The farm people of Eastern On- 'tario will have the opportunity of at- ; "courses of instrucs 'tion given at the Agricultural School, 'Kemptville, during the period Janus 'ary 22nd to February 16th. Courses - have been planned to accommodate those who find it impossible to attend the regular school course. The same 'instructors do the teaching and the "game illustrating material is used in class work as is used in the regular classes, but the subject matter is con- densed to suit the short period of in- struction and the demands of the spe- cial short course student, Some out- side lecturers assist with special lec- tures, bringing both variety and ex- perience to the teaching. The short . course does more than impart infor- mation by lecture. When farm people get together, experiences are ex- changed in conversation and bits of information having a direct bearing on farm life and work are broad-|{* casted. The getting together to talk things over is a valued feture in Short Course instruction work and adds much bo the store of knowledge of all those taking part. The Household Science course given February 6th to 16th is divided into three lange sections: Cooking, Sewing and Home Nursing. The large sub- ject, cooking, will receive thorough treatment ih lectures, practices, cook- ing and baking demonstrations, with special referénce to food materials always available on the farm. The Home Nursing course is de- signed to enable farm women to easily obtain the Knowledge of how to care for sick in the home, what to do in an emergency and how to do it; how to vender at all times the best possible assistance to the doctor or the nurse, where her services are necessary.! details of gasoline engines, etc Classes will be divided into groups of convenient size to perform the prac- tical exercise cond each after- noon. This course should enable it, to improve their knowl-|! edge and experience to such an extent as to be able to economically operate or repair farm engines. Those nto rear is Every busy wife and mother should |of the type built by the arrange to ses a model house and learn how to' conserve her strength and energy. sy St meneame ames Samantha says: Homes where the womenfolks sing as they work have riches which neither wind, rain, nor 'bad markets can wipeout, oo dE Every far is an independent enter- prise in 'which the farmer himself is the superintendent and general man- ager, and he must' be able to direct the business, even though he may be the only man to execute his own plans. --~--C. G., Hopkins. Fundamental Principles .of Co- Operative. By R. D. Colquette, BS.A., Professor of Marketing Hegnomics, Ontario Agricultural College. Tall HE ARTICLE 1V. The last article dealt with merchan. dising a farm product as compared| with dumping. It explained that dumping is the method by which a Very often the expense of a nurse or 3 XD farm product is thrown on the mar- a co-operative marketing oFpatiization medical man can be saved because of 1 : i | ket as fast as it is produced with no The ability SD ae farm attention to the rate at which it is having availed themselves of such ani ouvimed, This makes it necessary rtunit i faved 'in. th for speculative interests to step in opportunity as 1s offered in these ,,3 take control of temporary sur- courses, | : pluses and carry them over until the or mingled with oth er product of the lessons on hand-sewing and measure-! ; 12 | same kind and quality. 'This is called} ments, drafting and cutting, machine Td 8 A ius 3s pooling, and the divisions of the pre; finishing, and practice work on skirt = = duct according to grade are ¢ : et Jon as the consumpiive demand arises, pools. There is the No. 1 pool for the The Sewing course will consist of ;1i04q of lessened production. On the and dressmaking. The object is to mpg tendency of this method is te out of far handier than an old oil clo a box, to cover the | Ou was built with a wall of sheet iro the pulley side of the en, We'al- lowed the pulley to extend through aj hole in the sheet iron. On the. oppo-| site side the door made up the a 25 This door may be removed room for cranking, or working on engine. The two ends may then built of 'old lumber, and a roof placed over the top to shed water. We fud a this house easy 'to build, donvenient, and greatly prolongs the] life of the engine as well as keeps it in more perfect running order--T. J. Robertson, ? Marketing ~~ ization could not function in competi- tion with other agencies. . =~ To avoid such a condition a vi simple principle has been discovered. It is known as the pooling method. When a consignment is received by it is first graded strictly according to quality. An accurate account ig kept of the weight and grade, or in other words, of the quantity and quality of the consignment. It is then pooled No.7 1 quality of product that comes FEBRUARY 4 Fok those who roll hel own. _ITIS THE .. |'selves as well as chi © 7| "Thank you," remember enable the farm women to accumulate' : : " EAI i 3 A : stabilize prices. - Merchandising also{ . Nf b+ wy pens i ren HE a BO SL EE easily and without h : ; in, a No. 2 pool fox No, 2 quality of . 17. 1 : : ly expense SUCH includes the increasing of the con- product, and so on through thovasious The Grace of Gratitude, Luke 17: 11-19. "Golden Text-- knowledge as will enable "her to do! ; $ sta he La a P i such family sewing as she may desire! sumpiive. demand.. This can be 8; coghog' a i fa Enter into his gates with ving, and into his ; i complished in various ways which ¥ ¥ rts with praise: gy n her own home. were outlined. All this work of sub.