Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 21 Dec 1922, p. 1

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poet Sion at this gay and festive ¥ d mers A Very "Merry 8 a iy New Year. and we. 'to thank our Customers for their during the past year. Store will be open evenings until Christmas Eggs will be a high p "This is the time of is to make your hens posse a profit. Get some of our wish one and all of our I The showing of horses was very fine, and the amount of | poultry brought into town was surprisingly large. : = Miss Ka a burden and a ot catoh the Christmas ad. be mo better er, and in "the glow J ae i ey ne essages out arm an will captivate the * attention, an teach'a lesson of content. Home is the great hope and anchor of any people, and it is worth repeating that we should proteet those homes from the : sispuies tat would destroy. them. Se Tipo worth repeating that the Christmas spirit is th: protection the home can have, because the Tare api is the Christian spirit. The greatest. blessing we can. you is a double portion of the true Christmas spirit, the spi that brought the Great- ~ est Gift to earth. Ee au The Christmas Fair Big Showing of Horses, Poultry, etc. ol The Christmas Fair was favored with fine weather, and as the roads were good, there wasa large attendance. The following is the list of 'prize winners: HORSES Draft Teams--I1st G. Kerry & Son, 2nd Thos. McKee _ Agricultural Teams--1st R..C. Byers, 2nd Ne- Munroe, 8rd R.: Ga Outfit--1st W. A ; Anderein, 2nd Less Wilson Roaster. top {Cpen)--1st W. A. Anderson, 2nd Less Wilson, 3rd oe Wilso RoadatoriParmer)-- 1st Less Wilson, 2nd Joe Wilson, 3rd H. A. Werry, 4th J. R. Ward - POULTRY. , (Male 1922) 1st and 2nd Mrs. W. Teevatton- Turkey SY (fien 1st Mrs: W. Trevarton, 2nd Mrs. McLaren, 3rd Mrs. revarto Geese (Display rer lst] Mrs. Norman Taylor Geese aq pair)--1st Mrs. Norman Taylor Ducks (Display 4 pair)--1st and 2nd Mrs. Robt Jackson Chicksus ( isplay 4 pairs)--1st Mrs. Robt Jackson, 2nd James McKenzie Chickens (1 pair spring)--1st Mrs. Robt Jackson, 2nd James : MeKenzie, 3rd James MoRenze Butter (10 lbs. prints)--1st: Mrs. Parr, 2nd Mrs. O'Neill, 3rd Mrs. onlin, 4 4th Miss A. Brooks 6th, Mrs. R. Byers Butter (Crooks & lbs)--1st Mrs. E. Conlin, 2nd Mrs. L. G. - Brown, 8rd Mrs. Parr, 4th Mrs. R. Byers pees] Doz brown)--1st Mrs. Wm Parrish, 2nd Mrs. R. Byers Eggs 1 Doz white--1st Mrs. O'Neill Turkey ~The High School Concert, Prat Aly sual. the Town Hall was packed on both nights when the High School students presented their Play--*'She Stoops to Conquer: The Cast of Characters follows: Hardcastle (English Gentleman) Lewis McLean Mrs. Hardcastle Amy Beare po Tony - narra fron «of Mrs. Hardeastle b; former Nesbitt | Lucas niet) i sin of T' Marguerite Jackson = Constance Nevi (cousin o ony) trite Jackson : Robert Harris nt Froanters ot "The Three Pigeons" Lachlan YaoPhail G : (Landlord Three Pigeons' : fn A fovilie ee tha Orval Switzer x # an value, fee 4 '| ed on Tuesday night : 1 ed ons Wednesday night: *| Form II--Hilda Claughton : Port Perry Branch, 4 STANDARD BANK _ TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS 2a H. G. Hutcheson, Manager Prizes Presented According to custom, there was a distribution of prizes, the nota- ble feature being the fact that two Carter Scholarships and a Blake Scholarship were earned by students of 'Port Perry High School this year. The following prizes were presen:- 'High School Entrance prizes ,dd- 'nated- by the Board of Education, presented by Mr. E. B. Walke 5 "{st--Grant McMillan, Port Perr: School. Outside Schools1st, Samuel Tay- lor; Prospect School, Miss H, Smith, Teacher. 