Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 22 Mar 1923, p. 4

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_Rev, John Harris, 'soon be quite' well again. ' Mr. Homer Ferguson is rocovoling | from his recent serious illness. Mr. J. Stonehouse has received doz- ens of enquiries from six Provinces of the Dominion for cand baby chicks from his Jersey Black Giants. | Mr. John McLaughlin has gone to the N ra District to take up his' work of pruning and grafting. Mr, Jas. McKee intends to take a' the north of Ireland to visit his father whose home is in the 'Em- erald Isle. Me expects to start about the last of this month. 3 Remember that Rev. J. H. McBain, of Oshawa, will preach in the Metho- dist church next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Be sure to hear him. ENTERTAINED On Wednesday evening last forty b f the Ladies' Bible Class he Me hodic: Church were enter- i by chert Leucher, Mrs. (Rev.) . L. Harrison at the Parsonage. pr gram consisted of music, aid contests, all of which ijoyed. A duett in char- i. given by Miss G. Sto- vii and Miss M. Foster, might be pacially mentioned as making the g:ea. est merriment, also a novel med- ley of old songs with words revised to suit the ocasion, two verses of which were written to Mr. and Mrs. Harri- sonson, was cleverly arranged by Miss Stovin, and enthusiastically sung by the whole company. A chorus by the grandmoilers of the class was con- vincing evidence that the grandmoth- ers of to-day are not taking a back seat. Mr, Harrison, though slightly over- awed, being one lone man among so many ladies, nevertheless was a gen- ial chairman, and Mrs. Harrison was a perfect hostess. The ladies of the class are indeed proud to have such a capable leader and teacher in Mrs. Harrison. « The serving of a dainty lunch brought the evening to a close. W.C.T. U The regular meeting of the local W.C.T.U, will be held on Wednesday of next week, March 28. at the home of Mrs. Robert Town, Lilla Street. A good attend is requested as we have some important papers: to be read. Press Supt. NOTICE OF MEETING The -s¢émi-annual meeting of the shareholders of the Port Perry Rink Company, will be held on Tuesday, April 10th, 1928, in the Rink at 8.00 p.m, to receive the report of tne cur- rent season, and to transact such other business as may properly be brought before it. There jwill be presented at this meeting for confirmation by the shareholders, a by-law to authorize the Directors to éxecute a mortgage for $2000 for the purpose of paying the balance of the, cost of the building. By order of the Board of Directors, H. C. Nasmith, Secretary. TAPPING MAPLE TREES It is unlawful for any person to tap maple trees in thé Village of Port Perry. = All citizens are requestdd to observe this law. W. Nesbittt, Chief Constable. The HR rR MRS. JOHN HARRIS The late Eliza H. Harris died on February 21st, 1928, and was burfed at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Al- bert, beside her husband, the late She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heard, and was born in Darlington in 1847. Her early life, however, was most- ly spent in Seymour Township, near Campbellford. : Owing mainly to the effort of her © 'parents, a Methodist church, known "as the English Line Church, "was "built in their community. Their -orae was always opel to the minis ters who labored on i ee Tie Band f 5 'courages th ood iF sang Finn man's Ideal Fountain Pen. Give the boy or girl a good pen to write with, nothing ene enw them to write be special Prices Quoted on Presentations Come to us with your eye troubles, glasses supplied only were needed. I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. MYRTLE « Mr. Jas. Hannah, who has been at the norihern lumber camps during the winier has returned home; * Mr, Manderson, of Toronto, spent the week end with friends here. Mr. W. Ross has trenched the ditch along his beat on the Provincial high- way, thus eliminating the usual dan- ger of flooding the road bed. Mrs. Sadler, who has spent the greater part of the winter with her sister, Mrs, Parks, has returned to Mrs. Wm. Tarvis is visiting her daughter, Dr. Rosalie Clark, Cleve- land. her home in' Kinsale, Mr. D. Baker, who has been, oceu- pying the G.T.R. Station for the past two years, has sévered his connection with the section, 81d expects to move to the City shortly. % NOTICE of Village By-laws which the Chief Constable has been instructed by the Council to strictly enforce. Dumping Grund By By-law passed in 1922, it is un- lawful for any person to dump any material on the old dumping ground east of Water Street, under penalty of the law. The new dumping place is at the North--end of - Water Street, going down between the Milling Company's premises and thé Railway switch. Any persons found obstructing this roadway or in any way refusing citizens