Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 10 May 1923, p. 4

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'two boys, of Manchester; Mr. and + Mrs. Will Gimplie, and two girls, and 'Emersen Mrs. A. J. Smith, and of Toronto, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jabez Crosier, on Sunday. Mrs. W. Medd, Sonya, attended the funeral of the late Mr. James. Glover, last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Clay are mov- ing to Forest, Ontario, after having spent the winter in Port Perry, Mrs. H. Wagner has returned home from Richmond, Virginia, where he spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCaw have returned home from Florida. A YOUNG LIFE TAKE Seldom has Port Perry suffered the loss of a brighter or more promising young life than that of the late Miss . Elsie Somerville, who passed away after a brief illness on Eriday last. Miss Somerville was a general favor- ite among the young people, was a student at the High Schol, a member of the*Methodist Church, took part in the work of the choir and Sunday School. The very large attendance at the funeral services which were conduct- ed by Rev. W. D. Harrison, on Sun- day afternoon, gave very clear evi- dence of the high esteem in which deceased was held. Some hundreds of people attended the funeral. In addition to floral tributes from the family and personal friends, beauti- ful wreaths were sent by the Boy Scouts, Methodist Choir, the High School, the Sunday School class of which she was a member, a number of girls in the Telephone office and Beare Bros. Full formed the life on earth begun Enters eternity, The eager spirit rich and undefiled Looks out upon the vast expanse of heaven; Unfettered and content. We weap, but why? Not for the spirit free, And lovingly embrace Within the Father's arms. 000 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Robert Somerville wish to express their appreciation of the kindness shown toward them in their recent bereavement. 000m DIED In Buffalo, N.Y. on Friday, May 4th, 1923, Mrs. Margaret Orr, form- erly of Port Perry, aged 78 years. Interment took place at Pine Grove Cemetery, on Tuesday, May 8th. In Port Perry, on Friday, May 4, 1923, Elsie Loretta, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Somerville, aged 17 years and 1 month, re re TOWN COUNCIL Met on Mondy evenng. All mem- bers present. Accounts were 'passed as follows: Light -and Water, $497.92; Hydro Construction, $82.08; Corporation Account, $782.45; Hydro and Light, $875.67. The following goods were ordered to be secured for the Fire Depart- ment--200 feet of hose, 4 rubber coats, 2 pair rubber boots, 3 smoke masks, 6 hose or Mdder straps, 1 Callahan cut-off nozzle. ? A letter was received from W. H. Harris re taxes on Stewarts Collins property, requesting same to be sent to Mr. Harris--request granted. Notice was given that the follow- ing by-laws would be introduced: Keeping sidewalks clean of ice and snow, cutting noxious weeds, prohib- iting spitting of tobacco juice on the sidewalks in front of the stores, for protection and control of building on wharf. Mr. E. Letcher was appointed as caretaker, of the wharf and the build- ing thereon. This building is to be cleaned up and kept in proper con- dition by the caretaker. Upon motion the coal sheds at the powerhouse were ordered to be re- moved and instructions were given to erect a suitable shed on the Village Pound for the storage of the town "implements, wagons and tools. a (J) tenis AT "BEECHCROFT" . . Mr. Fred A. Kent has issued a very : clearly written and useful pamphlet © entitled "How to grow Dahlias Sue- also two sisters Mrs. Hooey of Ripley and Miss Sarah Smith of Cartwright. faithful member of the Anglican church, John's Cemetery, the service being conducted by Rev. Rr H. Kidd, of. Can -| nington. 2 Glasses FOR EYE GLASSES--SEE US. Satisfaction guaranteed * Prices reasonable. : eo Repairing Bring your watch repairs to - us for satisfaction. I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. Lime afd Plaster HOUSE FOR RENT in Port Perry, 9 rooms, electric lights, in good condition. Apply to Robert Prentice, Bell Phone 102r1-2 00 FOUND Fur neck piece. Apply at Star Office. ' L111 CHANGE OF TIME Toronto, May 3rd, 1923 Mr. P. Figary, Port Perry. Dear Sir: With further reference to your letter of April 17th and my reply of the. 18th. With change of time May 13th, we will operate trains 356 and 36 between Toronto and Cobourg. I have not the final figures before me but 35 will likely. pass Whitby Junction at 7.35 a.m,, arriving at Toronto at 8.45 a.m, Train 197 from Lindsay will be alter- ed so as to make connections to pro- bably arrive at Whitby Junction at 7.80 a.m., so that with the improved services passengers will be able to leave Port Perry at 6.40 a.m., ar- riving at Toronto at 8.45 a.m. = Yours truly, H. C. BOURLIER, General Passenger Agent OO BLACKSTOCK The first picnic of the season was celebrated in Smith's Woods on Ar- bour Day, by the Burketon teacher and pupils, accompanied by the C. G. I. T. and their able leader, Mrs. F. Waterhouse. The Cadmus young people enter- tained "the Ke-we<de-we Club on Thursday evening of last week and a very pleasant time was reported. The annual meeting of the Victor- ian Woman's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. 