enthoring pyer. the a: whit go ask) i' fr Over the dunes and out of sight, re, on Sun-Maid gathe They Cost om 'more than Ashbawk fiylng-- "| The beach is bare and the wind is hard, Nothing is left = but the oa yo ring. I wigh I were one " the gathdring ~blrds, - Two sharp black wines. 'would be 890d for me-- - | When' Sotke Toft put the old year a as ng: Londoner Steals Cake from Child. ° spectacle of a man snatching a hands of a child and de- - reported by a police- district, adding says a Lon I J And sometimes reproach, We had best stop 'and look at Every-| "| Then ohiid, ie 1s not for the mother alone. Tol guard: the Davy: 'against colds It. may e even "hae, been given | nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- but the blindness of lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep-the Httle one's stomach i ola: ig ¥ wi Itis a good onder thiat = EER he remaing 1 | will ablots- the Sonal gust vous Sie when Fp b; by child : rE a Dr. iat" Medieine Co. Brockville, | 2 EE a "School Music Credits. THe granting of school credit for be: | male study pursued outside of the school with a private-teacher, but un- der the direction or supervision of the ities hoa been {nfrodrced ties ron the American' con- po a during the years. | And ii a town"id not one of thope giving 'credit; 'everything possilile should pe ey ¥ : fthout this 1 credit, many par- feel that' their children who are | on cuts | pursuing high school course have | | too much 'work on thelr hands and 3 may be : for the The result of this is that they upon music as an added im- lor gen school student and Spl, ped, We have all - | thie pills when I began to feel stronger | '1 am, From orphan and foundling asylums, the atom: | o soul ? pene EE PEA I Parle, Ont, says: =A few years i 'was In a badly run down ¢ondl- | sibly oughtat: Intolerable weak- "My appetite was poor, I'tell off, iniidedness| Now life gives me this weight, and could 'with difffiulty do | little shake-up and hints that I had my housework. Nothing I took. seemed | | better have patience with my fellow to.do me any good until a 'neighbcr ad: | fools. Because, if you should ask me vised me to-try Dr. Williams' Pink | to-day, child, was I dead or was I alive, Pills, Ihad only taksn a few boxes of | I could only answer to question, not so and then again and I continued using them until I had | sure!" * taken ten boxes, when Ttelt as 'well as | It Was Mark Twain that sald that ever 1 did, and hdd regained my lost | the. rumor of his death was inuch ex- weight. My husband and chfidren | aggerated; ; but an earlier wit, Prince have also used the pills with good re- | Talleyrand, the far sus diplomat, jest- sults, and I would advise anyone who | ed ever more amusingy and to useful 1s rundown to give them a fair trial." | purpose with a quustion of life and "You can get these pills through any death. It was when he was minister dealer in medicine or by mail post- [for foreign affairs'and there was a at 50 cents a box or six boxes for rumor in Paris that George III. was $2.60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine | { dead. A banker, full of perturbation Co. Prociville, Ont. a8 to the effect on specualtive finance, had the temerity to ask Talleyrand "Everychild. , |1if the rumor were true. Every child looks at tring! "Some say," the minister replied {Troms tb struts TEL | mysteriously. "that. the. King. of Eng. From the many windows, land is dead; others say that he is not | dead; but do you wish to know my opinion?" "Most anxiously, prince!" "Well, then, I believe neither! I mention this in confidence to you; but I rely on your discretion; the slightest imprudence on your. part would com- promise me most seriously!" ele Cress is the quickest growing plant. It has been known to flower and seed within eight days of planting. Eg en PETRIES From the factories, From the squalid homes Andl from the homeless places. From the windows of the schools He looks at us inquiringly. He, thie future of the race. He looks at us and through us, And far away Into the distant future, And sometimes in his eyes There is hope and cheer, And sometimes pudesing and sorrow, And sometimes despair, Frederick Peterson, A Fish Story. . A famous English musician, who hes recently died, once found himself at a musical . at-home." Ins the course of the evening's tortures, a young lady attempted a very difficult song; which 'she sang with exaggerated expréssion and many blunders. Next to the great composer "sat an 'elderly lady, - over- flowing' with ' gushing ignorance and vivid superlatives. "Oh, sir!". phe murmured, 'do you not 'adore her singing? It is not full GIT TORONTO For Nervous Headaches S THE RELIEF from head- : ache or neuralgic pains swarth one centto you? That's all'it costs for an application of ¢ "Vaseline" Mentholsted Jelly: J With the first indication | headache rub a small amount of it gently on the forehead and "Well, Madam," he whispered, with a twinkle in His eye, "for my part, I think there-is---more- of -the. flounder |, than the sole about it." temples. ' Bo convenient, effec- EUMONTA. ee esata and other Lung: Diseases # CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING LI ad CEN -MINARD'S- LINIMENT |. is a great preventative, being ome of {* the oldest remedies used. Minard's Liniment 'has relieved thousands of' cases ' 'of " Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma and kindred diseases. | It is an enemy to germs. Thousands of | bottles beilig used every day. For sale by-all druggists. and general dealers. Minard's - Liniment : Co, Ltd, Yar- mouth, N.S. -no winter roe this winter . © take. = Ee ts abi oa tte Eberoval at Ea ! Scratches on! furniture may be re- moved by mixing together equal parts of linseed oil and turpentine. Dip a flannel in this, and gub well into the scratched places. terwards polish with a soft duster. ---- Minard's Liniment for Distempor. Port Jackson, one of the finest na tural harbors in the world, and on which stands Sydney, runs inland for more than thirteen miles, RMERS' BOOKLETS SENT FREE Smnnrg Any-of the following may be had free, on application to the Publications Branch Department of Agriculture Ottawa, Canada. [Alfalfa growing In Eastern Canada. {Crop Rotation for Central and Eastern |! Canada. 4 'Potato, The, Its Cultivation and varie! ties, "The All-Year Hog Cabin. "The Feeding of Sheep. Keeping Dairy Herd Records. why and How to Use Milk. Why and How to Use Cottage Cheese. Winter Egg Production. Poultry Keeping In Town and Country, The Farmer's Poultry House. Simple Methods for the Storage of Ice. Dehorn Your Commercial Cattle, |Dressing and Cutting Lamb Carcisses, {Boying Tuberculosis. Feeds for Wintering and Winter Fat, tening of Beef Cattle In Eastern. i Canada. New varieties and Selections of Grain, (The Root Vegetables Act, 1922, lustration" Community Work In Dun<' das County, Ontario. 'The Winters Finishing of Steers In Western Quebec. Report of the Division of Horticulture, ; Dominion Experimental Farms, 1921, "Report of the Poultry Division, Domind lon Experimental Farms, 1921. List of 300 Available Publications, Name .coovennrnremanads Consndn IPOS OMICE ov vivacerrirnsnnrmonss Province. (No Rostage required). FARMER'S WIFE REGAINS HEALTH RR. No. # Gives Credit to Lydia E. Pinkham's' Vegetable Compound Fork River, Manitoba~--*"I saw in the newspapers where Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound was doing so much good to women, and as I needed something I began to take it. 1 used to be very sick but I am not now. Ilive on a farm .in the home. stead 'district and we have to do all our own work. I tell all the women 1 see what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound does for me. I Sink it savés me from going to a and Is the-best medigine women can 'WM, Courras, "Fork itoba WH. . . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a medicine for the all. ments peculiar to women, It is pre. pared from medicinal plants, with "care and accuracy. 3 can be taken "by women of any ; bg Bake. a serious mistake in to becom Rive: Lydia."