Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 29 Mar 1923, p. 3

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3 _Burope 'at good prices. Under pre' _ sent conditions on the rubber planta- ~ tions seed for this. purpose is easily Bes bi is being built which Jour after more grateful people road which shall not hundreds of years, but A road for which, far who e Tts Pp needlessly Hills of Difficulty. It is ith Heuftackes dnd _F are laboring for them | leads to of Heal and' before one's time. 1 au: | gularly. The Tablets are a mild but casional dose given the baby to keep 'his stomach and bowels working re \ laxative which never tail to "regulate the stomach and bowels ahd thus they relieve colds apd simple fevers and keep the baby fit. The Tab- | lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Had Done Hie Share. A certain schoolmaster bas the habit of talking to his boys in the first per- son plural: "We will translate this composition after chapel," and so on. The of day he had occasion to | punish a member of his form. doc- | He sald to him: "We will write five' "hundred lines for this, if you please!" | ; The next day the boy appeared with nds|® "nice roll of manuseripts. many Jon it are. the sign- Poverty, to Broken Homes and to the Valley of the Shadow » long struggle. WHY MANY WOMEN SUFFER IN SILENCE Do Not Realize That Their Trou- ble is Due to Impure Blood. A woman needs a blood building medicine regularly just because she is A woman. From maturity to middle life the health of every woman de- pends upon her blood. If her blood is poor she js weak, languid, pale and nervous. If the blood supply is irregu- lar whe suffers from . headaches and bac] es, and some women have Bi to expect this suffering and to bear it in silence. They do not realize that if the blood supply is kept rich and pure, their troubles will disappear, but such is the case. In every woman's life a tonic blood-enriching medicine is needed and for this purpose nothing can help them so much as Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills, which act directly on the blood, furnishing the elements necessary to make it rich and pure. Mrs. 8. J. Watts, Kingston, Ont., gives her experience with this medicine as follows: --"My first experience with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was while at- tending the Collegiate Institute at about the age of seventeen. I became very much run down, and could not go up stairs without resting half way. Finally I bad to quit sckool and not- withstanding all that was done for me there were no signs of improvement until after I had begun using Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, under the use of this medicine I became wefl and strong. My next experience with this med'cine was some years after I was married. After my baby boy was born I did not gain up as I should, so I at once start- ed taking Dr. Williams' rink Pills ngain. I took them all the time I was nursing baby, and you should have seen what a. lovely, fat, healthy boy he was, and I 'was strong once more. Whenever I feel a bit run down Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are my tonfc and I strongly recommend them to grow- ing girls and all ;womsn." You can get oman through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Brockville, Ont. fe Rubber Trees Yield Oil. "An oil similar to iinseed oil is ex-' tracted from the seed of rubber trees and the residue used as fodder. A _ mill has been set up in Malaya and ~ "small consignments have been sold in Gamalmennasamsati. What a word! Translated it means "old people's party"--an institution that is held once a year round Christ mas in the little fishing town of Isaf- jord, in Iceland. The party, which is given by a union of ninety young peo- ple, is the one big event in the lives of the old people of the place. They begin to talk about it in March, and it is their chief topic of conversation until December. Early in the year too the ninety members of the union begin to make preparations, for, ad there are to be between three hundred and four hundred old people, much preliminary | work is necessary. For example, the young men and women must see that "party" clothes are provided for all"the old people who need them; it wouid not do for them to go in shabby clothes. The party must have an air of prosperity as well as of good cheer. The festival starts at five o'clock in the evening and does not close until one the folowing morning. First there is a big tea. Then when all are satis- fled - and things have been cleared away comes a play, which the old peo- ple dearly love; then there is a con- cert during which all the old Icelandic and Dapish songs are sung. After the concert the young men and women play games with the old people and then wind up with all the old-fashiored dances. And they must see that each | old person has at least one dance with some member of the union. During the war the old people would often ask anxiousiy, "Will there be a party this year?' For they realized that it was almost impossible to get fruit of any kind or the sugar with which to make the great variety of little cakes of which the old people are so fond. "Oh, yes," was the customary answer, "the party will take plage at the usual time." And it did, for the ninety young members denied them- selves sugar and fruit so that the old people would not be disappointed. nM tits Wanted Good Measure. An old Scotswoman tramped miles over the hills to get a bottle of medi- cine for a small bay who was 11] ip her remote village. When she had described the symp- toms, the dactor set about preparing | the mixture, ope ingredient of which was a poison which cogld be adminis- tered only in the smallest quantities. She watched him pouring it with the utmost care-nto the measuring glass. "He poured a little from the bottle held the glass up to the light, and then add- ,ed a few more drops. "Ah, doctor," she said, reproachfully, | "you needna be sae stingy. Remem- ber, it's for a puir wee orphan laddie." | ------ ns 'Even as a boy, Dr. Nansen, the fa-) - | mous: Polar explorer, was an expert. "lin the use 'of snowshoes. He would go for journeys of fifty miles by him- 'self, taking neither food nor fii ¥ ment with him. "MONEY 'ORDERS. 