Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 15 Mar 1923, p. 6

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cer a. BLUE WATER ~~" ATALE OF THE DEEP SEA FISHERMEN iin --in fact, I'm re; BY FREDERICK WILLIAM WALLACE ~ tative in Long Cove an' vicin 8 nigha ho Sei ere, : = The oid sailor looked around Copyright by the Musson Book Company ed shelves and the long e scanned the posters upon the i o ! 5 CHAPTER NINETEEN--(Cont'd.) :he said, "I have a hook baited for your and' the boxes, barrels, and A roseives, this poor hich While Frank, Lily, and his mother dad that he'll be bound to -bite on, Which encumbered the sides of the at A good 1 nle to follow 1s all were exchanging confidences over the I'm a-goin' t' show him around th' room. The stent of rer oil, paint, 'e th her will e setting of th dinner talle, Uncle plant this afternoon, an' you jest say matches, and oilskins came to his nos agrees with. the met} 2. agTe Jerry had taken Captain Denton in nawthin' but saw wood, He gin't got trils, and his brain surged with all an with the baby, - TH 1 tow, and down at the store with Cap- 8 chance to dive the twine, for I oid 'sailor's notions of trade. 'The! , The mother should avoid all exc tain Ring and the young master of know jest exactly what an of sailor fancies of long watches at sea came to 7 eating, and that bei one, i « the barquentine, they were spinning Hies."" Ti z HCE his mind, and for a space he pictured the food fo which she was accustomed | twisters through the blue haze of After dinner Frank took his visi- himself serving out goods behind that. y tore baby came, if it gives her no torn : int Adoyered ft Ss in hat ' ro Can' i 1 ; yarni nd the : cigar © smoke==iyiny, yarning, and tors in hand. "Now, Cap'en, jest. let -- Sountes; ip in -- indigestion. The diet should be a gen- laughing with all the heart usto Me show you around our plant. All weve V ' hou] Par to. old seafarers. The Es that fish you see dryin' on th' flakes is his kind out on the sun-flooded porch eral ore 2ud ai Tonoiony k a0uld bey tons, fa'her and daughter, had indeed for th' Brazilian Government, Those in summer. Wouldn't he just like to avoided, IHS may he drun Ween fi 3 fallen into the march of things at With th' long whiskers stickin® out be holding forth on this particular meals and with them, except Where it Beat until light befo Ading. the the Cove. {from them are hake; those with th' brand of goods to some customer; ad- ig taken to the exclusion of, or spoils' : a B Te ating. Just' before the dinner horn blew black lines an' th' devils finger-marks Vocating insurance and talking fertil-| the appetite for other food. A light baking powder. Then enough flour to Frank skilfully piloted his fiancee On tem are haddock, and there's a izers and horse feed with farmers. lunch taken between meals to supply make as stiff as can be stirred. It de-. outside. "Now, Lil," he said softly, 00d pie.o' cod, pollock, an' some cusk Sailers ambitions--farming or store-. the needed bodily nourishment is ad- pends on the kind of flour. Roll out "I've fixed up all this as a little plot among them. = What are they worth? keeping. The old longings came back visable if it does not retard the ap-|under the hand in round strips about to make your father consent to our jAnk where from Shree to five an A ta id Joh he Sent Se Tia at mea) time the size of a little finger; and Su oft mariage bafore the two years are up, half dollars a quintal or hundred- sea- / i j " 01! in finger le if do not ye Test oH see 2 yaar th aD weight. Thar's 'most ten thousand the realization of long-deferred hopes. Books may be written on artificial Tody Deer te Fs 40 fut} axe He's no idea what kind of a place we dollars' worth o' fish out here now. ... Timidly, he turned and spoke to the feeding of infants, but when it is nec- ? a ta ¥e the 'd Nit Nev up hore, an' I'll bet when he sees The work o' tendin' th' fish layin' on, Waiting Westhaver, © lessary to resort to this measure it is bil nis nat Jake the ugly Ste REL what We've done, helli consent right th' flakes is done by 2 Jot ot boys | (To be concluded.) more satisfactory as wall as congenial | 50 Stiff and drop from. spoon into t er ANTE TIDETIIAY EH away. In fact, I'm so surc of it that an' girls around here, as well as the Tr | to baby's health to consult the family |"OTMS, = uno L I've got th' carpenters overhaulin' th' old men. It's a good job for an old| Dye Dress, Skirt physician, and after diagnosing the: Minard's Liniment for Corns and Warts it house T bought from Cap'en Asa so's man. He kin potter around turnin' th' Faded Curtai case, for him to prescribe food re- - ols 2 t' "be ready in a week or so. I've Te over an' coverin' them up with or Pade pray quirements Even Hom several form: His Ambition. : eT ere, iy, Bisel, J