Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 21 Dec 1922, p. 4

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Isgbel Lucas, Meta Miller, Eimer Mitchell Grant Rundle, Reg. Doubt Partigl--Louise Carnegie, = Hilda Claughton, Gwendolen Ettey, Mary F Ferguson, Me Ferguson, Maurice | Fralick, Marion Goode, Fred Hunter, toes. One hill yielding four and a Hattie Lamb, Mabel McMillan, Mar- Half pounds of large sized potatoes. jory Marlow, Frances Mellow, Reta These potatoes were planted as an Milner, Luella Moore, Edna Smith, experiment. At this rate of yield one 'Flector Shortage; Dorothy Stephen- acre would produce 480 bushles. | son, Myrtle Sweetman, Marion Swit- | zer, Myrtle Wallace, Grace White, {Murray Williams, Mabel Wilson. Date Changed your ticket yet' Isabel men ? It not tore PLS uw goon secure it now. This fall Mr. D. Corbman dug from a plot of ground 16 x 25 feet, four and half bushels of marketable pota- : a right man, full | eS oy a wali ton, Toronto. ' . Farm to Rent Between Oshawa and the Lake. About 125 acres in excellent state of cultivation. Ample buildings. Plowing after present' crop.. Ful jon Oct. st or April Ist ". Surly te to G. D. coNant, Owner, There are some cases, of scarlet fever in town. Fortunately they | have been of a mild type so far. A Eis - n Ranging in price from 31. 7 to $12, 00. Farm to Rent South Halves Lots Thirty-one and f= Thirty-two, Fourth Concession, Daling- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams i i : Owing to the fact that Friday tos, 200 acres improved farm land. Plow will spend the winter in Toronto. night is devoted to municipal 28 3 g sitet Bi Au Full possession Specially Trim Extra $395 . Mr. use, Roach has returned Domipations, the Christmas en- Orel aNT. med Hats, Value, $4.35, rom the West, and is now i ainment in connection wit OD &c., nd is 1 the Methodist Sunday School will 20-4 Solicitor for the owners. Ladies' All Wool Hose. particularly good--$1. 50 Toronto. In the Speping game at the Queen City, the St. Pats were victors over the Canadians. See The Four Horsemen, in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on Wednesday, Dec. 27th. RINK DOINGS Skating rink opened on Mon- day night with a large crowd of skaters, who enjoyed extra good ice for the first of season. The band were unable to ke present but are trying to arrange | a meeting to see if they cannot | supply musie, one night a week, | and on special nights. The curling ice is in good con- dition, and ready to use so get your stones up to the rink boys. The free skating day has been changed this year from Saturday to Monday's from 3.30 to 5.30, except where Monday fallson a holiday. On account of Xmas and New Years coming on Mon- day's, the rink will be opened for public skating on afternoon and evening of each holiday, and the free skatin; ing for those two wee will be held on Wednesday after- noon, . First 0. H. A. Hochey Match in Port Perry on Jan. 6th, Bea- yerton at Port Perry. FOR SALE . De re Sting, Wagaon. and and aout of of and ten mixed hens. A) to J. Galla at the pump worke: Por Be] pel ee Protect Your Eyes Prosent straining means future suffering. We will examine your eyes free,and recommend glasses only if absolutely Poroficiel ~ W. A. Hare OPTOMETRIST McKee's Jewelry Store THURSDAY : 9.30 to 8.30 > SE ---- ! a kg | of grand master. In all there will be "| the growth of the great fraternity. be held to-night (ThurSday). The admission fee is 26¢ for adults, | and 15¢. for children. Very Successful - Those who worked for the Suc- cess of the Bazaar'in connection with St. John's Presbyterian church, are well satisfied with the results. There was a good attendance -------- | "Do you know why we call our language the mother tongue?" "Because father never gets a chance to use it." GROWTH OF MASONS + HUGE IN TWO YEARS Grand Master Col. W. N. Ponton- of the Masonic Order in the Province of Ontario left for Toronto where he 'wil consecrate two Masonic Lodges the seventh and eighth to be .conse- erated in that city during his regime ten lodges consecrated in the Queen