Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 15 Mar 1923, p. 1

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"brotherhood of man." il all terribly in debt. hard to stop it. going. + 5 It is time we quit talking with- out knowledge, 'The price we may have to pay is too great. - 6 The destructive power of the human race is infinitely greater than its present constructive tendency and if we are not careful, the next war could easily wipe out our civilization. Let us quit talking fight, but find a solution, if possible, of letting all m | men live decently and peaceably. Will : ditivoly il germs of 1 po destroy od ors. One pound § is reuivalen: to six seven pounds of pure carbolic acid. Price 50c. per pound bottle. Pratts Eg F Producer --Gives good results. Pratts Baby F Ag the Chicks. Morrison 8 Drug Store ------ LITTLE BROWN DOG For a Little Brown Dog, who "sees" me down | The hill to the car when I go to town, 5| And carries my bag with an air of pride As he trots sedately by my side, And waits to se that I am on all right And watches the car till it's out of sight-- I Thank Thee! has at least one room that is cold and on a warm' colored paper and 'the dif- For the way he tears down the hill to JB "meet you...It will become sunny and That car at night on his mad little gt room to live in. | foot. ing problems to us... We can fit lj] The car that will bring me, he knows, C 'papers w which will IN Le from BOW mr = -- 7 in your rooms. » And the joyous greeting, as-I step own, a Your Watch for Repair A greeting the passengers hear, and We Guarantee Satisfaction see, Every one of them envying me 1 Thank Thee! For the great true heart that is in hie eyes, Tender, and patient, and rave, and know when I'm sick, And, knowing, love me the more-- dear lad-- tock, we are oing to With a love unquestioned, high and ers some real bargains fine-- of them. More to fol- For all of that, Little Dog of Mine, bo I Thank Thee! for ioe. ted amc a ---- rip. SLi Bring your own: pa - UTICA eavy tubbers, § fhe Mrs. McDonald and son Lloyd, F Lisited fn Greenbank on Monday of 100 lbs oot black tea, (worth 60c.) for 49c. 1% ip : These Prices are e Strictly CASH, Ly Mr, and Mrs Gerrard and son Nor- man of Oshawa, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. Thomas Jones. ; Mr. Isaac Waldon has retirned rom he iy ter vi of » ew very money, and 'morals, No pow: optimistic one may. 'be, | preserve a good 'wholesome 'moral mothe tone which must be 'based on the °° 4 | 2 Nobody has gained anything Hl by the late war that can be seen. | The supposed victors in the conflict are suffering quite as much, if not more, than the vanquished. We are 'And more than that don't want to work to pay our} debts. 3 It is easy to start a war and 4 Ordinary citizens are quite as | | likely as high officials to set the bse Mills. in Bowmausille. tof -ideas--the-- gathering was a pro- the work itself, Hern some seventy years ago. Perry; Sophia, of Port Perry; Mrs. Sheppard Brandon, Toronto; Mrs. Lot Sawdon, Sunderland: ° and Rose Cornish. din Devorshire and a nephew Wm. The funeral which took place slice on Wednesday was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Harrison and interment was made at the Pine Grove Cemetery, To such women as Mrs. Hern the world owes a great debt. By their industry and fine character, life is enriched, and we do well to cherish the nemories of the pioneers whose lives were a constant sacrifice for the happiness of their children. EE ---- S---- SUPPER IN THE METHODIST CHURCH The ladies of the Methodist Church will give a supper in the basement of the Church, on Friday evening, Mar. 23rd. A musical program will be given while téa is being served. Everyone will be made welcome. Admission 26c. Se um------ A SOCIAL GATHERING At the invitation of Reeve Figary a 'number of men holding official positions in the town, enjoyed a well {cooked and appetizing dinner at Ruddy's Restaurant on Tuesday even- ing. From every point of view-- dinner, talks and general exchange nounced success. The immediate reason of this feast of good things, gastronomic and otherwise, was to make it the oc- casion to present a tokem of esteem to one of the faithful workers of the town, 'Mr. Jos. Stoutt. It -is-one of the facts of life that has to be faced, that prosperity and luxury do not benefit all alike. We who are enjoy- ing the installation of Hydro hail it as a boon; but it automatically cuts off Mr, Stoutt's daily occupation, and much as the Council regret to lose him as a permanent and most willing employee of the town, theywere com pelled to end this relationship. It seemed most fitting that some re cognition of Mr. Stoutt's faithful service should be made at this time, and he was présented with a hand- some chair. Of course this does not mean that Mr. Stoutt will not find work with the Electrics Light and Water Department; but he has ceased to be the presiding genius at the powerhouse. Many of the