences, Fleceris Jats far Surnace. b bath- Be Soh 50x 30, hen There is also a good THOS. H. BATES, voto minister PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Wanted POULTRY and Junk We pay 'the big price TURNER BROS. ~ SEBERT ~ HOUSE A. E. Rogerson, Prop. -- heaven, but He that John 3:13. ven," WHERE ARE THE DEAD? Our Friends, Our Neighbors, the Holy, the Unholy, the Civilized, the Vile? The Lord Jesus d ared that "no man hath ascended up to down from heaven, even the Son of Mat' The Apostle Peter declared, 'David is not' ascended into hea- Acts 2:34. Surely there were good: men bef before Jesus' dov 4 in fact the Bible : declares that ' 'David was a man after God's own heart." Acts 13:22 "Then if the Bible is true when it states that goed men have not gone to heaven, the question is, Where are they The proper anawer to this-question stands related to our own destiny, colors and influences our theology; and the entire trend of our lives. The correct answer gives and assists toward the spirit of a mind. For a Reasonable Biblical Exposition Hear W.-M. HERSEE ' Travelling Representative of the International Bible Students Association, TOWN HALL, Seats Free. Af HE. "SCRUB" SILO DOESN'T PAY! time. % Cures Sick Soles It is the soles of the people I keep in view for I am the doctor of boots and Oe Quick Service--Low Prices. LEWIS DIOTTE - Port Perry Electrical Wiring and Fixtures I am in & good position to give : u full value for your money in * Electric Wiring and Electric Fix 'tures, '| posa. house 24x34, furnace; two acres orchard just coming into bearing, all kinds small fruit, all seeded but ten acres, fences and building in good repair. Quick sale. Goin into other business for healt! reason. Apply to Ed. Lyle, R. R. 2 Port Perry, Bell Phone 198 r 1-8 Farms for Sale Consisting of 115 acres, Lot 5, on, A, in-the Township of Mari rame barn 80x50, good well, mile of wate}: front, five | acres standihg timber, clay loam soil ; suitable PORT PERRY ONTARIO "Announcement H. W. Linke possession on Monday, Ju 26th, and will serve qui lunch and ice cream, al stock high class confecti ery, Dakin a Having purchased the| Restaurant business of Mrs. I took{ ic, cigars, tobacco, EK 'ASHTON. |G0OD. MODERN SERVICE "| You can recommend ebert House to friends. We ~ know we can please you in hotel 'accom- { Medation, : J weight and weather, ing,» You've got to have a silo built to storms--stand the pressure of silage | frost ~djust itself to the varyi Moreover, you want a silo of w stantial wood. Because only can you keep out frost and An inferior, "home-made" silo doesn't more than it does to use a scrub bull t poy any PORT PERRY, Tuesday, July 25th, at 8 p. m. No Collection. eT ZZ : MIE | LTE ¥iL( MLOH_TIs¥ith fl oy ET stand the hogy out fot Men's Mule Skin Harvest "Corn, meth, confi dence, courage, - 2 3 a ee bn aadasii TREE: J Eid a dat pte ot de cg a hobbit

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