'Pay your o Dollars Sots three cents. : ------ 1 1: were asked what was most | | characteristic of the good side of the 'world, T should be tempted to "Its 'discovery of youth." -- of Durham. : 2 town aooouils by | Dominion Express Money Order. Five N%K "How's this?" asked the master, af- ter counting. "Didn't I tell you to write five hundred lines? There are only two hundred and fifty here!" "When you said we'd write five hun- dred lines--and I've done my share-- I thought you meant them to be plied the boy. sme Three at a Time, A sportsman with a wonderful power of imagination was telling how at one shot he had bagged two part- ridges and a rabbit. His explanation was that, though he had hit only one partridge, the bird in falling had clutched at another partridge and brought that to earth-entangled in its claws. "But how about the rabbit?" he was asked. "Oh," was the calm reply, "my gun kicked and knocked me over, and I fell on the rabbit as it ran past." artes -- | "Cascare " 10¢c Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated ' To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take Cascar: ets. Sick headache, billousness, gases, fpdigestion, soyr, upset stomach, and all such distress gone by morping. Nicest physics on earth for grown-ups and children. 10c a box. Taste like candy. ee ff series Reducing the Profit. Always on the spot when business was to he done, lkey Ikestein went un- der the canopy with Rachel Geltber- ger, widow of old Judas Geltberger, the money-lender. After the ceremony, one of Ikey's friends congratulated him on his good fortune. "Why, lkey," he exclaimed, "yqu're going to handle about fifty thousand dclara!" "Not as much as that," returned the bridegroom. "What do you mean--not as mualk as that?" asked the friend. "Why, old Judas must ha' left that at the very least." "Yes; but the wedding is going to cost me a fiver," returned Ikey, gom- Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! "Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching ¢ "you lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells'a tiny bottle of "Freezone for a few cents, sufficien removd every hard corn; soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, thout or irritation | Life without reading would bel indeed--Sir Michael 3 Sager | That once had lightened March's passage now," or "We will have Latin | divided between us equally, sir," re- | n, instant. | | ly that corn stops hurting, then shortly | t to. Abend od, where each petal fair Had been, me there, A working 'model of the bioom : loom. Through a all the fortnights that had The while that fruitage fing bad grown, 'The bloesom's image had remained, fn 19, { general run-down SIdiig | and my a © posi ' i by Mrs, Ont, 'I suffered To that great apple's heart enchained. |Deryes were &o drave me wild. I Lute Deep down within each human heart | to keep going Lives our Creator's counterpart! k, a) The God-thought out of which we came Stin lingers, ever more the same, --Stickland Gillilan. Circumstantial Evidence. Sam had passed through a hagrow- ing experience. He had seen no less a thing than a ghost. » "Ah'd jes' come outer de cow pen, whah Ah'd been milkin' de cows," be sald, "an' Ah had a bucket 0' milk in mah hand." "Lawd!" interrupted one of his audi tors, 'At suttinly must of been ter- rible! Dido' yo' shake wid fright, tam?" "Aly don' know what Ah shook wid. But when Ak: got home Ah foun' all de milk gone, an' twq poun's o' butter lef' in de bucket." MOTHER! MOVE CHILD'S BOWELS "fruity" If the Even a sick child loves the taste of "California Fig Syrup." little stomach is upset, tongue coated, | jor if your child is cross, feverish, full | : of cold, or has colic, a teagpoonful will | never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself | how thoroughly it works all the consti i pation poison, sour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels and gives you a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to-day saves a sick child td- morrow. Ask your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" which has all ages printed 'on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. t------ Proof! . A Georgia politician was waiting for a train. One hour, two hours, three hours passed, but no train. Just as he was about to make arangements to drive to-the next town, the agent said: "I wouldn't go to that trouble, sir. That train will be along soon now.' "What Toakes you think go?" "Well," sald the agent, "I'm pretty certain it will. Here comes the con- ductor's dog." directions for babies and children of | TR Ia breakdown. Gas | on my stomach bloated me till I could f hardly breathe, I had to rush to the ,| window for air, and seldom got a good night's sleep. "If 1 live to be a hundred years old nge St. Toron- Io 8 urers of nS it; ORE n Eat emtatiyte or inves a enough you how. ly thin and ae a wali i roar House; i ters o adies' re y-to-wear. to give up my |B Bufiding, 46 St. Alexander at, Mont | stomach trouble, nearly | Asierica's Ploneer Dog Wemedlien Hook on DOG DISEASES and low to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- I will always bless the day I started dress by the Author. the Tanlac treatment. I have gained H. Clay Glover Jo, Iae./ nine pounds, am free of indigestion, Tia, Weel 201%, See nervousness and sleeplessness, and my . \ housework 1s llke play. 