gentlemen present spoke on municipal matters during the evening, and there was a very evident desire to do all that can be done to improve conditions in Port Perry. . Among the matters of discussion the absolute necessity for improve- | ments at the town hall occupied a central place. From a point of safety and sanitation many changes should be made,and delay in carrying out the work might be extremely: ex- pensive, much more expensive than This summer will the town hall , PE, into hose were "days of the Bible | tians, a denomination that was| ntually merged with the Metho- x Mrs Hern was an active 'worker in that church, and later| "| joined the Methodist here. . rs. Hern was married to the late Her husband predeceased her by ten hs e family is well Kowa. in Port Perry. Seven children survive their They are: Mrs. McDonald, sswell; Thomas Hern, of Port John Brandon, of Sunderland; Mrs. There are also nineteen grand- children and two great grandchildren, Lof the grandchildren three live in Port Perry--the Misses Lizzie, Eliza Deceased also had a brother living}, {Ralph Butt, all of Oshawa; Violet | home. and was conducted by Rev. W. D.| "0% Harrison. Pe ced in] The family wish to thank the friends who so kindly assisted at the time of their sudden TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS following < students obtained the standing "Satisfactory" = (fifty per cent. or more on each subject they are taking.) The names are in order of merit. Form III--Gwendolen Ettey. Form II--Myrtle Wallace, Frances Mellow, Dorothy Ssephenson, Louise Carnegie. Form I--Grant McMillan, Stella Butt, Sadie Hortop, Milbert How- sam, Mabel Harbron, Dorothy Ney, Dawson Kaufman, Glenn Collacutt, Clifford Vickery, Harry Peel, Lisgar O,Neill. ES -- a AUCTION SALES Mr. Henry Taylor, lot 9, con. 2, Reach, (at High Point) will sell his farm stock and implements, Tuesday, March 27th, commencing at 1.80 Geo. and Ted. Jackson, Auctioneers EE ------ LAW AND COMMON SENSE Powers of. Attorney! Hypo- dermic needles! Loaded revolvers! All in the same 'class! Sometimes necessary' but always dangerous, And thé utmost caution must be ex- ercised as to whom they are intrusted By the' way of illustration of the danger of a leading solicitor in one of our largest citiecs--a man with a big practice, town and country homes and all that sort of thing--was taken ill. That his business might £0 on -he-entrusted-a power of attorney to his chief clerk, a man who had been with him since he was an office boy. The illnes was a long one. Many months passed by; the patient was convalescent, Then the blow fell. The chief clerk suicided and the so- licitor learned that his all was gone. He was broken in purse and broken in health, and the one so reacted on the other that he never regained either. As a bull is necessary to a dairyman, so a power of attorney may be necessary to a business man, But both should be well fenced. One plan is to appoint two attorneys, with power neither to act without the other. Then you have two chances f getting an agent who is honest and will stay honest. Like bonds, '00, they should be definitely limited is to time, and the authority granted should be strictly confined to the necessities of the occasion. strictions. He'd want to do the same thing himself, ~--Saturday Night. TS ---- MRS. ALFRED BUTT Death came very suddenly to Mrs. Alfred Butt, on Saturday morning last. She had been cleaning some snow from the sidewalk in front of her home, when she fell unconscious on the walk, and remained in this condition until her death which took place about noon. . about ten years, and had faced her many difiiculties with. courage and a fine spirit. = Seven children survive their mother and mourn her loss. They are--Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Brown, Chester Butt, - Wallace Butt and Butt of Toronto, and Stella Butt at The funeral took place on Ti Admission: Port Perry Branch, - H. G. Hutcheson, Manager Fre PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL | ouee At the recent examinations the FOR SALE Piano, used. but in good condition. A bargain for some one. 1 Pair Tapestry Curtains. Small Table 6--30 dozen egg cases D. CORBMAN Be Sure to See The Man from Glengarry in the Town Hall Port Perry, on St. Patrick's Eve--March 16 Adults 50c. Children 25¢. Coal and Coke To arrive any day. Car each of Nut and Pea Coke. Pea gc Nut $18.00a ton Coal No sen- | Semi-Hard Beg domestic use, sible, honest man will resent the re- all screened. $14.00 a ton. P. FIGARY Office Phone 98 Port Perry Auction Sale Thos. H. Porter * Lot 30, 0 7, Whitby, near soklin, on Deceased had been a widow for Thursday, Mar. 22 The offering consists of 4 Clydesdale Horses 11 Registered Shorthorns dual purpose) 30 High Grade Seorthorns 12 ZRegq Shropshire Sheep Fal line of up-to-date Mach. _inery. AES | The farm is rented, and - everything will be sold without Bit

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