Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 24 May 1923, p. 4

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PIRATE MIT EY WY EE TAT PIN ET TTT Sy. We Hope 2 C. U. There Nr E ? pe » » : < » x * » Bo > ® »~ » Be » | si F FF EE Ey I TTY ER I A _ twelve years of age. COMMUNION. SERVICE Communion Service will be held in St. John's Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning" next, May 27th. Preparatory service will be held on Mrigay evening, conducted by Rev. KE. 'Lurkington, of Whitby. SAD BEREAVEMENT The community was greatly shock- ed when the news that Mrs, (Dr.) Sangster had died suddenly. Her dean was due to bronchial trouble. 'Lhe particularly sad part of the af- fair 1s that a son had just recenuly been bern to Ur. and Mrs. Sangster, and now the little one is left mother- less, You can buy NATIONAL LIGHT- the best Coal Oil, for 30c. gallon at rarrish's Hardware. We are pleased to report that Messrs Morley and Lee Honey have completed their dental courses, hav- ing passed the recent examinations. Get N. Deshane to drive you to Uxbridge -or--elsewhere -on--the. 24th, First ciass motor service. Mr. Samson Yelland is visiting at his home in Exeter. 0 0 0 0 BORN To Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sims, Port Perry, on Monday, May 21, 1923, a son, 0 0 0 0 NOTICE RE ASSESSMENT ROLL OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY, 1923 Ratepayers wishing to appeal against their assessment will have 14 days trom May 256th to do so. Friday the 8th day of June will be the last day in which to appeals may be filed. Notice of appeal must be with the Clerk of the municipality no later than the 8th of June. COURT OF REVISION The first sitting of the Court of Re- vision will be held in the Clerk's Of fice on Monday the 18th of June at 8 o'clock p.m. E. H. PURDY. Clerk. ren QO Qe : W.C.T. U. The regular meeting of the local W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Real, on Wednesday, May 80th, at 8 p.m. A good -attend= ance is requested as this is a very important meeting -- election of of- ficers. ---- OO TREES The Corporation has secured a number of young trees for planting. If you wish some placed in front of your property, notify Mr. Nesbitt. ------ isonet TO THE PUBLIC: The undersigned wishes to state that he has an expert letterer at work for him, and is prepared to place inscriptions on monuments, at any time. New work and designs estimated when required. Call about lettering if needed at once. H. CRANE ,Port Perry, (Oi Oil Stoves work better with NA- TIONAL LIGHT Coal Oil--Get it at i Hardware. OSHAWA Joseph Gulka, of Oshawa, is out on suspended sentence on a charge of "Neglect". Joseph Gulka's child was taken ill with scarlet fever and diph- theria and permission to use anti- toxin on the child was refused. Medi- cal testimony went to show that the child died because of this neglect. ----000------me EXPRESS TRAIN SAVED BY TWO LITTLE GIRLS Discovering a flaw in the railway track at Eden, N. S., on Friday night last two little daughters of Wm. Mil- ler, sectionman, procured torpedoes from their father's track-walking outfit and stopped the Sydney Ex- press in time to prevent its derail ment, The children are ten and If you reed anything in | Silver call and get our prices on serviceable goods. We have almost all the lat: est Apex Records in stock at 65¢.. a «We have a 'number of Starr-Gennett Records to be sold at 45c. Have your eyes tested by us if you w ation : Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairs accurately done. I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. PRINCE ALBERT ville, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Jef- frey, Weston, Miss Eva Holmes, and Mr. Worden Sonley, Toronto, were visiting friends in Prince Albert over the week end. Rey. J. F. Everson, of Prince Al- bert, left on Tuesday morning for Belleville, to be present at the laying of the corner stone of the mew Albert College. 