Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 10 May 1923, p. 7

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OE ins MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr. Middieton will be glad to answer questions on Public 'Health mat- through this column. 'Address dio at Syedine Hous, Spedine Correcting wrong Hinpressions is-one most important tasks confront- | those 'who try to do educational 0 health lines, Habits and § once acquired, however erroneous ET ED pet many Macon Eyer tn bo : Sant the, hacen I met a ublic ofaee She. eld pe Bh about the: ln general He| 'about the i Elie ] about the disa ew no- oe & ie Teal o g mone chet RE " Ohliahoo eae quickly means should always be at hand | None of these things he knew about ora preciated, and yet he was willin fhtoy cold 'water on all health 'e: 'forts. There are many such men and rh. They are stumbling bl ' everywhere Jou They take up the wrong side of o ment without any reason except this an, and why Prelude aaa 'has Pen developed no- ein we see bow, of individual more confidence in a' of med cliche than all the health talks He Soe es that come hig way. {He a ant to know about the id, value of sleeping in well ventilated bedrooms. He doesn't want 'to know physical exercises and how they keep the body fit, nor does he 'care about the proper kinds of food to eat, or the the Value. of a contented, happy outlook on lif t he does g-| from day A Sy & i to go along his wn, prejudiced te conn ence of i g medicine to. put him right when the death impending crash comes. How many 'wrecks umanity we see around lus 'as a result of such practices. How timely deaths occur thiol) the principles that ten the mpral of all this? What. is th remedy? t seems to me that Tmportany ~The eighth decennial census of New- foundland and Labrador, which has just been completed, gives the popula- tion as 262,979, which compares favor- ably with the cénsus of 1911, when the total was 242,619, an increase of 20,360 or 8.39 per cent. Of this total, 269,358 represents the population of New: foundland, and 8621 Labrador, as . | against 238,670 and 3,949 respectively In 1911. A gradual increase in popula- Hon since the official census of 1857 is shown by the report. In that year the ) only 124,288. In 1874 to 161,374; 1901, 220,- 'had creased 1984; and' 1011, 242,619. "slip of paper rds," told it and hand to ot) a tar Jo oie ty . completion of the trick. As! to write on another piece of pa; any Hotanes Ie ko , expre : n in be ards feet and inches. The owever, 'must be greater alsa 12 'yards. Ask him to re- verse the numbers (as in the gec- ond ine of the illustration) and '© subtract. Ask him to reverse the wer '(as In the fourth line) and Ni he is to subtract 1 ig 11 inches from the sum. The result will be 12 yards. The trick ~~ ends 'when he looks at the slp of paper and discovers that you pre- dicted the result of his calcula- tions. The answer will always be 12 yards If the spectator writes a distance in which the number of odd inches is less than the num- ber of even yards. If the number of inches were greater it would be impossible to reverse and subtract, (Olip this out and paste it, with" others of the series, in a scrap T0 AVOID PAINS OF RHEUMATISM This Trouble is Located in the Blood, and Relief Comes Through Better Blood. Rheumatism comes with thin, im- pure blood, and can only be driven out of the system by enriching and puri- fying the blood. The chief symptom of rheumatism is pain. The most successful treatment is the one that quickly banishes this disagreeable symptom. Many rheu- matic people suffer pains that could be avoided by building up the blood. The value of Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills 'in rheumatic troubles is proven by the testimony of Mrs. A. Bryson, Arthur, Ont, who says:--"I was so used up with rheumatism in my shoulders and neck that I could not turn in bed with- BE eregnriing 'out the help of my husband, and the pain at times was almost unbearable. 1 took doctors' medicine which did me little or no good. Then I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and have since been free from rheumatism. I can also recommend the pills to young mothers, as in my own case I found they are unexcelled. I may also add that I recommended Dr. Williams' Pink t| Pills to a neighbor who took fainting spells at the change of life, and who could not walk any distance. She took the pills for nearly three months and they made her a strong well woman." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from eny dealer in medicine or by mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil- Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Sree feet Higher Tax, Lower Revenue. An interesting example of the way in'which high taxes defeat their own purpose is quoted by the Financial Post. At $6 'a thousand, cigarettes were heavily taxed, but Canadians smoked nearly 2,600,000,000 a year. The tax was increased last year to $7.60 a thousand and smokers turned to pipes and to rolling their own. Cigarette consumption dropped by about half a billion a year and the gov- ernment suffered a net loss in-revenue of about $2,000,000, The higher tax 'guard my rest own ona dead {| 1s heard on polished floors, | Across the bridges of the Selne-- ; intassdonnl ; 4n:Paris now. ih poo sip ut tam The lilacs scent the misty air, "Romance glides 'to and fro Let's go. | In London streets the flower girls Display their fragrant wares, The Thames {8 gay with punts and C0 kitts | " Propelled by loving pairs. In dusky woods the nightingales Are fluting sweet and low, And lanes are pink with hawthorn . "buds-- set's go. 