mi of Sree greet Te mon DY nh mut be Urraughy id er| Dek aeste ro vekesing Wt Lp p i baby arrives at a satisfactory and a_ trifle too strict, believing that "to f spare the rod is to spoft the child." out, an' ef your father'll only consent, | piles them an' covers them over with | h package of "Diamond Dyes" 2 we'll get married right away: » 'ltarpaulins. Not hard work by any Each. package impl y agreeable diet. " means." contains. directions so simple anyiwe [BET ther, who is about to When Dick was asked by a friend But, Frank, I have no clothes A iD a1: {man ean dye or tint her worn, shabby ne mother, who is un wean 8 as) y ready. | Captain Denton grunted, and Lillian dresses, skirts," walsts, coats, stoel.iher baby, asks which is the best kind|of the family what he would like to ba .. "That's all right, sweetheart--you began to wonder if this was the bait | weaters, coverings, draperies, | Of bottle to use," By all 'means, the| when he grew up, he replied readily, © don't need t' make many preparations, (Frank was holding out for her father, | Ings, ' Pp | graduated one with a wide. neck so it| "An orphan" .. wim for our wedding! be a quiet one, with Frank led the way from the yard!hangings, everything, even i she 'has ge be easil nd thorou hl cleaned ee fii ovlya few. Ef my scheme works out, [towards the big building. "Here's th' never dyed befose. Buy "Diamond oa A Sin ha a ot Tr y feadi Which Made a Difference. we'll be able to take a trip into An-|lower floor whar' we prepare th' fish| Dyes"--no other kind--then pertect 1s the best, Immedia ely after feeding, Wite---"T don't see why you never chorville an' git all you want, We kin | jest as it comes from th' boats an' th' home dyeing Is sure because Diamond clean the bottle by first rinsing in cold use me for a model. My first husband git th' rest when we come back from | Vessel. They're dressed first, gutted, | Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, | Water, then let it stand filled with always did." any ; our trip." - Beads taken oh then washed. After|sireak, or run. Tell your druggist boric. acid 'solution. Finally wash in re fay. dear; but vour fie Have "you planned that too? a5 -3q. put then into pickle with salt| wether the material you wish to dye | Scaling soapsuds and rinse in clean A wis on hte Deki! daughad Haan, "Where do we go, fal o eh ee hogsheads are | 1s wool or silk, or whether it {s linen, | hot water several times, and set to _. : TRtor: of cong 1. Sir Galiahad ? ! 8 X e | in. s Frank looked mysterious. "Guess!" bin in th' salt long enough we take] cOtton or mixed goods. rain, ther that her bab; . he said : them out, wash them, and after rms ---- |< young mother says that her baby "Boston 7" kenchin' to drain off, we lay them out, How I Make My Rugs. has hiccoughs so mush Hissoughs Ares "No, further'n that." on th' flakes to dry in th' sun. After I take all the old clothes that T ean-| NOt serious, as a rule, are uncom- Pest retu "M » hey" i i ? ? + ; tabl nd dist ing. Th ' . | < "Wuriher south, sweetheart® |01c) ship bail cons chee | not use for anything, and I use these a ee ny re Ye axe Sm EL ary ay ads oy ha : ort ; Sweethea t make a shipment." in making crocheted rugs. I also use the diaphragm aod a shal rey oo Joroe ts lity. Send * Prevents chapped hands, cracked "Further still, Give it up?" "An' from here they go down south old plush coats for this purpose. First biden, es om is of DE Spon ; ature, . "Yes." as bacalao for them yeller Brazilieros| I rip all the seams and then I place. the end of the tongue. A few drops of HE = ugaY C0. soft, white clear and Shwooth. "What would you say to Rio Janeiro|to chew," added Captain Denton. "Eh, | them together so they will fit to make hot water gi lowly will usu- (| 873 Bank St. - Otts rs ' in South America ?" eh, but it's a greit business." the shape desired. Then I take those Wt Walter g en very Sw y wi Le . All druggists sell it Lillian Denton gasped. "Rio Jan-| After leaving the fish-house, with| old bags that are of no use. I trim! 3 cause 1 ie, cessation 0 ese EE SC le nity bua ih dressing the ragged edges off and cut them do owns mother oF went i Ns sem rank nodded. "Yes, an an j : ; =A ; ; goin' i on th' barkyteen thar: he had brought "stbply of fresh] it She shape easing - pba ried about her baby's eyes, for they Cap'en Thomas has his wife aboard |Watcr down from the mill dam and in. | {WO thicknesses o IRE Sewel Hopelner He Sometinite inflamed. She wishes to an' a fine cosy little. cabin, an' he said Stalled a Sarton system from the mikes it ea Holds the ating, take the best of eare of them, that po, o ' k 2 a, % b ) iy K he'd be glad ¢ take us. | We'd call on | whar 4% the main building, "Fresh the feet. Sew all together with com. | they may: be strong when the child