'Tanlac is simply grand." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug: gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. es pine "How Are the Mighty Fallen?" Not long ago a woman who was play- ing martre, in Paris, and collecting money, was recognized, just as the police were taking her to the station, as the Prin- cess Polteouchhof, a former lady In waiting to the czarina. She was destl- tute and had been reduced to that means of getting food. A compatriot who knew her succeeded in I obtainipe a bugle in the TAN RASH ON HANDS Fingers Cracked. Lost Sleep. Cuticura Heals. "Eczema began with a rash on my hands and I could not put my hands in watér. It grew worse day and my hands and fingers a cracked which thade them covered with eruptions. I lost sleep with the Boulevard Mont- long Curative Syrup, has strongingredients; it indigestion, bilionmees and con- stipation. Can b. drug store." 50c. and $1.00 Bottl avoid them. That is why m Sloan's handy. . You will soon find Sloan's is more useful than any other item in your me net. It breaks u gestion that caus Use Sloan's to from pain as you would use an antiseptic to fection. At your Made in Canada Sloan's Liniment 0 ruises, 8 PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE "Pape's Diapepsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach Instantly! Stomach corrected! You never feel the slightest distress from indigestion or a saur, acid, gagsy stom- ach, after you eat a tablet of "Pape's. Digpepsain. " The moment it reaches the stomach all sourness, flatulence, heartburn, gases, paipitation and pain disappear. - Drugg'sts guarantee each package to correct digestion at once. End your stomach trouble for a few cents. a in| Biles La . 'Greenland is {7 i Targent i the world, its ares being 827, Sprain ? oaths the sore ligaments, ; Jory Iqcoier full use of the by rub Bing in Minar: ae nates. 5 Athletes ali is Ri UNLESS you are not geiling Aspirin at all # Accept only an Aspirin," which physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions. for known as Mother Seigel's Get the genuine. ith AL Sprains -- bruises -- painful turned ankles --stiff, sore... muscles--no family can +her-release. -- wha So . - == sist Sf is oy 5 * " 3 EEE ees ore 1 heard of Cuticura and "California Fig Syrup IS 3 Ointment, and after using Taree B How to Prevent cakes of Cuticura Soap and two and Child" Be t L ti a half boxes of Cuticura Ointment nas S axative f Bili the eczema was healed." (Signed) H10USNESS | Miss Eva E. Belliveau, 338 Highfield Doctors warn against remedies i BX, Moaeton, New Brunswick. For purpose of the toilet and containing powerful drugs and | ba 8 BE Ey ond I} bath Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum are wonderfully goed. or ines BE mS ore, en and ~Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. had at any es. 'BEFORE MY "BABY CAME "I'Was Greatly Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound a AL vs ] I ea 4 i -- nn i mn i | ud it | yy, HA i | illions keep dicine cabi- 1p the con- es the pain. Sydenham, Ont. --*I took y medicine before my baby was oy it was a great help to me as I was ver, ! orly until I had started to_take it. I f ~ Just felt as though I was tired out al the time and would have weak, faint | lls. My nerves would bother me un- ti I could get little rest, ni L or day. I was told b a friend to take Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com; and I ! only took a few bottles and hel ped me wonderfully. I would recommend it to any woman. I am doing what I can to recommend this good medicine. I will lend that little book you sent me to any one [can help. You can with the great- est of pleasure use my name in yogi to the Vegetable Compound if it will help others take it."~--Mrs. HARVEY MILLI GAN, Sydenham, Ont, It is remarkable how many cases have been reported Similar to this one. Many women are poorly at such times and get into a weakened, run-down condition, when it is essential to the mother, as protect you well as the child, that her strength be kept up. : prevent in- | yydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Come " 4 druggist' s. pound is an excellent tonic for the ' mother at this time. It is prepared ment-kills pain! . from medicinal roots and herbs, and does v3 trains; chest colds not containany harmful dry rn s be 3 taken in safely] by u the nursing mother. ; = a™rt a i 4 5 4 v4 ~ A) <5 « >. see the name' "Bayer" on tablets, you Baek aah A "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of contains directions and dose worked out by i Colds , Headache Rh&matisi- - Taoltache \ ' Neuralgia Neurifis Earache Lumbagg Pain, Pain s of 12 tables--Also bottles of 24-and anu: pra nna Dot Raver Manu m fr fmftatinn, the Ta Be al trade mark abe "Bayer

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