access to these grounds will be dealt with according to law. Dog License The Village By-law for licensing Dogs in the municipality requires all persons keeping or harboring dogs to apply to the Clerk of the Village for a license to keep such dog, and ob- tain a tag which must be worn on any dogs wandering at large. The 1st of April is the date. After which it will be unlawful to keep any dog without first obtaining a license and paying the fee therefor. Further particulars and copy of the By-law may be seen by applying to the Clerk. P, FIGARY, Reeve EE. LOAN WANTED : In order to clear up the balance of the debt on the Rink Building, the Directors require a mortgage loan of $2000.00,#and invite enquiries from parties having funds to loan on the following terms: Interest at 7 per cent,, payable annually on April 1st, with at least $100 of principal, and the right to pay off further amounts {of $100 on the same date. The pro¢| perty represents a cost of over ten thousand dollars, and during the two seasons it has been operated has| 'earned sufficient to pay all charges, and a substantial amount against the debt. Ins is carried more than sufficient' to protect the mortgage, | Company. dersigned. =. Enquiry may be made to the un- : Sold in Port Perry by P. 8 Morrison Hens! Ducks! We are in the market for hens and ducks in any quantity, also feathers. Highest prices paid. Prompt returns. Write for quotations. ' Lines & Co., Limited St. Lawrence Market 3 Toronto WANTED A married man to work on farm by the year. Must be good, reliable. man, small or no family freferred, wife to board ore man by month or board day men if required. = Duties to commence March 15th or April 1. state wages by the month with free house, garden, milk, potatoes, apples and summer wood. Please send re- ferences. Apply to W. 8. Scott, Foreman, Elmcroft Farm, R.M.D. 1, Oshawa, Ontario. 2 PEAS FOR SALE Seed peas for sale, Potter variety. Apply to C. Blakely, R. R. 1, Sea- grave, Bell Phone, 114 r 3. (2) Te Sleep to-night usc RAZ: . MAH to=day for Asthma. AZ-MAH has brou"ht peaceful nights R and restful sleen to thousands who formeriysufiered tlic wionies vi Asthma, AZ-MAH contains no narcotics or R 'other hab!t-forming drugs. If it . does not give reliel wé gua..itee your drusgist will return your money, $1. 00 a Rox, "Just swallow two capsules." Pree Trial froin venpieton Co., Torontes Sold in Port Perry by P. G. Morrison Farm to Rent Between Oshawa and She Lake. 125 acres in llent state of cul About crop. Full possession Oct. Ist or April 1st Rly to G. D. CONANT, Owner, 20-+f Oshawa, Ont. MORLEY CAMPBELL Real Estate Farms, Loans, Insurance, Val- uations. Large list of high- class residental properties for sale and rent, especially in Port Perry. Write or phone your wants to Morley Campbell, Port Perry, Ont. Phone 183w Wa nted 110,000 MUSKRATS Ample buildings. Dior ne after present Highest Price Paid which is supported by a by-law of the | Cr Allan Goode, Proprietor. Broken ig Steel, Brass, etc., made e ual to new, Also Brazing R. B. Smallman Blacksmith, Port Perry Experienced' Nurse! - disengaged. = Maternity or other cases. Mrs. H. V, Raines, Port Perry, Ont. W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over Archer's Hardware PORT PERRY ONTARIO JOHN BELOON LUNDY D.s. DENTAL. "SURGEON, Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. geons and Anyone of Toronto. Office haure > a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings ointment. Bell Phone ot ot, ring 2; residence ringd Office over Messisan' ® Drug Store Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of. PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 169r.Z . Port Perry J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours, 9 am.to6 p.m Phone 93 Dr. C. T. Harrison PALMER GRADUATE Chiropractor Office'in the Penhall Block. PORT PERRY MISS ESTELLE K. i Teacher of PIANO AND VOICE Pupils prepared for examination >hone No 217. George Collins: Real Estate Agent' FARMS FOR SA : Good props . Terms to suit pure All sizes of farms, houses and lots, ete. for sale. Port Perry, Ont W. E. HARRISON Blong Block, Port Perry. . Manufacturer of ' Hand-made Harness and {dealer in. Robes, Blankets, save Ht strengt h n Fent our 5 leaner He Sg Jon» : "and eurtains. Li The Peoples' Meat Mark = We sell everything you want in choice, clean ~~ palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good BERT MacGREGOR Will do therest. ~~ Ring up Phone 72. Your Ambitions ' whatever it may be, will be more : a Sa i you BA a strong ib ofa Eee 'Easter Confectionery, Hot Geom Buin, and other "goodies" are to be had at 'our store in great variety. These delightfui luxuries are only part of what we offer yon. Don't forget that we : bake bread every day. You ean opend on it pe ged be quality. Sims BAKE}

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