my friends down in Rio an' I plan onl Water is necessary in washin' fish A | comin' back by Royal Mail steamer to properly, while this litter carrier is| mon cord you get from the store on Starts fo sehook The Brat <are.of She New York. We'll go all up th' coast one of the' best things we've got. It's| packages. These make good porch: ¢¥¢8 rests with the physician who an' call in at Cartagena, La Guayra,!just an ordinary farmer's feed an' lit-| mats as they gather all the sand very puts .antiseptics into them to prevent + where the people in 'Westward Hol' ter carrier run on pulleys an' a single! oyqi)y A , ~rany infection that they may get dur- went, an' a number 6" th" 'West Indie overhead rail, but I find I kin save an Whe 1 "mal heted It ing baby's introduction into the world. Islands. Won't that be some honey-! awful lot o' time an' labor by usin' it on. Jase crocheted rigs, 1 tear, After that the eyes should be washed | | moon, Lil 7" {for transportin' fieh from th' whart, all my materials in strips about three out each morning with a clean piece i "Oh, Frank, it'll be a dream and to th' building' an dumpin' th' gurry quarters of an inch wide and, Iustead, °y cotton soaked. in fresh soliition of i simply glorious, What a head my over the end of th' wharf at ebb] of sewing them, I tie them. With A racic coll: Gola Ievelite | ide--" little care and experience this can be ROFacic acid, using one level teaspoon- | | ¥ Hips, chilblains. 'Makes your skin fishernian has! He's planned every- tid : : y thing! Bul-what if papa doesn't! "Do you heave away all th' insides! done and the rug will look as neat as! fl to a cup of boiled water, This is consent 2" o' th' fish?" enquired the old skipper. | when sewed. Overlap the two ends Kept up during the first year. Any Westhaver waved his hand. "Lil,?| "No. Out of hake we keep th' to be joined about an inch, and with! discharge of the eyes should not be sounds an' dry them. We save th point of scissors make a cut about a! tampered with, but the physician' con- dos ' : om : i ' | Jers oi Sometimes on woos 21 most quarter of an inch long in the centre Suited at ih Te Syesght is fa yo 2 full o' fish livers tryin out for oil|of that overlapped. Then take the end REC ous re > Tea A Tightly, Th' sun does that for us an' all we, of the strip being adjoined and poke | ee ¥ TS poems. h hould} hev © do is kim the oil off an' sell| end through this cut; Draw down "ated by 4 strong light, so he shou 9 it for tannin' leather, We sell th' firmly, This will make a neat, firm | ob be laid where he can stare at one; : heads an' a lot o' the gurry to farm-| knot with 'a great saving of time. If. When he is small. The sun 'should J ers for fertilizer--it's great stuff t' 3 : i | 8lways be shaded and not allowed to gee put on th' fields. Th' cod's hends ave 20.18 careful in combining color, very 2 > le good for bait rl lobster 'traps. | | attractive and inexpensive rugs can yes * California Fi S ru " is This small buildin' is our ice-house' Pe made, --Mrs, v. 5. g ovrup i Supplyin' th Vessel, We Sut the <i + Hints to Homemakers, y ce Irom ie mil am up above ini 7 gd 2 « ¥ : + + i th' winter time. We also bring herrin' G When eocking macaroni or any cer-|. : ai is Child $ Best Laxative bait acrost an' keep it in Sore wl > 1 | eal, a tablespoon of butter put in be- master bakers in your city, ; Biugtion of ay reseal ny small Shed is th tookhanse, Soup : : Ss 2 | fore it starts to cook will greatly I Simply. "pl one eo or YOu, Serve at least. ne ,, carpenter's, an' .blacksmith's es : : ; Jessen, the' tendency to stick to the. For A ee get the benefits op. bla" vessel, onl A En bor he : A i ie el Cotas, Le wharf bs Are = ! When framing pictures with passe.| and have. 3 fresh loaf k ' art . : tention was taken up by the two ves-| 1% % : Five Ptout use. clothespins to hold the sels inside the little harbor, glass "Nice little barquentine," he re marked, nodding at the craft. + "Yes, she is a little beauty, We're + |loadin' 'most three hundred an' fi "tons 0' fish in her this trip. She'll out in a couple 0' weeks, I callate: . Th' little schooner ahead o' i new Lillian. We sold the Pn was too = andy owsprit, an' hai Te ok find E Sco Bakers Bake It For You | --moneedtobakeathome | shine directly into his unprotected | Heres your old-time fa- bread. You've 'neer tasted ) t ; ! \votite--full-fruited rai~ «finer food. Order a loaf now sin bread with at least ight and count the raisins, tempting raisins to the slice = vai Te hag -- already baked for : b, Raisin bread is" a rare com-~ [Nova ad or full of coid, children "love h "fruity" taste of "California Fig A teaspoonful never fails to iver and bowels. In a few can see for yourself how [plained i ata AH Rv SAS li

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