8. Devitt, on Fri- day 4th inst. and the following of- ficers were elected: President--Mrs, Arthur Vancamp, 1st Vice--Mrs. Leith Byers, 2nd Vice--Mrs. Stanford Swain, Sec'y-Treas.--Miss Margaret Swain, Organist--Miss Annie Van- camp, Assist. Organist--Miss Bessie Everest. The total receipts for the year amounted to $231.40. Expenditures were $210.87. Leaving a balance of $20.53. ' : OBITUARY There passed away on May 1st another of Canada's early pioneers in the person of Mrs. John Proutt, widow of the late John Proutt, who | predeceased herin 1877. Mrs," Proutt was born in the Township of Cavan]: and at the age of twelve she came to Cartwright where she spent the re- mainder of her eighty-seven years. She is survived by seven daughters and three sons, all of whom reside in the vicinity, except two in Vancouver The deceased was a life-long and Interment took place in St. Mrs. Proutt's lite Son high resp spected the High School Cadets pleased with the drill work of boys and praised them and their in- structor, Mr. -Clinton Short, for the | such as Children good results' considering the oppor- | , tunities which the cadets have had to Wis attention be devoted to physical e very full, always being ready to -- a helping hand where needed. The very. large funeral attendance and c- | the beautiful floral tributes showed by | some measure the POULTRY and Junk We pay the big price I. TURNER Bell Phone 213 Ind. 1800 Making Good CLOTHES is our specialty We have the finest -range of POE both tailor made and ready to wear, we have ever had. Come in and ws them=1t costs you ng ging. Fine wool is ad- vancing. uy that good suit now. Don't forget that I have a nice line of Men's Caps and the prices are right. W. H. DOUBT Merchant Tailor EXPERT PHOTO FINISHING Developing 5c a roll. a piece. Any size post paid. JACKSON STUDIO, Chesley, Ontario / THE MEMORIAL FUND ; Citizens have responded very well with the subscriptions to the Soldiers' Memorial Fund. At time of writing some $400 has been collected; and it}. is expected that abouf $4560 more will be contributed from different local sources, $200 of which will be donat- ed by the I. O. D. E. The next move will be to arrange for a meeting of those who contrib- uted to the Fund, at which meeting any constructive plans can be con- sidered and voted upon. 000 | CADET INSPECTION. Canadian Regiment, Toronto, Monday morning last. He was raed for the next year grea on hand" A RUDDY'S a sARY Perry : LUN CH "WOOL Wanted Highest Price Paid All Kinds of Hides, Sheep Skins Printing 3e | Port Perry 'Cream Allan Allan Goode, ode. Proprietor. The Place for Good Appetizing} Meals JAS. RUDDY, Proprietor. Bell Phone CURT Plain Green, White ~ Regular 90c and $1.00. "Brass Rods that will not tarn 28 for 36s. Rex oie 2 for 2 : Fuveita Dunler Bi and Funeral Director -f- Motor or Horse-Drawn Equipment # Phones Store 128, r 2 NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE The undersigned is prepared to sell you nursery stock at reasonable prices; also to do your pruning and grafting, JOHN MACLACHLAN, Port Perry. W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office "over Archer's Hardware PORT PERRY, ONTARIO JOHN BELDON. LUNDY DENTAL 'SURGEON. geons and University of Toronto. Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings y appointment. Bell Phone office 68, ring 2; residerice ringh Office over Morrison's Drug Store Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 169 r 2 Port Perry DR. J MURRAY 3a wt © Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9 a.m. to 6 pm, Phone 98 Dr. C. T. Harrison PALMER GRADUATE Chiropractor Office in the Penal olf Blog: Upstairs MISS ESTELLE K. BULL Teacher of PIANO AND VOICE Pupils prepared Jor Examination hone 0. Seorge Collins REAL ESTATE AGENT FARMS FOR SALE Good properties. Terms to suit purchaser. "All sizes of , farms, houses and lots, etc. "for sale. Port Perry, Ont. |W. E. HARRISON Blong Block, Port Perry. ; , Manufacturer of x Capt, * A. Nicholls, of the Royal ter Robes, Blankets, Mitts _ and Gloves, Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sus. 4 Hand- made Harness and| are offered to-day for investment in ) Government and Municipal Bonds, yielding a high return. The purchase or sale of such securities can be arrang- ed at any of our branches. Our monthly list of offerings will be sent on request. 671 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERC PAID-UP CAPITAL 15,000,000 Reve $13:000000 PORY PERRY POD No, R B, Wale, Manages. 7 SIM'S BAKERY Have You tried our Cottage Loaf? It is the Best-- Always Fresh and Sweet And Our Pastey- Well Itis Tasty an A.E. SIMS PORT PERRY #

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