| ~The above is called pooling. accord- .- courts with praise: be | unto him, and ~~ ings flow" ing to grade.. With products having a his name.--Ps. 100: 4. thanked Jesus, he went on The poultry course is offered duri ituti ? : p y s ing stituting orderly marketing for dump loss constant production y , j ; to God." Applying p Lesson Setting--Thoss who think. the priest shows a m o of faith lives of folk Today, the 4 ions. Sorat. the period January 29th to February ing can only be accomplished effec-| More L th t #t : i hy va ater pa as 8rd. This course is designed to fill tively by organizations of producers. | through the year or the gre that a ministry of healing would-make' Jésus says "priests b ge "of 'and most" the preaching of the gospél a trl-' them was a Samaritan, He as fo go. the demand being made by the people | In the merchandising process the of the year another division is neces: be -t : people | : Hea) : 'be that we should glori h of Eastern Ontario for knowledge of product is usually sold to wholesalers |581Y: This getond division 18 secards umphal march, have something to to 'his own Samaritan priest. ; healing. "When boi os - poultry keeping and also to stimulate in considerable quantities. It is re-| ing to time. Nor example 8 ¢ ae learn from the incident of our lesson.' Jews had no dealings with the Sa-| healed" he "glorified "God." : in certain sections a greater interest' ceived from the members generally in| ative association for marketing cheese! Here we have Christ healing men maritans, but in this case misery had one knows how natural it is to in this profitable branch of farming.| very small quantities or consignments, Might have monthly pools. All No. 1iafficted with a dread disease. Yet drawn them into a common compan- for healing when one is reall The course will consist of lectures on' It would be manifestly impossible for| cheese received during the month of ninety per cent. of the men thud jfonship, just as in a calamity of na-| should not the impulse | breeds, breeding, incubation, brooding | a ion 'handling milli June would go into the No. 1 June healed went back to their life of|{ure, such as a fire or flood, animals to God in petition persist ng, , gan organization 'handling millions of Ee J , animals, and rearing, housing, feeding, sanita- | dollars worth of product annually, re- | pool, and No. 2 cheese into the No. 3, health and holenses oe oR bs t are natural enemies will be mate itself in giving God tion, parasites and marketing. De-| geived- from thousands of individual |June pool and so on for the different ones i a rao Way for: Ne 15536 On ne. or tars. There a monstrations will be given and the| members, to store each consignment | grades and the different months. Sh the Bie. Only one man rel Y= 6. course made as practical as possible. The Motor Mechanics course--a practical one-week course beginning January 22nd, is being offered to all fnterested in farm motors. A knowl- edge of gas engine operation is neces- wary to every farm boy if he is to' get separately, ship it separately, sell it separately, keep separate accounts for it, figure out its proportionate share of the overhead expense, and return the: balance to the producer. This, even if possible, would entail an enor- mous amount of work and run the When a consignment of the product! ts give thanks to the one ; t the cure for the blessing re is received it is customary for the organization to make an immediate] advance of a part of the price. The|I'T amount -of 'this advance is generally| determined by the loan value of 'the product; that is, the percentage of the the greatest use out of his farm ma- overhead expense up until the organ-! current market value of the product | 4 "he . Er that will be loaned by the banks on towards Per ) h Y ise. He w the security of jstomge. els hetwgon Sematia uid | lee here, one from whom least might be : vg: : Banks regularly do this Wi staple] met 'him' ten' men 'were lepers;! Epected, the one whe showed and we may rer hol of § eh the. ; ol ob mee haw int rons farm products, no matter what agency | the most terrible disease" among: the tion of the Y rence; 3 Jews. It was called the Finger. of ness of the blessing bestowed ni spirit of gratitude for: "coMmmo} t of as a of 'him, The nine Jewish lepers rs to mercies comes ei handles them. pe SE being: thoy, ANY of have Sales from the various pools are God es . f him, ) M money and. wish to ization strictly On| ghort of & living. A . oT fhe priest ith their flesh like th i i 3 gorr bof a li 0.0] ! invest it as promptly, as asis, When of all the humors, a poisoning of the ed go > ity ~The: : profitably, as privately and any one particular pool ha eon very springs of life, a dissolution, lit-- with clea body' and as italy, 38 pri as city sold the cost of handling" is first: tle by little, of the whole body." n Loy ducted. It will be chown in a later| was deemed an incurable disease and human felivwgiin, | 'To people who live y people. | article how these imated. | Was ca in the re are of living and poat Toad. It: heart, and was 'caused by unsanitary conditions lowsh 'The balance, in hich stood country FILL out this coupon now. Let us send you Investment Items each-month and adeise you from time to time what it would be sqfe 'price received for all the: produc that have been made, is the tol g the pool. The average the pool is then : ber contributi proportiona : ducer receives, thi