City during the rule of the present grand master. Other consecrations in his jurisdiction have been: Wind- sor two; Ottawa, two; ton, one; London, one. This record indicates Belleville Ontario WINTER TERM. Peterboro Business College "JANUARY 2, 1923 COURSES: Shorthand Book-keeping Complete Office Training Specialshort business course for farmer's sons Write for particulars now. J. A: McKONE, Principal RINK NEWS Books of tickets ating this year are as follows: Children's book of 10 tickets Children's book of 2 ckets 5:00 Adult's book of 10 15 dult's book of 25 Sekt Ba one of of these Jocks he a on can get them at ra Totchors or I Bentley's. = 3 W. E. HARRISON Blong Block, Port Perry. Manufacturer of Hinds made Harness dealer in Robes," Blankets, Whips, Mitts and/ Gloves, Club Bags, Suit Cases, ete. SPECIAL EOR THE CHRISTMAS" TRADE Ladies' Hand-bags, Shopping Bags 'and. Club Bag Fittings, all sizes, shapes colors. Church of the Ascension SUNDAYS ; . Morning Prayer, .. lam. Sunday School and Bible Class, 3pm. " Evening. Service at 7 p.m. Holy Communion at 11 a.m. the; 1st Sunday of the month. REV.-NORMAN H. NOBLE Incumbent and | ieir annual Christthas Entertain: Flat jor Rent In the Purdy Block, Port Perry, | for or the Purdy His families... Apply to E H.| Purdy, Port Perry. i FARM WANTED FOR RENT 100 acres or more for mixed farm- ing, heavy clay loam preferred, com- fortable buidings, experienced tenant wishes to rent with option te buy. | Apply at Star Office. 48-2 J. ASHTON : TAILOR ~Repairs-and- alterations. Orde receive prom Apply at ng 8 taurant. rt Perry. Yan " Mrs. J. Stones has opened her 2 store for hand-made woolen g 8 socks; mitts, sweaters also embroidery . work, building north of * photo gallery, and will par pared to take orders. A nice of embroidery in stock. he os PLAY AT NESTLETON in S. Nos. 6 and 7 are giving af play 'entitled "The Magic Carpet" dist Church, . Port Perry, will hold ment, on Friday evening, December 22nd. 2 15 Wednesday, December 20th, P.M. hi and is thoroughly enjoyed. A mig~ sion 26¢c. Everybody invited. ~ : 448 Logan Ave., Winnipeg, Man i - Special Watches, 3 running order. La ~~ | north of C.N.R. tracks by ling. Phone 118 r 21. Tummon attention. 0 Bh == MRS. C. TINDALL, Port Perry CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT The Sunday School of the Metho- oo Reward If I faijl to grow hair. Lo -- Sn ---- / CHRISTMAS CONCERT Spintield Public School (8.8. No. ) will hold their annual Concert on ood | World's Greatest Hair Grower. Grows hair on bald -heads. It must not be put where hair is not scalp troubles. $1.76 per jar. Agents wanted. ) PROF. M. 8. CROSSE, at This Concert is always [Prices in 15 J Wrist] seeemmeemeeee---- L150, at IL R. f FOR SALE Walnut sideboard; surfaced oe ext exten. sion table, nearly new, in good condition. Apply-at Methodist Parsonage, Port' Peny] 13% Acres Bush and Land For Bale Being thé N. E. corner of Lot 18; Bentley' mms ©" FOR SALE "One Oshawa Clover Huller in be seen by appl ne . No. I, Ovhamor just. 21 v 2 } appointment. WOOD FOR SALE "Consisting of mixed wood, kind- | Earl of hardwood bush, (including land, which is first class.) Holt vended, Apply to -- ; aa ie _-- p-- ween Pocket used as a bank has many dis. advantages. J Money carried in it is easy to 'spend on. teifles or, y be lost orstolen. Week! in Bank No Wkly depos fn or Svigs Bank Small or large accounts are welcome 'THE. CANADIAN BANK ~~ OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL . - _. . $15000000 RESERVE FUND co. $15,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH, E, B, Walker, Manager. Teachers of. PIANO AND OLIN Bell Phone 169 r 2: ... Por ORIENTAL HAIR ROOT HAIR | GROWER wanted. Cures dandruff and al.| Con. 14, Reach Township, 12% acres] Yonge and Chaelon Streets Toronto hee This School stands to-day with' a clean cut record for high-; work. ' Every Eraduate this ear secured emp) oyment. Write or Catalogut AS Ww. J 'ELLIOTT Fe Placed the Foresters' Friday, Des Sesfleton: on the ne of Fri Adults : Chiidren

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