Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 15 Mar 1923, p. 4

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the 'misfortune to fall sleigh on which he was riding ha: 'woods. The sleigh ran over ~ him, breaking his collar bone and bruising him considerably. © We trust he may recover his health quickly. . CONGREGATIONAL MEETING A pleasing meeting of the members and adherents of the Methodist Church was held in the basement of the Church /on Thursday evening of last week. The work of the Church showed progress in spite of the dif- ficulty of the epidemic of illness. Refreshments were served. and a program given. On Wednesday « evening of this week the ladies of Mrs. Harrison's class spent a most enjoyable social evening at the home of their teacher. FOR SALE W. D. Sweet Clover, Seed at $4.75 per bushel. Apply to H. R. Murphy, R. R. 2, Port Perry. NOTICE of Village By-laws which the Chief Constable has been instructed by the Counsel] to strictly enforce. Dumping Ground By By-law passed in 1922, it is un- lawiul for any person to dump any material on the old dumping ground east of Water Street, under penalty of the law. The new dumping place is at the North end of Water Street, down between the Milling Company's premises and the Railway switch, Any persons found obstructing this roadway or in any way refusing citizens access to these grounds will be dealt with according to law. Dog License The Village By-law for licensing Dogs in the municipality requires all persons keeping or harbéring dogs to apply to the Clerk of the Village for a license to keep such dog, dnd ob- tain a tag which must be worn on any dogs wandering at large. The 1st of April js the date. .After which it will be unlawful to keep any dag without first obtaining a license and paying the fee therefor. Further particulars and copy of the By-law may be seen by applying to the Clerk. P. FIGARY, Reeve NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Thomas Lambe, deceased. « Pursuant to Sec, 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario' 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Thomas Lambe, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, tarmer, who died on or about the Eleventh day of De- cember A. D. 1922, are, on or before the I'welith day of April A. D. 1923, to send by post, prepaid, to Mary Jane Coates, Hazel Vance or William Lambe, of Port Perry, Ontario, R.R., Executors of the said deceased their christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a state- ment of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any)held by them, and after the last aforesaid date the said Mary Jane Coates, Hazel Vance and William Lambe, will proceed to distribute the assets of the .said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to such -elaims "of 'which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Mary Jane Coates, Hazel Vance and William Lambe will not be liable for the said assets or any part there- of, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Port Perry, Ont. this 12th day of March A, D. 1923. WM. H. HARRIS, Sol'r for the Executors DIED At Port Perry, on Saturday, March 10, 1928, Evelyn Wood, widow of the late Alfred James Butt, in her 54th year, At Port Perry, on Monday, March 12, 1923, Ann Mills, widow: of the late John Hern, in her 94th year. At Port Perry, on Tuesday, March 13th, 1923, Catherine McFarlane, in her 79th year, DENIAL - The. undersigned denies that he gave any information to' the Game Warden regarding the Indians fishing out of season and would like the person circulating the story to prove His statement and give his name, ; Fred Schell, Port Perry MUSICAL ECKARDTS I> going |' Pe Regular $15. for i STEWART GRAMAPHONE $10.00 STARR RECORDS REDUCED Sale of some 50 or '60 records going at 45¢ each Do not miss this DO .NOT .MISS .THIS Bring us your watch or clock for repairs... We guarantee ..satisfaction. I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & 'OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. EGGS . FOR HATCHING From a pen of 18 selected pure Barred Rocks, mated to a Guild Bred-to-lay Barred Rock Cockerel. $2.00 per 13. Special rates for in- cubator lots. D. M. Jackson, R.R. 8, Port Perry. Bell Phone 122r3-3. SPRING RYE FOR SALE Apply to Arthur Orchard, lot 9, con. 2, Reach, Bell Phone 119 2, : LOST Man's Grey Overcoat with belt, be- tween Switzer's Blacksmith shop and Creamery. Finder please leave at Switzer's * Blacksmith shop. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT | 100 acres, lot 9, con 2, Reach, bank barn, good silo, brick house, good well, 22 acres seeded, 6 acres fall rye, fall plowing done. Immediate possession. Apply .on the. premises to Henry Taylor, R. R. 2, Port Perry. ONIONS FOR SALE "By bushel or basket. = $1.00 per basket. Apply to- Aaron Williams, Port Perry.' EGGS FOR HATCHING I am now booking orders for egg for hatching--Jersey Black Giants and 8. C. White Orpingtons. If you want big fowl and good layers, try these. - Geo. R. Davey, Port Perry. BOY SCOUTS "The aims of the Boy Scout Move- ment are noble and unassailable at every point. Its methods inculcate idealism, and appear profoundly to the boy-temperment. They stimu- late both mental and physical health and their = entirely non-sectarian character creates the best kind of patriotic influence. Among all the progressive movements in Canada to-day that of the Boy Scout organ- ization strikes the public as the finest, sanest, --and most definitely useful," --Saturday Night 1st "Port Perry Troop received a treat last Thursday when the Pro- vincial Field Secretary of the Asso- ciation, Mr. Earle H. Davison, of Toronto, paid the Troop a visit. In the afternoon a number of the boys proceeded on a "tracking" hike across the lake, under his supervision, and had many of the tracks of our smaller wild animals pointed out and explained. Mr. 8. Farmer, a member of the local Troop Committee, ac- companied the boys and thoroughly 'enjoyed himself. He was greatly pleased at"being able to go with the later hikes this year. : NN The Troop had a special meeting in the evening and were interested in Mr. Davison's work with He is quite an expert at "hog-tying" and rope twirling. Some new Scout structive Sing spent. Troop and we hope will figure on/| | games were introduced and 'an in- Sold in Port Perry by P. G. Morrison Hens! Ducks! We are in the market for hens and' ducks in any quantity, also feathers. Highest prices paid. Prompt returns. 'Write for quotations. Lines & Co., Limited St. Lawrence Market :: Toronto HONEY FOR SALE A limited amount of pure henuy at reasonale price. Delivered in town. Jno. F. Gerrow, 14 Ash St. Port Perry, Bell Phone 166 r 2. WANTED A married man to work on farm by the year. Must be good, reliable man, small or no family freferred, wife to board one man by month or board day men if required. . Duties to commence March 15th or April 1.1" state wages by the month with free house, garden, milk, potatoes, apples and summer wood. Please send re- ferences. Apply to W. 8. Scott, Foreman, Elmcroft Farm, R.M.D. 1, Oshawa, Ontario. 2 Is paying 18. r | fat. or can 0 1b. for putter more money by sending your Sream to - " Port Perry Creamery Allan Goode. Proprietor. Oxy-Acetylene WELDING Broken Castings, Steel, Brass, etc., made equal to new, Also Brazing R. B. Smallman Blacksmith, Experienced Nurse disengaged. Maternity or other cases. Mrs. H. V. Raines, Port Perry, Ont. W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 6 p.m Office over Archer's Hardware PORT PERRY ONTARIO JOHN BELDON LUNDY DENTAL 'SURGEON. Graduate of Ruyal College of Dental Sus. geons and University of Toronto, Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by y appointment. Bell Phone office 68, ring 2; residence ring over Morrison's Drug Stere PEAS FOR SALE Seed peas for sale, Potter variety. Apply to C. Blakely, R. R. 1, Sea- grave, Bell Phone, 114 r 8. (2) TRC. $ tn NEURALGIA " From Pain to Ease with T.R.C.'s: THOUSANDS of Canadians have = tried TR's aud found hex do ut rheuma an ar ht T.R.C.'s reach the seat of pain, for their medicinal pow- der is carried in the blgpd. $1.00 at your Sruggists.F 's. Free sample Temple ton Co, Canada's Standard Remedy for Pain. Sold in Port Perry by P. G. Morrison Farm to Rent Between Oshawa and the Lake. About 125 acres in excellunt state of cultivation. Ample buildings. Plowing after present crop. Full poss Apply 10 G. oD. CONA 20-+f jy Ont. MORLEY CAMPBELL Real Estate Farms, Loans, Insurance, Val- uations. e list of high- class residental properties for sale and rent, especially in Port Perry. Write or phone your wants to Morley Campbell, Port Petty Ont. Phone 183m | suion Oe Li or April Tet | Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 169r2 . Port Perry J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours, 9 am. to 6 p.m Phone 93 Port Perry| The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it goed BERT MacGREGOR "Will do the rest. Ring up Phone 72. "THE RESPONSIBILITY IS YOURS may develop and im; Specialists breeds, but the standard of As bt ba ni So RE ARE YCGU DOING YOUR SHARE? We are glad to assist any Tesponsible fa who requires fir sncing. THE. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. RAI CAlIaL. ee $13,000,000 . . $15,000,000 REReR alii BRANCH, XL. B. Waller, Manager. Dr. C. T. Harrison PALMER GRADUATE Office in the Penhall Bloak PORT PERRY MISS ESTELLE K. BULL Teacher of PIANO AND VOICE Pupils prepared for examination . hone No 217. George Collins Real Estate Agent FARMS FOR SALE im, ale "All sizes of farms, houses and lots, ete. for sale. Port Perry, Ont W. E. HARRISON 'Blong Block, Port Perry. Manufacturer of Bloek. Upetmirs dealer in Robes, Blankets, Club Hand-made Harness -and| Whips, Mitts and Gloves, i Ba 5 sul Su uit Cases, fc . SWEETEN YOUR VISIT 'with a Box of Chocolates : - Qur Chocolates 'and Bon-Bons are high fide. 3 They are simply perfect, as the ladies well : A box of them is always more than Welcome, Cost no more than common candy. SIM'S BAKERY i PORT PERRY engine r room by. fire is ed, the Planing d onde; The damage caused ir on January 22nd is rep: Factory and Chopuing Mj EXgouLe: your w

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