2nd -- Milber Howsam, Utica School, Chester Asling, teacher Prizes in Agricultural Department donated by the Principal, presented by Dr S. J. Mellow. Vegetable Plots--1st, Maurice Fra- 1i¢k, 2nd, Gwendolen Ettey. Flower Plots--I1st Frances Mellow, 2nd Marion Goode. Carter Scholarships and Edward Blake Scholarships, presented by Rev. J. T. Hall. First Carter Scholarship, and 2nd Edward Blake Scholarship in modern languages to Miss Mariam Harris. Second Carter Scholarship to Miss Elizabeth Allin. The following prizes were present- Boy's Athletic Shield, donated by Miss L. M. Harris, and the Field Day Championship Medals (one of which is donated by Mr. H. G. Hutcheson, Honorary President of Boys' Section of Athletic Association. Boys --presented by S. Farmer. Shield--Form III Girls--presented by Mrs. A.H.Rose Shield--Form III Medals Boys' Senior--Wm. Nesbitt, Boys" Junior==James Carnegie, Girl's Senior--Isabel Lucas, Girl's Junior-- Eila Robertson. Household Ssience--three 'prizes donated by Port Perry W.C.T.U. and presented by Mrs. A. H. Rose; and one prize donated and presented by Mr. W_H. Letcher. Form I 1st--Mabel McMillan, 2nd-- Mar- guerite Jackson. Mr. Letcher's Prize--Meta Miller Art--donated by Miss L. M. Harris and presented by Mrs. F. W. Brock. 1st, Hilda Claughton, 2nd Grant Rundle, 3rd Isabel Lucas, Dipomas -- presented by Dr. J B. Lundy, Chairman of the Board of Education. Elizabeth Allin, Louis Bowles, Roy Brawn, Charles Cawker, Ernest Ger- Michie, Irene Spoffard, Allen Sweet- man, Edna Wallace. RRR 'Entertainment at Yellow School "Percy Mateolm Jas. C wor The co; a Di ma | pa y oy y who "were Torunate Snough_ to ncert given by the schol- Besides the general pro- row, Miriam Harris, Percy Malcolm, | [saac Lewis McLean, Helen Mellow, James LAST CALL Just a reminder-- Our Stock of Christmas is exceptionally good this year, and Prices are right. And-- are handled in a clean, modern way, and the cost is no more. Guard your health. . Buy from me. D. Corbman Port Perry "Auction Sale Auction Sale of Standing: Tim- ber, the property of Milton Stone Lot 8, Concession 14, Reach on Friday, December 22, 1922, the offering consists of about 15 acres of Mixed Timber, consist. Cedar, in supposed quarter acre lots. Timber must be removed by April 1st, 1924. - George & Ted Jackson, Aue- tioneers. ASHBURN Mrs. Lou Hicks sang at Burns. chur¢h on Sunday last. of Grimsby are spending the Christmas holidays with their parents. Miss Pearl Studdaford and her pupils of Chalk Lake School de- serve credit for the splendid pro- Boxee given at the concert and Soe ial on Friday evening Dec. Scugog Council Scugog December, 15th. 33 municipal council met this d Members all present. Minu of last meeting read and ce On motion of Mr. J. C. Crozier the following gravel bills were paid, Messrs C. Hardy, $12.46. John Reader, $12.00. Oliver Raymes 45 cents. n motion of Mr. Frank Dow- son, wire fence bonus was paid" dinan, $3. Mrs. Steph- enson $8.00 On motion of Mr. Johnathan Alldred, $17.50 was paid. Wm. Dawson for repairing cul vert.' Mr. J. C. Crozier, moved that the medical Health Officer, Dr. David Archer's bill of $105. be paid. Carried i " On motion of Mr. gs to be|Alldred the taxes on the T0-| odist Parsonage was struck off the collectors roll. 2 On motion Candies' Nuts, and Fruit, 'Remember, ali our goods ing of Tamarac, White Birch, and J Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Ashton, RAT a Eg AR A RR a a EY Gi SN Ny Ean ik §ia grace

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