8 Mr. Worden H. Sonley, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Worden, of Prince Albert, and a former pupil of Port Perry High School, has passed his examinations at the College of Phar- macy. In the list he passed third with first class honors, and won the John Roberts Gold Medal, for general proficiency. * * * James Mark was chosen Conserva- tive candidate at North Victoria con- vention. VISITORS WELCOME While every one is welcome to visit the Greenhouses at Prince Albert, it is earnestly requested that visitors do not bring dogs as we are constant- ly having damage done to plants, and much glass brokeen. As this is be- coming a regular occurance I feel ustified in holding the owners re- sponsible hereafter: Wm Ettey MISS ESTELLE K. BULL Teacher of PIANO AND VOICE Pupils prepared for examination | this cement in iy also rl Mr.-and Mrs. E. E. King, Streets: | ready to wear, we have ever Pi and Plaster. - P. FIGARY Office Phone 98 Port Perry WOOL 'anted; Highest Price Paid All Kinds of POULTRY Hides, Sheep Skins Port Perry Creamery. Allan Goode. Proprietor. - RUDDY'S LUNCH The Place for Good Appetizing M JAS. RUDDY, Pro tor. Bell Phone wr _NURSERY STOCK FOR, SALE The undérsigned is 'prepared to] to sell you nursery stock at reasonable prices; also to do your pruning and grafting. JOHN MACLACHLAN, Port Perry. W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 Office over Archer's ware PORT PERRY, ONTARIO and J We pay the big price I. TURNER Gresuse of Romi Colives of Dunia Sun Bell Phone 213 Ind. 1800 Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by appeintment. Bell Phone offs ring 2; residence ring JOHN BELDON LUNDY L.D. .S. .S., D.D. AL SURGEON. Office over Morrisen's Drug Store Making Good - CLOTHES is our specialty We have the finest range of Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 16912 . Port Perry overcoats, both tailor made an Come in and see them--it costs you pothing, Fine wool is ad- vancing. y that good suit now. and the prices are right. W. H: DOUBT Merchant Tailor Phone No. 217 ~-- STAR TOURING CAR Atk the man who is driving a STAR car what he thinks of it. It makes no difference how many cars he he eannot say too much in favor of The factory at Leaside find it impossible to fill the orders for STAR cars, so if zou want a new ok for the 24th kindly have your order in by STANDARD GARAGE :: aturday, May 1 TOWN COUNCIL There was a special meeting of the Town Council on Monday evening at which the Auditors' Report was pre- sented. Upon motion the report was referred to the Finance Committee to be dealt with at the next meeting. An offer was received from the Arctic Silver Fox Ranch Company of $650 for the power equipment. - Said offer was laid on the table until a proper sertifients, 'of inspection has current expenses. Mr. W. L." Parrish's account of $500 for Ta two furnaces installed in the Town Hall, was ordered to be paid. It was moved that the - time in ore): Spins _ | which appeals from the assessment | | shall be made will be 14 days ------ into dollars. farmers' best friend for 30 years. It is the m with suspended bo ena; olled 'bowl Don't forget that I have . a nice line 8F Men's Caps Dr. C. T. Harrison e STAR. Why Waste Money Daily Of all farm machines, the "cream separator is the one oh v "which you can take no chances, for the smallest of ° cream losses soon mount The Melotte has. been the _DR. J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 PALMER GRADUATE Chiropractor Offies in the Penhall Blosk. ORT PERRY. Poi has owned before, PORT PERRY. me---- ik ! over $18. Wardrobe, ii ; bottom. Lo 830.0 $19.5 are offered to-day for investment in Government and Municipal Bonds, = }§ yielding a high return. The purchase ° or sale of suchsecuriticscan be arrang- ed at any of our branches. | Our monthly list of offerings will be sent on requcst. 671 THE CANADIAN BANK 'OF COMMERCE PAD-UP CAPITAL - . $15000000 RESERVE FUND ving 315000000 PORT PERRY BRANCH, RB B, Walkes, Manages. * Economical--De pendable Confortable-- Beautiful 4 The "Master-Four" Touring Model 23-35 Special The McLaughlin-Buick "Master Four" Touring is its own best advertisement. Every car sold means a new friend made. Its all-round 'goodness commends it to e and its thorough B pendability ins its a sold with its owner. ; A close se inspostion of its' construction, finish and ogi ment and a comparison with other cars of its price i ) convince anyone of its unusual value. But its value _ does Bot | end here, as it" is continually making yaw. records in (operation cost and low cost of repairs. i FOS ely ts depe under ne of the orld. It has

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