'White roads are winding east and west, The boundless billow calls To Moorish palaces in Spain And Alpine waterfalls, To sunrise on the Applan Way, The Tiber's turgid flow And Venice with its long canals-- Let's go. The liner's waiting at the pier, The plane is ready, too, And only needs a touch to soar To spaces wide and blue. 1 hear the panting limited Its piercing whistle blow, The travel itch is in my foot-- Let's go. --Minna Irving. ims id To Build Memorial of Zeebrugge Raid. The foundation-stone of what will be a noble memorial to the famous Bri- tish- raid staged at Zeebrugge, Bei- glum, in wartime, was: laid recently by the Governor of West Flanders, in the presence of a distinguished Anglo- Belgian company, including Admiral 8ir Roger Keyes, Lork Buriham, Lord Emmott, the British Ambassador, Sir George Grahame, and the Belgian Min- ister of Public Works. The memorial, which will stand near the shore end of the mole, will take the form of a granite column 70 feet high, surmounted by a figure of St. George slaying the dragon. It will be visible far out at sea, and will be in- seribed on the side facing the sea with the words: "Saint George for Eng- land," and alsg, "United for Justice." Likewise on the. monument will appear the names of the British who fell in the action and also the names of the participating warships. The Governor, when performing the ceremony, described the landing of the British in the face of the German fire as 'one of the most brilliant deeds in naval history. Other speeches de- livered'at the ceremony and preceding the banquet in Bruges Town Hall stressed the close Anglo-BeTgtan ties. Magnificent wreaths were subsequent: ly deposited. merit reas The nightingale's song may be heard at a distance of a mile on a calm night. The best remedy for a burn is plenty of 'turpentine. 'After it has been od he basi twice the burning will 'face, in square feet, by 200. "Eh, what do you mean?" he asked, { surprise, ay, Jos? she replied, "he's oug' y -------- it Girls are said to beat boys In study of modern languages, En, ! literature, music, and technical . ity, but not in creative work, and hij tory, or in originality. 'strike every hour. I suffered more ny than tongue can tell. "But Tanlac ended all my troubles, and if I had my say I would put a bot- tle in every home. It has won my ever- lasting gratitude, and I will always praise it." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Take no substitute. Over 87 million bottles sold. ete ems Well Qualified for Job. He was an applicant for a position as a street car conductor. "What are your qualifications for the place?" asked the superintendent." "I used to work in a sardine pack- ing establishment." Sal -------- Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere mremarirrie-- He Was Doing His Best. The newly engaged Scottish laborer was left to his breakfast end told to help himself to a cheese on the table. After a long time the farmer went im- patiently to the kitchen in search of his new hand. "Sandy," he exclaimed, "you take a long while to breakfast, don't you?" "Aweel," replied Sandy, "a cheese 0' this size is nae sae soon eaten as ye may think." --reen To find the number of gallons of paint required to give a large surface* two coats, divide the area of the sur- Minard's penetrates to the root of the trouble and gives quick relief. Splendid for sore muscles, sorains, brulsss. A good thing--rub it fa, [ EXCRUCIATING PRINS, CRAMPS Entirely Remedied by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cease 'will be rapid. Ameriow's Ploneer Dog Remedies i Book on DOG DISEASES . :.'and How to Feed Mailed Free to. any Ad- or she Ah, pe 129 West AT Hireet" New York. US; Hl Enliven Your Eyes through the Daily fa of Youth Quickly ey Sruklect h have become Dulland Life fee Used safely for foany ears. ld by Druggists Everywhere. "JNURINES £1 foun EY ES sone 1 Eberts, Ont, --*' I'started with cramps ! and bearing-down pains at the age of | eleven years, and I would get so BeFvoug | I could hardly stay in bed, and I had ' | such pains that I would scream, and my | mother would call the doctor to give me ; | something to take. At eighteen I mar- pied, und) dave four healthy hildren, | but I still have pains in my right side. Itched and Burned. Face a | | lama farmer' Suite with more york 1 i than I am able to do. I have taken three Sight, Cuticura Heals, { bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and I feel that it is "My face came out all over In | | helping me every day. My sister-in-law, hee red pimples and then it would who has been taking your medicine for itch. would rub and some time and uses your Sanative Wash ral it and little erup- told me about it and I recommend. it § tions would come. They | | now, as I have received great relief itched and burned and at from it."'--Mrs. NELSON YoTT, R. R. 1, hight would i M Eberts, Ont. > face was a sight. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- --- different remedies without od] is a medicine for a come success and then began mon to women. It has been used for bg Outictra Soap and Ointment | | go} troubles for nearly fifty years, and which Sompletely | heaisd ein wo thousands of women have Jound Joliet Tooxbalker; Candye Harbor, Maine, 2a did Jira. You, by taking this sple March 13, 1922. If you are suffering from irregularity, Use Cuticura for every-day tollet times, nervousness, headache, ees. Bathe with Soap, soothe ackache or melancholia, you should Ointment, dust with Talcum, once begi iP to take Lydia) Finkhay » 4 | Vi table ompound. It is excellent to STROR EIT fia sire vy | te en in and help to per- B-Can R HERAT Eo ts functions with ease and Togu. ty. UNLESS you see the name name "Bayer" on tablets, yoy are not getting Aspirin at all Accept: only an Tbroken package" of "Bayer "Tablets of Aspirin," -which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during. 22 years anid 'proved

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